
Young Writers Society

The Queen's Family - Lenori

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Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:42 pm
Esmé says...

18th Watershone,
38th year of the Phoenix
Time present

-Cheers!- called Lenori from the end of the breathtakingly food-laden table. Lillith, uneasily sitting on the other table awkwardly returned the toast of some red-colored liquid which was certainly not wine. After a minute of consideration, she decided not to ask what it was.

The journey to ‘Addi’s enclosure’, as Lenori called the place, was for Lillith one heavy, hazy mist. The only thing she remembered was soaring with Lenori through a maze of colors and feelings, from times of anguish to outright happiness, the latter at which she felt the she-demon shudder slightly.

-And then… Then came an emptiness, a purposelessness which escorted her to the end, when she suddenly appeared in this… place. Lillith did not know how and when exactly, but at one point she found herself being invited by Lenori to take a seat, though she could not recall the moment of landing and hearing the lack of the rhythmical beat of flapping wings.

However they got here, the goddess and she where sitting in a beautiful large chamber, in which everything was black. Black walls with no seen exit were draped in some kind of black material, on which here and there where placed a few black chandeliers with equally black as scarce candles, even whose flame had a dark tint to itself. Lillith found that if she looked for too long at the cloth, a light-headedness started to overwhelm her.

The numerous, stacked on each other black carpets and rugs made of an unknown material covered a shiny black marble floor, in which the young woman could see her own reflection. In the centre of the chamber stood a massive table surrounded by twelve chairs. Black plates, goblets and utensils glittered against the background of a black tablecloth, while on the center of it, on black platters, trays and dishes a mouthwatering variety of foods were exhibited and laid on display, from nkisza, a specialty of the Axel Island and riangh, a delicatessen of the White Elves, to a wide range of puddings and desserts, among them layered cakes, honeyed nuts and assorted sweets.

This was the grandest feast in which Lillith had ever taken part in, and if it weren’t for the one tiny fact that she was currently dining somewhere in the Death Goddess’s Kingdoms. That circumstance was of most concern for the half-mortal, whereas the small detail of Lenori’s company definitely did not help her spirits soar.

Drinking the liquid in her wine glass, which had a kind of metallic taste to it, Lillith helped herself with rice with some kind of brownish sauce, which she thought to be neutral and normally-looking. Out of the corner of her eye she saw that Lenori, smiling mysteriously, had not even touched her food, apparently indifferent to her own croons addressed to Lillith of ‘eat up, eat up’.

The last, trying to show a blank, studied face, did not know what to think. Why was she here? And, most of all, what had Lenori to do with her Coronation?! The demon goddess had no say in the matters of Aevlyth; she was scarcely worshipped in the country.
-Then Lillith’s heart skipped a beat. What if it was that? What if Lenori was angry about the lack of priests and priestesses? The girl quickly counted all the chapels and shrines of the goddess.
Two? Three? Other gods and goddesses had at least six, some even eight in only Avhydlyi.

-But this made no sense! For hundreds of years indifferent to her kingdom, why would Lenori suddenly turn her attention to it? Lillith feverishly hoped it was no wager concerning her person. Myths and legends told about the figures of the Gods’ and Goddesses’ wages were nice and fine with her, but only on yellowish pages of old tomes and through the words of old bards who sometimes entertained her and her court. Riding around to fulfill Lenori’s whim was really not in her plans.
Lenori’s flashing smile widened, revealing her small but how sharp teeth, as if the goddess had read her mind. –Maybe she could? What did she, Lillith, know about the Goddess of the Night? Nothing! –And what about her being her mother’s patron? What was that supposed to mean?!

-Please let it not be a wager, please let it not be a wager... Please let it not be-

-As we have eaten and drunk, I think that it is time that we have a little chat, just as I promised. By now you are probably dying with curiosity. -

Lillith’s stomach leaped up to her heart as Lenori butted into her thoughts. –Not literally of course!- the demon laughed, suddenly appearing directly before the girl, sitting on the table where just a second ago was a platter full of mashed potatoes. As the knife which Lillith had been holding fell with a loud clunk on her table, Lenori’s smile broadened once more at her reaction.

-It is the atmosphere of this place isn’t it? It is kind of… frightening. I observed for you, mortals, being in the Black Kingdoms sometimes react… strangely…. - the goddess paused, closing her eyes for a second longer than necessary. –Yes… Once, I thing nine hundred years ago, this man… what was his name? Thenial? Thaniel? I don’t remember… Well, anyways, he just… panicked. Overreaction, I call it. He was just one big mistake. Hmm… A promising one, though. - She took a moment to look at Lillith, her long lashed eyes narrowed. –But you won’t do that, will you? After all, you are Sanilorrah’s daughter... You have a legend to live up to, don’t you? As to your mother, she was such an interesting mortal… One of my most remarkable vassals.-

A short grin, proceeded by a frown adorned the beautiful face before an answer could be heard.
-My mother was your vassal?- the question was shot before Lillith could stop herself.

-Yes… But not in the way you think. I never talked to her personally, I just… observed her… Helped her now and then, sometimes whispered some ideas…. Nothing more. However, I don’t think she needed me… -What a talent to spread chaos she had! She walks into a room, and five minutes later everyone in the chamber is ready to jump at each other’s throat… Of course, at some point they all realize what is happening, but still… Extraordinary…-

After another small pause, Lenori suddenly jumped of the table and took few steps back, spreading then folding her wings neatly, her long, blade ended tail swishing behind her.

-But here, we are not her to talk about your mother. We are here to talk about your future. - The demon beamed wickedly, once again settling down comfortably on a cushioned chair. Leaning against its back, she continued in a moderately conversational tone, in which the slight hiss became more audible. –Yes… Tonight was supposed to be your night, wasn’t it? The end of everlasting struggle for the throne, there was nothing in your way, no thrashing about power-seeking idiot who would plunge Aevlyth into disaster…- Lenori examined her claw-like hand, tilting her head off to one side.

Unexpectedly, she caught Lillith’s chin, making the girl look into her blazing black eyes.

In the endless, ever-deep pits she saw, heard, something. –A wail, a scream? The piercing sounds grew steadily louder, muffled only by the deafening pulsation of her blood in her ears. Then she saw something, first only a silhouette, which abruptly started take color and shape, turning into an old woman. Her hair was brittle and dusty, while her wind-swept skin creased far beyond her age from the sun. She carried a wooden stick for a cane, on which she leaned on at every step; only the glint of pain could show what each stride cost her. As the woman stumbled, exhausted, by tripping on a grey as everything around stone, Lillith for a second had a chance to see her sharpened featured, before they too retreated into the darkness of Lenori’s pupils.
It was an older version of her, Lillith.

At the moment in which Lenori released her chin, everything came back to normal. –If dining in Addi’s Palace could be called normal. The shrieks and the pulsation stopped, though the vision was still fresh before the girl’s eyes. From somewhere far, far away she heard the goddess’s voice.

-What did you see? Tell me!- It was not a request; it was an order. Lenori leaned even closer, her expression unreadable. –What did you see,- she repeated.

-I… I don’t know…- Instincts of self-survival to the lead; intuition foretold her that even lying to the hot-tempered goddess was better than saying that she had seen her own downfall, for what else could it be? A wave of iciness overflowed her as realization of what she had seen downed onto her.

What if that was true? What if that was the life meant for her?

If so, she had nothing to loose. If the goddess found out that she was doomed to fail, she would not help her, Lillith. -Assuming, of course, that Lenori wanted to help her. At this point, she needed all the help she could get. Trying her best not to show the panic that overwhelmed her, she returned the she-demon’s gaze and tried not to give the impression of shrinking in her chair. –The last was certainly not the behavior of a ruler, even if the speaker with whom she talked with was a goddess and had an atmosphere of fear and power around her self.
-All of the sudden you have become very brave, haven’t you?- Lenori examined her just the way that Athani had, as if she were a curious example of some rare animal. -You’re lying, I can see that. That is really not a good idea. What did you see?-
-Fire,- Lillith blurted out the first rational word that popped into her working feverishly mind. -Red, orange and yellow flames. Everywhere.-

