
Young Writers Society

The Guardians.

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Points: 300
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Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:37 am
JerethePaladin says...

((Edit, i've got ahead and made the edits that Silentpages has subjected, and i shall be uploading the next part as soon as I can, I promise that the next part wont be as long as this first part, but i cant make any promises...wait, is that a Paradox? >.>))

This is something that I've been writing for the last two years. I've only shared this with family and friends, so im curious to get actual people's input on this. Of course, i am always accepting criticism along with the comments. Please by all means, if you guys think it sucks, Tm not going to get mad; I really want others opinion on the first part of this story. And expect more, a lot more. Thank You! :D

Chapter 1. A hero is -B-o-r-n- Bored.

((imagine that the born is Xed out)

It was a quiet night, unlike most nights. The only sound that was in the air was a computer humming idly and Star scampering around the room. Jaden stretched a bit as he looked up from desktop computer, moving to wipe the sweat off his forehead as he put the cover back onto it. He removed a journal from the table beside him, writing down the specs of the desktop computer as he muttered to himself, “Computer finished, Intel I7, ATI 6200, All versions of StarCraft 2, TF3, M.E. 4, and Kaspersky Antivirus 016 software pre-loaded. Overclocked, and tournament ready… Final price for construction and instalation, 240$”

Jaden scratched his chin a bit, getting up off his knees as he brushed himself off, nodding at his work. “I’ll go ahead and drop this off first thing tomorrow!” He said to himself, turning to look around his apartment as he brushed a hand through his hair. Star meowed at Jaden, crawling up his leg. Jaden smiled at his pet cat, leaning down to gently scratch her behind the ears. "Yeah, i know you're a good cat Star" He said softly before heading to the kitchen to fix himself a quick snack. But before he could do anything else something slammed against his door, nearly causing him to drop the turkey sandwich he had just made.

“What the heck?” Jaden said, setting the sandwich down down on the table as he quickly walked to the door , nearly tripping over his cat as he quickly undid the deadbolt and pulled it open. The entire Denver University basketball team was at his door, four of them pushing his next door neighbor forward; Ozzy landing with a thud in front of him, a feint trickle of blood coming from his nose. Jaden cursed silently to himself, taking a step over his friend to confront the head of the team. “Your friend here caused the sprinklers to go off during practice.” The head of the team said, faintly looking down at Jaden. Jaden was a good six foot four, only about an inch shorter than the head of the team, and wasn’t very intimidated by him. “I think he was doin the rest of us a favor, the smell was driving everyone up the wall!” Jaden said, holding his ground. Dylan Paris frowned at him, before jabbing a finger in his chest. “The next time either of you pull a stunt like that, you’re both goin’ down nerd.” Dylan turned to leave, the rest of the team following him. Jaden was half tempted to yell at him. “It’s GEEK, Noob!”, but he didn’t want to end up like his friend.

Ozzy picked himself up off the ground, leaning against the wall. Jaden turned to face him, sighing as he covered his face with his palm. “Damn it Ozzy, now why did you go and do that?” Jaden said, shaking his head. Ozzy wiped the blood off his lip, rubbing it on his jacket. “You remember that time they threw us in the dumpster? That’s just revenge for that!” Ozzy said, grinning as he stood up from leaning against the wall, limping his way to sit on one of the chairs in the living room. Jaden sighed to himself, covering his face with his palm. “Ozzy….Ozzy Garrison, when the hell are you going to learn?” He said to himself, walking into the living room as he took a seat on one of the other chairs.

“So, is that client of yours computer finished?” Ozzy asked, getting up to move over and inspect the modified computer. “Yep, going to drop it off tomorrow” Jaden said, stretching again as he, cracking his neck to the side “So how’s your job at the music shop?” Ozzy looked at Jaden, sitting on the ground as he continued to look over the computer. “Meh…it’s alright, pay is good, and at least they dont have that one guy's music anymore”

Jaden covered his face with his palm again, questioning to himself how someone that young, Ha! Not to mention with a girlish and terrible voice, could land a spot in the big leagues, only to crash and burn later. “So, how do you think you did in your classes dude?” Ozzy asked, moving back to his chair. “I think that I did pretty well; At least winter break start’s tomorrow.” Jaden said, rolling his shoulders a bit. Ozzy grinned at him, “Yes sir, a few more days and those new releases will be hitting the GameStop. Can’t wait for all those awesome new releases for the summer!”

Jaden nodded at him “Yeah, definitely, can’t wait to get back to playing on a computer instead of building one.” He said, smirking a bit. The two chatted about this and that for a while before Jaden got to his feet. “Yo, I’m going to head out for a lil while to get some air.” He said, moving to grab his jacket from the closet. Ozzy shrugged a bit, before replying “ I best be heading back home anyways” Jaden nodded at him, pulling his jacket on before walking out the door.

Jaden walked out of his dorm, onto the night street of Denver. University Blvd. was a rather nice street in Denver, going right along the side of D.U., and was lined with various shops. He walked down past the Ice-cream shop with his hands in his pockets. His feet crunching under the snow that had started to fall; He and his friend were hoping for a blizzard. Brushing another hand through his black hair, he continued his way down the street as he passed by the other people, not a care in the night.

Jaden sighed to himself, looking up at the Conico station sign, his hands resting in his pockets as he continued down the road to his normal eatery, not a care in the night. That was all about to change.

Chapter 2. A Stranger in the Night.

Jaden started to walk back home to his dorm, stopping by a hotdog place to get his usual order. The “Mustard’s Last Stand” hotdog joint was the best hotdog place in all of Denver, period. Jaden had eaten there most all of the time he was at DU. After his order was given to him, nodding his thanks to the cashier, he started to walk back home with his snack in tow. The night was still quiet, Jaden always enjoyed the quiet peace and tranquility of the night; he never really was a person of the day. He glanced at the window of a closed shop along the side of the sidewalk he was walking on; the same black haired guy stared back at him, before Jaden turned back towards the street again. The night was his land, his kingdom. But that Kingdom, was about to come under siege. Further down the street, he could see something starting to spark. He could hear someone, some guy, shouting something inaudible at the time.

“What in the?!” Jaden thought to himself as he rushed forward, pushing his way past the crowd, to see a very familiar face, right before the other guy plowed his fist straight into said person’s face. Jaden was half tempted to cheer for the stranger that had just socked Dylan Paris a good one, but something seemed off. Jaden turned to the guy next to him, another student from DU “Hey, any idea what’s going on here?” The other student looked over his shoulder at Jaden, rolling his shoulders. “Apparently old “head-up-his-ass-Paris” right there finally pissed off the wrong guy” The guy said, scoffing ,as he smirked. Dylan made an attempt to counter punch the man he had picked a fight with.
The dude that was fighting Paris looked barely older then Jaden, but something seemed off. The Stranger countered with a block, grabbing Dylan by the back of the head, before bringing his knee up as he slammed Dylan’s face down onto it.

Jaden cringed a bit, though he hated Dylan’s guts, this did seem a bit brutal. Dylan slumped forward, his nose bent at an awkward angle and unconscious. The man only wiped the blood off the leg of his pants, before pushing though the crowds, walking away from the scene of the fight. It was about this time that Jaden actually paid attention to the stranger; however he couldn’t see his face because he wore a hood, but he was wearing a leather jacket, but not like the one that most biker gangs wore. He also had some sort of cloth sash that went around his waist, along with two that went just below the knees. The legs of his pants were frayed as he wore what looked like running shoes mixed with hiking boots. But most noticeable thing, were the pair of, what looked like metal guards that he wore that went from his elbows down to his wrists, along with a clear gem that was about midway. Not wanting to suffer the same fate Dylan did, Jaden silently thought to himself. Whoa…did Halloween come late or something?

Though the crowds were starting to die, Jaden was still curious of this stranger, and, pushing though the crowds, started to follow him. Something was up, and Jaden wanted to know what. He followed the man from the shadows, not wanting to be seen. The man turned a corner, Jaden quickly following closely behind. But when he turned the corner, he was met with two yellow eyes, obscured by white hair, all of which was framed by a grey hood. Jaden’s face turning a ghostly white, and he turned and ran for his life.

Jaden ran down the walkway, his chest heaving; looking as if he had seen a ghost. Soon he was back to where he started, though the crowds, and Dylan, had disappeared. He ran the red light, running all the way back to his dorm, threw the door open, quickly shutting it behind him. After taking some time to shove his heart back down his throat, Jaden was in bed, staring up at the ceiling lost in thought. Star was sprawled out on top of him, as asleep as a cat could possibly be.

Outside, Drummond silently stared into his window, his dark yellow eyes narrowed. His white hair hung down in his face as he remained silent for the longest while, before he slowly dissipated, phasing out into the night

Chapter 3. Winter Break

About nine hours after Jaden had finally fallen asleep, he was abruptly awakened by the sound of the doorbell. Jaden groaned as he got up, his cat rolling off of him as he rubbed his eyes. “Coming…one sec” Jaden said, rubbing the sand from his eyes as he walked up to the door, undoing the deadbolt as he pulled it open. “Hey, you the friend of the Garrison fellow?” The man at the door asked, Jaden blinking a few times at him. “For Christ’s sake, what did he do this time?” Jaden half said, his eyes going wide. The man shook his head again, a rather humored look on his face. “Nah, not that. I heard what he did to the basketball team, wanted to come and congratulate him. That Paris fellow is a narcissistic bastard, and deserved a good cleaning, and he got his clock cleaned last night.” Jaden blinked at the guy curiously. “Oh, pardon me. The name’s Clayton, Clayton Val. I'm with the wrestling tean” He said, putting out a hand. “Jaden, Jaden Williams, I'm just the guy that fixes other peoples computer problems” Jaden responded, shaking Clayton’s hand firmly.

