
Young Writers Society

you can be king again

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Tue Feb 07, 2017 8:10 am
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Ashnirai says...

king (n.) - he who bears a crown upon his brow, he who reigns, he who is in control


growing up is hard. how much can you change before you lose sight of yourself?

a coming of age journey, told in a series of snapshots. a letter, a half-crumpled note written in a too-neat hand, tear stains in the margins of a book; love, loss, social anxiety and what it means to be a friend; asexuality in a sexual world.

raleigh curtis. cecily sui. callista kafala. yan jing. gabriel delacroix. alex kavouras. sheylinn demessie henok.


title inspired by King - Lauren Aquilina (may be subject to change)
for the LMS challenge - link
Last edited by Ashnirai on Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Wed Feb 08, 2017 1:13 am
crossroads says...

I was about to ask if the song was your inspiration for the title :)

From the bits you've mentioned, it sounds like it'll be an interesting project! Are you LMSing (last man standing-ing? I'll work on verbifying that <.<) as a Warrior, and will be putting this into a novel format, or are you going with a collection of shorts and/or poems instead?
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:36 am
Ashnirai says...

@ChildOfNowhere Thank you! and King truly is such a beautiful song <3 (Out of curiosity, have you watched Hotarubi no Mori e? ;;;)

Also, yes I'm doing LMS as a Warrior and I totally didn't go back and retrospectively add the link in, what are you talking about ||D. I haven't really cemented my format yet, but I'm thinking it'll be a mix of interconnected short stories/scenes and snippets from their lives (e.g. reminders, notes jotted down on stick notes, journal entries, text messages, etc). I don't know, I'll probably end up making things up as I go ||D

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Wed Feb 08, 2017 1:35 pm
Ashnirai says...

basic character profiles (wip, will be added to as time goes on)

raleigh curtis
(pronounced rah-leih - i know it's not how it's meant to be pronounced, but i think this pronunciation suits him more)
nickname: rah(?) - still working on it, am open to suggestions

(spoiler for length, no actual spoilers)
Spoiler! :
appearance: tall and lanky but slouches to look shorter, looks shorter in photographs (most people are surprised at his height upon meeting him if they've only seen pictures), brown hair that gets progressively messier over the course of the day (he runs his hands through his hair when thinking or stressed), green eyes, a faint smattering of freckles along the slant of his cheekbones, a rather jagged scar on his right arm from when he'd broken it as a child.

personality: the atmosphere instantly becomes a little more awkward when attention is directed at him. quiet, polite, likes to help people but hates being the focus of attention, tends to reply with short (awkward) answers and tries to escape asap when addressed by people he doesn't know well. prone to sarcasm (that only his friends really pick up on, most others just stare at him in confusion as they try to figure out if he's being sarcastic or not), has a rather morbid sense of humour. probably has some sort of social anxiety.

sexuality: asexual but not romantic

aspirations: directionless, not really sure of what he wants to do or be, just wants to get through school and find a good job with a steady pay. (the never-in-a-billion-years-but-fun-to-dream-of dream: becoming a singer. the more realistic dream (but not really good for finding real world jobs: being an archeologist)

family: has a four-year-old little sister (averil curtis - yes, his parents are bad at names) whom he loves and is super protective of, mum works full time and is always tired but always has a smile for her kids, dad is sick (terminal) and stays at home - does a bit of work from home (computer) but sleeps a lot and looks after averil.

quirks: likes climbing to high places to think, especially trees. gets annoyed when things are too tidy - if everything is neat and orderly, he feels the urge to make something slightly crooked. fidgets when nervous, pales and goes very very still when scared. restless hands, always fiddling with something (likes to keep a piece of string on him), can tie a lot of weird and creative knots. likes to give away things, because it's like giving a small bit of himself and it's saying something without the need for words.

interests: a deep interest in history and how the world as it is now was shaped by events previous; also an interest in people's stories and the impact, no matter how big or small, they had on others' lives. likes board games and card games. collects all kinds of things - coins, leaves, photos, stamps, letters - currently obsession is with small indoor plants (his room is very very green). loves to sing but has no confidence in his voice and in performing.

other: never gets sick. likes sports, just doesn’t like the competitive aspect or the team component to it.

cecily sui
(chinese name: 隋梧瑕 sui2 wu2 xia2)
nickname: ??? no idea.

Spoiler! :
appearance: is chinese, long black hair that she likes to wear in pigtails - her hair is her one true vanity; she keeps it long and part of her routine is carefully brushing out tangles in the evening, wouldn't even dream of cutting it. is shorter than average and looks shorter still next to raleigh, can actually pass as four years younger if she tried. likes to wear monochrome paired with brightly coloured accessories, likes to wear long dresses/skirts/clothes from her culture/formal dresses/clothes that aren’t really supposed to be worn casually because why the hell not, she looks good in them damnit, and she didn't spend $200 on a dress only to wear it just twice in her life ok.

personality: appears cheerful and willing to talk to anyone, though she does tend towards rambling to fill in any silence. feels extremely uncomfortable with tension and/or fighting and will always try to diffuse the situation. has a mostly immature sense of humour (particularly enjoys dick jokes) and enjoys talking about weird and random topics, but often tosses in "philosophical/deep" questions or thoughts that seem at odds with her usually spontaneous and whimsical personality. flirtatious, especially towards shy girls - likes to make them blush with compliments - but will stop if they're uncomfortable. sometimes, often after school days, she's just drained and exhausted after talking to so many people; she likes peaceful silences, especially if she has company and they just sit together without need for words.

sexuality: homosexual, hasn't told her parents yet but isn't hiding it from her peers.

aspirations: wants to travel the world, what she wants seems to change day by day, tentatively studying towards interior design.

family: an only child. parents together but fight a lot - the screaming that can be heard from rooms over, the thin walls doing nothing to muffle the vitriol in their voices; there is always a sense of tension always in the house. both parents full time work, wealthy, but no time to really spend with cecily.

quirks: drinks a lot of crappy tea from local supermarket (and complains about it a lot). is the type to try a very wide range of hobbies but usually they don't last long (goes through phases), writes passages about her life (not a diary!) because one day she’s going to write an autobiography and this will only help, always responds to “how are you?” with a colour and a simile, hates swimming and hates the ocean because of the vast amount of things unknown in the depths of the ocean, but loves the idea of space and space travel

interests: likes orchestral music, plays the violin, cosplays and is always on the internet (blogs, mainly shitposting), likes learning about other cultures, ballroom dancing is one of the few hobbies she's tried and has continued over the years

other: n/a

callista kefala
nickname: i, apparently, suck at nicknaming

(not much here to see, will elaborate later)
Spoiler! :
appearance: floofy light blonde hair styled in layered waves, blue eyes, a crooked smile and very faint freckles across the bridge of her nose. always wears an owl pendant (brother bought for her), dresses stylishly prefers long jackets with always seems to carry around a bag and a cup of coffee.

personality: forever amused, laid back, dry humour, passionate, solemn, reliable, like a rock, quietly supportive, dragged along and doesn’t mind. is a follower, not a leader

sexuality: doesn't care for labels (bisexual)

aspirations: wants to travel, wants to wander, wants to be a graphic designer

family: has two younger siblings.

quirks: tba

interests: tba

other: tba

yan jing
(i need to come up with the chinese characters for his name. yan2 jing3)
nickname: needs and english name

(literally nothing here)
Spoiler! :
appearance: tba

personality: tba

sexuality: tba

aspirations: tba

family: tba

quirks: tba

interests: tba

other: tba

gabriel delacroix
nickname: gabe, brie

(literally nothing here)
Spoiler! :
appearance: tba

personality: tba

sexuality: tba

aspirations: tba

family: tba

quirks: tba

interests: tba

other: tba

alex kavouras
nickname: alex

(literally nothing here)
Spoiler! :
appearance: tba

personality: tba

sexuality: tba

aspirations: tba

family: tba

quirks: tba

interests: tba

other: tba

sheylinn demessie henok
nickname: shey, linn - haven't decided on which one (or both)

(literally nothing here)
Spoiler! :
appearance: tba

personality: tba

sexuality: tba

aspirations: tba

family: tba

quirks: tba

interests: tba

other: tba

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Sun Feb 12, 2017 10:34 am
crossroads says...

Ashnirai wrote:@ChildOfNowhere Thank you! and King truly is such a beautiful song <3 (Out of curiosity, have you watched Hotarubi no Mori e? ;;;)

I have indeed! A gorgeous story, that one, and actually the reason I know about the song :] I assume you asked because of the YT video that combines the two, right?
And yes, it is a lovely song. I actually find it somewhat fitting with one of my main WIP's characters (not the LMS novel, but the one I'm primarily working on), although it's hard to pinpoint why exactly. I always thought the line you chose for your title could be so inspirational, too.

Ashnirai wrote:Also, yes I'm doing LMS as a Warrior and I totally didn't go back and retrospectively add the link in, what are you talking about ||D. I haven't really cemented my format yet, but I'm thinking it'll be a mix of interconnected short stories/scenes and snippets from their lives (e.g. reminders, notes jotted down on stick notes, journal entries, text messages, etc). I don't know, I'll probably end up making things up as I go ||D

This sounds like it could turn out really great, I love those sorts of projects that break the rules of the usual structure expected from novels. And making things up as we go is one of the great things we get to do as writers, even more so when "making things up" turns into "things naturally fitting with each other and characters leading the way as I tell their story".
Good luck. I'll be stalking this place for updates :]
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:46 am
Ashnirai says...

First week here~

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Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:03 am
Ashnirai says...

Second week here~

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Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:12 am
Ashnirai says...

Third week here~

I was never insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched.
— Edgar Allan Poe