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Bigfoot body found in Georgia, U.S.

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Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:14 pm
Manny says...

CNN) -- A policeman and a former corrections officer say that on Friday they will unveil evidence of what they claim is their biggest find ever: the body of Bigfoot.

Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, a pair of Bigfoot-hunting hobbyists from north Georgia, say they found the creature's body in a wooded area and spotted several similar creatures that were still alive.

The carcass of the furry half-man, half-ape is 7 feet, 7 inches tall and weighs more than 500 pounds, they say. However, the two are not disclosing the exact location of their discovery to protect the remaining creatures.

Tom Nelson, chairman of the biology department at North Georgia College and State University in Dahlonega, said he's "pretty skeptical" the world will feast its eyes on a new species Friday.

"That would certainly rock mammalogy," joked Nelson, who specializes in the study of mammals. "I see a research grant in my future."

Whitton and Dyer plan to unveil what they say is DNA and photo evidence of the discovery in Palo Alto, California, in conjunction with a group called Searching for Bigfoot Inc.

A photograph on that group's Web site shows what appears to be the body of a large, hairy creature with an ape-like face, stuffed into a large freezer.

According to a written release, the two announced the discovery on an Internet radio show, "Squatch Detective," several weeks ago. iReport.com: Do you believe in Bigfoot?

"The only person we would allow to come down and verify the body was 'the Real Bigfoot Hunter,' Tom Biscardi," Dyer said, referring to Searching for Bigfoot's CEO, who has been looking for the elusive, legendary creature in the United States and Canada since 1971.

Whitton is a Georgia police officer who is on administrative leave after being shot in the wrist during a pursuit. Dyer is a former prison guard.

DNA tests on the body have begun, said the statement, and "extensive scientific studies" will be done on the body by scientists, including a molecular biologist, an anthropologist and a paleontologist.

Nelson, the university professor, acknowledged that new species of animals have been discovered in recent decades and that, in science, "we always acknowledge the possibility of something new."

But he said that even in north Georgia, home to the Blue Ridge Mountains and the foot of the Appalachian Trail, it stretches the imagination to think a family of 7-foot-tall creatures could have eluded hunters, hikers and creeping development until now.

"To the average person, these places just seem like extreme wilderness where you'll find lions and tigers and bears," he said. "The reality is that you're never more than a mile from a road."

The group says the animal is male, has reddish hair and "blackish-gray" eyes and human-like feet, hands and teeth.

Article: CNN

Here's a photo of the creature:

I would love it if this turned out to be a Sasquatch. It would be really interesting to study a living specimen to see if they're a closer resemblance to us or monkeys. Thoughts?

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Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:31 pm
Sureal says...

It's always possible, but I'm very scepitcal. That picture could have very easily been faked.

My alarms bells were also set off by:

-- The fact that they refuse to give a location,

-- The fact that it's all being done by Big Foot hunting groups and not actual scientists,

-- The fact that they announced the find on an internet radio show for Big Foot believers,

-- The fact that the scientists carrying out the 'scientific studies' are all unnamed,

-- The fact that they have an anthropologist and a paleontologist studying it (what are they needed for?),

-- They say it has 'reddish hair', but the corpse in the picture doesn't have reddish hair.

Still, I suppose we'll find out for sure soon enough, depending on whether or not they deliver on their promise for DNA evidence.


Just dug up a bit more info from wikipedia:

-- The two guys who found it also filmed a hoax video, in which a brother of one of them - pretending to be a scientist - 'confirmed' the body as being real. They later had to admit the video was a hoax. So they're not exactly the most credible people in the world.

-- Furthering the above point, another Big Foot hunter who knows one of the finders says that 'anything he is involved in is suspect'.

-- The DNA evidence was suppose to have been revealed earlier today, but it never was. They only realeased a couple more pictures, suggesting they don't actually have anything.

Basically, this has 'HOAX' written all over it, capital letters and all.
I wrote the above just for you.

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Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:52 pm
Emerson says...

Even if it is a fake, doesn't the body look freaky?

It's like that video they had of big foot walking across a forest and looking at the camera man. The people eventually admitted it was a hoax, but when I was younger that video freaked me out. Big foot is kind of scary! Except when he's in that Chevy Chase movie.
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Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:07 pm
Twit says...

Are the pinky looking things intestines or fingers?

Either way, it looks Photoshopped. *has not been waiting ages to quote xkcd*
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Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:01 pm
Clo says...

Aw. Most definitely a hoax. I haven't seen a big foot hoax in a while! Or maybe I haven't been paying attention...

The corpse looks rather fake, but I agree with Suz, it is creepy looking. I used to be unsettled by the video too. :)
How am I not myself?

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Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:48 pm
Cade says...

Lolz, this would so happen in the Deep South.

Not that I'm a stereotyping Yankee or anything like that.
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*surprised scream* Aaaaah, NaNo!
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