
Young Writers Society

Dreaming Deep?

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Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:21 pm
Myth says...

But typing is the best part, you get to add things that come to mind without realising it.

And Wigs, great news! :)
.: β‚ͺ :.


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Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:26 pm
Dream Deep says...

Wiggy wrote:Oh yes-redrafts are the lifeblood of us writers.

Oh, and guess what? *bounces happily up and down* I'm doing good editing Inscription and it should be posted soon and I'm reeeeally excited and I just can't wait until I actually finish EDITING!!!!!!

Tune in next time for more hyperness. :razz:

All right, then. The haikus were getting impatient. *nudges cage full of rabid haikus*


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Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:08 am
Dream Deep says...


The Chair has lost it's deadline, but a story born out of it was handed in to make up for it - poor, abridged and born out of two straight nights of typing without being very much awake. I think my eyes may have worsened in the space of the last week more than they have throughout my entire life; perfect vision can't be nearly so perfect after that whole mess. ^_~ And I can't imagine my physical well-being (let alone mental stability) was anywhere near optimal.

But I'm back now. And free from that awful oppressive mess of deadlines, which seem to stifle creativity more than they inspire it. And there's a lot more freedom and the opportunity to be brave and daring on the page without the threat of abolishing your GPA. ^_~

I went through my desk and cleaned out all my old scraps of envelopes and post-it notes with random midnight scribbles on them and actually got my writing projects halfway organized.

The Tower of Souls: (er, yes - written about two years before Phorcys', just to be clear on that ^_~) I'm think I'm going to leave that in the box for now - I can always pull it back out and that's just too epic to handle at the moment. It would take at least three months just to get reaquainted with it.

The Chair of Wind & Darkness: Obviously not yet finished, but I am going to finish it before I go onto any other major project - I owe it to the cast to do it justice and completion. ^_~ But I think I'll take a week or so off from it, just for sanity's sake and some time to recharge.

The Piano Player: ... Which has been deserted since TSR but which I would very much like to complete. Still tossing the idea around.

Cloudless: Last year's untouched NaNo. ^_~ Something to work on after the Chair.


And for now I shall leave it at that and simply add that I'm very glad to be be back and you were all sorely missed over the deep dreamer's apparent exile. ^_^
Last edited by Dream Deep on Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:59 am
Wiggy says...

I missed you too. :D

Yay, more Chair! Do me a favor and DO take off. All of us will need your sanity to keep us stable! lolz
"I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul..." --Mr. Darcy, P & P, 2005 movie
"You pierce my soul." --Cpt. Frederick Wentworth

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Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:32 pm
Dream Deep says...

I hope you're not banking too much on my leveling stability - could put us all on the losing end of coherent thought. ^_^

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Sun Mar 18, 2007 6:03 pm
Dream Deep says...

For my own reference rather than an update on progress, I needed to make a projects list of pieces that I consider at least worthy of publication at some point. Below, the list.

Pieces Complete & Posted


Gossamer on Cloud
Letting Go
Letters Ran Away
Majestic & Waiting


Began the Going Under
Certain Things
Inspiration & Loving

Non-Completed Pieces

The Chair of Wind and Darkness
The Piano Player
The Tower of Souls


I worked on the Chair a bit last night, the painful stripping away of its more lacking aspects. It's the hardest part of writing, for me: realizing that you're heading in the wrong direction when you thought you were making progress. It's like trekking through unmapped territory, a jungle - on occaision you've got to back-track and find your way back to the path of sense and decent writing.

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Sat Apr 21, 2007 2:58 pm
Dream Deep says...

Well, I was aiming to have one more piece up there under Pieces Complete & Posted for the Duel, but this apparently was not my fate. Procrastination and the piano conspired to ruin me. ^_~ But I'd still like to finish the piece - keep an eye out for it in the Fantasy Forum.


(The Chair's still stagnant... I think Myth's going to assassinate me soon, on that point.)

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Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:22 am
Dream Deep says...

"Silence is Golden" is becoming hopelessly parallel to "The Piano Player" - I think it might end up becoming something of an exercise sketch for the latter, as it's no longer eligible for the Duel. That in mind, the names of the protagonist are different, but they're nearly the same guy: Dusan in "Silence" and Vanya in "Piano Player". I should probably make up my mind, on that point.

