
Young Writers Society

Untitled as of now

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Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:24 pm
Shadowlight says...

I wasn't sure if I should put this in fantasy or historical... XD

I have Dyslexia which makes spelling and punctuation nigh on impossible for me, I have tried my best. Please in your reviews don't critique spelling or punctuation errors, I am looking for what you think of the story itself, critique that to your hearts content! Thanks so much!



The moon was a ghostly ship in the blue black sea of the winter sky. Cloud shadows sped along like frightened creatures stretched so thin as to barely be perceptible. In the eerie light that bathed the land things both seen and unseen were thrown into a focus of hyper reality. Out of a disused dried up old well in a equally dried up dead cops of trees a dark mist crept and pooled inches above the ground, throwing out little wisps like ghostly fingers as it moved hither and thither guided by some supernatural force. Wherever it went the grass directly underneath died instantaneously and crumbled away into dust.

The dark mist glided out of the cops of trees leaving a black brown trail of decay behind it as well as the remains of a poor animal caught in it's path who did not know to run. The mist made it's way to the top of a hill and looked about unsure of where to go. It made the mistake of raising it's head too high and was seen by a heard of goats who were being kept on the hill. The animals instantly took to flight followed hard by their bewildered, swearing shepard and his two young sons. They never knew that they owed the goats their lives. The mist lowered itself to the ground keeping watch to stay below the tops of the grasses. It did not follow the shepard or the goats, it had seen what it was looking for.

The town lay at the feet of the hill on the shores of the small sea. The mist went faster now but still keeping out of sight and without a soul perceiving, it flowed into the town it took to the alleyways and wove in between the houses, looking for what wanted. It found it shortly, a small town house made of whitewashed stone with tiled roof the mist flowed to the only door. It raised itself man high to the top of one of the door posts, now it looked like a black spirit from the pit. From its side a long wisp reached for the door ghastly fingers forming as it closed around the handle and pushed. The door gave a shudder then yielded to its touch and the mist entered, the door closing after it.

Once inside the mist looked about. The kitchen, and a common enough one at that. Rough cut stone floors swept clean, a long heavy table with benches. The fireplace was at the far side, within the embers still glowed red. A small hutch held cooking pots and utensils stood to the left of the fireplace. The mist payed no heed to these things, to it's left there was a door which led to the living area of this house and at its foot a dog lay it's eyes lock onto the mist. The mist turned face it the dog jumped to its feet hair bristling along its back a low growl barely stirring its lips the mist went closer. Now the animals eyes rolled back in fear ,it lashed out but the mist caught the unfortunate by its throat and threw it into the fire which leaped up in an inferno of black flames. Once again the mist turned to the door and this too yielded to it's touch. Three rooms were behind it the doors of each standing slightly ajar. In the first room two boys both youths shared a large cot on the floor. Lock in a subconscious battle for dominance of the bedclothes. The mist glanced in a toyed with an idea but dropped it before any solid plan had formed. It had business. On it went to the second door. a man and woman slept upon a low simple wooden bed. A toddler sleeping in a cradle awoke from sleep at the creaking of the door as the mist pushed it further open. It saw the looming figure of the mist and it began to cry. The woman woke up at once. The mist having fell to the floor hurried on to the last room, wherein its prey slept curled tightly around her pillow. The mist slipped noiselessly into the girls room and settled itself comfortably on the foot of the bed like some ungodly crow and held council with itself.

“So far so good my friends.”

“That's the girl? pathetic looking vessel isn't she?”

“Idiot! it doesn't matter what the vessel looks like.”

“Well, is it the right one?”

“Yesss, it isss her. Now remember, be easssy, gentle.

“I know! Now be quiet all of you, this is a delicate process.”

An unearthly still settled over the room and the darkness withing the mist grew until the whole room was black as pitch. The girl curled up tighter and shivered murmuring nonsense sleep words.

“Mary. Mary wake up child.”

Mary stirred, rolled over and settled with a sigh her face screwing into a frown, her dreams were turning, for the worst.

“It's not working.”

“Shut up!”

“Mary, pleassse wake up we want to talk with you.”

Mary's skin began to crawl sickeningly and she sat bolt upright all sleep fled from her mind as the fact she wasn't along in her room became apparent. She peered fearfully into the darkness.

“Hello?” she could hear a sound barely audible, as if steam was gently escaping from a pot. Her blood pounding in her veins, her heart was beating wildly. A fear she didn't understand seized her. She leaped out of bed making for the door, it closed just before her hand was on it. The suddenness of its closing caused the shutters on the windows to come ajar bathing the room in moonlight she turned her head staring up in terror. She opened her mouth to scream but she never had the chance.


The next morning the burnt remains of the dog were found in the fireplace by the eldest boy and in the commotion that followed, no one noticed Mary's prolonged absence. When she was missed her mother Elisabeth rather irritated made her way to her room. She entered then stopped abruptly. The room was a disaster, everything that could be out of place was. The heavy wooden chest had been pushed halfway across the room and now lay on its side, contents thrown here and there. Clothes were strewn about and a vase broken on the floor, the flowers it had held were wilted and dry. Mary herself sat in the middle of her bed still wearing her nightgown hair disheveled her face to the wall. She was absolutely still save a small repeated tick of her head.

“Mary what happened in here! Are you alright” Elisabeth cried hurrying over, all irritation giving way to motherly concern and wondering how no one had heard the noise that must have happened. Mary made no response her head just kept on ticking. Elisabeth looked into her daughters face. Her eyes were vacant and glassy her eyelids every so often moved very sleepily over them. Her mouth hung open and the hair falling into her face danced back and forth with each noisy forced breath.

“Mary?” Elisabeth now very worried laid a hand on her cheek. Mary faster than an adder striking seized her mothers wrist in a vice grip. Elisabeth let out a startled cry and tried to pull away but was unable to shake the inhumanly strong grasp. Mary's head still ticking jerked to the side and up. Her eyes were no longer vacant but they were not Mary's! The girls moth pulled back unnaturally far into a hard smile.

“I'm sssory, Mary'sss not home right now.”
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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158 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 425
Reviews: 158
Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:01 pm
Payne says...

Chilling. It was a bit hard to follow at times, but the overall tone was very good. I got a strong feeling from it, of both the settings and the actions, especially the ticking of Mary's head.
I find it interesting how you gave the mist sort of a persona; it is obviously a sinister being. I also liked the way you combined colors (blue black, black brown). It gave a good a uniquely accurate mental image.
Aside from the mechanical errors, it's quite intriguing. Well done!
I aim to misbehave.

Is it weird in here, or is it just me? --Steven Wright

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102 Reviews

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Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:33 pm
DakotaK says...

Hiya Shadowlight,
Wow, that was impressive. I always picture things like a movie in my head when I'm reading them and if I can't do that to a piece well then I can't read it. I could definitely envision the story as I followed the mist. It was very ominous and flowed well while reading. Is this like a prologue or chapter? It is definitely an intriguing idea for a story. I liked how the mist was personified and focused. Kinda creepy but totally cool. Keep up the awesome work!
~Dakota Knight
What is important is to know fear and yet take a step forward.
Rosette Christopher

Looking for peeps to review my novel:)


You are going to love some of your characters because they are you, or some facet of you, and you are going to hate some characters for the same reason.
— Anne Lamott