-Fire, you say?- Lenori looked at her thoughtfully, but then furrowed her brows. –Aurora?- the goddess murmured under her breath, naming the goddess of fire. –On whose side is she? Oh, never mind. - She waved her hand dismissively. –The future can always be changed. Especially the ones of your kind. –But you’re still lying, of course? Lillith, I can see lie. I patron lie, darling. - Lenori grinned, once again unbarring her startlingly pointed set of teeth. –But that is all right. Don’t ever trust any one if you do not have to, because that never lead to anything good. Nine hundred ninety eight people on a thousand will at some point ‘accidentally’ blurted it out your secret or do something which will make you think again before trusting them. Shows that you are not as stupid as my siblings think you are.-

Lenori paused, helping herself with an apple.
-And here we come to why you are here. I think that you have already figured it out, but I will say it nevertheless. Tonight through the Ruthon Forest you will become Queen, and as you will be accepted by those who took the Oath, no one will be able to claim rights to the throne. The question is, however, how long will you be on that throne.-
-You talk, my lady, as I have been already chosen. –But I am not. Not yet at least!-

Lenori took her time before answering, taking an enormous bite from the fruit.

-You will be chosen. There is no one else of royal blood who would want to take the throne. If they do not choose you, what do you think will happen? Chaos will take the place of one of the oldest civilization of your world, and that is at best! Isn’t that what you have been trying to evade? I they do not chose you, there will be no more country for which they could chose anyone for anybody! At the moment we are talking Aevlyth is at the verge of bankruptcy, has nobles who fight only for their own goods and lands and who always want more, and has other countries who are allying themselves against it… And that is among others! Without a good ruler, Aevlyth will fall.-

Lenori discarded the apple core by throwing it somewhere over her shoulder, looking intently at Lillith.

-And here we come to the crux of it all. Not all of my family has such faith in you as I do, darling. They do not believe that you will be able to remain at power for more then a few months, if not weeks. Hotheadedness is not a good adjective for a ruler, and of impulsiveness and spontaneity you have more than enough, don’t you? –But I believe that you have a head on your shoulders not only for parade, darling, and that is why you are here. After all, you are still among the living aren’t you? – as the last sentence was spoken, a glimmer of amusement could be seen in the goddess’s eye.

That’s what it is for her, isn’t it, thought Lillith, her fists clenched. It’s just something cursedly amusing for her.

-I never asked for this! - she called out, digging her fingernails into her hand to the blood. –I never knelt on my bedside and prayed for all of them to kill themselves out, so that only I would be left out! I was indifferent to what was happening at court. I didn’t give a spare thought about it! I was happy with how things stood before all this happened! Until…- her voice, to that moment loud with anger, faltered.

-…Until only you and your sister were left on the battlefield. – The goddess finished for her in a sing-song voice and a flashing smile. –Left you with the question: you or her? You, darling Lillith, chose her.-

-Lyssene left me no choice! And I did not choose anything. -

-It’s called the will of survival, isn’t it? - drawled Lenori, once again swishing her tail.
-No it’s not! I had no idea what was in the goblet that she sent me!-

-Yes you did. You sensed it at least.-

-You have no idea what I sensed at that moment, all right!-

-But you were not surprised when Athani told you what was in it, were you?-

-I repeat, you haven’t the slightest idea what I thought.-

-Beg pardon, but I do, - retorted Lenori sweetly. –A whole unslept night and no tears left on the morrow. That does make one think, darling. You knew very well what was in that goblet and was thinking about who was to drink from it, you or your sister. You decided that Lyssene and there is no point of denying it. –

-I had faith in the fact that Lyssene would not do it. She was my sister…-

-But family means nothing when into the game comes to power, right? To this point I’m with you, darling.-

-I did not believe Athani, - said Lillith, looking Lenori straight in the eyes. –Till the end, I did not believe her. Are Isothath and Athani your vassals? - she asked, suddenly calm.