“So yeah, you know where Mr. Garrison is off at?” Clayton asked again. “I'm not really sure... Could be anywhere I guess” Jaden replied with a shrug. Clayton shrugged back, glancing around before looking at the desktop without the side. “Nice computer.” Clayton said, looking at the desktop. “Huh?” Jaden said still a bit dazed. looking over his shoulder “Oh yeah, that’s a client’s computer…Mine’s back in my bedroom” Clayton scratched his chin, before asking, “So…you repair computers?” Jaden nodded a bit “Yeah, I fix and upgrade people’s computers, that job was an upgrade” He said, rolling his shoulders again as he tried to get a bit of hair that was sticking up from his head to say down.

Clayton shrugged, “Meh… I was never really was good at working with computers, but if that Ozzy fellow shows up again, let him know that I was looking for him.” Clayton said again, giving Jaden a wave and a nod, before walking out. It took Jaden a moment, more or less from his abrupt waking up, to realize that Clayton was the guy he had talked to last night, the one who was amused with Dylan’s ass getting kicked. Star meowed at the sleepy Jaden, rubbing against his leg a bit. Jaden leaned down to pick his cat up and set her on his shoulder again. “C’mon Star, it’s the first day of winter break. What should we do today?” He asked his cat, Star purred at Jaden as she rubbed her head against his. “Hmm? You think we should just hang out around campus?” Jaden asked his cat, a slight smirk on his face. Star meowed again, before she jumped off his shoulder, over to her food bowl. Jaden shrugged with a slight sigh, “Alright, alright, I’ll feed you.”

About an hour later, Jaden walked out onto the campus. There was the smell of snow in the air, Dark clouds rolling in as the first trances of a possible blizzard started to show….

“Yo Jay!” Ozzy yelled shooting across the quad running up to him. Ozzy jumped, before landing right in front of him, creating a big enough splash of water and slush to cause Jaden to jump backwards to avoid getting wet. “Dang it Oz! What's where your stoming around!” Jaden said, huffing a bit, before adding, "How's it goin anyways?" Ozzy grinned at him, his lip piercings covered in snow, “Doin great man, stuff’s goin down this winter break, and I don’t mean the snow!” Jaden frowned at Ozzy’s crappy joke, before remembering what he was told, before saying, “Oh yeah, Clayton Val sends his regards.” Ozzy blinked at Jaden somewhat confused, “Who, and also, Why?” Jaden rolled his shoulders a bit, before he realized that Ozzy didn't know who that was, and quickly added, “OH yeah, Clayton Val is on the wrestling team, he got a kick out of what you did to the basketball team and Dylan Paris.” Ozzy shot a wicked grin at Jaden, “Did he now? Well i better come up with more creative ways to annoy ol Frenchy then!”

Jaden hadn’t caught that last part of what Ozzy had said; he was busy looking over Oz’s shoulder at the woman behind him. She was a bit shorter then him, give or take a few inches. Her long white hair draped over her slim figure, her black jacket was studded in the shoulders; and she was dressed primarily in black, she was what Jaden would describe as “Goth”. He also noticed the spiked choker around her neck, complement with what he thought was the start of a tattoo at the base of her neck. From the looks of it, some sort of skull like design “Who is she?” Jaden said out loud. Ozzy cocked his head to the side, staring blankly at Jaden for a moment before looking over his own shoulder. “Oh her…I’m not sure to be honest; She’s… strange, to say the least.”

Jaden , with a tinge of curiosity looked back toward her again, ignoring his friends’ rambles. “Perhaps…we should go and talk to her? And your just pissed because you never got a chance to hit on her” Jaden said, snickering to himself. Ozzy nearly slipped on the slush he had kicked up upon hearing that. “Talk to her?! Jaden, she looks like the kind of person that would drop your ass where you stand, are you crazy!?.” It took Ozzy a moment, before adding, “Hey! That was uncalled for!” He frowned at Ozzy, snickering a bit, before saying, “Well that’s all the better reason for us to talk to her, maybe we can get her to drop Dylan’s ass where he stands, maybe even watch as she slits his throat and drains the blood from him; Who knows, she may even turn the blood to a gelatin and eat it!” He said, grinning as he continued to joke.

Ozzy scowled at him, grabbing Jaden by the jacket and pulled him forward, causing Jaden to slide on the slush. “Oz what are you doing!?” Jaden said, before he finally slipped on it, falling on his back and landing with a *SPLAT!*, followed by a rather loud “DAMMIT!”

Ozzy looked down at him, seeming to snicker a bit, “Jaden, she’s out of your league anyways…perhaps not mine, but yours, yeah…” Jaden gritted his teeth, getting up off the ground, as he rolled up his sleeves, “I’ll show you out of my…hey! Where did she go?” Jaden said, looking around for the Goth chick. She had disappeared without a trace. Jaden sighed to himself, covering his face with his palm. “Great, just great Bat Bitter” Ozzy frowned as he jabbed an elbow in to Jaden’s side; He hated be called “Bat Bitter”. Jaden muttered something to himself, before getting up. “Yo, let’s hit the arcade; I hear they got some awesome new games out.” Ozzy shrugged a bit, before replying “Sure, what the heck as long as you’re buying, I paid last time” The two friends nodded at each other, before they walked to Jaden’s apartment to take his car down to the old “D&B”

Pockets empty, and tired as hell, the two made their way home after a good give hours of arcade gaming. The sun was starting to set, He knew it to be only about five, maybe six PM that night. The two friends were heading back to the college in Ozzy’s First Generation Camaro. “Man, great first day of winter break, huh Jay?” Ozzy said, parking on the street outside . “Yeah, definitely dude.” Jaden said, rubbing his face with his wrist, blinking a few times. He had a lingering feeling that he had forgotten to do something this morning. Ozzy stretched for a moment, before he looked up at his friend, “Hey Jay, weren’t you suppose to drop that computer off this morning?”

Jaden nearly stumbled, getting out of the car. “Dammit! I got to go man, I’ll check ya later” Jaden said as he ran back upstairs, threw open the door of his apartment, and practically tramped on Star. He flung the cover over the case, picked it up and slowly placed it down into the carrying bad and rushed out the door again, but this time with more caution, for the safety of both the computer and his cat. “Okay…client lives at 10386. E. University…” He muttered to himself as he headed towards the street his motorcycle was parked on. He thought it was strange, how he wasn’t given a name, just an address, but at that time he became more focused on jabbing the key into the slot, revving up and pulling the helmet over his head.

He slung the carrying bag over his shoulder, pulled up on the choke, and switched gears as he pulled out onto the street. He looked over to the compartment to his side, remembering what he had stowed in there in case he was ever in a car…or in this case, motorcycle jacking situation.

Jaden parked his bike off to the side of the street and walked to the door, reaching out to ring the doorbell. The computer shifted as he buzzed the doorbell again, waiting for the person on the other end to pick up. “Hey, I’m here to…” Before Jaden could finish, the door was already unlocked for him. “Strange? … ” He muttered to himself, the door creaking as he peaked in. It was not what he expected.

Apon his first steps he noticed the room was black, and glanced at a number of strange white markings that covered the wall. There was only, from the looks of it, one room, with something sitting on a pedestal at the wall opposite of him. It looked strange, but what was s even more bizarre was that “Thriller” was playing faintly in the background, from what appeared to be coming from an old electric record player from across the room. The catch was, there wasn’t anywhere in the room for it to be plugged in

Jaden blinked as he quickly walked over to the source of the music just as it got to the “The foulest stench” part. “What in the world?” Jaden said, looking at the old record player, the black record spinning round. The white writing on the wall was almost glowing, as if acting as a source of light. “And grizzly ghouls from every tomb are closing in to seal your doom. And though you fight, to stay alive, your body starts to shiver; for no mere mortal can resist, the evil of, the Thriller” The song ended with the maniacal laughter. Jaden turned to set the computer down, before nearly jumping out of his skin as he heard something he didn’t expect. “Jaden Williams”. Jaden abruptly turned around to face the record player. “Why did you hurt me?” The voice from the record player said, except the voice of Vincent Price was morphing, sounding a lot darker, and more feminine. Jaden was a bit taken back, slowly walking towards the record player, his curiosity growing.

The voice, growing with intensity spit “Do you remember, Jaden? Do you remember what you did to me?” His heart leapt, now slightly frightened, Jaden quickly pulled the record from the record player. White noise filled the voided room like a gas, slowly leaking from the player. As Jaden turned to leave, the door was no longer there, it had vanished. The room spun; the white writing on the walls churned and morphed. Jaden pounded on the walls, cursing and swearing at the top of his lungs. “I’m going to make you Pay!” the voice yelled screamed, everything faded to darkness.

When he Jaden finally forced his eyes open again, gasping for breath as he stared ; As if by pure randomness, he was back outside, staring at the door. His chest aching his lungs not only quenched air, but burnt at the slightest inhale. He huffed over and over, gripping his chest as he muttered curses over and over to himself. “Hello...is someone there?” He heard from a distance, as he just about jumped out of his skin; although he was relieved to hear that it wasn’t the voice from the record player. “Is someone there? Hello!?” The voice came from the doorbell, one of those fancy ones with an intercom. Jaden snapped back into reality. “Yeah I’m here to drop the computer off, the one you sent to me to get upgraded?” He said, as he still trembled within his fingertips.

