
Young Writers Society

Fairytale No. One

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Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:06 am
Shadowlight says...

Alright this is a story I wrote for a friend of mine and I though I'd share it with all of you. tell me what you think.

Fairytale No. One

In the Beginning...

Now Many stories start with,
Once upon a time...
Or the ever popular,
Long long ago in a land far far away....

I Promise you dear reader I will start this story with neither. This story starts with-

a fall out of bed,

a yelp,

and a horrible pink dress.

Now please sit back and prepare yourself
for the most daring tale of adventure ever
to spring from the mind of humanity.

8:30-9:30 am

He was coming! Kalista felt her heart thrill within her. Her prince was ridding along the drawbridge to save her from the dragon. She craned out her tower window as far as she dared and watched him. His long golden hair streamed behind him at his speed, his blue eyes flashing in his tanned face. Kalista knew his eyes were blue even though his face was covered by his helmet. His armor shone with the brilliance of a thousand suns. His red cloak flapped in a most masculine way as he pulled his sword and spurred his horse forward toward the dragon. The beast awakened from its foul sleep by the clattering of the princes milk white steed on the cobbles at the end of the bridge. The dragon roared to life in a searing cloud of flames and smoke so thick it could choke both man and beast. The prince reined in his steed and the noble animal reared up tossing its proud head in defiance of the mountainous creature before him. The dragon shook its head its fleshy dead pink whiskers flopping about like the crest of a tom turkey and thrice as revolting. Its green scales glittered like polished jade and its three horns sharp as spears looked even more fearsome than usual Kalista thought. The prince raised his sword and shouted in his strong voice that struck fear into the hearts of men and made women swoon.
“Princess!” he cried “Do not fear I shall save you from the beast!” he kicked his horses flanks and rushed at the dragon. For its part the dragon swung its ugly head back closing its red slitted eyes then whipping forward quickly it sent a wall of flame at the prince. The noble horse reared screaming in pain and Kalista saw the prince fall his sword crashing from his stilled hand. She in her fear for her princes life leaned a little to far out her window, suddenly she lost her footing and fell out, the wind whistling past her ears plummeting towards the ground! The last thing she thought before darkness took her was
“I could-a had a V8!”


Kalista hit the floor of her bedchamber with a resounding crash. She yelped tried to stand up and fell again tangled up in her bed clothes as tightly as is someone had tied her. After five minutes of struggling, floundering, and a few bitten off curses she succeeded in tangling herself still further in the blankets and sheet. She lay there on the floor banging her head into the rug. Then the idea hit her! How could she have been so stupid. She cleared her throat and sang out a long trilling note. Nothing happened. She tried again adding a small scale to her call. Still nothing. So she tried a song. All of a sudden a company of well dressed mice entered the room bearing with them a breakfast tray. These genteel little creatures saw the princess on the floor and immediately sprang into action. Six of them started laying the breakfast on the small table. Eleven were getting her a dress for that day, and the rest of them fully thirty two mice set to untangling the princess form her blankets. Once she was free the mice all left her as quickly as they had come. These small creature were the housekeepers and cooks of the castle and her tower.

Kalista sat down to her breakfast of eggs and orange juice. The mice knew she hated egg but they insisted that eggs were good for her. She sat there idly chewing the yellow blobs and staring out the window. The picturesque countryside of rolling hills and forests was now old. Kalista sighed. She had been in this tower since she was thirteen, Six years of sitting waiting for her prince. She knew he's come- someday. But she was afraid she would be an old wrinkling woman by then. Her parents just had to buy the fiercest dragon that money could get them. Kalista looked out the window and down to the courtyard where the aforementioned beast lay curled up like a large cat. The dragon lay there sunning in all her canary yellow glory tendrils of smoke coming from her nostrils. Kalista wanted to kill the dragon herself but her parents said that was against the rules or something. The dragon sensing the killing intent coming from the tower raised her head and looked up and Kalista could have sworn that the monster stuck her tung out at her! Kalista wanted to throw something but there was nothing she could throw. She looked at the clock and realizing it was high time for her to get dressed hurried over to the outfit the mice had gotten for her.