Another thing I've noticed: Vanya is particularly Shan-like in his mannerisms. No, not quite so morose, but just as defeated. Reading through what I have on the Chair, I realized in the car today that Livny is entirely one of a kind. I'm scared to speculate which corner of my strange mind he came from. ^_~

Oh, and I'm in the midst of sending "Letting Go" (the redux version) off to a magazine editor. I'll keep you posted on exactly how formulaic the rejection slip will be. ;)

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Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:25 am
Poor Imp says...

Oy, dear Livny and his origins... I suppose from the same mad, half-certain world Tov came from? ^_~ Both inescably obnoxious.

Ach, but no Fools' Duel? Dono and Jig have both posted sketches and half-pieces before in the Duel...so naturally, you could as well, yes?

ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem

"There is adventure in simply being among those we love, and among the things we love -- and beauty, too."
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Thu Apr 26, 2007 1:31 am
Dream Deep says...

... and both entirely too partial to vodka and inappropriate remarks at inappropriate times. ^_~

Oy, no Duel. What I have on "Silence" is really too much of a ramble, a free-write, a pianist and a demon (in holding with Churchill's views on hell) and really not yet to a point post-worthy, let alone worthy of entering the exulted Duel. Half-pieces are one thing - terribly short and disorganized wanderings through a Hell of musical themes not quite so sensical. It's not ready for the Duel yet: not modesty speaking, but the plain truth. I would like to post it at some point, once Dusan sorts himself out and figures out that dialogue won't kill him. ^_~ But I really don't think it will be for the Duel.

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Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:12 am
Wiggy says...

I can't wait to see the PUBLISHED result of Letting Go. I'm going to go reread it! :D Where are you sending it off to?

Ach, Livny. Vhat a man! :D I'm almost scared to think what part of your mind he came from, too...:shock:
"I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul..." --Mr. Darcy, P & P, 2005 movie
"You pierce my soul." --Cpt. Frederick Wentworth

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Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:13 pm
Dream Deep says...

Hey, at least he didn't invite you out for drinks. ^_~ Poor Crysi...

I was thinking of sending it off to Shimmer, actually, here: http://www.shimmerzine.com/

I think Imp (or maybe it was Kay?) sent me the link ages ago. I've only just rediscovered it and I thought that I might as well pitch Letting Go at them. The worst that can happen is they go "What are you, high?" and refuse to take it, so I figure I haven't go much to lose on that point. ^_~

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Wed May 09, 2007 11:21 pm
Dream Deep says...

Good news, on The Piano Player - well, bad news, depending on how we're to look at it. Cloudless, poor thing, has been executed on its behalf and my protagonist seems to have undergone an extreme makeover including, but not limited to, his name. Daniel informs me that there's no familiar of 'Ivan' in Croatian. The result? No 'Vanja', which is really the whole point. Thus, we end up with 'Viktor'. A good name, all things considered. ^_~

Right now I'm trying to keep the Uprava Dravne Bezbednosti straight with the era, stick to sljivovica rather than the oh-so-tempting mention of vodka and work on the time period: 1960's, but that might change as well. Look for updates in the NRJ / Cafe forums - I'm trying to piece this together, and hopefully something will come of it. In the meantime, I owe Dan the dedication on a publication for all the help he's given me with this. ^_~


(The Chair, for it's part, has not been abandoned. Still working on it, but in secret. It's hideously bad, this new bit. I'll send it off to Imp, though, at some point, hideous or not - though I'm aware I've been saying that now for at least four months. The writers' curse, procrastination at its finest.)

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Thu May 10, 2007 6:48 pm
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Wiggy says...

You added me as a friend on LJ. :D So I knew already! *parties*
"I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul..." --Mr. Darcy, P & P, 2005 movie
"You pierce my soul." --Cpt. Frederick Wentworth

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Thu May 10, 2007 7:04 pm
Emerson says...

I'm reminded that I've never read anything by you. You should send me one of your masterpieces, I'd be honored.
β€œIt's necessary to have wished for death in order to know how good it is to live.”
― Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

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