
Young Writers Society

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Mon May 22, 2006 12:04 pm
Sophie says...

Make your last goodbye.
Oh the trees!
Take me back to London please!!!

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Mon May 22, 2006 12:08 pm
Sophie says...

Here's my first ever post:

Hi, I love this site. Tis pretty amazing.

I'm Sophie. S E Enever on TYWC. I honestly don't know quite what to say. I've kind of gone all shy :oops:

So maybe I'll just sing....

And so to the last:

I came to this site writing poetry about the same boy, the same emotions, and the same angsty-cliches. And though my work itself may not prove it, this place has deffinately helped me mature. I'm actually proud of my work now.

Thank you people for such amazing crits and inspiring reads.
Thank you website, for being perfectly accesible and structured in the best way.
And thank you Nate for creating the Paradise.

Here's to August!

Adios xxx
Oh the trees!
Take me back to London please!!!

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Mon May 22, 2006 12:41 pm
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Areida says...

My very first post:

Whoa...excellent. The opening sentence is magnificent- it really caught my attention. The middle is a bit tedious...nothing I can really pinpoint but it was sort of hard to read. Toward the end it became very interesting again. A couple of grammatical/spelling mistakes, but nothing substantial. Great job.

I found it quite funny that my first "critique" was of something Dusky wrote. :P

My introduction post (geeze, I must have been hyper this day):

Okay..lemme see...I go by Areida online since zee padre is strictly opposed to the giving out of my real name. *rolls eyes at father's obsessive protectiveness* I'm fifteen, and I go to a school so tiny it almost doesn't exist. I'm the editor of my school's newly founded newspaper and I play NO sports. I am completely, totally, and irreversably athletically challenged. So I excercise in the privacy of my home to keep my butt from getting so big it gets stuck in the computer chair. That might not be so bad, but then I couldn't get up to pee...so. Okay...vot else?

Oh, I know! I like to refer to myself in the third person! Like this: Areida is hungee!! Areida is writng about herself on the Young Writers Society board "About the Authors" and people are reading it!! Areida is happy because sometimes people ignore her when she gets too annoying. So this is a very exciting experience for her.

I like to talk in different accents, including: French (zat is zee best one of zem all!!), Spanish (can we say Puss-In-Boots?), and this one where all the w's are v's. Such as: Vot is going on in here? Yup, that's what I do. *nods*

I like Harry Potter and am officially obsessed with fanfiction, not a big fan of anime, I'm a second year Latin student (sed caput!! *giggle*), and I like almost all music. Well..except techno. Here are muh faves:

-Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, etc.
-Rascal Flatts
-Kelly Clarkson
-Maroon 5
-Jesse McCartney (so I'm still a Backstreet Boys' fan at heart, so sue me )
-Clay Aiken (see above)
-Josh Groban (AMAZING voice!!)
-Classical (Beethoven, Tchizowsky (sp?), Schubert (Ave Maria! WooT!), Bach, etc.)
-SheDaisy (we've already established that I like cheesy music, okay?)
-Celine Dion (see above)
-Pretty much everything from a musical...which by the way is another one of my favorite things!

I like 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, Easter Parade, Summer Stock, Singin' In the Rain, the Road to Morocco and Anchors Aweigh zee bestest.

If you haven't seen any of those movies then get off your butt and go to Blockbuster. Or sign up for NetFlix- I don't care! Just see them!!

I have three sisters (one of which is going to West Point!!), two birds (Rocco and Cinnamon, they're muh babies! ^_^), 2 rabbits, four dogs (one of which is a cow at heart, I swear), and one horny iguana.

I love reading!!! (dur) Gail Carson Levine, Madeline L'Engle, Gilbert Morris, Francine Rivers, C.S. Lewis, Meg Cabot, and JK Rowling are my favorite authors.

I like randomness!! Lima beans!! And cheese!!

I like to wear high heels- but only for about three hours at a time. I wear green a lot b/c it brings out the green in my eyeses. Well, I wear green when I'm not wearing my school uniform...stupid uniformity. Grr.

Okay, well I can't think of anything else, but y'all are prolly bored to death anyway, so I'll let you go, lol

Merciful heavens, that was long. :roll:

I don't want to think of having a last post, though this will probably be it (I will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry).