It was pink, it was not a nice pale rose pink, she could have dealt with that it was a bubblegum pink, a child's animated pig pink. A pink for all the ages, a pink that would stand the test of time, birth, death, and a atomic bomb. A pink so pink that when the Armageddon comes and there is nothing left on the earth-all is annihilate, that pink will remain. A throughly disgusting pink. Kalista looked at it with something bordering on fear, she hated the color. Pink was a bad luck color. Bad things happened to her when she wore it. Scraped knees, bee stings, sudden downpours of rain when she was outside without an umbrella, falling into her ten layer birthday cake when she was nine, and worst of all when the palace dog (a horrible little pug) shredded her doll. Kalista shuttered but what was she to do. The mice picked it out and if she did not wear it they would be most displeased and “Forget” to bring her lunch. So the unlucky girl with a knot of trepidation in her stomach slipped into the pink abomination and tried to zip up the back, but as it turns out it is almost impossible to zip up the back of ones own dress. She twisted and turned, she flopped and flipped, she bent this way and that but to no avail. Kalista with tears of frustration shook her fists at the heavens and cried out in shear fury.

“Who was the idiot who decided it was a good idea to put zippers on the back of dresses? Why not the front?” then after a pause she added with a growl. “I bet a million dollars a man designed the dress. Who else would be so stupid about clothes.” Finally Kalista turned her dress backwards so the zipper was in the front and zipped it. Planning on turning it around once it was zipped. As she wriggled in her dress looking like a large pink pile of twisting poo a loud noise erupted form the courtyard!

A loud metallic clang and the roar of the dragon. Kalista ran to the window and looked out. A knight in armor had cut the chain that held the drawbridge up. Now most would think that putting the chain for the gate mechanism on the far side of the gate wasn't the brightest idea in the was of defense but this was different. The drawbridge was more for show than anything. The knight was astride a large black steed. That was odd Kalista thought. In all her books and her class she took on being rescued from a tower all had said the horse would be white, “oh well” she thought. Just a technicality. The large black animal reared letting out a noise almost like a roar and kicked its front legs in a most aggressive fashion making the feathers on his lower legs fly around. The horse leaped forward with a will and charged across the drawbridge straight at the dragon who was waiting in startled silence.

This was the first knight the poor beast had been face with. Her class she had taken as a young dragon from Miss Belch had said the knight would be a tall blue eyed blond in shinning silver or gold armor on a white stallion. This knight was short with dark tresses done in a low ponytail with gray-green nondescript eyes. His armor was not silver or gold. It was iron and rather dingy and dented. His cloak was blue with silver edging. His horse was black, black? That wasn't right. She scratched her head with a claw. What should she do? This knight didn't look right. Should she let him pass or what? Also he didn't shout any of the challenges that he was supposed too. No, “Ye foul beast!” or a “I shall slay thee great worm!” he didn't even say “I shall save the maid from thy clutches!” nothing! she was shocked this was not the kind of knight she wanted to fight. She wouldn't get a award for killing this dunce. She shook her head and swallowed. Might as well fry him on sight. She took a deep breath and let out a wall of flames at the knight. Startlingly the horse didn't flinch but charged right through as if practiced at this. The dragon cocked her head to one side, and tried again. Again the horse charged right through and the knight only laid close the his steeds neck. The dragon sniffed nervously. This wasn't right, not right at all. She flexed her claws. Alright she'll just finish him the old fashion way. She roared in challenge and to her utter amazement the horse roared back its blue eyes glowing, wait blue eyes? This was really not right. Hold on the horse had a horn growing from its forehead, a unicorn? What in heavens name is going on?! The poor dragon waited a split second too long and before you could say “Jack Robinson!” her ugly yellow head was rolling at her own feet.
It is odd, when one is decapitated they have a few moments before they actually die most people think something completely irreverent to their situation. But the dragon had something related float through her mind before the great darkness.
“I could-a had a V8!”

Kalista leaned out the window as far as she dared and almost toppled out when she saw the dragon fall. She waved her arms wildly.
“Sir knight!” she shouted all together too excited “Sir Knight please come up!” the knight waved a gloved hand and started towards the door. Kalista all in a flurry ran about trying to get ready for the moment she had been waiting years for. She pinched her cheeks to make them redder and then realized in horror, her dress was still backwards and she for the life of her couldn't turn it around. She tried taking it off the the zipper stuck. She was stuck in a hideous pink dress that was backwards with a stuck zipper and her prince was walking up the stairs this very moment. She felt like crying but she remembered what her mother had told her the wise Queen Kimberly had told her to make the most of problems and act like their not there, so that's what Kalista decided to do. She breathed in deep and let it out slowly like in her yoga class. Just then a knock sounded at her door, Kalista shook herself hard and trying to remember how she was supposed to act she timidly called out.