There was a silence on the other end for a moment, The deadbolt turned, and the door slowly opened. Jaden blinked, his face turned towards his client, astonished and surprised as he stared at the client. She was shorter, her long white hair framing her face. She entirely black, a studded leather jacket, and a studded choker. “You just going to stand there or are you going to come set it up?.” She said, Jaden snapping back into reality. “Aye, No problem…Umm... I don’t believe I caught your name when you dropped your stuff of…twas a bit busy on another client’s computer …” Jaden stammered, forcing himself to swallow his fear. Fey frowned at him, annoyed with his witless stammering “My name is Fey, Fey Dusk.” Jaden nodded somewhat, adjusting his grip on her computer, feeling as if his fingers were slipping on it. “So…where do you want this piece of artwork?” He asked, feeling as if the computer weighed a thousand pounds

Fey smirked a bit, opening the door enough to let him, and her investment though. Jaden nodded his thanks as he entered in behind her. “These are some top notch items you have in your computer Fey, may i ask where you got them f…” Jaden started, before he looked around her living room. The room practically screamed "Goth" “Heh, Parents were rich, I had good grades, they were…interested in my fascination in Art and Poetry” Fey said, tucking a loose strand of white hair behind one of her ears. Jaden nodded somewhat as he walked over to where he saw her monitor was. He slowly took the desktop one out of the bag, setting it down.

“So this is it huh?” Fey said, somewhat shoving Jaden aside to look at her new computer. Jaden was a bit put off, but like they say, the customer is always right. “Yep, It’s artwork alright” He said, dusting himself off as he moved back to where he was, as he started to plug all the cords in. “So…I take it you’re really into this Goth thing, huh?” He added, as he fished abound behind her desk for the cord that would attach to the monitor. “What where you expecting? Sunshine and daisies?” Fey gagged, a look of serious disgust on her face.

After he was finished with plugging things in, and setting up all the settings for the software in her computer, Jaden got off the ground and stretched a bit. “Well, job’s done Fey” He said, rolling his shoulders. Fey glanced to her computer, then back to him. “Well, I’ll admit, your good company, unlike some other people I know...never really caught your name either” Fey said, subtle curiosity in her voice. Jaden chewed on his lower lip, “Jaden, Jaden Williams.”

Fey’s black lips curled into a coy smile. “Jaden huh? Nice name for a geek like you”, She teased him. She turned towards a black handbag on her desk, fishing out the final price for her computer as she handed the stack of bills to Jaden. “So Jaden, you live alone?” She asked, a bit curious. “Not really, I got my friends as my next door neighbor, and I do have a pet cat that keeps me company.…” He replied. Fey’s eyes lit up slightly as he mentioned his cat, something he hadn’t expected to get a reaction out of her. “Mind if i ask what type of kitty is it?” She asked, expressing her obvious interest. Jaden contained a chuckle, “She’s just a calico kitten.” Fey smirked again, snickering at him. “You’ll have to show me sometime”, she said with another smirk, before gently punching Jaden in the shoulder, causing him to wince slightly.

“Yeah, perhaps, Fey…” He replied as he rubbed his shoulder a bit, unphased at her playfulness. Fey frowned at him. Jaden glanced at her, before asking, “Something up” “Nothing, just not that used to having someone I can talk to without them being an idiot” She replied. Jaden looking back at her curiously “I suppose….yeah…” Before either of the two of them could react, the lights immediately went out. “What the!?” Jaden said, looking around for what had happened. “God damn it! When the hell are they going to fix the generator?” Fey said, reaching out and grabbed Jaden by the front of his jacket, so he wouldn’t fall on his face, or worse, fall on her. The next sound that filled the air was Jaden’s cell phone, the ringtone being the keyboard cat theme. Jaden fished his phone out of his pocket, and held it up to his ear. Fey seemed to snicker slightly at the ringtone.

He hit the call button, only to have a sharp sting of feedback attack his ear. He ripped the phone away from his ear, before slowly holding it up again, only to be met with the inaudible shouting of Ozzy. “OZ! Shut up and tell me what’s going on!” Jaden yelled at his cell, Fey blinked as she looked at Jaden again. “Get outside, now! You’ve got to see this! Just get outside Jay, you won’t believe your eyes at what is going on!” Ozzy yelled into the other line, before hanging up. Jaden muttered again, before he stumbled his way back to the door, opening it. “Where are you going? Jaden!?” Fey called out, following him. Jaden pushed the door open and stood statue on Fey’s open balcony. His body frozen, jaw dropped. “What are you looking a…” Fey started. Her eyes danced, she was in complete awe.

Chapter 4 Contact

The night sky had lit up as a comet was passing over the night sky, almost making night look like day. “Strange…I didn’t remember hearing reports of a comet coming in close with the earth today…” Fey muttered, leaning over the railing to get a better view. Jaden slurred something to himself. “I don’t think that’s a comet…”

The comet disappeared on the horizon, a feint boom reaching their ears, before a wave of sound and shattered glass where heard from the distance. Jaden was blown back slightly as the wind of the shockwave knocked him backwards.

His jaw locked, his ears rung with the screaming sirens of broken alarms. Fey had retreated inside, as one of the windows on the upper floor shattered, showering Jaden in glass. After a few minutes, screaming sirens stopped, only for them to be greeted by a car honking at them. Jaden looked over the railing, down at Ozzy, waving back at them. “Hey Bat Biter, what are you doing out here!?” Jaden yelled down at him, before Clayton got out of shotgun, Jaden shut up immediately “What Do you think, coming to get you! We’re heading out to Eisenhower Park, Ozzy said we should check it out. That freaking shock-wave practically bounced the back of his car like a foot in the air and shook us to the core!!” Clayton called up to them. Jaden sighed, covering his face with his palm. "...Bat, Biter?" Fey asked, a confused look on her face. Jaden looked back t her. "Well..err...you know, Ozzy Osbourn bit the head off the bat, my firend's name is Ozzy, Yada Yada, i got to et going now because they're going to drag me down there yada yada yada..." Jaden said, quickly moving towards the door out.

Fey followed behind him." Well if you three are going, I’m not going to be the sad one to get left behind!” Fey called behind him, apparently deciding that she wanted to go with them. As Jaden exited the apartment, Ozzy had the back seat doors open, his fingers rattling on the door handle for them to hurry up. As Jaden passed by Ozzy, he quickly shot him the “don’t say anything” look, before rushing to his motorcycle.

Fey quickly entered into the Camero, sitting behind the passenger side as she quickly inspected the two strangers she was in the car with. Ozzy, eyebrow raised , looked over his shoulder at Fey. “What’s so amusing metal head?” Fey frowned, glaring at Ozzy, immediately taking note of the two piercing’s that went through his lips, and the one though his ear. “Well aren’t we all fine and dandy this evening!” Ozzy retorted, not fond of being made fun of. “That’s enough out of the both of you!” Clayton commanded from up front, sighing as he looked back out the window. Ozzy shrugged it off, putting the stick shift in reverse, and sped out of the parking lot. Jaden pauses before he pulls into third gear and double-halls it behind the speeding Camaro.

Jaden kept his head down, closely following behind Ozzy’s Car. Driving at this time of night always terrified him. He looked side to side at the various other people about. As he glanced to his left, he caught sight of something, some sort of metal glinting. He looked up, seeing a red light peek above Ozzy’s car. He slowed his bike down, remaining behind the Camaro as he silently counted in his head as he waited for the light to change. He glanced to his left, and then to his right, muttering something to himself. As he glanced to his right, he nearly died of fright. Standing at the street corner, was a man, a man wearing dark clothing, a brown sash around his waist, along with two around the knees of his pants, wearing the same metal guards. His hood was pulled back, his yellow eyes staring at Jaden motionlessly.
Jaden started to freak out, sweating under his helmet. He hated this red light, and how long it was taking to change. The man was less than twenty feet from him, Jaden freaked out more. He glanced to the side again; The man was still there, but when another person was walking by, instead of bumping into the white haired stranger, he phased though him, as if the man were a ghost. But the light turned green, and Jaden gunned it, swerving around Ozzy and the others as he hit the gas; going as fast as the speed limit would allow him to. Jaden sighed a bit, looking back forward as he continued to at his pace. He idly looked to his right, and nearly crashed his bike then and there.

The man sprinting, sprinting along side him. Jaden was going a least forty, fifty miles per hour, and the man next to him looked like he wasn’t even breaking a sweat. His arms outstretched behind him, he looked to his side, his yellow eyes staring directly into Jaden’s dark green ones. "You dont know what you're getting yourself into Williams!" The man said, before he phased out completely. Jaden hit the brakes, though not as hard enough to cause him to flip over the handle bars. The back of his bike lifted a good foot in the air, before slamming back down on the pavement. Jaden was breathing heavily, but the man was nowhere to be seen. He wasn’t in front of him or anywhere at all. Jaden pried his helmet off, his entire head soaked in sweat.

Ozzy and the others had caught up with him, pulling over next to him as Clayton rolled down his window, before saying. “Yo Jay, you okay there man, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Jaden looked back over the others, panting heavily. “Just…got my glove stuck on the gas.” Jaden lied, panting heavily as he tried to shove his heart back down his throat. The others looked at him strangely, before shrugging it off. Clayton rolled up the window, before Ozzy continued on. Jaden looked over his shoulder one last time, before speeding up to catch up with them. It was a long ride, Jaden pulling up next to the car as he pressed on. Had they not seen what he had seen? Was he going mad? Jaden sighed, opening his eyes at the last moment to see the roadblock ahead.

“Ozzy, Tree!” Jaden yelled. Ozzy slammed on the brakes, right before he barely avoided plowing into a fallen tree, only denting the bumper against the trunk. Jaden stopped his bike, but wasn’t as lucky. He had stopped moving, but skidded into the tree, sending the back of his bike up a good five feet, but it fell back down into place, leaving a very shaken up Jaden sitting on the bike. Ozzy cursed under his breath, huffing as he undid his seatbelt and stepped out. Eisenhower Park had changed. The shockwave had blown all the branches and pine needles off of the trees, leaving only “Skeletons” of trees remaining. Ozzy and the others got out of his Camaro to stare in awe at the trees. Jaden looked over his shoulder, having a really bad feeling. He started to reach for the compartment, but at the last moment, decided not to, leaving it be as it was.

