
Young Writers Society

Time Capsule!

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Tue May 16, 2006 2:04 pm
Joeducktape says...

Basically, we all know now that the YWS will be shutting down for a while at least.

So this is the YWS Time Capsule!

Write a letter to yourself (and maybe some other YWSers) stating what you wish to have accomplished by the time YWS re-opens.

Dear self,

By the time YWS is back up I expect you to have written at least five chapters on your story, learned to write neater print, become a better critiquer, and finally gotten up the courage to let your friends read some!


Check my new and improved blog:


[/shameless plug]

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Tue May 16, 2006 2:09 pm
Zion says...

Wonderful idea! :D

Dear self, by the time YWS is up and running I expect you to have written 4 novels :D

Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind.

Immanuel Kant
"Critique of Pure Reason"

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Tue May 16, 2006 2:55 pm
Myth says...

Dear me,

What are you writing now? One of the old stories or have you started a new one before evening think! Sit down and finish your work!


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Tue May 16, 2006 4:43 pm
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backgroundbob says...

Dear Future Robert,

Good to see you again, you lucky old loser, and you are lucky: you’ve done things I haven’t done, you’ve seen things I haven’t seen, you know things I don’t know. Did it help you any? Have you managed to get any of that potential off the ground, or are you still sitting around posting poetry on the internet? I wonder what your voice will sound like; still dry, ironic, Frank-Bryant-esque mixed jarringly with a half-serious wish to be a romantic? Probably.

It's hard to tell, looking at you, what you've been doing; always was. Are you the famous novelist, valedictorian at Oxford, Nobel-prize winner, celebrity poet? Are you the burnt out english teacher: inner-city London, Manchester, Newcastle, could be anywhere - the same newspaper, house, TV shows, movies. Still reading the same books, over and over again? Still surprised when they don't end differently?

I feel slightly ashamed, speaking about you/me right now; kind of like talking about yourself at someone else's funeral. She was a good old place, the YWS: always interesting, always something to laugh at or nod at, no matter what they say. There were a lot of gutted people that day, and rightly so - communities don't build up that fast, even online, and breaking them hurts. It hurts everybody.
Still, we gave it our best shot, and it wasn't quite good enough. I know you won't be writing back, but give me a thought every now and again. It was a good time: it deserves to be remembered. All good things must come to an end.

Here's to the end of something good.

See you never again, old friend,

The Oneday Cafe
though we do not speak, we are by no means silent.

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Tue May 16, 2006 6:54 pm
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Stevie says...

Dear Future Me,

Finish POIR right now! If you haven't then do so! Go now and get off the net!! NOW GO!

Writers will happen in the best of families. - Rita Mae Brown

The Kingdom beyond Reality

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Tue May 16, 2006 10:16 pm
sabradan says...

(Dammit, Bob, you almost sound so much more eloquent than I! GRR!)


Dear future self,

How have you been? Have you been taking good care of yourself? Eating right, excersizing everyday? Did you stick to the vitamin and excersize regimine you/I thought of? I hope so, becuase I don't want my future self to be some out-of-shape tub o lard fatty with man-boobs.

I hope you have kept up with our writing, and aspirations to get published. That is the point of this letter. I hope you keep writing, and adding onto and working to improve your skills and repetoire. Remember, the only day you are aloud to stop learning is the day you die. I especially hope you keep up with our/my/your passion story "Under the Desert Sky". GET IT PUBLISHED. Also, I do dearly hope that you continue the photography, and get that photo book published eventually. How sweet it will be to go back to Chicago for our high school reunion 30 years later and rub it in the faces of those who doubted us, who said we wouldn't be famous, and so we should stop trying, and just get a good job so we could at least be rich. God, we hated her. Well, I fully expect to be able to rub it in her face to be the successful writer and photographer, who has been published, and whose work resemble late-era romanticizm, and who is read and looked and admired the world-over.

I also fully expect you to have a steady relationship, with a woman, for once. No more of this two-week and stop crap. You are a romantic, both in literary and artistic, as well as emotional terms. Truely, you are on the same wave as people like Howard Carter (not a writer, I know, but definately a romantic). So, you'd better start acting like it. I hope you have already achieved this, since when I write this down, I am moving towards that already. Whoever who are with now, I urge you, treat her well, like a woman. Be a gentleman, like Aba v'Ima, Pappa Dick and Sandak Uri taught you. Remember who you are, and where you come from. And remember, we/you/I can achieve our dreams if we trust in the Lord and belive in ourselves.

See you around,
"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

!Hasta la victoria siempre! (Always, until Victory!)
-Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

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Wed May 17, 2006 12:34 am
Dargquon Ql'deleodna says...

Dear William James Kraft II,

By the time this site reopens I expect you to have gotten over your self pity and depression. Also I expect for you to have written some thing; and on another note to have actually written more than the prolouge of a story, sucky or no, just get past the prolouge. Also I am expecting you to be a better artist and also to have posted stuff on your deviantart acc. (http://dargquon.deviantart.com/). Be a success and happy with life, keep it up.

P.S. Get better grades, show mom you can do it, that you aren't a loser

P.P.S. Rejoin soccer and kick some ass.


William James Kraft II (also learn to spell better)
Life's a B*tch, slap it upside the head.

Dargquon Ql'deleodna: (n) "Dar-qu-on Kel-del-ode-na" something i made up that sounded cool, partially based off of the Drow Drizzt Do'Urden's name style

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Wed May 17, 2006 1:28 am
Elizabeth says...

Elizabeth Mathers,

Do not make things any worse then they are, live life, but get one first.
Make new friends and keep the old, the backstabbers can burn on pikes made of metal.

