
Young Writers Society

The Writings of Sonlen Evandar Xiulta

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Points: 890
Reviews: 10
Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:39 am
Sonlen says...

Well this is really my first serious novel, I have a few that I have started, but this is really the main thing that I'm writing. Just so ya know, it isn't finished yet, obviously. I actually have this story on my website that you can find by going to freewebs.com/sonlensmeditationgrounds/
It has the complete background and some extra stuff, this is just the main story.

December 23, 2007

I made a friend last week, Kitar, a Forest Spirit. I managed to free him from his tree in return for him saving my life. Right now we are trying to not be caught by a vicious pack of Cursed Wolves, lovely way to spend Christmas. I'm waiting for the deer we caught to finish cooking right now. Got to go, Kitar wants me to help him set up a makeshift tent, as if he even needs my help; we're making it out of leaves!!! he should really know how to do this.
December 24, 2007

Well the wolves found us today, vicious, bloodthirsty things they are, there were 11 of them, much smaller pack then we expected. I saw Kitar wield his blade with more skill and grace than I thought possible, I must remember to ask him to give me lessons in swordsmanship. Well, Kitar killed six and I five. We purified the meat and plan on eating it tommorow. Lovely Christmas dinner.

December 25, 2007 ; Christmas

The wolf was if nothing else, edible, really rather sour. Not to blame Kitar's cooking of course, Never had Cursed Wolf before. The taste didn't seem to surprise Kitar, but it may have just been that he was glad to have something to eat. A wonderful Christmas dinner.
December 26, 2007

Sorry for being so pessimistic lately, it really was the worst Christmas I could imagine. Well Kitar and I are heading for the town Kitshen to stock up on provisions. I doubt there will be anything interesting to report for a while.
December 29, 2007

We reached Kitshen today. I, as always had to wear a hood to cover my ears, Kitar was able to wear his normal clothes because Forest Spirits do look an awful lot like humans and they, humans I mean, wouldn't expect to see a Forest Spirit in a town. I really should meditate more often. I shall tommorow.
December 30, 2007

I did meditate today, though I wish I hadn't, what I sensed greatly troubles me. I can't tell exactly what it is, but here is what I could tell ; blood shed, spirits broken, lives lost, great cities destroyed, it isn't good. I haven't decided whether to tell Kitar or not.
January 1, 2008

Kitar, umm.... well, I think it'd be better if I wrote this entry like a story, well here goes;

Me and Kitar were just waking up. "So, where do you think we should go? I mean, with those creatures dead, (the Cursed Wolves,) we have no point to go anywhere specific." said Kitar.
Then suddenly, I remembered my meditation and what I sensed while in it. I began to attempt to lie to Kitar and not tell him about it, I am most ashamed of myself for it now. But then, I knew I had to tell him what I saw. I began to tell him about my vision, my voice shaking, once I finished, Kitar looked at the ground and said; "And what do you think we should do about this?" I told him I thought we should go to the human capitol, Baderen. Without questioning me, he slowly gathered his things as did I, and we both mounted our horses and began to ride towards Baderen.
January 4, 2008

Sorry for not writing for so long, i've been so worried about what Baderen would be like and what would, or has happened, when we get there. I can see it as a faint blot on the horizon right now, we should reach it in about three days. I really should start making dinner, we found some fruit in a plain near the forest, I should start preparing it, Kitar's getting restless.
January 8, 2008

We didn't reach Baderen as expected, we were attacked by vampires, that's right vampires! I mean, aren't vampires supposed to have a peace treaty with the elves or not?
One of them said something to me : "Why do you fight?" he said, "for you must know your pitiful existence as well as all others, must come to an end soon, there is no point."
"What do you mean?" I asked him. He merely laughed and vanished in a puff of black smoke, as well did the rest. Kitar asked me what I did to make them go away. I told him, "I didn't do anything. One of the vampires....." "Yes?" he asked me, "Never mind" I said, "nothing." Whatever the vampire meant still troubles me, and what's worse is we were driven days away from Baderen. I will write again when there is something to write about.
January 11, 2008

Well, we are back where we were when we were attacked. I found a strange object, it looks like some kind of amulet, it has strange markings on it that I recognize to be of the Vampire Clan of Guren, which means Bloodlust. Their history is as dark as night and black as it too. I haven't told Kitar of this nor of what the strange vampire said to me.
January 14, 2008

