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Diary of a Villain (The Original) : Progress Journal

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Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:26 am
Sleeping Valor says...

Apparently, the man who said ‘you are what you choose to be’ was a liar. A really horrible liar who took joy in making innocent little children believe that they could choose their own destiny and be whoever they wanted to be. If he’s still alive, someone should help him realize the error of his ways. It will start like this: “Sir, since you can choose your destiny, why don’t you decide you’re going to live while me and my knife decide you’re going to die and see who’s will is stronger?”

“Ack!” Yazra cried in frustration, realizing the immoral direction her thoughts had taken. “Why is it so hard to be good?” she wailed. “I haven’t even written a page and already it’s corrupted!”

----DoaV Prologue topic24813.html

I think we've all seen a movie or read a book where the protagonist isn't exactly a 'good' guy. Personally, I think villains are the coolest characters of all. They definitely have the most interesting stories. Heroes go out and save the world because it's the right thing (though it's cooler if that isn't the reason), but villains go out to destroy it. Personally I love villains. And vampires. But at the moment the later isn't relevant.

Diary of a Villain is my first serious attempt at a novel. I've 'started' novels before, but the plots and characters never stuck.

Until I found Yazra. ^_^ She's wonderful young woman who's been hiding in the recesses of my mind. Her mother was a witch, her father was a bandit--and between their twisted upbringing and her years alone Yazra struggles to conform to the morales of 'normal people'--until of course she gives up and becomes a henchman to a wizard named Bundy.

If nothing else, it's insanely fun to write.

^_^ Keek!

The update post : post307206.html#307206
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Last edited by Sleeping Valor on Sun Mar 09, 2008 4:01 pm, edited 6 times in total.
I'm like that song stuck in your head; I come and I go, but never truly dissapear.

And apparently I also write a blog.

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Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:12 pm
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Sleeping Valor says...

Problems to date

Since the protagonist is a villain, then antagonists are good guys. But just like if it was the other way around, it's vital that the antagonists be interesting characters. When I started off they weren't. >_> I blame it entirely on the fact one of them was raised in a temple. You can't get more sterotypical then a righteous paladin who hates evil and is bent on protecting all that is good in the world. Seriously. I have no idea how to make him interesting.

Did I mention there are suddenly 2 more antagonists than I'd planned on? >.< I am seriously worried about them hogging the book from poor Yazra.

The timeline
I think I make things more complicated than they need to be--but I also need to know who's doing what when. So, having reached chapter two and introduced the antagonists, I now need to actually write a vague timeline so I know that they are doing when, what Yazra is doing when, and then figure out where they meet up. I strongly believe that convenience is overrated and things should only happen because the characters bid them happen.

I used to go overboard on description, and now--hellbent as I am on actually finishing the thing-- I have left details to fall by the wayside. My general plan is to go back and revamp the whole thing from the beginning once I have actually finished the plot focused version. I'm not really sure if it's the best plan, but I am easily bored if I keep going over the same thing over and over without going anywhere. Also, it's easier to go back an improve then start up when you've run out of will power.

Plot points/conflict
I keep hitting ones that make no sense or seem to conveniently dramatic. >_> I am a drama queen at heart, any of my friends who read my trilogy about a girl falling in love with the guy who kidnaps her know it's true. (Yes, YWS has been deprived of the story--I wrote it all by hand in class and haven't the will to type it)
I'm like that song stuck in your head; I come and I go, but never truly dissapear.

And apparently I also write a blog.

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Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:34 pm
Wolf says...

(I used to be Ayra)

Ha, research is so time-consuming. Yes. I mock your pain!
... no, I don't really. I just really wanted to say that. :P

I had the URL to a really cool article, but I seem to have lost it. >.< Blarg.
But basically, the article said that before you start writing, you should plan out your entire world. Seriously. It needs geography, weather patterns, important races, flora an fauna, the whole shebang. It also suggested that you make profiles for all your characters first. :)
everything i loved
became everything i lost.

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Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:40 pm
Sleeping Valor says...