Jaden got off his bike, quickly rushing to catch up with the others as they looked around. “What do you think caused this?” Jaden said, looking around eve more. “I Don’t know Jay, a meteor perhaps, that’s what freaking caused the Shockwave!” Ozzy replied, biting his lip to keep himself from snickering as he looked around. “Yeah…well…yeah…” Jaden said, feeling a bit stupid now as he looked around. “Over there!” Fey said, pointing towards a plume of smoke close by. The four of them ran towards it, seeing the smoking crater, along with the shattered remains of what looked like a meteor in a crater, but that wasn’t what everyone had their eyes on.

Standing beside the crater, was a stranger to some, but all too familiar to others. The white haired stranger knelt down beside the crater, studying the remains of it in a silent thought process. He was wearing what looked like a trench coat, but it wasn’t. There was a brown sash around his waist, along with two around his knees. He stood up slowly, turning towards the group, his yellow eyes staring at them from under his white hair.

“You?!” Jaden exclaimed, his surprise soon turning to fear, fear directed towards the man. “W…why the heck do you show up when all this spam hit the fan?!” Jaden added, slowly moving backwards, his hand flexing into a balled fist, before relaxing. The white haired stranger slowly walked towards him, looking Jaden dead in the eyes. “True, I arrived here when…as you said…the “Spam hit the fan”, though I am not the cause of this. All i have done is punished the one who insulted me.” The white haired stranger said, taking a few steps back as he started back towards the crater. Jaden’s fear had turned to anger, his balled into fists. “Bastard! You’ve done nothing but freak the hell out of me s…” Jaden started, was soon cut off.

The next thing Jaden knew, he was on the ground face first, one of his hands twisted behind his back, feeling a muddy boot against the base of his neck. Ozzy and the others backed off as Jaden looked up at them from the ground, the stranger leaning down and whispering into his ear. “That is the one thing, you do not call me”
Last edited by JerethePaladin on Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:47 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Tue Apr 05, 2011 2:23 am
Soulkana says...

HOLY CRUD thats long rofl but it was amazing and I absolutely loved every second of reading it. I say amazing job and good luck I truly can't wait for more. Good luck and Happy Writing!!!!!!!!!
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

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Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:47 pm
hawkfame says...

nice work.... it was amazing and enthralling .... keep it up !!!

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Sun May 01, 2011 7:19 pm
silentpages says...

First of all, I love how you don't consider your friends and family to be actual people. XD

This has some potential, but... My thoughts going through:

"The only sound that was in the air was the sound of a computer humming idly, and the sound of the cat scampering around the room" -- This is a little wordy... Some repition. I'd find a simpler way to say it. Something like, "The only sound in the air was that of the computer humming idly and the cat scampering around the room."

"... nearly causing him to jump out of his seat." What seat? Last we heard, he was fixing a snack. Maybe he sat down, but you never told us specifically, so...

“You know…I always thought the French never got involved in war, because they never won any, isn’t that right Paris?”. I'm confused. Is Alex actually French? Because if he's not, the fact that they never won a war isn't exactly relevent. And next he says that his name is Alex, and to get it right, except his last name is Paris, and it's acceptable to call someone by their last name... Basically, I think this would work better if A) Alex was actually French, or B) You came up with a different snarky comment.

"You remember that time they threw us in the dumpster, that’s just revenge for that, did I mention that the alarm I pulled activated the sprinklers?”
Should be: "You remember that time they threw us in the dumpster? It was just revenge for that. Did I mention that the alarm I pulled activated the sprinklers?"

Lots of punctuation errors...

Far be it from me to question a man's opinion of Bieber, but the little paragraph bashing him doesn't seem to be relevent (unless Justin Bieber turns out to be a crucial aspect of this story), it feels unprofessional, and you might end up ticking off readers who actually like Bieber. I would cut that section. Maybe not the mention of twelve year olds wanting his CD, but the stuff that comes afterward.

“So, how do you think you did in classes dude?” Ozzy asked, moving back to his chair. “Yep I think they went pretty damn well..." No yep. That's not an appropriate response to the question.

I, personally, don't care for profanity. That may just be me, and it's up to you what you want to do with it. I realize that some people use it in their writing, use it for character development, whatever. But in this... There seems to be a lot of unnecessary swearing, along with unnecessary 'yeah', 'yup', and 'yeseree's... And 'Meh's. Which could get annoying pretty fast.

After this interaction between the two boys, you suddenly launch us into three paragraphs of pure 'telling'. Summarizing about their lives, including things that we've already been able to infer from the stuff that came before. Earlier, it felt like we were seeing this place from the MC's point of view, and then suddenly you give us a narrator? If I were you, I'd take the new information from those 'telling' paragraphs and incorporate it more smoothly. Have them ask each other about how things are going with their parents, or something. Or have the MC reminice a little, maybe, but... The way you have it now isn't good. :(

"Whoa…Cosplay much?" Yes, your MC is a nerd, so he's gonna know about terms like Meh, and Cosplay, and other stuff like that. But there are probably going to be at least a few readers who aren't familiar with those terms...

"The man smirked slightly, bringing up a hand to brush the white hair from his face, before pulling the hood back down again." But Jaden wouldn't know this, because he happens to be running for his life. Right now, I'm still getting the feeling that Jaden and some nameless, all-knowing narrator are fighting for control of this story... I'm also getting the vibe that I'm reading a comic book. Not necessarily a bad thing, and yet... :[

"Ozzy skidded to a stop in front of Jaden, sending a big enough wave of slush his way to cause Jaden to jump out of the way to avoid it." Unlikely. Unless he's a water-bender, Avatar-style. Or unless he's riding some kind of vehicle. Maybe a little slush will cover Jaden's shoes, spatter his ankles, but he's not going to jump out of its way. Coming down from a jump would just spatter more slush.

"Bat Bitter" ... What kind of nickname is that? Legit question. Is there a story behind this?

Again, Jaden and a narrator are struggling for control in the narration. You keep giving us names of characters before they've introduced themselves. Later I got a little of Fey's POV, too.

Yes, yes, we get it. House is creepy. Girl is goth.

"Fey gagged, mimicking the motions of throwing up." Same thing. Just say she pretended to gag.

Your car alarms went off like three times...

He takes her hand to lead her out, just assuminng that this girl he just met is going to come along?

So they didn't notice the weird guy running alongside Jaden?

The guy with the white hair hasn't really done anything to Jaden. Jaden saw him in an alleyway, freaked out and ran to hide under the covers. And then he ran past Jaden's bike, which I guess could be freaky. But it's not really harrassing...

This could be a good story, but it needs some work. A lot of work. On top of everything else, it's really long, and it takes quite a while for the action to start picking up. The POV is inconsistant, there are a lot of punctuation errors which distract from the piece as a whole...

I wouldn't give up on it, necessarily, but I do think this needs quite a bit of revising. :]

Keep writing. :)
"Pay Attention. Pay Close Attention to everything, everything you see. Notice what no one else notices, and you'll know what no one else knows. What you get is what you get. What you do with what you get is more the point. -- Loris Harrow, City of Ember (Movie)

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Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:56 am
JerethePaladin says...

Man, it's been a while since i last checked back here! I feel a bit bad, falling off the face of the world for practically two months. But hey, now that school is finished and the summer is on i can get back into the swing of my summer routine. I will have to thank the email i got Nate for reminding me about the YWS. Needless to say i shall be taking silentpages' advice to heart as i go to work on editing this!. As of right now, the story has been changed slightly, so there will be much to worked on! I'll upload the fixed version once i get done with it, though i feel i should address some of her comments right now.

1.many of your recommendations I've gone though and cleaned up my story with.

2. I'll be fixing the "telling" part of my story as soon as i can, probably later today, seeing as it's almost 1 in the morning here.

3. "Bat Biter" is Ozzy's nickname cus Ozzy Osborn, as we all know, bit the head off a Bat. Also, It's part of Ozzy's character to hate Beiber, but I'll tone that down a bit.

4. Drummond (the white haired man) has been fleshed out significantly.

Though, i may be mistaken, would i just replace the story as it is, or would i create a "redux" thread...you'll have to pardon me is i said something stupid, like i said, been two months since i was here last.

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Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:46 am
JerethePaladin says...

And now for part two, Que epic music and applause!

Chapter 5 Drummond

Drummond took his boot off of Jaden's neck, lifting up up by the back of his shirt as Jaden quickly rushed back over to the safety of his friends. Clayton quickly approached the man, he honestly didn’t care how this stranger acted. “Hey wait; you’re the guy who broke Paris’ nose!” Clayton said, Drummond looking at him curiously. “If you’re talking about the whelp that insulted me, then you are correct” He said, looking down as he adjusted the guards on his arms.
Ozzy, upon hearing Dylan’s plight, grinned wickedly as he walked up to Drummond, putting a hand out. “Sir, let’s just say you are one awesome dude!” Ozzy said, Jaden covering his face with his palm, as he sighed and shook his head. Drummond took Ozzy’s hand into his own, giving it a firm shake. “If you say so…I guess.” He replied. Ozzy winced a bit, feeling a slight pain in his hand. It was about this time that he noticed that the man had some sort of spiked caps 0ver his fingertips.

Fey was very curious of this stranger, his garb seemed to reflect that of old London, though at the same time, it did not. Jaden looked up from his palm, before a thought flashed into his mind. What had happened earlier, before he went into Fey’s apartment, and the Voice that had plagued his mind. Jaden slowly approached the man, a bit afraid of getting his arm twisted behind his back again. He mustered his courage, before saying. “What is the Voice?”