Continue contact with members and especially the love of your life, because if you don't, then consider your soul completely gone and dead! You love your friends, dont' let them think otherwise.

Continue to write poetry and don't think you suck, because, unless Brad says so, it doesn't. :P Also, continue to write that Vampire Story which you planned to show the earlier YWS, and continue Carradyne with Vernon, because, although I am not much of a fantasy writer, he is, he knows, he's everything now.

Goodbye the loves of my life, the writing and the poetry, ooh, I shall see back to my former infamy soon.

Nusquam Desiderium,
Elizabeth Mathers

May 16, 2006

PS. The day YWS closes, wishing MYSELF a happy 14 and 1/2 Birthday... and Tiana, my best friend, a 14th birthday. Ooh, then curse Tiana for having her birthday fall on such a tragic day.

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Wed May 17, 2006 1:46 am
Teeeeo. says...

Dear Alexander Jospeh Lucier,

If the site ever re-opens (WHICH IT WILL) you better still be with Maiv. Or else you've ruined the best thing in your life. Do not forget that. And you better have made it into the Hariding Concert Band and have made good grades. And remember to keep in touch with Mr. R. Or you'll die a very horrible death that involves bunnies made out of pancake-shaped razors.

Yours Truly

There. :P

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Wed May 17, 2006 4:17 am
Shriek says...

(This is such a nice thread. Gosh, do I love YWS, even in it's final hours.)

To the Lyndsey of the Future,

I have but one wish for you:
Don't compromise yourself for anyone. Stay true to the morals and beliefs you've been taught (even if you end up living in a cardboard box like you often threaten to when things don't turn out right.) And turn your eyes skyward every so often. Look up, look ahead.
Good luck, my dear. You're in my thoughts, and prayers.

I believe in you.
--Lyndsey of the Present (2006)
i thought you were shallow, but then i fell in deep.

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Wed May 17, 2006 4:35 am
Griffinkeeper says...

Dear Grif,

I can't say if you'll make it that far, but if you survive to see this message, know that you must be doing something right in your life, or else you wouldn't have made it this far.

In addition to this, I must remind you of the goals at this stage in your life:

1. Write a novel.
2. Become a philosopy teacher, after some practical experience as an adult.
3. Survive, find a girl, settle down, and have kids that are twice as worse as you were when you were that age.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Wed May 17, 2006 5:55 am
Fishr says...

Dear Jessica Bruce,

How's it going, you crazy rascal? Staying out of trouble and acting like a model citizan, right?
(*answers self:* Pfft... I might be twenty-four but I refuse to grow past fifteen, thank you very much. What's the fun in that?)

If you're not leaning on a cane by YWS opens up, I hope you finish your novel before the turn of the century, much less, have it published. If it does get published, remember to stear clear of those bars! Come to think of it, after all that time and effort... Go find a keg instead - get plastered!

Mentioning that, I have one final wish for you, and no, for the sake of humanity (who will be forced to watch you in the streets) do not attempt to 'fly' off a bench in the park...


Heh. Okay, now for the more serious note:

Dear fishr,

Work hard, be patient, and enjoy life to its fullest.

I have two wishes for you, my friend.

The first is, that I hope you enjoy the coming twenty-fifth birthday in July. (Try and not fall in a river again!) Just think, you're a quarter of a century older! (In the words of Samuel Garrison, "Shut it." :D) The last wish is something I hope you'll pay special attention too. Remembering your country's past is benificial because it often repeats itself but put your own past behind, and look to the future, for the future holds wonderous surprises. :D

Now, you little hiedon, be off and have fun!
(Aye, aye!)
The sadness drains through me rather than skating over my skin. It travels through every cell to reach the ground. I filter it yet strangely enough, I keep what was pure and it is the dirt that leaves.

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Wed May 17, 2006 6:04 am
Crysi says...

Crysi, darling...

You'd better be over your internet addiction, my dear. And you know Saphirus will have your head if you haven't written at least the rest of Chapter 1. So watch your back.

By the way, how are those critiques coming? ;)

Try not to jump up and down TOO much when you come back here - you don't want to drop the laptop again.

~Your Older and Wiser Self
Love and Light

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Wed May 17, 2006 8:49 am
Elelel says...

Dear future Lucy,

Well, this'll probably all disappear when the site shuts down, but netheless ...

Don't be an idiot. I know you know when you're being an idiot, so just don't do it.

Talk more. You like talking, admit it.

By the time you read this I shall have an awesome bathroom, have a really cool novel idea that is at least half written, have a custom made rubber duck, have based a character on you (you're crazy, no offence), have read loads more books, and have published something in some form or another.

Note: I know you're always affraid of the future (unless you've gotten over that thing since I wrote this), but just think of it this way, you're the future to me, and right now I am terrified of you. Are you firghtened of yourself? Not that often anyway? Well, there you go. You wouldn't be who you are today (whenever that is) without the future happening, or without me. Never forget me.

See you soon!
Lucy of the Past.
Oh, you're angry! Click your pen.
--Music and Lyrics

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Wed May 17, 2006 10:01 am
deleted6 says...

Dear Future Vernon Neil Duncan Swain-Nisbet

How are you do you still have your optismism how are things with the love of your life. How is things with drama are you still hopeful. Are you still loyal to the love of my life. I hope you are if you arn't i'll hit myself with a book when YWS opens up again heh.
We get off to the rhythm of the trigger and destruction. Fallujah to New Orleans with impunity to kill. We are the hidden fist of the free market.
We are the ink, we are the quill.
[The Ink And The Quill (Be Afraid) - Anti-Flag]

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
— Lyndon B. Johnson