12/02/2008 - Morning

My mom says bears have been done--though personally I thought a black bear was pretty cool. I'll have to think about whether or not I want to change the animal now. If I do, it needs to be something large that people in medieval type types would have found frightening.

Also, I keep running into block when I try to do the timeline. =_= The problem is that I need to realistically look at how long it will take my people to get from one place to another. Which means I need a map. My sister drew me a nice one--but it's a volcanic type continent (little islands! So cute ^_^) which actually messes with my setting a little. The weather, at least. And I don't like on a volcanic continent, so these details escape me.

Darn. Now I need to go do research.

12/02/2008 - Afternoon

Hmm. So I actually did research (stifle your gasps) on these volcanic islands. First, no such thing as a volcanic 'continent', thus my original problem with my setting being messed up is gone.

The other thing that was bothering me about having to actually think out a continent, is that they are big. Very big. And it's very hard to travel across a whole continent in a short about of time.

Solution 1: It's not like these are modern times. Most of the continent is probably unexplored and uninhabited. The plot would only be playing out in a certain area, which by no means has to en-globe the rest of the continent.

Solution 2: So what if the continent is big? It's not a crime if the whole story doesn't happen in a short period of time, right?

New research objective
Do some research on how the monarchy works. Also research the army--which position is higher; lieutenant or general? Figure out how both systems work. Decide one a time period to base your world on. Research technology and lifestyle.
I'm like that song stuck in your head; I come and I go, but never truly dissapear.

And apparently I also write a blog.

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Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:22 am
Wolf says...

Top 8 rules for writing Fantasy by Melissa Kelly.

Check that out. It's helped me a lot with my own novel (which I hope to post on YWS soon) and if it does help you, here is the page where I found it. There's lots more links there too. ^.^

As for your problems --

Since the protagonist is a villain, then antagonists are good guys. But just like if it was the other way around, it's vital that the antagonists be interesting characters. When I started off they weren't. >_> I blame it entirely on the fact one of them was raised in a temple. You can't get more sterotypical then a righteous paladin who hates evil and is bent on protecting all that is good in the world. Seriously. I have no idea how to make him interesting.

Did I mention there are suddenly 2 more antagonists than I'd planned on? >.< I am seriously worried about them hogging the book from poor Yazra.

Eh... I don't know what to do for this... sorry... :oops: The antagonists seem fine to me - maybe a little cliché how the quiet, less athletic one is the smarter of the two (I mean, four), but other than that they do seem interesting.

I think I make things more complicated than they need to be--but I also need to know who's doing what when. So, having reached chapter two and introduced the antagonists, I now need to actually write a vague timeline so I know that they are doing when, what Yazra is doing when, and then figure out where they meet up. I strongly believe that convenience is overrated and things should only happen because the characters bid them happen.

Writing a "vague" timeline would be a good idea. I have a really sketchy one for my novel, and I think it helps a lot.

I keep hitting ones that make no sense or seem to conveniently dramatic. >_> I am a drama queen at heart, any of my friends who read my trilogy about a girl falling in love with the guy who kidnaps her know it's true. (Yes, YWS has been deprived of the story--I wrote it all by hand in class and haven't the will to type it)

Hehe :)
Examples, though? So far in DoaV, all the conflicts seem to make sense.
... to me, anyways. xD

Yes. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but... :oops:

Good luck!

- Camille =)
everything i loved
became everything i lost.

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Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:23 am
Sleeping Valor says...

You changed your name! I was confused for a second. =P
Wolf wrote:Eh... I don't know what to do for this... sorry... :oops: The antagonists seem fine to me - maybe a little cliché how the quiet, less athletic one is the smarter of the two (I mean, four), but other than that they do seem interesting.

Hee. Yes, I remember someone (maybe it was you!) mentioning how it was a little cliche. I started fleshing out my antags and I think I fixed the problem. Though it can't be avoided that Sillon is the more smart of the two--he is a seer, which grants us a certain wisdom. Hmm, though maybe...