Drummond looked up at him, his yellow eyes having a perplexed look to them. “I am not sure what you mean by that…” Drummond said, walking towards the group. He would think for a moment, before saying, “ Though, there is…a lot that one can learn, just by first impressions.” He turned towards Clayton, those yellow eyes staring him over, unblinking. “I can tell your friend here is a leader, and has the strength behind him to prove that”, Drummond said, before slowly walking towards Fey. Clayton was surprised, the man was able to read him like a book. Drummond eyed Fey over, a rather curious look in his eyes this time, mainly because Fey looked like she wanted to bash his face in. “I can tell, that she is strong willed, with a heart of steel, Though, I can tell she has a caring side as well, I would advise all of you never to piss her off…ever.”, Drummond said, taking a step back as he turned towards Ozzy. Fey smirked a bit, it was true, all of it, especially the part about the not pissing her off.

Drummond took one quick look at Ozzy, sighing softly as he shook his head. “I can tell your friend here has a quick wit, though his mind seemed to be in the clouds”, Drummond said, brushing some of the hair from his face. Ozzy blinked, thinking to himself. I have my head where? Jaden seemed to snicker to himself, from what he could tell, this stranger had guessed correctly, especially the last part about Ozzy.

Drummond walked up towards Jaden lastly, but before he could inspect him, Jaden said one quick thing, “You seem to be able to read us like books, yet you have yet to reveal yourself to us…so tell me stranger, what’s your name? Where did you come from?” Drummond raised an eyebrow, it seemed as if Jaden was more then met the eye. “My origins are not important right now, my name is Drummond, Drummond Sorogam…and you my friend, are an interesting case to read”, He said, looking over his shoulders at the others. Jaden blinked, it was a strange name for someone to have, but the fact nothing specific was said is what baffled him.

Drummond seemed to smirk faintly, before moving towards the crater again. “It would be ideal to advice you all to vacate the area, there is nothing else to see here this night”, He said, his voice stern, his eyes continuing to examine the space rock. Jaden and the others had no complaints there, this had turned out to be a strange night indeed. Jaden rubbed his eyes, stretching as he looked up at the expanse of blackness and stars above him, sighing softly. Ozzy, Clayton, and Fey were already headed back to the Camaro when Jaden finally turned around to leave, before Drummond said to him. “Jaden, wait.”

Jaden turned around, blinking a bit. “How do you know my…”, he started, before Drummond cut him off. “Describe this...”Voice” you spoke of earlier”, Drummond said, sounding both serious, and curious at the same time. Jaden rolled his shoulders a bit. “Umm…warped, feminine, it sounded upset, though it soon turned spiteful”, Jaden explained, not exactly sure where Drummond was going with this. “Strange…”, Drummond muttered to himself, scratching the white stubble that was on the tip of his chin, obviously in a deep state of thought.

“If you hear this…”Voice” again, I want you to contact me immediately, hearing voices is never a good thing.”, Drummond said, getting up off the ground, moving to adjust the guards that were on his hands. For a moment, Jaden was able to see the skin underneath the guards, surprised to see the color of the skin under them was a very golden yellow, as if they had been bathed in paint. He said nothing though, after a quick thought, he asked, “How will I be able to contact you?”

Drummond reached into his pocket, taking a card from it as he handed it to Jaden. On it was an address written in ink. “That is the temporary apartment I have rented for the time being, if anything else transpires, I want you to go there and tell me exactly what happened, and I mean it now” , Drummond said, his eyes narrowed, He sounded serious, very serious.

Jaden slowly nodded, shrugging some before turning back, walking away from the man as he slowly got back onto his bike, revving it before he took off into the night. He kept his head down, biting his tongue to keep himself from falling asleep as he made his way home.

As soon as he got home, he collapsed on his bed, already half asleep as he started to snore, obviously too tired for anything else. Star mewed at him curiously, before she jumped up on top of him, sitting on his chest as she batted at his face, peering at him.
~Meanwhile, back at Eisenhower Park~
“Dammit!” Drummond spat, covered in dust and blood, his own blood. His yellow eyes glared at the treetops, scanning them for any other assailant. “A scout!” He said to himself, swearing under his lips as he continued to scan the treetops. How they had found their way to this place was far beyond him, but he knew this was only the first few drops of rain, before the thunderstorm.

Jaden tossed and turned on his bed, sweating heavily as he panted, squirming under his cat as he was obviously distressed. Star purred at him, unsure what was wrong as she continued to prod at his face. Jaden whimpered in his sleep, his voice hoarse and scared, only two words coming out of his lips. “No….no….”

Chapter 6 Jaden’s Dream.

“No…” Jaden muttered to himself, his eyes wide in disbelief. He stood atop a destroyed building, staring over what remained of Denver. The sun was eclipsed, casting a red shadow over the city. Buildings were in ruins, cars were crashed into each other, windows were smashed, the whole city was all but razed. Jaden couldn’t believe his eyes, his mouth gaping as he continued to stare. The streets were running red with blood, the gored remains of the unknown littering the streets.

The next thing he knew, Jaden was on the streets,freaking out as he jumped onto the sidewalk. “What in the world happened here?”, Jaden said out loud still not believing what he was seeing. “Hello!?” Jaden called out; looking around the area he was in. The sound that responded to him sent shivers up his spine, as a warped voice called out. “Jaden…” He turned around, looking behind him, his hands balled into fists, ready to fight off anything that was coming his way, before it hit him.

A sharp pain, like a flaming dagger striking his brain, hit him. He cursed loudly as he grabbed his head, biting his tongue to try and stifle the pain to no avail. The pain lashed out again and again, each flare caused him to break more and more, the pain growing too great as a single tear rolled down his cheek, the pain growing unbearable. The harrowing voice called out again. This time sounding much closer, though strangely, it sounded sad. “Don't you remember the good times we had Jaden?”

The question had caught him off-guard, the harrowing voice scaring him again, the same voice from the record player. The pain had immediately ceased. Jaden opened his eyes, he realized that he was no longer in the streets, but now he was in a park, Eisenhower Park. He turned, seeing that the park was bare, the gnarled remains of trees dotting the area, over a charred and barren field. It took Jaden a moment, but he noticed that the ground was cracked, many large craters coating it, many remains of meteors covering it.

Jaden’s mind immediately flashed to what had happened yesterday, the meteor that had crashed down into Eisenhower Park, and that run in with “Drummond”. Something compelled him to walk forward, his curiosity growing as he slowly approached the center of the park. A figure stood in the center of it, taller than anybody Jaden had ever seen, his body obscured in shadow. “Hey!” Jaden yelled, climbing over the fallen remains of a tree as he ran forward, jumping gaps as he rushed towards the figure.
The man turned towards Jaden; Jaden stopped in his tracks, nearly tripping himself up as he started to stagger backwards, his face filled with terror. The stranger was still obscured in shadows, but his face was visible. A twisted visage, his skin blackened and cracked, a crimson red light shining though the cracks. His eyes were the most cruel, vile things he had ever seen in the world. The man started to walk towards Jaden, his speed picking up. Jaden didn’t have anything to defend himself, as he continued to back pedal, fearing his life.
All the sudden the man flew forward in a burst of speed, Jaden thought he could just barely see the traces of black, bat like wings on the man’s back. Jaden staggered backwards, bringing up his arms to defend himself. He felt the rush of wind, knocking him off his feet; but when he opened his eyes, he wasn’t in the park anymore. He wasn’t anywhere any more, just in an abyss of blackness. The ground under him felt solid, so Jaden slowly got back to his feet, only seeing blackness around him.

“Jaden, why did you hurt me?” The voice said again, sounding more and more questioning. Jaden turned around immediately, only to fall backwards on his rear, staring up at the sky above. Eyes, MASSIVE eyes. One was a golden color, and the other one was grey, both of them fixated on him. The skin that was around them was a sickly purplish reddish color.. Jaden was terrified; the eyes grew larger by the second. “You shall pay for abandoning me Jaden!” The voice said, the mood changing as the voice now sounded spiteful. “What did I ever do to you!?” Jaden yelled out to the blackness, obviously afraid.

The voice rang forth in cruel laughter, Jaden growing more and more afraid by the second. “Don’t tell me you have forgotten about me Jaden. I know you remember what you did!” The voice exclaimed, the voice losing its childishness, growing very very cruel and vile.

It was about this time, that Jaden felt something compress to his face, though there was nothing there. He tried to breathe, but every time he tried to breathe in, he felt as if something was being pressed against his face. Every time he exhaled, he was met with resistance, but he was able to exhale after a second or two. He couldn’t breathe, he panicked, trying to reach up to pry whatever it was off of his face, but there was nothing there.

He started to sweat, his exhales becoming more and more ragged as he started to feel weak. The eye remained staring at him unblinking, the voice had fallen silent. With all the might he had left. He opened his mouth, and shouted as loud as he could.

Chapter 7 Curiosity.

Star was launched from where she was sleeping, the cat landing at the foot of the bed face first. Star looked up, turning towards Jaden as she meowed. Jaden was breathing heavily, now leaning up as he gripped his chest. He stared at his cat, tasting the cat hair on his mouth. “Damn it star…” Jaden said, spitting some of the cat hair from his mouth as he rubbed his face, taking a deep breath in, before letting it out. Star, not exactly happy about being “Cat-apulted” across the bed, jumped off the bed as she shot out of the room.

Jaden pulled the blinds aside, met with the dim lights of dawn. He sighed a bit, reaching over to his side for his cell as he began dialing Ozzy’s number as he walked towards the living room flicking on the TV as he took a seat to watch the morning news. The usual was on at this time, the weather report for the day. Today was going to be snowing, no surprise, and that there would be a blizzard this afternoon; apparently Ozzy and him were right.

Ozzy wasn’t picking up on his cell, Jaden sighed shaking his head, before a slam at the door brought him to his senses. Jaden rushed to his bedroom making himself decent, before he rushed towards the door, lifting the viewfinder to see who it was. Expecting it to be Ozzy, Clayton, or even Fey, Jaden was surprised, more or less terrified when he saw the curly red hair of Paris, followed by his cruel eyes. Jaden didn’t dare open the door, no matter how much he wanted to throttle him. Dylan slammed on the door again, much harder this time; Jaden thought he would practically try and break the door down. Jaden closed his eyes, balling his fists as he tried to release his anger, not wanting to throw the door open and get his ass kicked.

