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Story Idea

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Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:13 pm
Gymnast2801 says...

Hello there, are you here to help me with my story?
So I just came up with it today and I'm basically going to copy and paste everything I've gotten so far from my notes. I'm sorry for any miss-spelling or if things are confusing. This is just what I've come up with so far and I am wondering what y'all think, what the plot could improve on, and pretty much anything you have to say about it! So...here is what I have in my notes so far:


Do you ever wonder why dogs are called man's best friend? Why they stick by our sides no matter what? Why they sleep at the end of our beds each night?

If I told you you the truth about all these questions, you must promise me not to run away. You must promise me, to help us with this battle. To help us win this battle. Can I tell you this secret?

Long ago, dogs where thought to be created as a human companion, correct?
Well, that's what we--they, wanted you to think. Dogs are really the reason we are still alive. Still healthy. And not dead. They stay by your side because of the monsters. Monsters who will do anything to feast on a human. These monsters can be discussed as most anything, really. However, the catch is that most humans can't see them. Only the eye of a dog is strong enough to catch sight of these beasts. Oh, but why can a dog see these monsters? Well...maybe you normals don't know everything you thought you did about dogs. Perhaps dogs are also monsters, just in their preferred form to be seen by humans.


* The humans who can see monsters can transform into a 'monster' dog?

* For history, a group of these dogs wanted to be able to take human form, believing that it would help make a better protection for the humans. They combined their Skill Powers to create themselves into humans and it worked for the most part. They protected humans well and where able to live a human life but the transaction had taken the sight of the monsters away from them. They could no longer see the monsters. Many died quickly but some managed to escape to far parts of the world and raise families. The genes of these mute's original form was passed to their children or children's children, often skipping more than one generation before another 'Odd' would be born. These children looked and acted normal but usually had either supreme hearing, sense or smell, or speed. All of which a dog posses. They tended to have a very close connection to dogs. The dogs could practically understand these children. But the huge thing was that they could see the monsters. And now, if a 'leader of the dog counsel' should bestow 'something' to one of the children, they have the power to turn into a 'monster' dog too.

* A bunch of humans way back in the past learned about the dog's secret, before anyone had The Sight so before the dogs turned into humans. The normal humans wanted this power that the dogs had and when The Council wouldn't bestow the powers on them, for fear that they would then destroy the world and The Council, the humans tracked down these 'odd' dogs and captured them, steeling any puppies the dogs had and killing them one by one until finally, the parents cracked and bestowed their powers to the humans. But these dogs weren't nearly as powerful as The Council and when the humans too the powers, it transformed them in the wrong way because on The Council dogs can bestow powers correctly. The humans turned into hideous beasts and now, after years, they are growing stronger. They try to kill any 'odd' dog they can and their overall aim is to take the powers of The Council in order to rule over the world.

Who are the monsters?
They are humans that wanted to take the dog powers but took it from dogs not powerful enough and it transformed them into monsters.
How did they come to be?
Stated above ⬆️
What do they look like?
Who is the evil leader?
Why is he leader and how did he become leader?
Who is in the council?
Where is this army located?
How does The Council find you?
How do they keep themselves secret from the monsters?
If the world was blind, how many people would you impress?

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Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:10 am
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Virgil says...

I like the idea of the dogs being battle companions and all the like, and I have a few ideas to throw out to you and some suggestions for some of your questions.

What would a dog whistle be able to do, is it a weapon of power that is more powerful than dog whistles in our world? That could be some form of item someone could have in the story or something that is wanted.

Have you considered the idea of that these dogs with The Sight could have been force-bred with each other in the past and that could make a sort of hybrid in the story of them? Are these dogs going to be traditional, like the ones in our world, or ones that were created for the story?

I honestly think that you're trying to put a little much into the story with the idea of dogs also being monsters or the dogs also being able to be taking human form. I preferred the idea when it was rather just dogs that had The Sight and then humans may try to steal The Sight may happen.

The idea needs to be a little more straightened out, I think. Don't make it overflow because you put too much stuff in it. Start with what you know will work. So the dogs, they can turn into human form. Do they speak a special language perhaps, or how do they know English assuming that's what this is being written in. I like the idea with the heightened senses.

The monsters could possibly represent something, or the dogs could possibly be keeping the humans from death. The monsters could also be trying to set humans up for death, with them tripping or being in accidents or something of that sort.

Also a question, why did the humans also want to be able to have The Sight?

So they weren't powerful enough to possess the powers that the dogs had, so they turned into monsters. They could lose human traits and have struggle communicating? This was one of the parts a little unclear.

The Council could be filled with people of the strongest, or The Council could bestow the powers because each one of them in The Council could embody a power, like heightened hearing or smell.

These were just some questions to get your brain working more about this, hope it helped.

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