We've reached Baderen. It seems normal, but I have a feeling something terrible is about to happen. I, once again, have to wear a hood to cover my ears, the Bartender at the "Boar's Tooth" inn asked me if I was afraid the sun was going to burn my hair off, terrible joke. I glared at him angrily and he quickly went quiet. So submissive, humans. I still don't know whether I should tell Kitar about what the vampire said or about the Bloodlust Amulet.
January 20, 2008

The dark feeling is growing stronger, I absolutely know something is going to happen and it will happen soon! I still haven't told Kitar about the Amulet or the vampire's words.
January 24, 2008

It has happened. I sit here and cry. I am still to upset over the ordeal I cannot bear to write it now. I am sorry.
January 27, 2008

I will now tell you of this terrible thing that has happened :

I was sitting in my room meditating when I heard a crash. I ran down, quick as I could, unsheathed my sword and threw back my hood. What I saw was terrible; dead bodies everywhere,
"What happened?" I said to no one but the corpses that littered the ground. I regained my senses and ran out of the destroyed inn and leapt on top of the sign that used to read "The Boar's Tooth." What I saw was Kitar struggling against an onslaught of vampires, with nothing but his oaken sword, I know it's enchanted to be strong as steel but he knows the only way to kill vampires is with silver through the heart.
I used a simple spell to change my steel sword to silver as I did with Kitar's, we killed about six when they realized what I had done to our swords and they all vanished. But it was much to late; dead bodies scattered across the ground and the entire city was completely destroyed. I told Kitar of the Bloodlust Amulet, and of what the vampire said days before.
He once again looked at the ground and said, "Where do you propose we should go?"
"To the Clan of Guren" I replied.

January 29, 2008

Reaching the Clan of Guren is proving difficult, all we know is that it lies in the Badlands, to the south.

January 31, 2008

So bored! Still days away from the Clan, if they're the direction we're going.

February 1, 2008

I can sense dark presence near us, very near, much too near, I am extremely worried. I shall tell Kitar now.

February 2, 2008

The presence, it seems as if it were right in front of me, but I see nothing. I wave my hands in front of me but they do not come in contact with anything, very strange. I asked Kitar if he had any idea about it, he said he didn't know, he was trying to sound calm, but I could sense he was worried.

February 4, 2008

I see a faint blot on the horizon, Kitar thinks it's the location of the clan. I've stopped wearing the Amulet, and so the present has grown fainter, not gone, but fainter. There must be some connection between the two.

February 7, 2008

The blot has taken shape, it looks like ruins at first glance, but if you stare long and, hard you can make out a cave made from the ruins. It is definitly the location of the clan. The Amulet is giving off strong energy, nothing seems to be able to muffle it, Kitar and I will just have to stand it until we find out how to muffle it's energy.

February 8, 2008

What I am about to write is extremely disturbing.

We walked into the cave slowly, staying alert for the attack that might come any moment. Though we weren't attacked; we were greeted by a young vampire.
He said, "Come this way, to the Bloodchief." Kitar slowly nodded, his eyes told me to stay on my guard and to not unstring my bow.
When we reached the Bloodchief I immediately asked him about the Amulet, he smiled and said to me, "Come we shall unlock it's power," I was unsure about this, but I was forced to, as I noticed there were many armed vampires surrounding the room.
They led Kitar and myself to a chamber that I could sense was tainted with evil. One vampire asked me to step into the center of the empty room and place the Amulet on the stone table that was there. I did so. I was then asked to say three words, I did not know their meaning, I do now though, but I will not write them down.
Once I said these words the, strange presence I sensed earlier, it was back! It was stronger! I cried out in pain as I saw what I had done; A demon was rising out of the Amulet. It was terrible, blood red eyes glared at me with hatred. It charged me, but I was unable to move. Instead of colliding with me as it should have, it went within me! It's presence vanished, as did the ruins of the clan. I blacked-out.
I awoke a few hours later and asked Kitar what had happened. He told me the vampires had attempted to release a demon to destroy the world, but instead it is now within me. I asked him if we could destroy it, we couldn't. We could only release it. So now, if the vampires do not attack within a few days to try to release it, they have most likely found another way to destroy the world, or whatever else they are planning. So for now I bear the burden of the demon. I do not know what effects it will have, but I must stay on my guard for anything.

February 10, 2008

We have decided to head back towards the the forest, where I used to live.