I was thinking about improving Sillon's relationship with Derrin. Since Sillon is a little older, I was thinking he would be a kind of brother to Derrin. It would make a lot of sense for him to be talented in at least one physical discipline, since his powers are very specific and thus not much good in combat. I'm also thinking he's going to be an opposite of Derrin, because he can see right through everyone--especially the higher ups of the sanctum.

Wolf wrote:
Sleeping Valor wrote:I keep hitting ones that make no sense or seem to conveniently dramatic. >_>

Hehe :)
Examples, though? So far in DoaV, all the conflicts seem to make sense.
... to me, anyways. xD

lol. It's true that so far there aren't any many of these 'dramatic' conveniences yet. So far that's because I have typed out a plan (much like you suggested) and I see them before I write them--and try to work out how to get rid of them before hand.

For example, [BE WARNED, this might spoil the story if I end up using it!] I was thinking that Derrin would end up trying to kill Yazra (because she is evil), but end up killing Bear instead. However, this seemed overly convenient and dramatic. Dramatic, because Yazra would lose the closest thing she had to a friend, and convenient because I didn't want to have to figure out how to work him into the sequel of the plot. I've since worked out a more logical conclusion to the problem.
I'm like that song stuck in your head; I come and I go, but never truly dissapear.

And apparently I also write a blog.

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Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:18 am
Sleeping Valor says...

12/02/2008 - Evening

Progress of the day
1 - Found a horse information site which I can use for referencing when I am writing my story (lots of horse travel).
2 - Have a map. Decided on my scale, now I just need to go over the original map in ink and photocopy it, then add scale.
3 - Used class time to figure out how the 'magic's work.

1 - I've decided the continent will not be overly populated. Think Canada--lots of uninhabited space. Now, shall it have...
a) Multiple countries (be they large or small) clustered together. This brings up the issue of decided how different these countries are, figuring out the political relations between them, etc etc.
b) Just one country. Keeping the story open for the possibility that there are more they just don't know about.
c) Multiple countries not all bundled together.

Research projects
1 - Pick historical reference point, use it to decide just how populated the continent is, etc etc.
2 - Pick continent to style mine after--climate system, people's appearance, etc. Decide if you will disregarde the reference and make it all up--after you've properly educated yourself.
3 - Monarchy, army

I don't know what other people use this for, but this is going to end up being my progress journal in some ways. I'm sure it will be helpful to me, at least.

Note to self
Horses: Speed, types.
Monarchy: Who is in charge, who does what, how they rule.
Army: Positions, mobilization.
Timeline: When they had what, population size, layout of settlements.
History: Housing, communication, money, travel, life-style.
Climate: Plants, animals, weather.
Consider filling out Keek's Guide to Story-writing, just to be sure you've covered the bases.
I'm like that song stuck in your head; I come and I go, but never truly dissapear.

And apparently I also write a blog.

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Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:38 pm
Sleeping Valor says...


=_= I have hit the ultimate block: boredom. To be able to make the story work, I need to do research. I want to write--but research feels like work and I'm not a great lover of work.

I wouldn't want to start writing when I'll have to come back later and risk needing to change entire plot elements to make it work. Details like how the army and monarchy worked I can just avoid needing by putting off working on the antagonist chapters, but stuff like my map need doing so I can figure out the timeline. Because I've reached the point of antag and protag interaction, I need to get that figured out if I don't want to end up with holes in my plot. >_>

School's picking up too, which means I'm tired from working my brain all day and feel like just sitting in my swivel chair and daydreaming.

Oh well. I'll get it done eventually.

^_^ Keek!
I'm like that song stuck in your head; I come and I go, but never truly dissapear.

And apparently I also write a blog.

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Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:28 pm
chocoholic says...

Sorry I haven't read it yet Valor! School and stuff... very busy. But I WILL get around to it soon. Promise.

=_= I have hit the ultimate block: boredom. To be able to make the story work, I need to do research. I want to write--but research feels like work and I'm not a great lover of work.