So again, to everyone who has made the YWS a home to me, I thank you. I hope that maybe something I've done or said somewhere along the way has made a difference to you, and if I've ever hurt any of you, I'm sorry; it was never my intention. May God go with you all and thank you again for making this the only place where I could truly feel like a princess.


Got YWS?

"Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed."
- Dale Carnegie

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Mon May 22, 2006 12:54 pm
thegirlwhofateloves says...

*Laughs* all these months and I still can't figure how to quote! :D

I'm posting my first post too...cos I like the idea...

"I think that that's pretty damn good actually. You don't always have to adhere to the rules of punctuation to create something like a poem. It's not necessary unless it's relevant to you. I like it anyway. And I'm not that easy to please!
Do what YOU want to do. That is what poetry is about.
x x x "

*sigh* about sums it up, really, doesn't it....

Big up the YWS Massive!

....And I still don't know what SPEW is....

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Mon May 22, 2006 1:40 pm
Matt Bellamy says...

Undeniable that there is
A certain attraction in arrogance
An arrogance that lacks aggression
But still, something that makes a boy a guy
But a guy not yet a man
I think that’s the way I like it.

And the love that apathy prevents,
Apathy it will break
I used to not bother
Never used to feel flattery
But now
A girl a lady
But a lady not yet a woman
Love is the demise of apathy
I think that’s the way I like it.

Well, that was my first post. My last post is...well...


It's been fun.

Got Tumblr? Me too! http://www.writersam.co.uk

Peeking Cat Poetry Magazine is accepting submissions! http://peekingcatpoetrymagazine.blogspot.co.uk

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Mon May 22, 2006 2:18 pm
Myth says...

My first post:

Doe wrote:Joe once smelled sushi coming from the toilet. Ann didn't give a potato to Joe because he was imaging pranks involving birds poop and underwear. Joe d pickles so Ann never punched the cow. For when she did, the mess danced nonsensically into vegetation and muddy shoes. Joe loved cookies so the brought some chocolate buttons that growled at Fido because she ate their underwear. The funky monkeys screamed shrilly and hid his hat beneath Ann's enormous butt. She climbed down the slippery slope and sat down, her options nearly fell with boulders pushed by Joe Fingerbender but Ann punched him in the family jewels. Joe then looked around for Ann because of his need to think about elephants. She said that he ignored her eyelashes when they strangled hippopotami wrestling without iPods. The iPods freed themselves by hanging soap on Ann and spitting into her crimson skirts. Joe killed many clocks because he puked over Ann's bologna. The bologna wasn't it just played hopscotch all night, until Santa Claus brought home many Barbies and miniature Bens that broke.
So, basically the summary is never poke sticky Victorians. They'll lick all your . Joe consumed sushi during the party, which was meant to become alive after spitting iPods in front of Ann , then Joe flew away. Ann became disgruntled about bananas being stupid like antelopes. She drank then done the dumbest Thing. She tried to fart, but farted. Burped poisonous things like mothballs, warthogs, Michael Jackson CD's, Mcdonalds food, George W. Bush and tutus. Nothing Stupid Jim sang during lunchtime could stop the potatoes from getting shaved on Wonderbread. Birds giggled non-stop, causing hysteria and intense burning.Monkeys itched their tails and imploded popcorn. Walnuts went searching neurotically for 9000 vacuum cleaners. Today might be boring, sausage-infested nausea brad pitness, Ann thought. Joe went shopping for donuts, but evil fishsticks in purses chanted go robots! ate weasels for beauty pageant contest. Everyone fell down the drain, then Tom Cruise danced like flipper until George Michael forced his cat into attacking s then the left boob gave Georgy milk and sushi. Still, restaurants kept Jill waiting until Jill shimmied her sock. Joe pooped on Jill, who in return licked Joe in the nose. Ann snorted "How lovely that they stuffed piglets 'cause Aniar's briefs turned into gray monsters that peed O.J. onto his tongue. Growling bologna babies bit off Joes foot fungus. DENMARK! was decomposing the sushi T-shirts that kissed Joe's behind!
But suddenly Ann exploded violently and Joe skipped merilly to Ann's Funeral. There was rejoicing because Joe ally fell up the end of the stairs. Then monkeys flew over because elephants jumped clumsily over Ann. Suddenly Joe spat out a little rabbit foot. It was really strange and morbid to the bystanders who thought it was bologna. Czechoslovakians suddenly flew over purple bananas. They were making mud pies. Desert was purple sand with gothic chocolate ponies eating kittens. The ohmagawdcheeleader cursed Joe. Crimson blubber oozed from

And this is my last:

Goodbye to all those who get to see this message before the site is deleted. I met nice people on here and spent more time on it when I was on the computer than any other site. So ya, thanks all especially Nate. :D

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Mon May 22, 2006 3:13 pm
Emma says...