Jaden forced himself to check the viewfinder again, this time noticing Dylan was gone. He calmed down a bit, letting out a heavy sigh, before going back to cleaning the place up, his work area was cluttered with old and broken parts, and his kitchen was a disaster. Jaden went to work cleaning up his kitchen; he didn’t have any clients this day so he was free for the day. After about 30 minutes of clearing the kitchen, washing dishes, putting them up, and so on, Jaden had gone back to his bedroom, and stretched a bit, before grabbing his stripped hoodie from his closet. He pulled the hoodie on, running a hand through his hair before he started for the door, grabbing his wallet and his keys.

Jaden opened the door, looking left, then right, making sure Paris was truly gone, before he closed the door behind him. Jaden, for a moment, had flashed back to the dream he had only the few hours ago, that large eyes disturbing him greatly. He remembered what Drummond had said, quickly walking back inside to fish the address out of his pocket of the pants he was wearing yesterday. He looked the address over. “19485 N. Kingston drive”, Jaden muttered to himself, brushing some of the hair from his face as he pocketed the slip of paper and rushed outside.

Indeed, the weatherwoman had been right. There was already a good inch of snow on the ground right now. Jaden smirked as he saw a few teenagers throwing snow at each other, occasionally having to duck out of the way as a snowball whizzed by his head. The snowplows had already done their work, which made it easy to get through the streets. Jaden mounted his motorcycle, brushing some of the snow off of it, as he turn the key and pulled into the street. Jaden always liked the winter, but he always hated the cold, it was a very paradoxical relationship. He followed behind the SUV that was in front of him, silently scanning the streets for Kingston.

As soon as he found the street, he pulled into it, but was surprised at what he saw. Apparently this “Kingston Drive” was an abandoned street, most of the houses along it were old and dilapidated, though they did not appear to be the “sardine cans” that he had seen from mostly old neighborhoods. Most of the houses along this drive looked to be old “Victorian” styled, most of the houses painted in darker colors, greys and blacks.

Jaden shuddered as he rode up to the address, his eyes scanning for muggers and such. He stopped, putting the kickstand down outside the house. Jaden immediately noticed that this house wasn’t in as bad of shape as the others, this one looked fixed up. He took the key from the bike as he walked up to the house. There was a rusty gate in the way, but when Jaden pushed on it, it came off it’s hinges, crashing to the ground. Jaden jumped back, half expecting for some old crazy lady to come running out of the house, yelling at him to “get off her lawn”.

He stepped over the fallen gate, slowly moving up the pathway to the front door. He was surprised to see that the door was already opened. He cautiously opened the door the rest of the way, slowly walking into the entry way. The room was painted black, the walls lined with pictures and candles, all the candles lit. There looked to be little to no electric lights in the house, from what he had seen, all the light came from lit candles.

“Drummond?” , Jaden called out, looking around the room. He turned into what looked like a living room, but was surprised at what he saw. Cloth, covering the whole room. Unaltered, just big sheets of cloth. Something seemed…off, though. He slowly moved towards the room full of cloth. The material was lavishly ornate, cloth of various colors and design. He slowly moved to pick up a small, grey piece of cloth, silently looking it over. It felt soft to the touch, like cashmere, but at the same time, it felt strong, like woven iron. “What in the world?” Jaden muttered to himself, thinking for a moment, before pocketing the strange cloth.

“Drummond?” Jaden called out again, slowly moving from the room full of cloth, slowly moving into another room. This one darkened, barely anything visible. From the looks of it, the walls bare, only a single piece of furniture of the room. Sitting on the table in front of the room, was the slightest glint of metal. Jaden raised an eyebrow, reaching over to grab a candle off the wall, before slowly moving into the room. He slowly approached where he saw the glimmering of metal, holding the candle up close to it.

He realized that he was looking at a pair of guards, metal guards. Jaden blinked slowly inspecting the metal hand pieces. He could see a sort of design etched into the metal, swirling loops and writing in some sort of language he did not recognize. His curiosity growing, he slowly reached out, grazing a fingertip against the metal. Almost immediately he pulled his hand back, cursing at himself. It had felt as if he had stuck his finger into an electrical outlet. He held his fingers, biting his tongue as he set the candle down on the table.

He saw the red burn on his finger tip, where he had touched it to the guard. He continued to curse to himself, obviously annoyed that he had done something stupid. “You really should knock you know…” Drummond’s voice said, Jaden nearly jumping out of his skin as he looked around. He noticed a chair in the far corner of the room, a pair of legs illuminated by the bit of candle light he had. “Drummond…?”, Jaden slowly said, swallowing a bit as he turned towards where he had heard the voice coming from.

“Please, don’t come any closer.”, Drummond said, his voice obviously sounding distress. Jaden stopped in his tracks, fearing why Drummond wouldn’t want him any closer. “Why have you come?” Drummond voice said again, sounding dire. “What are the Eyes, Drummond?”, Jaden asked, unsure. “The eyes??”, Drummond asked, obviously confused.
Over the next few minutes, Jaden explained what he had seen in his dream, the destroyed Denver, what he had seen in the park, the voice, and the eye. Drummond nodded slowly, still hidden within the darkness. “Your case is a curious one, Jaden. It is possible you have had a vision of what the future may hold.” Drummond said, immediately getting up from the chair as he pushed past Jaden. Jaden caught sight of the areas on Drummond’s arms that were usually covered, and like the previous night, he noticed that they were a sickly golden color, as if someone had dripped them in neon yellow paint.

“What do you mean by vision? You don’t think that’s actually going to happen, do you? I mean, It was just a dream after all…right? I mean, it's not like how that one crazy pastor said the rapure was going to happen that one day back in 2011, right?” Jaden said, following behind Drummond as he put both of those metal guards on. He turned towards the room filled with cloth, shutting the door behind him. Jaden blinked, something was obviously up. He noticed that there was a small keyhole in the door. Curiously, he knelt down as he held the candle as close as he could to the door without burning his face as he peered inside. From what it looked like, Drummond was doing some sort of weaving, pulling string from somewhere as he started to weave it into the cloth.

Jaden blinked, he guessed that was where all the cloth had come from, but something seemed up. Is that string….glowing? He looked again, indeed, the string he was weaving had a soft white glow to it, and so did the cloth that he weaved it into. Something else seemed weird. From what he remembered from books he had read, books about history for school, that when it came to weaving cloth, you needed something called a “loom”. But from the looks of it, there was only just Drummond, and cloth in there, nothing that even resembled a “loom”.

Jaden backed away from the door, obviously something was up, and Jaden wasn’t sure what to think. He continued to back away, before something tripped him. Jaden sprawled on his back, the candle he was holding went out. “What in the hell?”, Jaden muttered to himself, getting up as he looked at what he had tripped over. A book, a medium sized book. From the looks of it, it must have been at least at least a few hundred pages long.

For the second time that day, Jaden uttered the words, “What in the world?” He slowly reached down to pick up the book. It was covered in a thin layer of dust. After blowing the dust off of it, the cover read. “The Archivist Writings”. Jaden blinked, only having to assume that it was one of those books that authors wrote to explain what happened in their world.

The door creaked as the doorknob started to turn. Jade freaked out, immediately shoving the book into his pocket as he got back to his feet. Drummond emerged from the room filled with cloth, a dire look on his face. He immediately walked up to Jaden, grabbing him by the front of his shirt. “Jaden, I need you to listen to me, and listen to me well.”, Drummond said, his yellow eyes locked onto him. Jaden slowly nodded as Drummond continued. “I fear that you may have had a vision of the future, and if that is the case…These “episodes” you have been having, I need to know where they are going.

Jaden was baffled, It was only a dream, a really…awkward dream, and Drummond was making it sound like that whole crazy 2012 thing. “Y…yeah…I hear yea dude…”, Jaden stammered out, Drummond letting go of him as he slowly stepped back. “You should…be going now, I have much to attend to…” Drummond said, motioning towards the door. Jaden swallowed, nodding as he started for the door, exiting the strange house.

It would be about an hour before Jaden would get back home. Still early in the morning, he pulled into his parking spot, making sure the brake locks were on before he started to walk back towards his apartment building. Once inside, he quickly took the cloth and the book from his pockets, setting them on the table in the living room as he took a seat on the couch, scratching his chin as he inspected the two items.

“Glowing cloth and this weird “Archivist Writings” book…what is he up to…” Jaden muttered to himself as he reached out and picked up the cloth. Something rather, random, popped into his head. Setting the cloth down, he quickly moved towards the kitchen, grabbing a pair of scissors as he took his seat back at the couch, taking hold of the cloth as he opened the scissors, before closing them down on the cloth.

What happened next, surprised even him. The scissors clamped down onto the cloth, and snapped at the joint. Jaden had felt as if he were trying to cut diamonds. He immediately let go of the scissors, blinking as he took a step back. What the hell is this stuff? He grabbed the two halves of the scissors and tossed them in the trash, before turning towards the book. Picking it up, he noticed that a few pages of the book were dog ear folded.

Being the curious guy that Jaden was, he turned towards the first dog ear folded page, only to recoil back in horror. On the first dog ear folded page, was the most terrifying thing he had ever seen.

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16 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 899
Reviews: 16
Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:01 am
SerenityCross says...

Very Cool. Can't wait to read more. You have some punctuation errors, but the rest is cool.
Trust is like a mirror, able to be fixed if broken, but you can still see the cracks.

Writing is a form of personal freedom. It frees us from the identity we see in the making all around us. In the end, writers will write not to be outlaw heroes but to save themselves, to survive as individuals.