Ok, I know how you're feeling. And here's what to do. DON'T write. Don't even think about writing. Go shopping, meet up with friends, go to a movie, go stuff your face with junk food, go do whatever just DON'T WRITE! Don't even write something else.

Hope I helped! I'll try and read DoaV in the next week.
*Don't expect to see me around much in the next couple of weeks. School has started again, and it'll be a couple of weeks before I've settled in. If you've asked me for a critique, you will get it, but not for a little while. Sorry*

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Tue Feb 19, 2008 2:50 am
Sleeping Valor says...

Thanks for the advice! I think you're right. Though I'm going over the prologue and chapter one and making the corrections people gave me. Don't know if I'll rework the first chapter while I'm at it.

The trouble with feedback

My mom seems to think that I don't have a story until someone has seen it. And apparently people don't count. She says I should show it to a published author and ask for feedback. Now, I actually know an author who said I could send her my work, but I've been pretty hesitant to try that. Though, until now I didn't have anything worth sending. I guess my main problem is she's a very afro-centric (*steals the word from the news*) writer. She runs a nice little book shop, and most of the books there are about people who are part of minorities and their struggles, or just the struggles of people who are different, in general. But mostly the minorities (African's mostly).

Now, before anyone goes crazy, I have no issue with her or her store. =P I'm mixed myself and I think the books are pretty good. But it makes me crazy uncomfortable to think about sending her one of my stories when they aren't the same genre of book. I don't doubt her abilities as a writer, I just feel like there's some kind of pressure on me to have my MC be a minority. My mom once asked me why my characters weren't colored. Honestly, no clue. I guess you use what you know, and most of the books I read have characters from areas where people tend to be fair skinned (that's the word right? I don't like used 'white' and 'black' >_>). If I wanted to change the ethnicity of my characters, wouldn't I need to change the climate? Mind you, in Canada the first people here were native American's. But their society is very off from the one I'm using. If anything my society's are probably like england, or france. Monarchs and all that goodness.

So yeah, I have (had, ish) this issue where I'm scared I'll send her something and she won't like it. I'm mostly over it, but I'm also very shy and as a result lack some of the guts I need to e-mail/phone her and see if she'd still look at my stuff.

But if she will I'm super lucky. I don't know how easy it is to find published authors who will give you feedback, but I probably got lucky. XD

Where we're at--and by 'we' I mean the royal we

Decided not to bust my brain on research and map making. I am working back through the prologue right now, making any changes I forgot to make and thinking about ways of improving it (adding description). I'll move to the first chapter next; it was really choppy (to me) so I think the plot could use some reworking to smoothen it out. It also needs more description.

Oh. I am also thinking I can do some character sheets for my antags. I need to make them more interesting.

File organization

1) Chapters have each got their own file, which all start off with a resume of the plot of the chapter.

2) I have a different folder for Yazra chapters and antagonist chapters. With the exceptions of the instances the two intertwine, I figure I can pick with one I want to work on depending on which characters I feel like working with. (aka: Yazra is more fun than the antags, so I have found a way to avoid having to work with them when I want to work with Yaz)

3) I am thinking about putting her journal in a separate folder and having the entries on different files. (ex: Journal entries from chapter one will be in the file 'Chapter one_journal' or something like that). I am thinking about this because I am wondering if there aren't any inconsistencies in here writing style (her 'voice') and I wanted to be able to keep note of when she says what, since her journals actually are very insightful. I'd have to decide what is said in journal and what is shown in story, though.

Diary of a Villain's theme song

I need a song! I know that 'All you wanted' by Michelle Branch is the theme song for my Earthbound Angel story, and it's actually nice to have a song that puts you in the mood for the story. o.O But I have none for DoaV! I could even use a different one for each chapter... I should ask my readers for suggestions.
I'm like that song stuck in your head; I come and I go, but never truly dissapear.

And apparently I also write a blog.

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Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:04 pm
Sleeping Valor says...


Okay, so I have been a little stuck due to not wanting to do research, which I need to coordinate my MC and my antags actions, among other things. I've also been a little worried because, let's face it, my antags are in no way capable of being as cool as my MC. Yazra rocks. Period.

