
Young Writers Society

First person or not? Help D:

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Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:52 am
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Ultimateanon says...

This has been a mental debate with me since I ever started writing this story. If it should be first person or third person. I've tried both but cant decide on anything now! Here is the first two paragrapghs of chapter one of my fantasy novel, Dust. I have a tiny experct of the novel in third person, please tell me if I should keep it that way, or not. :3

One by one, warning bells started to ring throughout the castle walls and echoed into the large expanse of the golden meadow. The sounds of these bells made Annaria lengthen her stride through the meadow, ever so slowly coming closer to the stable. Her breathing quickened, and her paste started to diminish. I’m not going to make it in time; I’m not going to make it in time… Annaria thought helplessly. The guards had already started to chase after her, holding their blade that glistened in the sun’s rays tightly to their side. Doubt set to her side, Annaria swung the heavy stable door open and sprinted with the last amount of stamina she had to her unicorns stall. The deep yells that came from the line of guards started to become clearer, and louder. Annaria knew she couldn’t convince them to not to do anything to her, not after what she’d done.
Annaria swung the heavy stall door opened, and greeted Distreigh. After getting the bridle that hung over a fresh bale of hay and slid it through her arm, she ran her hand through Distreigh’s black as night coat and mane. Stop it; I have no time to waste. Annaria quickly thought, and slid on the bridle and smoothly navigated the warn leather straps around the dark horn. Having no time to prepare a saddle, she went bareback. She stepped onto the bale of hay and swung her right leg over Distreigh’s back and gathered the reigns in her hands. Loud footsteps filled her ears, and she froze. Her body became heavy and her head started to spin. Was she becoming scared, or is there a spell being casted upon her?
“Stop right there!” yelled a guard that came rushing toward the stall. Annaria snapped out of the momentary daze and kicked Distreigh in the guts. Distreigh trotted through the narrow hallway, taking a sharp turn to the right to enter the indoor arena. Annaria faced the door she opened not to long ago, and found it occupied by several large guards, even some monstrous Spirit Wolves, all of which were taller than Annaria. One of the guards locked gazes with her and froze in fear.
“It’s the wretched Half Blood. I should have known she would cause some trouble.” growled a Spirit Wolf which had a striking auburn coat. Those words were all too familiar to Annaria, having heard them hundreds of times when she first arrived onto this world. Everybody tried to stay away from her, and called her that. Annaria tried to find what those two words meant, but was stopped every time. But now she knew, because she listened to the secret meeting that the King and Queens of Aldenora had inside the castle she lived in, which if anybody was to listen to, would pay the death penalty.

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Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:10 am
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Rosendorn says...

First person isn't something the author choses. It's something the character choses.

Characters tend to demand to be written in first person, and it takes a very... talkative character to really write first person well. You have to have a character bounce into your head and begin narrating their own story to have a decent grasp of first person right off the bat.

However, if you want to go the "I'll keep writing whatever person I want and the voice'll click into place", here are some questions to ask yourself, to help decide which person to use:

    1- Does the character have a world view that is very difficult/impossible to capture in third?
    2- What makes the character so special to be written in first?
    3- Do you want to include any other characters' perspectives?
    4- Can the character adequately describe everything that happens to them?
    5- Do you think you can get out of your own skin and properly capture another person's voice accurately?

If the answers lean towards first person (1 (with rational), 4, 5= yes for first; 3= yes for third; 2= an answer other than "they're the main character" is best), then first person is probably a better bet. If you get a yes to 3, or a no for 1, 4 and 5, then third is probably better.

This article might also help you make up your mind.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

Oh, Brightlord Tumul! How unexpected it is to see you standing there! I didn't mean to insult your stupidity. Really, it's quite spectacular and worthy of much praise.
— Wit (Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings)