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Anyone seen the Indiana Jones movie 'The crystal skulls'

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Fri May 23, 2008 1:08 am
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myfreindsavamp says...

Hey this was an okay movie but Indiana Jones, the actor who plays him does not look good as an old man. He looks to old with the white hair.

How could he even be able to take all the beatings? My step dad says he does all his stunts. I think the guys crazy.
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Fri May 23, 2008 1:15 am
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Crysi says...

It was definitely mediocre. Didn't live up to the original trilogy, but it was kind of amusing to see Indy getting older but still retaining his trademark charm and wit. Without giving anything away, I felt the plot didn't live up to the usual Indiana Jones standard, venturing too deep into other genres. Also, there were far too many random scenes that were only there to entertain or, in some cases, seemed like they were ideas that had been dropped.

I give it 3/5 stars, only because it's Indiana Jones and still had some in-jokes for hard-core fans, but the dialogue and plotline were both lacking and it could have been better.
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Fri May 23, 2008 1:38 am
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myfreindsavamp says...

I have to agree with you on that one. It really didn't live up to the original trilogy.

I wouldn't be able to rate it because I'd have no idea what to rate it... :(
We've all been broken in some way. It's just how we express it that makes us dffrent form eachother.

“This precious book of love, this unbound lover,
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~William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

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Sat May 24, 2008 3:59 pm
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Krupp says...

The action sequences were decent. It started off great, and along the way somewhere it lost momentum. The action made up for it, and Harrison Ford's just a great actor, but really, the ending was just pure stupidity to me.

7.5/10 just because it's Indy, but it had the potential to be so much better...
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Sat May 24, 2008 4:19 pm
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Rei says...

I'm going to see in tomorrow. A friend of mine who saw it on Friday told me how he thought of iit which is probably why it failed. It overplayed the action and left aside the archeology element compared to the original trilogy. Now that I know that, I will probably like it because I know what type of movie it is. Besides, Harrison Ford is just cool.
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Sat May 24, 2008 4:59 pm
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deleted6 says...

Russia has a low opinion of it. Not seen it myself, but if I see it somewhere I'll watch, just to watch it.

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Sat May 24, 2008 5:02 pm
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Rei says...

Not surprizing that Russia has a low opinion of it considering it takes place when they were the major enemy of America at the time. They aren't exactly going to have a positive portrayal of the Russian characters, seeing as they are the bad guys.
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Sat May 24, 2008 5:21 pm
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Kylan says...

I felt that Harrison Ford's acting was a little stiff for the first half of the movie, that some of the action sequences were too unrealistic (even for an Indiana Jones movie ie: the ant scene), and that the plot was somewhat stilted.

That being said, I enjoyed myself.

See, the key, I think, to enjoying a movie like this, is appreciating the fact that it's not supposed to be realistic and that Indiana Jones has and always will have a comic book character persona. George Lucas and Steven Speilburg didn't set out to make this movie the next big thing, they set out to film a whimsical, nostalgic romp through legend and lore.

Also, I felt that Mr. LaBoeuf's acting was very fresh and that he played the part of a "Greaser" very well. For the most part, anyway. I thought that his offense to the fact that Indiana knew "a lot of Mary's" was really stiff and unrealistic.

Oh well.

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Sun May 25, 2008 2:27 pm
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Kang227 says...

Shia LeBeouf plays the same socially awkward character in every movie.


When Shia was in the church taking the picture, and the hat blew into his feet, and he picked it up, I was muttering under my breath:

"Don't you pick up that hat...Don't you dare put on that hat, you sonnuvvagun...I'll eat your kids..."
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Sun May 25, 2008 3:52 pm
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Parasky says...

I agree with all of you, it is nowhere near as good as The Last Crusade or Raiders of the Lost Ark, but it's way better than Temple of Doom (that was just horrible). I feel it would have been better if someone other than Shia LaBeouf was in it, but I have to admit that he plays the part of a greaser very well. The monkeys was a bit stupid, but Tarzan was big in the 50's so I'll look the other way. The scene with the siafu seemed a bit exaggerated, but I've heard they're close to being that gruesome. I personally thought it was nice to see a plot that for once didn't deal with a mainstream mythic artifact like the ark of the covenant or the holy grail; those have been done to death. I would give this movie an 8 out of 10.
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Thu May 29, 2008 1:42 pm
Gahks says...

Let's just enjoy it for what it is: a good piece of popcorn.

All the main cast members played their roles very well - Cate Blanchett in particular was deliciously evil as the villain! Shia LaBoeuf surprised me; one to watch in my opinion.

While it's evident that it's not an Oscar winner or an 'arty' film, it felt somewhat fresh despite the fact that this genre's been done to death. The ending seemed 'so what?' but I kind of got to like it. It ended up being a nice comment on the nature of knowledge and how humans are fallible: Blanchett's character (can't remember her name) ended up dying in the pursuit of eternal knowledge. But yeah, if I'm reading too much into it, just ignore me.

The biggest problem, I felt, was that the screenplay tried to include too many things. David Koepp's a great writer, don't get me wrong, but if he'd pared down the script, the whole might have been more effective.

Anyway, good film! 8/10 :D
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Sun Jun 01, 2008 1:23 am
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Rei says...

I think the real problem people have with it is that people are busy comparing it to the others. I didn't love it, but I ignored the other movies and just enjoyed it for what it was. The difference in style was a result of the fact that it took place in a totally different decade. Though yeah, the ants were a bit weird, but I bet the woman who was in Temple of Doom wishes now that they could have done the bugs in that movie the way they do now. That was just plain icky. I can hardly watch that scene.
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Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:15 pm
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Conrad Rice says...

I don't really know what to think about it. It had all the action sequences I liked, including the required "fight with prominent henchman in small space resulting in gruesome death of henchman" scene, so that was alright. Shia LeBouf was a lot better than I thought he would be, and Harrison Ford is, after all this time, still the one and only Indiana Jones.

But I disliked the move away from religious phenomena. Don't call me a fundamentalist for that, let me make my defense. The whole "aliens with psychic powers from another dimension" thing really felt too New Age, and overall just didn't seem right for an Indiana Jones movie. And Kate Blanchett? Come on, she is nowhere near the villans that Belouq, Molan Ram, or Walter Donovan and Else Schneider were in the previous movies.

But besides that, I'll probably buy the movie when it comes out, it is that good.
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Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:32 pm
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Rei says...

I think the reason they wanted to go for the alien thing is simply because it had to take place in the fifties when you take into account Ford's age, and the fact that aliens were a big issue back then. In the 1930's, Hitler was obsessed with the occult and religious artifacts, so that was why they went that direction with the originals.
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Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:28 pm
sabradan says...

It was better than Temple of Doom, but a far cry from Raiders or Last Crusade. The first half was excellent, and I thought it would be on par with the older ones, but then it all went awry in the second half, and I was a bit dissappointed. (I still enjoyed it, but still...)
One thing I just don't understand is the whole magnetic thing. I mean, EVEN IF you do buy EVERYTHING ELSE....that there are somehow aliens or whatever with crystal skeletons and blah blah blah, how come the skull was magnetized? Crystal is NON MAGNETIC.
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