But I just had this brilliant idea!!

I didn't want to let this story go unnatended, so I remembered how someone once said that a good way to get to know your characters is to write a journal for them. So I thought to myself: "Hmm. You could start a journal for your antags and see if that doesn't help you flesh them out!"

And then I thought: "OMG!!!! Why not skip having to write your antags movements, since you've already realized that you don't really want to right now, and instead use the journal for narration?"

^_^ I actually like this idea because it's the easier way for me to show Derrin isn't a bad guy, that Yazra is (though we all know better) the villain, and also avoid having to do boring narration.

The only danger is that if I did that, I'd need to be careful not to mix people up, since Yazra also keeps a journal. And I need to decide who's keeping the journal--Sillon or Derrin? Sillon, being a seer, has a wider grasp of things that are going on, so I could use that to bypass having to describe what my other antags are doing (general and Sillon's brother) and also it saves me from deciding Derrin's mindset.

I should run this by my readers and see what they think.

^_^ Keek out!
I'm like that song stuck in your head; I come and I go, but never truly dissapear.

And apparently I also write a blog.

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Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:15 pm
Sleeping Valor says...

What Bear might become...(because my mom says bears are overdone, even though I can only think of one place they're used)

Bear --> The medieval people saw them as noble, but also evil at times.
Wolf --> Much feared and a great source of trouble for them. They even went so far as to eat people hanging from the gallows. o.O
Badger --> He could be bear sized, but a badger?
Chipmunk --> ^same as above. =P My mom actually suggested this.
Boar --> Apparently they were seen as very evil and scary, and also supposedly immune to pain.
I'm like that song stuck in your head; I come and I go, but never truly dissapear.

And apparently I also write a blog.

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Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:50 pm
Sleeping Valor says...

Okies. I think it's official: despite the fact my room is a mess, I am an organization freak. See 'The Horizon and Beyond DT' for proof.

I just finished making all the suggested corrections to DoaV Prologue, and now I am going to do the following:
a) Make a file in which I will document the plot of the Prologue, including a brief summary of journal entries made.
b) Make another file in which I will document all the suggestions people made to me as well as the ones I made to myself.
c) Go to work on changing the prologue. Though no too much, it's pretty good as is.

^And that, is for the easy chapter I don't plan on making many changes to.

Did I mention I have also got separate folders for the journals of the characters which are within the folders for the chapters involving these characters which will soon also include a file with a description of the plot for all of these chapters? I bet I didn't. XD
I'm like that song stuck in your head; I come and I go, but never truly dissapear.

And apparently I also write a blog.

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Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:13 pm
Teh Wozzinator says...

Sleeping Valor wrote:What Bear might become...(because my mom says bears are overdone, even though I can only think of one place they're used)

Bear --> The medieval people saw them as noble, but also evil at times.
Wolf --> Much feared and a great source of trouble for them. They even went so far as to eat people hanging from the gallows. o.O
Badger --> He could be bear sized, but a badger?
Chipmunk --> ^same as above. =P My mom actually suggested this.
Boar --> Apparently they were seen as very evil and scary, and also supposedly immune to pain.

What place are they used? (The Golden Compass has polar bears, apparently... is that what you meant???)

I like wolf the best, I think... "Demon Wolf" sounds pretty sweet. Problem with that is that I think wolves are more overused than bears...

Badger: Erm........ no.

Chipmunk: This is worse than badger. C'mon, a giant, evil chipmunk???

Boar: This would be good. "Demon Boar" sounds okay and actually makes sense. Probably not as used as bears or wolves too.

Yeah, so that's my rundown of this process....

Keep writing!

Teh Wozzinator
Go K-State for North Division!!

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Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:23 pm
Aedomir says...

This is a cool idea! I'm doing one of these!

DoaV is a graet idea for a novel, not cliche at all! I must read all of yours!
We are all Sociopaths: The Prologue

Sociopath: So • ci • o • path noun
1. Someone who believes their behaviour is right.
2. Human.

— looseleaf