February 12, 2008

So bored!!! Absolutely nothing to do! I know I should be worried, but i'm just bored! We've been riding all day.

February 14, 2008

I've been trying to meditate, but it has always been interrupted by visions of the horrible vampire demon. I don't understand this, I have never been interrupted by anything before. I know this is, should be, extremely disturbing, enough to cause my concentration to falter. But nothing, nothing ever, has been able to disturb my meditation, save myself. I am unsure about this.

February 19, 2008

Sorry for not writing for so long, there's been nothing to report. We've reached the Forest. But for some reason, something just doesn't feel right..... Well, enough of that, I've finally had the mind to ask Kitar how old he is, he's (you won't believe) three hundred forty-six years old. Three hundred forty-six! I can't believe it! He doesn't look older than 27! I knew tree spirits lived a long time but this is ridiculous! Are they immortal as well?

February 21, 2008

This is even more terrible than January 27.

We were riding through the forest at a rather slow pace. There was some brush in the way and I knew that we would have to clear it, as there are enchantments placed upon the forest so that you cannot enter any elven village by any means other than a certain path. It took about an hour to clear the brush.
What we saw then was terrible. My kind, elve's dead bodies were lain on the ground as if they were bloody toys of a baby giant. I was not the only one in despair, trees, hundreds, thousands had been either blasted or burned. I would guess Kitar recognized they once were his kind. We both wept openly.
About an hour later, as I walked through the wreckage, I came upon what once was my home. Both my parents bodies were laying there, looks of fear on their cold, dead faces.
When I went back to Kitar he only had three words to say to me, "Come with me." I did. He led me to what was once the blacksmith's. There was a sword on the ground, it's hilt engraved with the same markings as the Amulet.
I suddenly felt an extreme rage. I exploded! I had to kill! I unsheathed my sword and began striking Kitar with blows I never thought possible. All I remember after that was a look of extreme fear in Kitar's eyes and the uncontrollable desire to kill. I think I blacked-out.
I woke up about an hour later to see Kitar nursing a large gash on his left arm. "Ah, so you woke up," he said.
"What is happening to me?" I had to know.
"I don't know for sure," said Kitar, "but I'd bet it has to do something with that Amulet and the Demon." I was terrified, and still am, of myself.

February 22, 2008

We have decided to let the humans, the dwarves, and if there are any left besides myself, elves, know of the Clan of Guren.

February 23, 2008

I've noticed I've only been focusing on battles and death and destruction. It's been hard not to. (As I hope you can understand.) But now I will try to be able to put in more entries, so I must focus more on the lighter side of things. However, there is something that cannot be ignored; Kitar and I have decided to separate. We must warn all the races in time! I don't know what will happen if we don't.

February 24, 2008

It's been lonely without Kitar. I have found more time to meditate, and the interruptions by the demon are becoming rarer. I've been trying to learn to block it completely, and that is going well. I am heading for the dwarven capitol, Mishnag, located in the eastern mountains. Kitar is heading to, not the human capitol, but to another large city. Neeba I think it is called. It is a center of trade so word will spread quickly from there. Kitar is going to the humans because they are afraid of the elven kind, as well they should be. They should also fear tree spirits, or at least Kitar. I do not know much of the stony men of the east, but that they also, like elves and tree spirits, live an extremely long time, not immortal though.

February 25, 2008

I've been praying and hoping for a companion to help me through this time. It is difficult to write this, but I must realize my fear. I am possesed by a demon, there is now an evil side to me, one that I must learn to control, for fear of destroying lives, and shedding blood that should not be spilt. I must ask myself ; "Is it better that I die?" Wait, no, I mustn't think like that, I must learn to control this evil that invades my body, and focus on the task at hand : warning the dwarves.

February 26, 2008

I have been riding all day. It is still extremely lonely. I fear I may go insane if I do not find a companion.

February 27, 2008

I believe I am near the area were the dwarves are; I have been meditating more and the demon's appearances are gone, that is, I can control if they appear. I still am in desparate need of a companion.

March 5, 2008

Sorry for not writing for so long, all I've been doing is riding. The dwarves were not as close as I thought. I am in the capitol right now with a young dwarf staring at me rather oddly.
The dwarves at the gate, which is really no more than what looks to be a cave entrance, were not very eager to let me in. We'll just say I told him I had to see the Dwarf King, Strophe, to inform him in an extremely urgent matter, they wouldn't let me in and I had to threaten them to have so many arrows sprouting from their backs that they could be mistaken for porcupines. They ended up letting me in. Not very good security, I'll have to tell the King about that. Anyway, I'll probably see the King sometime tommorow, at least that's what the guards said.

March 8, 2008

Those guards were liars.
Turns out I won't be seeing the King soon after all. The dwarves assumed I was some kind of threat and now I am in a room with about 15 guards posted outside with a very large padlock on the door. I could and would escape, but I don't want to have to kill all the guards. I think I'll just stun them and demand to see the King to the guards outside his chamber; it probably isn't a very good idea, but it's the only thing I can think of.

March 9, 2008

Well my plan worked... sort of.
I got in to see the King, I walked up to him and said, quickly as I could; "Your Highness, I am here to inform you of an extremely important matter. The vampire Clan of Guren, and possibly more vampires are planning to..... well, I'm not actually sure, but they tried to have me release a Demon. Also, a vampire I was fighting after I was attacked said that we would all die soon, I'm not sure what this means but I know it can't be good."
He stared at me angrily and exclaimed, "Who do you think you are!? Coming and stunning my guards and then telling me of some, some, vampire conspiracy!? Why should I believe you when you have proven yourself a threat to my people?"
"Are we not all threats, your Highess?" I said quietly.
"Well, um. Guards have him thrown out!!!" So I slowly walked out of the room, as the guards were unconscious; I didn't want the King more flustered then he already was.
As I left, I saw a dwarf, probably a bit older than myself. He walked up to me and said quietly, "I believe you, and if you'll allow it I'd like to come with you, wherever you're going. There is nothing for me here."
At last a companion!!! I will no longer have to talk to my horse in hopes of real company!!! His name is Moddehn.

March 10, 2008

Moddehn and myself are riding to the rendezvous point that Kitar and I agreed on. That being the northern base of a certain mountain, it should take about three days to reach it.

March 12, 2008

Moddehn's rather funny.
I was whittling some shafts to make arrows when Moddehn asked me something; "Tell me, why does it seem that dwarves are the only creatures that seem to live underground?"
My reply was; "Most other creatures enjoy the sight of green wildlife, when that is not the case, it is merely because they need vitamin D, which is created when the sun's rays come in conta-"
"Never mind," interrupted Moddehn in his rough voice, "these things confuse me to much."

March 14, 2008

We're at the rendezvous point, Kitar isn't here. I expected it; where he was going is farther away than the Dwarf capitol, Mishnag. I will probably write when he returns, most likely three to five days.

March 18, 2008

Kitar arrived.
I was talking with Moddehn about bows when I spotted a faint blot in the distance. It looked like a horse whose rider was humped over and leaning to the right.
No matter what, I wasn't taking any chances. I strung my bow and kept it pointed at the rider's heart. That is, until, I realized it was Kitar.
Once Kitar was within fifty yards, he suddenly grimaced in pain, and fell off his horse.
I ran to him. "What's wrong?" I asked him.
"Arrow, just above my heart," Kitar barely managed to choke out. He passed out.
"What happened?" asked Moddehn.
"This is Kitar, we have to get him to a healer, fast. I can repair some of the damage with magic, but only enough to keep him alive for a week, if we're lucky."
"So, I expect you to know were these healers live, correct?" asked Moddehn.
"Not exactly, I know they love the sea, and that they often reside in certain areas of the forest, we have the best chance of finding them near the coast."
"So, to the Dreggen Sea," declared Moddehn.
I then repaired what I could by magic, we put Kitar on his horse and we decided to take turns leading Kitar's horse. So now our search for the healers begins.

March 19, 2008

Our search for the healers is going okay.... I think. I'm just thankful Kitar is alive for one more day, at least.

March 20, 2008

We're about halfway to the Sea, thankfully to our near starting point. But we still must ride day and night now if we want to reaach the healers in time

March 21, 2008

We are riding both day and night, and our search grows more and more frantic to the sound of Kitar's labored breathing.

March 22, 2008

I and Moddehn are angry for lack of sleep, but I would do anything to save Kitar. We are near the coast and I swear we will search both day and night for the healers until Kitar either dies, or Moddehn and I kill our ourselves looking.

March 23, 2008

We are at the coast. I've taken Kitar down the coast and Moddehn is looking northward.
I fear Kitar's death is drawing close all to rapidly; he won't stop sweating and his brreath is coming out in short gasps. I fear he may die soon.

March 24, 2008

My hope has been renewed.
I have found a fire, put out about two days ago, some footprints, and a broken jar of what once contained some ointment. I'm almost sure it is the healers. A good days riding and I should catch up to them.

March 25, 2008

I managed to find the healers.
They said that Kitar would have been lost within three hours. Right now they have Kitar in a tent and are treating him with different herbs. There are lights in the tent. The one who I assume to be the head healer told me Kitar would probably be fine in the morning
I am relieved, but also sad. After Kitar is healed, what should we do? Shall we grow fat and lazy until the vampires destroy us all? We are but wanderers if we have no purpose. The dwarves did not believe me and I doubt the humans believed Kitar, judging by his wound. Once me and Kitar meet with Moddehn I will pose this question to both of them.
If we find no solution we will either have to run, which is completely out of the question, or fight the entire vampire army, just Kitar, Moddehn, and me, which is an option where we have no hope for survival. I don't know what we should do.

March 29, 2008

I have met back up with Moddehn, and have posed the question to both Kitar and we have agreed to search the entire land for allies, we will gather an army and place them in what was once my home. We will gather humans, dwarves, fairies, spirits, elementals, and if there are any left, elves. We shall gather a frce so large that King Strophe will be forced to see reason, and the humans will not be the ignorant fools they are. (At least in majority.) We shall destroy the scum that have killed so many with no need.

March 31, 2008

I have found out who injured and nearly killed Kitar.
"It was a vampire, he was about 5 feet 10 inches and had dark hair and pale skin. He also wore a cocky grin, he told me his name was Hedrt, then he shot me and vanished...... I could swear that it was that vampire you were fighting on the way to Kitshen," Kitar told me. I am sure it was that vampire, I will find him and destroy him.........
We are going to the forest to find allies.

April 1, 2008

It is April Fools Day, but we cannot afford to be foolish.
We have agreed that it is to risky to travel near the badlands, for any amount of time. But I fear that leaves two choices: traveling through The Nameless Town, whose inhabitants I only know that they are untrusting, and possibly dangerous, or the Ruins, which is haunted by Dark Spirits.
We have not decided which path to take.

April 3, 2008

We have decided to travel through the Ruins. This may seem like a foolish move, but Moddehn told us something: he remembered that The Nameless Town is inhabited only by werewolves. we think we have a better chance against possibly mythical Dark Spirits than an entire town full of werewolves. I will write when we are near the Ruins.

April 8, 2008

We've reached the Ruins and I can sense a presence, not an evil presence like the Demon, but a....... a scared presence. It's feelings are...... sad, scared, and alone. I can't tell what type of creature it is, but it's life force is small, it isn't dying, it's just small. I will write again soon.

April 11, 2008

We are reaching the center of the Ruins and getting closer to the presence, I've told Moddehn and Kitar about this; Moddehn thinks it is one of the Dark Spirits and the feelings and emotions emanating from it are just an illusion, Kitar just sat down and began to think. I think I'll write again when we come upon the presence.

April 14, 2008

We've found the presence and it is nothing that means us harm, that is to say, she doesn't mean us any harm.
It turns out that the presence was a good Dark Faerie, her name is Mirabella Elaine. I will now descrabe the scene when we met her.

We were riding through the Ruins, hoping desperately to reach the other side when we heard someone crying. I knew I should be cautious no matter what so I kept my hand ready to draw my sword, Moddehn was dragging his battleaxe on the ground. (Kitar had been left to guard the horses) We turned a corner and saw a small figure curled up in a corner, her head in her hands, crying. I relaxed my grip on my sword hilt, Moddehn held firmly onto his axe, he does not trust easily.
"Hello?" I said to her, "are you okay?"
She raise her head and piercing dark purple eyes looked at me, framed by a pale face, not deathly pale, but pale like..... beautiful pale.
"Who are you?!" she rose into the air, looking alert and defensive, she didn't wait for a response, but began bombarding us with her powerful magic.
"Wait no! We don't mean you any harm!" I screamed, running from her. She paused for a second and slowly lowered herself until her small face was level with my face.
"I-I don't know why, but, I think I believe you," she said to me.
"Watch yourself Sonlen! She could be tricking us!" Moddehn yelled.
"I am not! And who are you?" she said, suddenly angry.
"Er.. um.. my name is Moddehn," Moddehn said sheepishly.
"Very well then, and my name is Mirabella Elaine, I am a Dark Faerie."

I let her read my journal to inform her of what is going on and she has decided to travel with us. Moddehn still doesn't trust her at all.

April 17, 2008

It seems the Ruins go on forever, Mira says it is just an illusion created by the magic of the place, and that we are very near the end. I haven't asked her about where she came from or why she was crying, I believe it is to personal and am afraid to ask. I saw what happens if you make her angry last night.

April 20, 2008

Mirabella says we will probably be out of the Ruins tommorow. She has begun to cook and I must say, she is excellent at it. All we have to do is find something and kill it and Mira will make into into something wonderful. Moddehn has gotten a little more trusting to Mira.

April 21, 2008

Mira didn't lie, we are out and heading east for the forest. She is getting a little more talkative, but whenever we find the subjects of magic or the Ruins, she immediately stops talking. I think I should ask her about where she came from, I'll do this within three days.

April 24, 2008

I asked Mira about everything.

"Hey, um, Mirabella?" I said, walking up to her.
"Yes Sonlen, what is it?" she said.
"I don't mean to intrude or anything, but I was wondering, why were you crying in the Ruins in the first place?" I said gently.
"Oh, um, that, well," tears formed in her eyes, "I was at my home, with my mother, and suddenly a huge blast shattered apart our home, It knocked us all out cold. When I woke up I called 'Mom? where are you? Dad?' I flew, barely touching the ground with my toes, to my room where I found, both my-" she gave a sob and tears began running down her cheeks, but she seemed determined to go on, "Where I found both of my parents, dead, with blood still gushing from their bodies. I found this mark," she began to draw in the dirt, "on the pillar that was very near our home, I ran and cried until I could go no further, then you and that dwarf found me."
She went back into her tent.
I looked down, the symbol she had drawn was the one that had inspired rage into my heart, it was the symbol of the clan of Guren.

April 27, 2008

We have arrived at the edge of the forest and tommorow will enter it, I think Mira is avoiding everyone, I never should have asked her that question.

April 28, 2008

We have entered the forest and I am leading, Kitar could not remember the way I showed him last time. Mira is still elusive and almost unnaturally quiet.

April 31, 2008

Something's coming....... I can't tell, but it's evil......

May 7, 2008

Damn! I can't believe I let my guard down! I shall never have ones death be my fault! I just got lucky.....

May 15, 2008

It was a werewolf attack.
We all had just gone to sleep and I was awoke by a ripping noise and the sound of Mirabella screaming. I jumped up and ran out of my tent when I remembered that I left my sword and bow in my tent! What was I going to do?! The werewolf turned towards me, but that wasn't what I noticed, what I did notice was Mirabella's limp form on the ground, either unconsious or dead.
I exploded with rage.
I charged the creature full force and it gave me a fanged grin, but, before I reached it, it was on the ground dead, with an arrow in its side. I looked up and saw Kitar with my bow.
"Thanks," I said, "now, we need to see to Mirabella."
We walked to Mira's body and noticed that she was breathing, but just barely alive. Moddehn walked over and said: "She'll be okay, we just need to give her some of this," he pulled out a small vial and put two drops into Mirabella's mouth.
We moved her inside her own, small tent. She has is awake, but weaker.

May 20, 2008

Sorry for not writing in so long, the magic of the forest has made time seem to pass quicker. Mira is getting stronger, but there's something..... different about her, I can't tell exactly what though....

May 25, 2008

The reason it is taking so long to reach my home is because we are traveling a different way than when Kitar and I had come. We should be there by June 1st.

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Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:48 pm
Sonlen says...

Sorry, I put this in the wrong forum, don't move it please, just delete it, I already put it in the right forum

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Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:46 pm
lyrical_sunshine says...

It's alright, nobody will delete it, a mod will probably just move it.

I only just skimmed this, but I really like the journalling style. I'll give a more thorough critique later. :)
“We’re still here,” he says, his voice cold, his hands shaking. “We know how to be invisible, how to play dead. But at the end of the day, we are still here.” ~Dax

Teacher: "What do we do with adjectives in Spanish?"
S: "We eat them!"

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Wed Jun 18, 2008 10:51 pm
Pingu says...

You have a great imagination I will give you that my friend! I like how its a fantasy written in journal form, I have never heard of that being done before. Very good.

The last of the human freedoms is to choose one's attitudes.
— Viktor Frankl