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Gender: Male
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Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:02 pm
JerethePaladin says...

Chapter 8 The Archivist Writings

It was some sort of life, but it’s body was mangled and twisted. It’s grey flesh was twisted, many large, red cracks all along it’s skin. The thing’s “mouth” was a gaping maw, lined with the most twisted, vile teeth he had ever seen; and it’s claws were long and sharp.

Jaden, remembering that it was just a picture, slowly moved back towards the thing, looking at the opposite page as he silently read the passage to himself.

A demon is the, manifestation of greed, wrath, and corruption. A demon is a creature without morals or virtues. The demon is the opposite of the celestial, who are bearers of good and light. Spawns of the void, they answer to only the Devourer. The demon is the true meaning of evil, there is no evil greater. The war against the evils of Doronin has been going on for the last thousand years, since the twin creators created the world and all that was good and light, and the Devourer created evil and shadow.

Jaden had no doubt that this was just an author’s encyclopedia of his or her writings, simple as that. He was a science fiction reader, not a fantasy reader. He laughed slightly at the writing, but something was egging him to read on further. He turned to the next dog ear folded page, this time coming across another full page picture, but this one didn’t scare him at all.

The picture was that of what looked like five people, it was a pencil sketch, from far away. The five central figures were surrounded by many more figures, standing within a large city like landscape. The skies above were shining down light, and what looked like…”Angels?” floated over them. From what he could tell, from the rough sketch, was that one of the centurial five figures was female, based on proportions, the other four were males. This one was not colored, just a pencil sketch. One that looked to have been done rather quickly.

Jaden turned towards the attention of the article about the image, his curiosity growing. His eyes came down to the title, this time he read to himself out loud, his voice quiet as his cat, which was also growing curious, jumped up onto the side of the couch next to him.

The Guardians.

The guardians are said to be humans that have taken on the aspects of the celestials. Said to be born of Nobel birth, each of the guardians was granted special powers of the light above. Each one was a hero of their place in the world: Raywin Shadestep, Bladedancer of the forests of Yore; Kammertan the Strong, Pyromancer of the western deserts of Isis; Caliphor Skyshatterer, Electromancer of the Northern Mountains; Jesuin Stillblade, Paladin of the central City of Lore; Drummond Sorogam, Soulweaver of the Undercroft. The guardians are believed to be part of the prophecy that depicts the fall of the Devouerer, and shall bring peace to the lands of Doronin.

Jaden couldn’t believe what he was reading. “Drummond…Sorogam?”, He said out loud, reading the page again to make sure he had read the page correctly. Jaden started to think that this “Drummond Sorogam” he had met in the flesh must have just been a reverse Mary Sue or something, a dude that’s pretending to be character in a book, instead of a dude writing himself into a book. He shrugged the thought from his head, turning the page to the next dog ear folded page, nearing the end of the book.

There were no pictures on this page, only words. Something seemed off though,t his page was barely holding onto the book, it was ripped, and burned, as if it had been altered. The only true thing that was undamaged and readable was the title

The Celestials

Jaden was growing more and more curious, as if something had lifted the cloth from his gaze. There was only one dog ear fold left, but something was up. He immediately turned to the page, only to find the page, and it’s picture ripped out, the numbers on the pages that were up there were 1038, and 1042, there were two pages missing. He sighed, closing the book as he glanced over at his cat, who for the last few minutes had been pawing at his arm trying to get his attention.

Jaden picked the cat up, staring at it. “What do you think Star? Am I going mad, or is this all just a strange series of coincidences?”, He asked his cat, not expecting an answer, before he set his cat back down on the table in front of him.
It was about this time, that he heard something, something in the back of his head. A giggling, from a voice that sounded all too familiar. He immediately got to his feet, his eyes going wide as he immediately looked around, his hands balled into fists. Now it was starting to haunt him in broad daylight.

“What do you want from me!? What did I ever do to you!?” Jaden said out loud, his eyes darting from side to side. “Tag, you’re it!”, the voice in his head said. Jaden blinked, not expecting those words to be said at all; before something caught his eye. A shadow, moving across the wall, though nothing was there. It was a large, obvious shadow, though it was near impossible to tell what it was. Something was telling him not to go near it, but his gut said otherwise.

Jaden started after the shadow, walking at first. The shadow got to his door, before slinking under it.
Jaden slowly opened the door, walking into the hallway. The shadow was there, and still on the move. It crept down the hall, continuing to elude the geek as he continued to follow behind it. Something was up, something bad was up. The shadow crossed the street, Jaden continuing to follow it, dodging cars as many of the motorists yelled out their windows at him. He didn’t care now; all that mattered right now was seeing where this thing would go.

The shadow turned a corner, slipping down an alleyway, Jaden still in hot pursuit. The shadow suddenly shot forward like a rocket, Jaden having to sprint behind it to keep up. The shadow shot forward in a straight line, through debris and bystanders, causing him to dodge and weave his way through the sidewalk. It had felt as if he had been sprinting after this thing for at least thirty minutes before it finally slowed down.

Jaden was gasping for breath at this time, barely stumbling as he dropped to his hands and knees, his eyes closed as he wheezed for breath. It was this time that a sharp stab of pain shot though his brain, embedding it ‘self in there as the pain continued, uncontrollably. Jaden gritted his teeth, choking back the tears as he bit his tongue, trying to stifle the pain. The same mocking laughter would fill his mind, the shocks of pain continuing to shoot through his body.
Jaden couldn’t take it anymore, immediately getting to his feet, he roared out, “Come out and face me you Bitch!” It was this time that Jaden realized he wasn’t on the streets anymore, instead, he was in a room, a large enclosed space. There was nothing in this room, nothing but a pure blackness.

Chapter 9, Darkness from the past.

Jaden cursed to himself, his eyes quickly glancing around the darkened room.. “Enough with these games. I don’t know who or what you are, but leave me alone!”, Jaden yelled again, his blood boiling. There was another strike of pain, bringing him to his knees as he held his head in pain, his eyes clenched shut. “Silence! …You hurt me Jaden…why did you hurt me?”, The voice said, at first sounding spiteful, but what the voice added sounded lamenting to him.

He opened his eyes again, horrified at what he saw. The eyes, the eyes had returned. they stared at him, embedded in the wall in front of him, their sickly veins pulsed as they stared, unblinking at him. “What are you…?” Jaden said, too scared to yell. He would think for a moment, before he reached up and pinched his shoulder.

He winced a bit as he felt the pain, but the scene before him did not go away, he was definitely awake. A closed mouth laugh filled the air. Jaden gritted his teeth. “Don’t you get it? Everything I have done, I’ve done for you Jaden. We shared a bond with each other; and how did you repay me? You cast me away, into a cold, dark abyss.” The voice said again, the eyes becoming more and more vein covered by the minute.

“What the hell are you talking about!? What bond, I’ve never even seen or heard you in my life!”, Jaden exclaimed, growing more and more pissed by the second. Before either him, or the eye could respond, there was a great flash of light. Jaden turned quickly to where the flash had come from, and the eye finally took its gaze off of Jaden, turning to stare at the portal.

It was a great white portal, the center of it a churning amount of light. A second would pass, before an all too familiar face appeared from it. “Williams!” Drummond yelled as he rushed into the room, stopping by Jaden as it turned towards the eyes. “Drummond! How did you find…” Jaden started, before Drummond held up “The Archivist Writings”. “You shouldn’t take things that dont belong to you” Unlike Jaden though, Drummond was by no means afraid.

“Who are you, and what is your purpose here!” Drummond said, taking a few steps forward. The eyes would widen, attempting to send a dagger of pain through the man’s head, but Drummond did not falter. “Again I ask you, what are you doing here, why are you tormenting this man?” Drummond said, his hands in his guards clenching slightly. The eyes would remain silent for the longest time, before finally speaking up, for both of them to hear. “Stay out of this Guardian, you have no place in this matter”

Jaden blinked as he looked at Drummond, remembering what he had read in “The Archivist Writings”, before he muttered to himself. “Wait…can’t be..” Drummond frowned slightly, continuing to stare the eye down. “If it truly isn’t my matter, you wouldn’t have to hide behind that retarded disguise, now show yourself for real, before I you right out of the wall” Drummond spoke, his voice full of threat and his eyes glaring. The eyes on the wall would remain silent for the longest time, before it would slowly sink back into the wall.

Drummond smirked to himself, turning towards Jaden as he grabbed him by the back of his shirt and tugged him to his feet. “C’mon, you’ve seen enough of this already.” Drummond said, cursing slightly under his breath as he dragged Jaden along. They would get only as far as the portal, before a booming sound filled the air. Immediately the two of them turned towards the source of the sound. A large, churning red maelstrom opened in the center of the room, red flashes of lightning sparking from the center of it, before a large, black figure slowly rose from the center of it, before it slowly came to light, floating over the top of the maelstrom, before it slowly closed, back into solid ground as the figure landed.

The figure looked to be human like, but that was where the similarities ended. The woman’s’ skin was a sickly purple, from head to toe. The…thing, was about a foot and a half taller than Jaden. The woman was wearing what appeared to be a black, skin tight outfit, that covered most all but her head, part of her arms, her midriff, and a leg, Everywhere else covered with the black material. At the shoulders, hips, and elbows, large curved spikes of the material curved back, as if only to accentuate the choice of clothing. The woman’s face contained both a gold eye, and a black eye, but most perplexing, was the third, sideways eye that was in the center of her forehead. It was much larger than the other eyes, but on second look, it was actually some sort of crown, silver runes etched onto the sides of it. The figure’s hair was two toned, white and black. The woman’s lips where a pale blue, along with some sort of red and black angular tattoo that where under her eyes. But the most obvious feature, where the two, large bat like wings that where on the figure’s back, the main part of the wings where the same as her skin, but the webbing that was between the finger bones was a shade lighter. Both looked very, very powerful, as if one flap of them would send both Jaden and Drummond sprawling across the room.

