
Young Writers Society

New plans, thoughts, notes, etc.

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Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:06 pm
Krupp says...

It's been quite a while, and there still is no word about anything on my writing. I've pretty much come to a complete standstill. I'm still thinking about writing The Walker, but to no one's great surprise, I've quit it for now. I'm thinking that I have no discipline anymore, which is quite sad. To this point, I've decided to quit worrying about it and just be a helpful person on YWS for now. I'm better off giving advice anyways.

I'm still trying to work on some stuff; I've come up with a new adventure/fantasy idea that I hope will be workable in the future. Right now, all I'm willing to say is that it's inspired by Stephen R. Lawhead's writings, the legend of Robin Hood, the bands Ulver, Wolves in the Throne Room, Altar of Plagues, Fall of Efrafa, and Cobalt. The name of this novel idea is called Burn that Martyr, Hang the Traitor. It's going to blend fantasy and some sci-fi elements together, and maybe some paranormal or spiritual elements as well. I can't say for sure, but mostly it's based on a fictional world where a kingdom is under attack by a mastermind who's managed to defeat the King's army at every turn; the only hope the Kingdom has left of defeating this rebel lies on the shoulders of a particular captain, his right hand man, and their crew, as they are hired and sent to personally find and kill this rebel.

At any rate, I really hope this one works. I'm tired of sitting and writing nothing. I need to get back to the old days where I'd sit and write maybe two or three thousand words in a sitting. I haven't done that in years.
I'm advertising here: Rosetta...A Determinism of Morality...out May 25th...2010 album of the year, without question.

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Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:55 pm
Krupp says...

Hello, hello, hello. It's been quite a while, and I've been quite busy. School as a junior in college is no laughing matter, and I'm busier now than I've ever been in the past twelve years of my life. I barely have time to get homework done, let alone box or do jiu jitsu or any kind of physical competition. The only good news is that I have been reading a lot up to this point, and that's a good thing.

And more good news yet, I've been writing a ton of poetry, listening to a lot of new and old music. Music's always been my main inspiration. For the last month I've given up on trying to write a novel, until now...I finally have come up with a plan that I think that will work. This novel idea is an epic, but not in the way that maybe Homer might've intended. This kind of epic is more along the lines of an incredible adventure into the lives of four different men, all thrust into the line of duty to save their galazy from a terror that is far greater than they are. They face impossible odds, and come to battle their own personal struggles along the way. It's a book generally built on two things in particular that I wanted to develop; characterization, and pace. I want to work on a few new techniques in both departments, and we'll see if I can actually go the distance this time around.

But that's all I've got for now. It's just an update on things. I'll be sure to be a bit more up to date in the future.
I'm advertising here: Rosetta...A Determinism of Morality...out May 25th...2010 album of the year, without question.

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Reviews: 160
Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:58 am
Krupp says...

So I'm working on two novels right now. Two novels that I have a hard time describing, other than calling it "violence-gone-Gonzo" which sounds really, really cool, right? It makes no sense, but I like the sound of it, so until I can think up a better description, that's what I'm calling the style for now haha. I was sitting here, sick and sore from brazilian jiu jitsu practice, and I wrote in a short, rapid burst, these few paragraphs for one of the novels I'm talking about. It's the prologue, and it was too cool for me to just say "bah" and throw aside. I figured I'd put it up here for anyone who's insterested. I may put the whole thin up on the advanced critiques section if I can keep writing. We shall see:

I stand here, alive and breathing despite your will. There’s been so many conflicts, so many bums who’ve stood in m way. So many warriors who have tried to erode my will. So many liars tried to deceive me, stab me in the back. Too many traitors. I lacked friends, and could trust no one but myself, relying on my strength, my power. My blood and sweat have stained the concrete of the courts, and have been swallowed up by the desert sands. My body has been scarred, and my nose is so crooked that you can tell from a mile away I got decked good on more than one occasion. But these physical sacrifices were necessary. I am here now, and there is nothing but peace. I have found myself, and the world has taken me in, accepted me as a long-lost brother. I am one with the desert, a body united with its soul once again.
The flock calls me many things. I am their leader, and they follow me with all of their hearts. Their devotion is a sign of the will I’ve utilized to reach this peak of power. To them, I am their friend, their father, and their brother. I am the demon-cleaner, the hell-raiser. The one-hitta-quitta. I am the heat of war, and I am the storm of life. It was not always so. The fight took many days to win. Long days in the heat, nights spent wandering the dunes, the cool breeze whispering in my ears, hardening my flesh into goose bumps. I have now looked back, and I can see where all of the pieces were scattered. I now see how they all slowly, one by one, slipped into place. I can smile, knowing that there is no end to this story. This is only the warm-up to the main event. This is just another minute on the clock, the hands slowly dancing towards the hour of destiny that awaits us all.
This is the story of a fighter, who became a leader, and a hero in the eyes of every man that dwells in this world. The legend of a young man who entered the desert with a bullet-wound in the forehead, with no past, no sense of peace, and nothing but the clothes on his back. Read, and behold the glory of a true warrior.
I'm advertising here: Rosetta...A Determinism of Morality...out May 25th...2010 album of the year, without question.

Once you have people's attention, you have a greater responsibility to tell them something of value.
— Tobias Forge (Ghost B.C.)