“Come in.” The door opened and the knight her prince charming walked in. Kalista almost died right then and there. Prince charming her long awaited love was standing before her in a decidedly feminine fashion, and with a decidedly soft feminine face. Prince Charming was a girl!
The girl knight did the peace sign with her gloved hand.
“What's up?” she asked grinning like a Cheshire cat. Kalista did at that moment what any self respecting princess would do, she fainted.
"D*** the torpedoes! Four bells! Full speed ahead!"~ Admiral David Farragut

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151 Reviews

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Reviews: 151
Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:31 am
Forestqueen808 says...

Hey Shadowlight! I'll be your reviewer today!


of the princes milk white steed
should be: "of the prince's milk white steed"

“Do not fear I shall save you from the beast!” he kicked his horses flanks and rushed at the dragon.
"Do not fear, for I shall save you from the beast!" He kicked his horse's flanks and rushed at the dragon.

the dragon swung its ugly head back closing its red slitted eyes then whipping forward quickly it sent a wall of flame at the prince.
the dragon swung its ugly head back, closing its read slitted eyes, then whipping forward quickly it sent a wall of flame at the prince.

The noble horse reared screaming in pain and Kalista saw the prince fall his sword crashing from his stilled hand.
The noble horse reared, screaming in pain and Kalista saw the prince fall, his sword crashing from his stilled hand.

She in her fear for her princes life leaned a little to far out her window, suddenly she lost her footing and fell out, the wind whistling past her ears plummeting towards the ground!
She, in her fear for her prince's life, leaned a little too far out her window. Suddenly, she lost her footing and fell out, the wind whistling past her ears as she plummeted to the ground!

She yelped tried to stand up and fell again tangled up in her bed clothes as tightly as is someone had tied her.
She yelped, tried to stand up, and fell again, tangled up in her bed clothes as tightly as if someone had tied her up in the fine linen.

How could she have been so stupid
How could she have been so stupid?

She tried again adding a small scale to her call.
She tried again, adding a small scale to her call.

and the rest of them fully thirty two mice set to untangling the princess form her blankets.
and the rest of them, fully thirty two mice, set to untangling the princess from her blankets.

These small creature were the housekeepers and cooks of the castle and her tower.
These small creatures were the housekeepers and cooks of the castle and her tower.

since she was thirteen, Six years of sitting waiting for her prince.
since she was thirteen, six years of sitting, waiting for her prince.

She knew he's come
She knew he'd come

Kalista could have sworn that the monster stuck her tung out at her!
Kalista could have sworn that the monster stuck its tongue out at her!

and a atomic bomb.
and an atomic bomb.

Kalista shuttered but what was she to do.
Kalista shuddered, but what was she to do?

she was shocked this was not the kind of knight she wanted to fight.
She was shocked, this was not the kind of knight she wanted to fight.

She roared in challenge and to her utter amazement the horse roared back its blue eyes glowing, wait blue eyes?
She roared in challenge, and to her utter amazement, the horse reared back, its blue eyes glowing...wait, blue eyes?

She tried taking it off the the zipper stuck.
She tried taking it off, but the zipper was stuck.

She felt like crying but she remembered what her mother had told her the wise Queen Kimberly had told her to make the most of problems and act like their not there, so that's what Kalista decided to do
She felt like crying, but remembered what her mother, the Wise Queen Kimberly, had told her. Kimberly had told her to make the most of problems and act like it was not there, so that's what Kalista decided to do.

The door opened and the knight her prince charming walked in.
The door opened, and the knight, her prince charming, walked in.

Prince charming her long awaited love was standing before her in a decidedly feminine fashion, and with a decidedly soft feminine face.
Prince charming, her long awaited love, was standing before her in a decidedly feminine fashion, and with a decidedly soft feminine face.


Ohmygosh! That was a surprise ending, though to tell you the truth, I probably wouldn't be Kalista, I'd be the knight. :lol: I'm so excited for the next part! You will, write a next part right? Because this is awesome! Overall, it is really great, you just need to polish it up. I love the whole, "I could-a had a V8 thing!" it made me smile, though...I don't know if we're supposed to smile and laugh when someone is plmmeting down a window... :roll: :lol: Anyways, when you post the next part, please, please PM me. I would love it!

Great job!

Sorrow lasts through this night
I'll take this piece of you,
and hold for all eternity
For just one second I felt whole... as you flew right through me.

