
Young Writers Society

The beginning of a hope to be good story....

Are you intristead in reading the rest of the story?

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Wed Feb 14, 2007 10:01 pm
zenonian says...

plz refer to my new topic! thx!
Last edited by zenonian on Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:36 pm
TotalTrekkie says...

Wow! This story is awesome! I live for good Sci-Fi, and you just made me live a
couple more years. Have you ever considered watching Star Trek?

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Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:09 am
xtenx says...

First thing- about your poll....I wouldn't even bother with the poll, don't ever doubt yourself. Post, and keep posting without relying on other people to tell you. Writing is about YOU not everyone else. If you enjoy it, keep going. Never forget that.

Valdor heard a sound throught the small riged crackes on the front dore. It sounded like a high pitched yell. Varder soon determined that it was the crying of a baby. He got up from his chair at the table. As he crept closer to the door, the crying became louder. He slowly opened the door afraid of what might be on the other side.[b]

You spelled the character's name differently in this paragraph...you want to avoid those mistakes, especially in the beginning. Also, spell check! "Throught" is not a word. I know what you mean though...just keep in mind, spell check is essential!

He opened the door and seen nothing.

Opened the door and seen nothing? Make sure you keep your verb tenses the same in your story. He opened the door and saw nothing. Read it allowed if it helps.

He looked down. He was amazed at what was in front of his eyes. It was a human child! Valdor had never seen a human before. The human had eyes as blue and the ocean. His hair was as dark as night. He had pale like skin wich made him look more like an elf than any human has before. The baby had rounded ears wich was the first hint to Valdor that this child was human.

What is Valdor? You can answer this question without giving away too much about the plot. The beginning lead me to assume Valdor was a human, so this seemed almost sudden...I'm assuming an elf, but maybe I'm wrong? This prologue doesn't really hint either wa.

And you say the baby had dark hair like the night- keep in mind, newborns don't have much hair. How old is this baby? And you said "made him look more like an elf than any human has before." You should say "than any human had before". Keep your verb tenses the same- is it in past tense, or present? Pick one, and don't switch. I would reccomend the past.

Also, "wich" is not correct- you mean "which". Spell check again! I won't mention spelling again in this review, but keep it in mind. It won't take long, but it will help you tremendously.

He picked up the baby that was laying in wooden craddle made of red oak. It looked as if the touch of God was on the basket. The basket what intwined with red lace and obviously made by a master craftman. He took the basket inside along with the babby. The child had stopped crying now and his father stood at the south end of the dinning table looking with amusement. The father asked Valdor what he had picked up from on the porch.

"picked up the baby that was..." should be "picked up the baby who was". That's an easy mistake to make though, I do similar things alllll the time. You mention God in this paragraph- I don't know what the plot will be, but remember- if you mention God, I'm going to assume there is some religion involved in the story. Don't mention God at all if it's irrelevant.

This is also the paragraph that you begin saying "the father asked"...Instead of this, you should just insert dialogue. Don't tell us, let the characters tell us!

The father inspected the child. Instantly Valdor's father know that the baby was not of the elven race. The father asked if Valdor knew anything of the parents or who left the baby on the poarch. Valdor told his father that there was no note nor had he seen the man or woman that abandoned the human child.

I just want to emphasize the importance of letting your characters speak- this is how the reader becomes attached! Let them speak and move, don't allow the narrator to take that role.

Valdor's father pondered long and hard about the subject. The father thought of giving the child to authorities. The father pondered on the subject for many minutes, and finally he looked like he had come up with a decision on what to do with the child. Valdor's father decided not to give the child up to authorities. Valdors's father knew that the child would become a slave to the elven empire and that was no life for any man even if the child was a human.

Dialogue again. Not only will readers get attached to the characters, it will lengthen your text.

Valdor's father decided that he would raise the child as his own. He would care and provide for the child as if it were his own son. Valdor smiled at the thought of having a brother. Valdor had always wanted a sibbling and now he had one. Valdors's father then said, " Even if the child is not of elven race I shall give him a elven name. I have pondered on the subject of names and have come up with a name that suites this child well and his name shall be Aarron!"

I would space the dialogue separately from the rest of the paragraph. Instead of saying "Valdor's father then said," I would have the dialogue and end it with "said Valdor's father"- or something to that extent. What is the father's name though? Give more description and information about these people..it will make readers keep reading.

And so it was!

Great ending- it definitely sums up the entire event and leaves me wanting to see what happens next. I would use a period instead of an exclamation, letting the reader decide the mood.

To sum up this review--

1. spell check! it will eliminate more than half the minor mistakes you've made here.
2. let your characters speak- they have personalities and thoughts..so don't let the narrator hide them.
3. Verb tenses! are we in the past, present? pick one, and stick with it no matter what!

Beyond that there were only minor errors. Definitely keep writing because that is how people improve. Your story is really interesting and I would love to see it develop. :P

So I just try, fail and try, and try again- and someday I swear I'm gonna get it. 'Cause I'm convinced, giving in is the worst thing there is.--Straylight Run

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Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:00 am
Squall says...

zenonian wrote: The father inspected the child. Instantly Valdor's father know that the baby was not of the elven race. The father asked if Valdor knew anything of the parents or who left the baby on the poarch. Valdor told his father that there was no note nor had he seen the man or woman that abandoned the human child.

Valdor's father pondered long and hard about the subject. The father thought of giving the child to authorities. The father pondered on the subject for many minutes, and finally he looked like he had come up with a decision on what to do with the child. Valdor's father decided not to give the child up to authorities. Valdors's father knew that the child would become a slave to the elven empire and that was no life for any man even if the child was a human.

Valdor's father decided that he would raise the child as his own. He would care and provide for the child as if it were his own son. Valdor smiled at the thought of having a brother. Valdor had always wanted a sibbling and now he had one. Valdors's father then said, " Even if the child is not of elven race I shall give him a elven name. I have pondered on the subject of names and have come up with a name that suites this child well and his name shall be Aarron!"

And so it was!

end of prologue

First of all, I noticed you used a lot of the same words. Have a look. You used pondered twice in the same sentence. You also began some of the sentences with "Valdor's father." This makes the story stale and can drag a bit. Try varying your sentence structures. Also, include the five senses. It will make it much more interesting to read.

As for the prologue. I think it was a bit cliché. I have watched and read a lot of stories with that same kind of beginning. Your prologue only had a slight variation.

At this point I'm not interested in the story. It was well written with a few errors...but it didn't gave me the feeling of intimacy with the story. No personalities showing, no conflicts whatever so.

This is all I can say for now. After all this is only the prologue. Use our advice to help improve on your writing style.

Looking forward to chapter 1.

"To the edge of the universe and back. Endure and survive."

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Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:34 pm
Esmé says...

Your poll: Mabey=maybe?

I agree with most of xtenx's comment, so I won't repeat anything here. What kind of made me want to stop reading on the very begining was the repetance of words and very short sentences, with no strycture differences. It makes the reaading a bit tedious. I admit that I just skimmed your work.

Anyway, keep writing,


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Thu Feb 15, 2007 3:25 pm
Ofour says...

I won't bother with the main story because it's already been covered:

"im am starting a story called Beyond. This is the prolouge." - should be "I'm starting a story called Beyond. This is the Prologue."

"I love cristisims so post all the critisism u think this story needs!
If there are any obvious gramar/spelling mistakes please point them out because gramar and spelling arnt really my fortes." - should be "I love criticims so post all the criticisms you think this story needs!
If there are any obvious grammar/spelling mistakes please point them out because grammar and spelling aren't really my fortes."

It was a little bland and lacked colour, if you beefed it up a bit and extended certain parts it would be better.
ln(-a)=i(pi) + lna

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Thu Feb 15, 2007 8:15 pm
zenonian says...

thanks for the tips and critisism and ofour at the point when i was wighting notes to poster i wasnt using proper grammar but thx for the tips anyway!

Look, a good poem is a poem that exists. Any poem you write is better than the poem you don't.
— WeepingWisteria