Jaden, for lack of a better word, was terrified, but Drummond seemed unphased as he immediately rushed towards the woman. “Be gone temptress! You have no place here!” Drummond yelled, gritting his teeth slightly. The clear gems on his guards became a bright gold, before something, even Jaden didn’t know happened. Four “blades” immediately took form around the man’s guard, three of them going alongside the top of his hands in a tri point form, with a curved blade that went over his palm and wrist, only looking to add a decorative appeal to it. Jaden was curious, and all the previous thoughts of this guy being a “Cosplay loving Fanboy” were out the window.

The figure would give a closed mouth smirk, slowly folding her arms over her chest. “My issue is not with you, Soulweaver. “ The woman said, her voice filled to the brim with threat. Drummond gritted his teeth, before rushing forward, hands outstretched as he clenched his fists. The figure frowned, raising a hand as a wave of dark energy shot forth, heading straight towards Drummond. He seemed to “phase out” of the attack, reappearing from where the wave was previously. Jaden dived out of the way as the energy crashed into the wall behind him, scattering dark sparks of energy around the room.

Drummond phased out again, reappearing right in front of the figure as he swung and stabbed wildly with the weapons he had. The figure dodged all of the attacks gracefully, before catching him by the arm as her hand clamped down hard. Drummond cursed, the metal crushed around his arm as he was then thrown, landing on his back in front of Jaden. Jaden bit his tongue, staring back at the “thing”. Jaden cursed, forcing himself to step back towards the portal.
The figure immediately snapped her attention back towards him, Jaden freezing in place. “Finally…we are reunited Jaden.” The figure said, her voice cruel and full of malice. Jaden remained staring, terrified and fearing his very life. The figure seemed to frown, as if raising an eyebrow slightly. “Why are you staring at me like that? Surely you cannot have forgotten me” The woman said, her large bat like wings fluttering slightly. Jaden bit his tongue, his advances towards the portal growing more and more obvious. “Look into my eyes…and remember.” The figure said, her eyes going wide.

Jaden forced his eyes shut, stopping in his tracks, but some unseen force forced them open, his eyes staring directly into the figure’s. Immediately, it all came rushing back to him, his past, his childhood, it hurt, it burned. He dropped to his knees, grabbing his head as he swore heavily, yelling out in sheer agony. But as fast as it had come, it was done, the pain had subsided, but the memories remained. He slowly opened his eyes, staring up at the figure, his face filled with shock, and awe. Slowly getting to his feet, he finally spoke. “N…no…It…It cant be…”

Drummond groaned, slowly forcing himself up to his feet, the metal that was compacted onto his arm was bruising his sickly golden skin.

Jaden took a few steps forward, the look of shock and awe never leaving his face. “A…Azoria?” Jaden said slowly, his voice calm, yet the look in his eyes never left. Upon hearing the name, Drummond immediately forced himself to his feet, a look of disbelief on his face. “You KNOW her!?!” He yelled at him, the look of surprise and dread filling his face. “I…I do.” Jaden said slowly, though he had stopped moving forward, standing still. “Took you long enough…” Azoria said solemnly, her eyes staring directly at the two of them. Drummond was still in disbelief, staring back at Azoria. “So…you have replaced me I see…This “Bat biter” you call him…” She spoke, appearing to grin wickedly, showing a pair of decent sized fangs.

Immediately, Jaden snapped from his trance. “Leave Ozzy out of this! I’m sorry for what I’ve done, just please, leave him and the others out of this!” He exclaimed his eyes lost from the awe, now showing pure terror. Azoria grinned at him, before uttering the words. “Too Late.”

A second maelstrom opened up, this one on the ceiling, and glowing a feint black. There was abrupt, muffled shouting coming from above, before this friend came crashing down, right on top of him. “Ozz!”, Jaden grunted, pushing his friend off of him as he immediately got to his feet. Ozzy groaned slightly, Jaden having to grab him by the arm to pull him to his feet. “What the ‘effing hell Jaden!?”, Ozzy yelled at him, his eyes bleeding with anger. Jaden was still terrified, looking past his friend, at the still grinning face of Azoria. “What the freaking hell are you looking at man, one second im sitting in my bedroom working one my guitar the next...”, Ozzy started. Jaden interrupted him by grabbing his head as he turned him around towards Azoria.

Almost immediately the anger leaves his face, as sheer terror fills it, immediately turning around as he immediately started to step back, backing himself into a corner, before yelling “Who the freaking hell is that!?!” Azoria laughed mockingly, her voice filling the room. “So this worm is the one you replaced me with, Jaden?” Ozzy went wide eyed as he turned back towards Jaden. “You know her?” He asked, confused to the core

Drummond sighed, grunting as he pulled himself to his feet as he stepped between the two groups, his good hand hand slowly reaching behind him, into the satchel that was on his shoulder.

“Tell me then, if you truly are the one they called “Azoria”, then perhaps you could explain this.”, Drummond said, grabbing hold of something, within the satchel before whipping it out as it landed in front of her. For the first time since she showed up, her facial expression had changed. Azoria reeled back slightly, putting a hand up as she gasped, which came out as more of a hiss. On the ground in front of them was what looked like a mangled piece of grey flesh, but upon closer inspection, definite eyes would be noticeable, along with a snout, and a mouth, a snake like tongue impaled on one of its canines. Ozzy was clawing at the wall, trying to get out; but Jaden remained where he was. He had seen this thing before, in a picture.

“The Devourer has given up on Doronin, he’s set his sights here! “Drummond said, his hand stained with the black blood of the demon’s head. Ozzy blinked, turning towards Jaden, half asking, half joking, said. “Wait, when the hell did Galacticus turn real.” Jaden was in no mood for it, as he immediately hit Ozzy Over the head with a fist. “You idiot!”

Jaden’s head was spinning, obviously not there right now. Azoria saw this as a chance to claim her prize. With a major flap from both her wings, she blew Drummond off his feet, along with the others. Jaden cursed as he was knocked over, immediately getting back to his feet, right before he felt a hand clamp around the back of his jacket, lifting him completely off the ground, before he saw his friend and Drummond zoom back about ten feet.

Ozzy cursed, getting to his feet as he started to rush forward. “Let my bud go you batty bitch!” He yelled, his fists balled around his studded gloves. He would only get a few steps, before he felt something wrap around his body, stopping him in his tracks and pinning his arms to his side. He looked down to see a golden, ethereal chain around his body, looking behind him to see Drummond back on his feet, the chain coming directly from the undamaged metal guard that was around his arm. “Damn it kid! You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into!” Drummond yelled at Ozzy, his gold eyes flaring.

Azoria would give another closed mouth laugh, before it changed to a mocking laugh. Jaden continued to flail like a fish out of water, punching at air as he tried to get free. “If you value your lives, you shall let is go…” Azoria said, grinning malevolently as a new portal opened up, this one a blackish purple one, churning slowly. Drummond cursed, leaving Ozzy chained up as he slowly walked forward, staring up at the woman, before glancing over at the failing Jaden.
“What is her relation to you Williams…tell me.” Drummond said, his face stern, and his eyes serious. “ a little help would be nice!” Jaden yelled down, continuing to punch and kick at the air. “Tell me Williams damn it!” Drummond yelled at him, his voice growing more and more dire. “I…I knew her when I was a kid!” Jaden yelled, continuing to flail. Drummond blinked; it was all starting to make sense to him now. “Well then, I can’t let you leave with him then.”, Drummond said. His hands balled into fists as a new weapon shot from the guard along his undamaged hand, but instead of a golden blade, this one was dark, four jagged blades pointed forwards over his wrist, all of them glowing a dark black.

The chains around Ozzy finally Dissipated as he rushed towards the conflict. Azoria smirked, before holding up a hand. The room started to shake, the walls falling away to a bright light. Drummond rushed forward, stabbing widely with his good hand. Azoria dodged, but one of the attacks clipped Jaden’s leg. Almost immediately, a sharp stinging sensation shot though his leg. “Damn it Drummond!” Jaden said, biting his tongue at the pain.

The light was growing too bright, Drummond and Ozzy having to cover their eyes to avoid going blind. Jaden shut his eyes, trying to make the whole scene before him go away. The laughter of Azoria filled the air, before all became silent. Ozzy forced his eyes open, but was terrified of what he had seen.

Their surroundings had changed. Where there had been a darkened room, there was now barren trees, the ground covered with dirt and grass, and the sights of Eisenhower Park became apparent.

Drummond cursed as he punched at a tree, shaking many of the branches off of the trunk. He continued to swear and curse, using words even Ozzy didn’t know. He was mad as well, mad at whomever that “Azoria” thing was, and was fearing for his friend, before something glinting caught his eye. At Drummond feet, probably having fallen out of his satchel, was a large blue gem, with what looked like a yellow strike of lightning going through it. He cautiously reached down, careful to not let his hand get trampled on, as he grabbed ahold of the gem.

Drummond immediately turned around, horrified at what he saw. Ozzy was on his back, his body convulsing as electricity sparked from the gem. “Dammit!” Drummond swore, dropping to his knees as he grabbed ahold of the hand that had it’s grip around the gem, continuing to swear over and over. But as he was just about to pry the gem from his hand, Drummond was knocked back by a large surge of electricity, blowing him back almost a good twenty feet.
Drummond got back up, a surprised look in his eye as he started to walk back forward. Ozzy was still on his back, but he was no longer convulsing, the gem had disappeared from his grasp, though that hand that was holding it was bleeding.

“Can’t be…” Drummond gasped, his eyes still wide with surprised, a look of awe, and fear coating his whole face

And with that, part 1 of The Guardians is finished!

I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters.
— Solomon Short