~Sorrow by Flyleaf

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Sun Apr 11, 2010 5:38 pm
Kaedee says...

Hey Shadow, loved this! Welcome to YWS by the way, and I'm Kaedee.

Things I Like/Things You Did Well On:

-I loved how you introduced your story.
-Great ending!
-I liked how most the narration was following the princess, not the knight near the end. Very interesting.
-The narration was entertaining.
-The ending, of course, was brilliant. :D Great idea for this chapter. I think this whole chapter would be fine as a short story, since it feels finished at the end. But of course if you're going on, you have a good start here.
-I liked how in part of the story, you narrated from the dragon's point of view.
-I liked how the princess and dragon stereotyped knights; hilarious!

Things I Didn't Like/Things You Need To Work On:

-The whole V8 idea is cute, but I'm sorry to say this, but this has been used so many times over the past few years, that that has become more of a cliche.
-Many missing apostrophes; there are plenty of nitpickish problems here.
-There are run-on sentences, and some misspelled words/words that you meant to be other words, if you know what I mean.

Nitpicks: (I won't repeat any that were already found.)

Shadowlight wrote:Her prince was ridding along the drawbridge to save her from the dragon.
'Ridding' should be 'riding'.

Shadowlight wrote:His red cloak flapped in a most masculine way as he pulled his sword and spurred his horse forward toward the dragon.
Should be 'pulled out his sword.' (Bold only used for correcting.)

Shadowlight wrote:His red cloak flapped in a most masculine way as he pulled his sword and spurred his horse forward toward the dragon.
Should be 'towards the dragon'.

Shadowlight wrote:The dragon shook its head its fleshy dead pink whiskers flopping about like the crest of a tom turkey and thrice as revolting.
Insert pauses (commas) in here.

Shadowlight wrote:Its green scales glittered like polished jade and its three horns sharp as spears looked even more fearsome than usual Kalista thought.
Put in a comma after 'usual'. You did a marvelous job describing the whole fighting paragraph.

Shadowlight wrote:These small creature were the housekeepers and cooks of the castle and her tower.
Don't say it, show it.

Shadowlight wrote:Her parents just had to buy the fiercest dragon that money could get them.
Ah, so this tower and dragon thing was all set up? You might need to explain more, because I didn't catch this till the second time reading this.

Shadowlight wrote:The dragon lay there sunning in all her canary yellow glory tendrils of smoke coming from her nostrils.
Instead of 'glory', do you mean 'glorious'?

Shadowlight wrote:It was pink, it was not a nice pale rose pink, she could have dealt with that it was a bubblegum pink, a child's animated pig pink. A pink for all the ages, a pink that would stand the test of time, birth, death, and a atomic bomb. A pink so pink that when the Armageddon comes and there is nothing left on the earth-all is annihilate, that pink will remain. A throughly disgusting pink. Kalista looked at it with something bordering on fear, she hated the color. Pink was a bad luck color. Bad things happened to her when she wore it. Scraped knees, bee stings, sudden downpours of rain when she was outside without an umbrella, falling into her ten layer birthday cake when she was nine, and worst of all when the palace dog (a horrible little pug) shredded her doll.
Haha, I love this whole part, and how pink was a 'bad luck color'. To make it more dramatic, I would say: 'It was pink. It was not a nice pale rose pink. She could have dealt with that if it was a bubblegum pink, a child's animated pig pink. A pink for all the ages, a pink that would stand the test of time, birth, death, and an atomic bomb. A pink so pink that when the Armageddon comes and there is nothing left on the earth- all is annihilated, that pink will remain.' 'Throughly' should be 'thoroughly'.

Shadowlight wrote:Kalista with tears of frustration shook her fists at the heavens and cried out in shear fury.
Love it, hilarious.

Shadowlight wrote:“Who was the idiot who decided it was a good idea to put zippers on the back of dresses? Why not the front?” then after a pause she added with a growl.
Capitalize 'then'.

Shadowlight wrote:Planning on turning it around once it was zipped.
Huh? This isn't a full sentence.

Shadowlight wrote:As she wriggled in her dress looking like a large pink pile of twisting poo a loud noise erupted form the courtyard!
Lol, I know what you mean, but trying to relate her to a 'large pink pile of twisting poo' is just strange. And doesn't make any sense at all.

Shadowlight wrote:In all her books and her class she took on being rescued from a tower all had said the horse would be white, “oh well” she thought.
Replace the comma after 'white' with a period, capitalize 'oh'.

Shadowlight wrote:It was iron and rather dingy and dented.
Like the description of the knight and the horse.

Shadowlight wrote:This was really not right. Hold on the horse had a horn growing from its forehead, a unicorn?
I would re-write this like this: 'This was really not right. Hold on- the horse had a horn growing from its forehead...a unicorn?' Maybe I'd say 'what was it...a unicorn?'

Shadowlight wrote:It is odd, when one is decapitated they have a few moments before they actually die most people think something completely irreverent to their situation.
Run on. Break this into two or insert commas.

Shadowlight wrote:She felt like crying but she remembered what her mother had told her the wise Queen Kimberly had told her to make the most of problems and act like their not there, so that's what Kalista decided to do.
Run on. I would start a new sentence with 'The wise Queen Kimberly'.

Shadowlight wrote:Prince charming her long awaited love was standing before her in a decidedly feminine fashion, and with a decidedly soft feminine face. Prince Charming was a girl!
Great way to show how Kalista slowly figured out what gender this 'Prince Charming' really was.

Shadowlight wrote:Kalista did at that moment what any self respecting princess would do, she fainted.
To make this more dramatic: 'Kalista did at that moment what any self respecting princess would do: she fainted.


But even though there are many nitpick problems here, the whole narration and story overpowered the rest, I have to say! Well done, fabulous story! *Likes*
Forestqueen808 wrote:Overall, it is really great, you just need to polish it up.
Totally agree!

Hope I helped. I'll be looking for the next chapter, which I hope you will post/post soon. Keep up the good work-

Perfect things in life aren't things.
Spoiler! :

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Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:37 pm
borntobeawriter says...

Hey there Shadowlight!

Dude, you have issues with Pink! LOL Seriously, great work. The story has its issues, but they were already commented on. I must say that this is one of the only pieces that the -many- mistakes don't distract from the story. At least, in my opinion.

I'd love for you to PM me the next chapter also!
Tanya :D

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Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:31 pm
curiousvampire says...

Hey, welcome Shadowlight to YWS, I loved your story. It was great actually. The mistakes you had that Kadee and forestqueen pointed out was the only things that bugged me. Yet all in all if were speaking plot wise it was like I said before great. Thank you for the read.
"I became insane,with long intervals of horrible insanity."

"Their ideology is that human nature is fundamentally evil.In other words, humans are evil from the day they are born."

"Human is beatiful. Perfect is boring."

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Wed Apr 21, 2010 12:14 am
ultraviolet says...

I've got to say, I loved it! Much better than Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. Prince Charming ending up being a girl, all I can say is lol! (I know, I spend too much time on Facebook chat.) Very amusing! :D


P.S. PM me the next chapter if there is one :)
"Blah blah blah. You feel trapped in your life. Here is what I am hearing: happiness isn't worth any inconvenience."


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Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:39 pm
PeterHerronGunner says...

Wow! That was really good! I'm not one for nitpicks and everyone else already mentioned the flaws. I really liked this story, so please let me know when you write another. :D

P.S. This isn't a flaw or a mistake, but, what was with the mice? I mean, that's not bad or anything, but, why?
I think therefore I am...


With that logic, I don't think... *POOF*

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:51 am
VuzzyCat says...

Hey Shadow! I loved your story! There were only a few spelling and grammer errors, but I'm not going to be a show off and point them out. ;) I loved the storyline! It was a perfect twist at the end. And the "Coulda had a V8," was hallarious! I also like how, of course, men must have designed the dresses. I totally agree there! Women wouldn't have been stupid enough to put the zipper in the back where no one can ever reach. I've done that dance around my room before. :D Anyway, I love it!!! One of my favorites!
I'm the author of my own life. Unfortunately I'm writing in pen. Mistakes I make can not be erased, the only option is to turn the page and start a new chapter. <3

I'm single because God is busy writing the best love story.
<3 VuzzyCat

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Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:40 pm
icebender28 says...

I loved it! It was hilarious!
you did a great job with the humor and I love how you made everything that could go wrong, go wrong for the princess and how you gave the impression that everyone's parents locked them up in a tower with a dragon, and that they actually go to school for it! HAHA! :D
I loved the twist you gave to the classic fairytale. Interesting way of putting it, in a good way.
keep writing! :)
Life is to be lived, not survived.

I just write poetry to throw my mean callous heartless exterior into sharp relief. I’m going to throw you off the ship anyway.
— Vogon Captain (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)