Argh, I'm embarrased reading my old posts. I was so hyper and young. I still am, but I'm not wear near as bad I was. Really, I needed to get a life. Heh. Anyway:

Hiya, Im new here. I just wanted to say that this is a really cool site and a really want to see more art work and more stories! Thanx!

And my last?

I have something to tell you all.
I don't like writing.
And this site has always sucked.
Nah, I'm kidding. I'll miss you dude, come back to me soon.

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Mon May 22, 2006 3:16 pm
Firestarter says...

Haha, I was just reading all my really old posts and laughing at younger self :)

Bye bye everyone, see you in August!
Nate wrote:And if YWS ever does become a company, Jack will be the President of European Operations. In fact, I'm just going to call him that anyways.

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Mon May 22, 2006 6:53 pm
niteowl says...

First post: Hi I just joined the site and wanted to introduce myself! I have no idea what I'm doing so can you help me?

Last post: Well, this is it, I guess. It's amazing how much I've grown in the last 18 months. 206 whole pages of posts. 2.65% of the site's total, average almost 6 posts a day. 6th highest poster as of yesterday. Yes I know those stats are incredibly pointless, but I am and always will be an incredibly pointless person. Thanks for reading. Thanks for caring. TTFN because it's not really goodbye, most of us are on TSR now.
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


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Mon May 22, 2006 7:41 pm
zell says...

I don't want to show my old posts its embrassing, but this is my very last post on yws so goodbye all if you want to have my e-mail address its jimbob_rob@hotmail.co.uk or robie@yahoo.co.uk.

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Mon May 22, 2006 10:48 pm
Poor Imp says...

Poor_Imp wrote:I've nothing much to say, except what I've already said... Yes, I'm new; I write. And I don't answer questions I'm not asked...so I never write much in introductions.
SO hello! ...

This (above) - my first post.

I suppose I don't really have much else to say in a last post...though questions have nothing to do with it. Perhaps it won't be a last post.

So long ('til then) and thanks for all the chimp, Nate.
ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem

"There is adventure in simply being among those we love, and among the things we love -- and beauty, too."
-Lloyd Alexander

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Mon May 22, 2006 10:52 pm
Torpid says...

peace, to Nate, to the members, and to the wonderful idea of such a place.


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Tue May 23, 2006 6:36 am
deleted6 says...

First Post

That is so lovely almost enough make u cry with joy it truely is a great paragraph Applause.

Last Post

This site is great everything about it great, but with all great civilisation it ending it may return it may not. Well i have alot ot thank you for Nate without this site i've would still had prejudice views against all American also i would never realized who my true friends were. It sounds pathetic, but i realize now those friends only used me. Then i would never have tried to carry on with my stories and make them better also i would never seen other people work and realize that mines wasn't as good as i thought but i made it better normally.

This part is most important Nate i had given up on Love i lost all hope my only optismism was oh well. Then i found love and without this i never found the love of my life so thank you Nathan Caldwell and may this site florish as it once did maybe not next year maybe not year after, but YWS will be back and when it is you can trust all loyal member to return like none of this ever happened no words can sohw my gratidude but i tried
We get off to the rhythm of the trigger and destruction. Fallujah to New Orleans with impunity to kill. We are the hidden fist of the free market.
We are the ink, we are the quill.
[The Ink And The Quill (Be Afraid) - Anti-Flag]

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Tue May 23, 2006 11:05 am
Cassandra says...

My first post, which admittedly was not so long ago:
I liked this part because I thought it showed in an indirect sort of way how messed up the girl's life was and how everything was just crazy. I don't really think that I have any criticism...I personally liked it in third person. It kind of set the tone for the piece: kind of cold and distant. Anyway, nice job. I liked it a lot.

Last Post:

YWS is a great site, full of brialliant people. It was so nice to find a place to talk to other young writers like myself! Thanks for making the site, Nate.

<3 Cassandra
"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring."
-Chuck Palahniuk

Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto (I am a man, I don't consider anything human foreign to me)
— Terence