
Young Writers Society

Writing Requirements

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Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:47 am
Trikky says...

3. Oreos or grapes are sometimes necessary.

Ooh, Oreos sound /wonderful/ right now! ^^

I don't really have that many requirements, just that I have to write in a loose-leaf notebook so that I can rearrange the pages and add more as necessary, and I have all my reference books on my desk. I have one of those bed-over-the-desk things and that's a lot of fun, but it discourages me from sleeping because I have to climb up a ladder to get to it, and to get to my desk I have to jump over the back of my Ikea couch. :P

My room is pretty small, which is why I ****ing love Ikea. xD

... a lot of time (like now) I just end up lying on the floor and browsing forums... and not writing... >.>;;

edit: One wierd thing that I do though, is that I have to work out before I write because otherwise I can't sit still!

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Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:58 am
LilyJamey says...

Jacob's Cream Crackers are a MUST. That did merit capitals.
It needs to be silent at first, but the sky can fall down while I'm typing and I won't mind.
I can't open any other window besides MS Word.
If I'm writing by hand, I need to be writing in an exercise book. But usually I won't write by hand - it's just too hard to delete.

That's kinda it.
Got YWS?

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Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:49 pm
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tori1234 says...

I only have a few:

1. My door has to be closed and locked.
2. My room has to be pitch black except for my reading ;light on my bed.
3. I HAVE to be in my pjs, if I'm not comfortable, my writing's not comfortable.
4. I can not write with music playing. I know most every song on my ipod, and I have the urge to sing along to it if I know it, and if I don't know it I have to listen to it until I have the lyrics memorized.
5. There can be no noise except for my noise fan (not block out the noise, that's ironic!)
6. The heater can't be on, when my heater turns on it always makes that clicky noise, and it stops my flow.
7. For me to write my best, it has to be around a holiday, preferably Halloween (I write my best ON Halloween night) I'm not sure why, though.....
8. I have to have a jug of water nearby, my mouth gets dry easily.
9. It needs to be VERY dark outside, preferably 10pm.
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba
Sithi uhm ingonyama
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama
Siyo Nqoba
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

If you know what this is from, become my best friend. =)

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Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:09 pm
Dreamwalker says...

I need tea. I dont know why that is, but a fresh made cup of chai tea is the only way I can really get into the moments of my stories. Also I need music but it cant have words, like it has to be instrumental, such as Yiruma or some sort.

But yah, those are my habits. Oh and I write better after I have my shower. I dont know why, but feeling clean makes me write cleaner, tidier. Weird right?
Suppose for a moment that the heart has two heads, that the heart has been chained and dunked in a glass booth filled with river water. The heart is monologuing about hesitation and fulfillment while behind the red brocade the heart is drowning. - R.S

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Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:00 am
Jordan Lacroix says...

I have a little notebook full of ideas, and quotes. I usually carry a little notebook and pen around with me just in case I get a good idea! I can never write when there are people around, I always need music to listen to when I write, nothing with singing or words in it. Also it depends on what genre of story I'm writing, so if I'm writing an action story I need fast pace, action, cool music, and if I'm writing a horror story I need creepy, sad, and such type of music. Also I need a lot of pop to drink, usually 6-8 cans will do it. Also when I make a layout of my story, I have to write it down in order, and pin it up against my wall, so it's more easier to find stuff. Well I still have to search through the notebook as well... But most in importantly I need to be in the mood to write a lot! I can write in the morning or night but never in the afternoon. Once I'm bothered when I'm writing it's hard for me to get back where I was. When writing my first draft the grammar is always poor... then after I finish I read over it, a lot, and correct most of those mistakes, well the first draft is usually on paper, and then I type it on the computer and correct it at the same time. But ya, that's all I can think of at the time... I think I covered almost everything of my writing habits.

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Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:04 am
chasingcolts21 says...

I don't need anything, but different things can help me:

Night, the moon, etc...; they just clear my mind.

Music, as the majority here seems to need.

Supplies--paper, pencil, pen, eraser, sharpener, etc. Basic writing needs.

Dictionary and thesaurus...

Occasionally my laptop for research.

Best when alone, or with one of the three people I trust most, only one of which who comes here.
"We would accomplish many more things if we didn't think of them as impossible." Vince Lombardi

~You've just been ticketed by the Grammar Police! 1000 word essay fine.

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Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:25 am
spike71294 says...

well all I need is the apprpriate mood that's all and yes a pen and my special notebook in which I write only my novel.
And ofcourse no distractions.

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Mon Mar 30, 2009 4:57 pm
Sinnful says...

- Something to snack on as I write, preferably nice and fattening (which I think I burn off through frenzied typing as I get into the flow).
- A full can or pint-glass of fizzy drink, or else a cup of tea or hot chocolate.
- Music on; the music that reminds me of the particular character I'm writing for, or for the scene in general. This generally means the radio until I get into srs! mode, then it's on with the playlists on Windows Media Player.
- Nobody in the room with me, except for the dog. I love having my dog with me.
- I have to write on Microsoft Word (not wordpad or notepad or anything), with Times New Roman font, size 11, single-spaced.
- I have to be wearing my PJs, dressing gown and fluffy slippers, too. Jeans aren't comfortable to wear cross-legged for hours at a time; I have to be comfortable. c:
- Can't be cold. If it's cold, I whine and moan and generally procrastinate until I just give up.

That's pretty much it. ouo

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Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:51 pm
Chloe(: says...

--I'm not that comfortable writing with pen and paper. I don't know, it makes me feel better looking at my writing in fine print.
--Baskerville Old Face as a font. That's my font this year. It changes every couple of months.
--I prefer using AbiWord. Don't know why.
--Somewhere in between 6 o' clock till midnight, depends on how dark it is.
--Reference.com (dictonary, thesaurus, reference, translator site) open
--Munchie snacks!
Formerly known as Vivacious.

Full of Cliches:a challenge to see who can write a piece with the most cliches.

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Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:41 am
Helpful McHelpfulpants says...

Quiet, although not absolutely necessary, is preferable. Best if I'm sitting propped up on something comfortable, like at the foot of my bed with a pillow for my back. A lack of internet is conducive to actual writing, and/or someone online who is willing and able to browbeat me into submission (if by 'submission' you mean [s]Devonshire[/s] typing madly, and I do). And... that's about it, really.
Nunc lac est bibendum.

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Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:00 pm
Master_Yoda says...

I find it way easier to write alone. Anyone else's presence often disturbs me.

I find it way easier to write in silence, or with music than I do with noise.

I find it easier to write well on my laptop than on paper.

A glass of water next to me is vital.

A relaxed state of mind is also essential.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
-- Robert Frost

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Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:23 pm
Chloe(: says...

--Bean Bag Chair
--Music, depends on my mood
Formerly known as Vivacious.

Full of Cliches:a challenge to see who can write a piece with the most cliches.

It's crazy how your life can be twisted upside down inside out and around and you can get sushi from safeway still looking like a normal person
— starchild314