
Young Writers Society

2013 Accomplishments!

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Reviews: 67
Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:28 pm
indieeloise says...

Before you start making a list of goals or resolutions for 2014, take a few minutes and acknowledge all that you’ve accomplished in 2013. Make a list of at least 25 things you accomplished. Coming up with the first five or ten things isn’t usually too difficult. But when you get to 20, this gets a little more challenging. Keep going though! You’ve accomplished a lot in 2013. Give yourself credit for all of your accomplishments, big or small. - Monica Bourgeau

They don't have to be huge, certificate-deserving accomplishments. Think of the little things you did that made you proud of yourself or just all around happy. And go!
"My hobbies include editing my life story, hiding behind metaphors, and trying to convince my shadows that I am someone worth following." - Rudy Francisco

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Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:48 am
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Rook says...

1. I survived school another year
2. I've written so much. I'm really proud of that.
3. I went canoeing and only got stuck a few times. (okay maybe more than a few :P)
4. I've learned so much.
5. Went on a high ropes course without crying.
6. Learned how to shoot a bow and arrow
7. Reorganized my room
8. Made new friends EVERYWHERE
9. Joined YWS. 8)
10. "discovered myself" just a little more
11. Made a snowman
12. Helped be an elf to guide children who wanted to see santa
13. learned how to make a skirt from a pattern
14. learned how to modify clothes and make them absolutely fabulous
15. read lots of books
16. wore a swimsuit to church while still remaining modest (that's quite a story)
17. spent four hours in a hospital for nothing at all, without completely melting.
18. Mowed the lawn a bunch. (that is totally an accomplishment)
19. Head literary editor for my school literary and arts magazine.
20. started up on my first AP class
21. played bingo with both the elderly and the not-so-elderly
22. Delivered cookies to people in need of some cheering up.
23. met up with a couple old friends
24. Was thoroughly embarrassed, but still acted with grace.
25. One more year with out any serious injuries or illnesses or other ailments.
What a great year!
Instead, he said, Brother! I know your hunger.
To this, the Wolf answered, Lo!

-Elena Passarello, Animals Strike Curious Poses

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Thu Jan 02, 2014 1:27 am
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TinyJarStoredDreams says...

1. I made the Literary Spotlight
2. I moved to a completely new place.
3. I met my amazing best friend.
4. Read the entire Harry Potter Series in a month
5. Watched the lion king with out crying
6. Had my first kiss.
7. Watched a Broadway musical.
8. Realized I want to be a writer.
9. Dealt with a death.
10. Discovered P!ATD and FOB
11. Went on my fist date.
12. Met someone who like me for who I am.
13. Joined YWS
14. Wrote for a literary magazine.
15. Made at least one person smile
16. Shared one of my poems with my mother.
17. Accepted people for who they are
18. Tried mountain dew
19. Held someone's hand.
20. Gone to the movies with out my mom.
21. Stopped my self from running away.
22. Beat Mario cart.
23. Babysat for the first time
24. Ate my fist twinkie.
25. Bought 5 albums in one day
How the hell are we suppose to look forward to the future if we aren't sure if we will be alive in the next 20 seconds?

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67 Reviews

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Reviews: 67
Thu Jan 02, 2014 3:00 am
indieeloise says...

1. First spoken word performance - overcame fear of public-speaking
2. Had my poetry published in literary magazines
3. Befriended several someones I never thought I’d have the guts to say hello to
4. Enjoyed several sci-fi movies (much to my surprise)
5. Memorized Chopin’s Prelude in E Minor and Beethoven’s Für Elise
6. Saw Amos Lee in concert
7. Learned to drive
8. Made homemade fried Oreos
9. Met Dr. Ben Carson
10. Made (at least) 15 new friends
11. Learned to be honest with myself
12. Watched Ace Ventura: Nature Calls approximately 15 times
13. Grew closer to friends I’ve known since childhood
14. Read all existing Khaled Hosseini books
15. Forgave by loving at face value
16. Tried curry for the first time
17. Took (and flunked) an online songwriting class
18. Rode horses in the rain with an attractive young man!
19. Challenged myself to be more socially/globally aware
20. Learned to trust myself enough to say “no”
21. (Crowned) chief editor of the up-and-coming online school newspaper
22. Abstained from shaving my legs for a month straight (still going, whoo!)
23. Wrote at least 50-60 poems
24. Confidently wore no makeup in public
25. Received my first concussion (while participating in a supposedly non-contact sport)
26. Learned to appreciate mangos
27. Explored the history behind a cemetery with my best friend since kindergarten
28. Learned to be open with in my close relationships
29. Purchased a 50+ year-old copy of Leaves of Grass
30. Decided Turkish Delight isn’t anything like the stuff in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
31. Learned that hope is not a passive but empowering thing.

Key word:
at least 25 things

:) 2013 turned out to be a better year than I realized!
"My hobbies include editing my life story, hiding behind metaphors, and trying to convince my shadows that I am someone worth following." - Rudy Francisco

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Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:29 am
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niteowl says...

Ok, I shouldn't be wasting time on this, but I need the pick-me-up

1. Survived my first year of grad school.
2. Got my first off-campus apartment.
3. Lost 40 pounds.
4. Maintained relative mental stability.
5. Wrote an NSF proposal that will actually be looked at (last year I was short one letter so it was auto-rejected).
6. Participated in NaPo (I think I fell a bit short of 30)
7. Earned several review stars and cracked Top 25 all-time reviewers.
8. Became a DM.
9. Gave my first talk at the department symposium.
10. Entered a short story contest on YWS.
11. Recorded a song I wrote for the first time (it sucked because I tried too hard but whatever)
12. Went to a dubstep concert on Halloween.
13. Also went to see my first favorite band--HANSON!
14. While we're on concerts...got to see Muse. For free.
15. Took (and somehow passed) an online songwriting course (see 11).
16. Called in to the YWS Radio Show (can you tell I'm stretching yet? :P)
17. Improved my MATLAB skills (not enough but I'm working on it).
18. Became Review Day captain.
19. Ate at the original Chick-fil-A
20. Had the infamous Turducken.
21. Semi-successfully TA-d two semesters.
22. Tried beer and chocolate ice cream (yes I realize the irony of having so many food-related ones when I'm trying to lose weight!)
23. Realized that people see more in me than I do in myself sometimes.
24. Participated in Storybooks for the first time.
25. Became a Knight of the Green Room and earn a Suit of Armor
26. Saw a bunch of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo paintings in person. Incredible!

Yeah, that wasn't hard at all... :roll:
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


a little humanity makes all the difference
— Rosendorn