-No. I think they’re Avineus’s, though I’m not sure. - The demon shrugged. –That doesn’t matter. What matters is that you took their suggestions. You sent the poison back, didn’t you?-.

-I sent the goblet back, - said Lillith fiercely.
-…With the poison in it.- ended Lenori. -You could say that Lyssene also had some kind of faith in you, didn’t she? I heard that she laughed when she saw your package. -She drunk through it on the eyes of all of her supporters. She thought that it was a copy and that you were long gone...-

Lillith did not answer. A heavy and uncomfortable silence fell, but the she-demon was unperturbed by it. In fact, she seemed authentically happy.

-Think of it as ordeal, darling. The same think felt Areinod when he sent your parents for a sure death. He battled with himself for a month or so; he could not believe that what his spymaster was saying was true. But when he saw evidence before him, he acted, and so did you. You two had no other choice. With position comes responsibility, darling. At that point in time it was not about Areinod or you. It was about Aevlyth. He knew what would happen after his death, and he had to evade the chaos, just as you did when it came to Lyssene. Even at the cost of personal sacrifice. Again, with position comes responsibility and that responsibility is Aevlyth.-
-I did not believe Athani, - Lillith repeated, ignoring the goddess. -Until the new of Lyssene’s death reached me, I did not believe her. You know how I found out about that? Of course you do, don’t you? The next morning I found a plague of power-thirsty nobles and aristocracy eager to tell me of their loyalty and dependability on my doorstep. The same people who a night before allied Lyssene where crowding my great hall and talking about trustworthiness, maiming me with gifts, presents, and money, at the same time isolating me from those who where with me from the beginning, who wanted the best for the country. They called me ‘Your Royal Highness’, at the same time pressing a knife to my throat, and they dared talk about plans concerning Aevlyth. Their plans, not mine. They thought that if Lyssene was so easy to manipulate, then so would I. - Lillith laughed mirthlessly. –For them nothing changed. One sister was exchanged for another, a younger, greener one. It was even better. I managed to send them back to Lightgrove, but so what? By the time they got a whiff of what was happening, that is me telling the what to do and not vice versa, I went through eight assassination attempts, the first three in which the assassin was one on one with me. One was on a private audience, another on a public one. That’s five; those where by sending someone physically. The two next where by magic, and once they even tried to give me poison.-

-But you lived through it. You’re alive and well. You grew up, and you turned into good material for a Queen, whatever your nobles, rulers of other countries and my siblings think.

Lillith looked at the goddess sharply.

-You take it for granted that I indeed will become Queen. But what if I do and then fail to live up to anyones expectations? What will happen if I do become Queen and the change my mind? What if I abdicate, then what?-
-You won’t, - said Lenori simply. –The memory of your sister will keep you going more than anything else. You sacrificed too much to just change your mind. That isn’t your style either, is it? And then, who will you abdicate to? What will happen to you afterwards? -

Lillith did not answer, the vision of the old woman before her eyes. She did not want to end like that, whatever would happen, she did not want to become that life-battered old woman. Not her.

-You’ll take the burden, - continued Lenori. –As your own private penance or to continue the task of you ancestors, you will fulfill your destiny.-
Lillith smirked.

-Yes, yes. That all sound so very nice, but why are you here? Or no, why am I here? Explain that to me, will you? My tiny little mortal reasoning can’t quite cover that. –

-Watch your words, will you, darling> I can still change my mind and wager against you…-

-So it’s a wager? You bargained with someone that I would keep the sign of ‘vacant’ away from the throne? That Aevlyth will still stand after my reign? I’m honored.-

-More or less, - admitted Lenori. –And as to the being honored, you should be. You’re supposed to keep the throne for ten years. -

-Only ten years? I’m crushed. So, who’s against us?-
-Well, among others Astsira…-
Lillith groaned, slumping heavily against the chair.
-We have the goddess of peace against me?-

-No ‘me’, but us. But no worry, I’ll take care of the divines, you just worry about your task.-

-Who else?- asked the girl, her voice coarse.

-Oh, Orath… Seine… Esvor…-

-Nice. Goddess of Waters, God of Kingship and the God of Trade and Craft. Awesome. I’m supposed to be a Queen without the Seine as patron. I feel like a legend already.-

-Aww, stop it. Think positive.-
-The goddess of night and demons is ordering me to think positive. There should be a separate chapter for this in history.

Lenori grinned. –Life is full of surprises. But as I said, not everyone is against us. Catrina, Deryn, Dynir and Addi believe in you.

-Ye-es? So we have the goddess of Hope, Justice and Faith, the God of War and Troubles and the Lord of the Two Moons, Patron of Thieves and Cast Outs and the Goddess of Death. What about Ellyne?-

-Our Goddess of Luck and Destiny is neutral. So is the rest, though I think Arivne is more for us.- Lenori winked. –Arivne, as the Queen of Heavens could be a powerful ally.-

Lillith counted up the odds of her reign. It was shattering to piece before it even started. -So now you tell me that I have a whole myriad of gods and goddesses against me, not talking about plain mortals, who cause enough trouble?-

-But I promise that they won’t butt in. They’re just too honorable for that. They swore that we would leave you alone. Yesterday, to be exact. -

-Just like you did?- Lillith raised an eyebrow. –I feel so much better with that information.-

Lenori laughed.

-That is why you should be happy to have me on your side. For me, rules exist just for someone to break ‘em. Well, now that you know what to do, an apart from the knives of your nobles you have my wrath to see to if you, or rather we, loose, I think that… No, wait, what was it..? I had something for you…- As the goddess made an event of struggling to remember something, Lillith contemplated on Lenori’s statement of her wrath. Though it was said a light tone, the girl was not all sure that the goddess was joking.

-Ah yes!- the she-demon clasped her hands. -Girloth! –

As soon as the command was spoken, out of a black puff of smoke another demon emerged. This one though had none of the elegance and dangerous beauty that so characterized Lenori. In fact, he seemed to be a bit slow and gawky as he approached Lenori and bowed clumsily. There was no aura of peril around him as around his mistress. If truth be told, he appeared to be more hilarious than dangerous. His tail sagged behind him and swept the sparkly clean floor, whereas his wings were gauchely folded. Small, watering black eyes seemed to yearn for a good pair of thick glasses, while his fangs appeared to be much too long and made it a bit hard for him to speak, as it turned out as he greeted the goddess. In his right claw he held a small leather pouch.
-Mhy lhadhy, - said Girloth with a slur.

-Girloth!- Lenori repeated, beaming. –You have the present?-

-Yhes mhy lhadhy…- Girloth answered and turned his attention to fishing out from the pouch some object. This was not an easy task, as each of his nails was two times longer that the tiny bag, whereas his enormous finger did not fit into it at all. After about five minutes, in which Lenori’s tight smile not once wavered, the demon with triumph produced a small black object.

-Thank you, Girloth, - she said as he passed the item to her. -You have been of much help to me, you may go.-

Beaming, Girloth disappeared in the puff of smoke in which he had appeared.

-Girloth isn’t much good at flying, so he used the mists.- said Lenori almost apologetically once he was gone. –You’re probably wondering what this is, aren’t you?- She held up the small object to the light, so that it flashed in the flickering light of the candles.

The ring, made up of a black loop was of color worthy of Addi. The stone set in it was also of death’s color, though it seemed to bathe in the light, have a life of it’s own. As Girloth handed it to her, Lenori passed it on to Lillith.

-It’s a Nyrthryn, a Demon Stone. It shall show you poisons, make you immune to spells when you do not wish to be enchanted and it looks very pretty. Also, no one will be able to take it of without your consent. It looks like ordinary, maybe enchanted for good luck granite…- Lenori laughed, -Not even your dear Magics’ know what this is. Keep it safe, because it will probably save your life more than once.-

Lillith slipped the Nyrthryn onto her little finger of the right hand, next to a small ruby given to her by Lyssene long, long ago. On her left she had another ruby inherited from her parents and a shiny lapis-lazuli from Kelsey, the vampire. The muttering thank you’s where dismissed with a wave of a hand.

-Don’t thank me, just fulfill your task. I won’t be able to visit you, because my siblings will probably keep a close watch over me. I wish you everything of the best now. Oh, and one more thing. Stay clear away from oracles, will you, darling? And be as nice as to order building a few temples dedicated to me, alright? I noticed a big lack of them in Aevlyth. Goodbye, darling. Best wishes.-

The world whirled around Lillith as the she-demon threw with the flick of her hand a bolt of power at the girl. Before she had the chance to even shout in surprise, Lillith once again found herself at Ruthon.


Thank you guys for reading this. I know it's a bit long, but posting this in bits wouldn't have any sense, would it?

Also, I know this isn't my best post (and I'm keeping in mind the one in fan fiction, lol).
Last edited by Esmé on Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:08 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:16 pm
Swires says...

Space your paragraphs please.

One thing I notice before the actual story is the title. The title isn't a grabber and seems rather vague and fantastical. Maybe a new title will come as you enter the story?

I shall return when you add spacing. :)
Previously known as "Phorcys"
Witherwings Harry Potter RPG

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Tue Jan 02, 2007 7:21 pm
Esmé says...

Oh god, I forgot to format AGAIN...

Sorry to all whom I wrote about formatting, lol...

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Thu Jan 04, 2007 9:27 pm
Sureal says...

‘Lillith saw that if she looked for too long at the cloth, a lightheadedness started to overwhelm her.’

- ‘lightheadedness’ = light-headedness or light headedness.
- How can she see that? Perhaps something like, ‘she found that’ would work better?

‘Numerous stacked on each other black carpets and rugs made of an unknown material covered a shiny black marble floor,’

- This doesn’t make sense. I think you may be missing a word from the beginning of the sentence.

‘The long table and twelve chairs which surrounded it made the only furnishings and were also black.’

- This is an awkward sentence to read, and I had to go over it a couple of times before I understood what you meant.

- I’d say swap ‘which’ for ‘that’.

- And I’d get rid of ‘made’ and ’and’.

- And place ‘the only furnishings’ within dashes.

- I.e. ‘The long table and twelve chairs that surrounded it - the only furnishings - were also black.’

- Of course, these are only my suggestions. Try playing around with the sentence, and seeing what you can come up with.

‘Lillith helped herself with rice with some kind of brownish sauce, which she thought to be neutral and normally-looking.’

- ‘with’ would make more sense as ‘to’.

‘Myths and legends told about the figures of the Gods’ and Goddesses’ wages where nice and fine with her,’

- ‘where’ = ‘were’.

- ‘with’ (as above) ‘to’.

‘Lenori’s smile broadened once more a her reaction.’

- ‘a’ should be ‘to’.

‘I thing nine hundred years ago’

- ‘thing’ = ‘think’.

‘there was nothing on your way’

- ‘on’ = ‘in’.

‘ying to the hot-tempered brows was better than saying that she had sawn her own downfall,’

- ‘sawn’ = ‘saw’.

‘-Fire, u say?-’

- ‘u’ = ‘you’.

‘Nine hundred ninety eight people on a thousand will at some point’

- ‘on’ = ‘of’.

‘Chaos will take the place of onethe oldest civilization’

- I’m guessing you either meant ‘one of the’ or simply ‘the’ here.

‘But what if I do and then e that otherwise or change my mind?’

- You’re missing a word or something.

‘You sacrificed too much o just change your mind.’

- ‘o’ = ‘to’.

‘It’s a Nyrthryn, a Demon Stone. It shall show you poisons, make you immune to spells when you do not wish to be enchanted and it looks very pretty.

- Lol :).

‘Not even your dear Magics’ now what this is’

- ‘now’ = ‘know’.

Anyways, are you really 13? I wish I could write that well when I was 13 :?.
I wrote the above just for you.

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571 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 14170
Reviews: 571
Fri Jan 05, 2007 5:11 pm
Esmé says...

Thank you soooo much for taking your time and doing critique. I really appreciate it.

And yes, I am thirteen. This was written when i was twelve, though :)

Thanks again,


Half goat, half fish, all goatfish.
— OSP Red