
Young Writers Society

Weird Family Things

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Sat Apr 30, 2005 11:07 pm
Nate says...

Is there anything weird that your family has a tradition of doing?

For instance, in my family we have an action figure of Captain Picard from Star Trek: Next Generation. I got him as a present many, many years ago, but starting about eight years ago, he just started showing up in odd places. Since then, whenever someone in my family finds him, it is their duty to put Captain Picard in a very odd place/situation. Some prior examples are him being found hung by a rope from his neck to the ceiling of the freezer, frozen in a cup for weeks, and just this past November we found him buried in the backyard. I have no idea where he is right now (he sometimes goes hidden for months on end), but he'll probably be found in a mouse trap, the stuffing of the dog's bed, or something of that nature.

So does your family have any weird unique (that is, only your family does this) tradition?

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Sat Apr 30, 2005 11:33 pm
Crysi says...

Lol! Hmm.. *thinks* I actually don't think we have any odd family traditions. Wow. That's surprising.. I'll have to keep thinking about it.
Love and Light

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Wed May 04, 2005 5:59 am
Galatea says...

Every Easter well all get together for a massive touch-football game. I usually end up broken, and someone almost always cries.
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Wed May 04, 2005 4:46 pm
Matt Bellamy says...

Nothing majorly weird...We have strange eating habits on Sundays, once we had a bacon and eggs fry up every Sunday lunch, instead of roast dinner, that lasted a few months, now we have pizza. There was something else but it's completely gone out of my head...have to come back to it...

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Thu May 05, 2005 8:56 am
Boots_snob says...

Nothing really weird in my family. Most Christmas's we get together at my nan's place back home (i'm in boarding school right now) and we are there most of the day. But my sister ends up having a fight with my cousins and i always end up getting sick from all the food.

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Thu May 05, 2005 9:03 am
uniaeca says...

My family is just weird. Period.
Other than that we all have our own little traditions.
Our tradition is not to have traditions :P

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Thu May 05, 2005 9:12 pm
Nai says...

My family has an "Annual Chile Cookoff" every year where AAALLL the family gets together at my Uncle Marty's (he's not really my uncle.. he's my immediate uncle's best friend)(AND if you have ever heard of the candy company "Jelly Belly", he owns it) and have a contest to see who make the best tasting chile.
And everyone who tries it has to vote and the winner just gets the thrill of victory and a trophy.

And it's always HUGE. On my Mom's side of the family, her brother Gary (my uncle) is married to my Aunt Karen.. and my Aunt Karen is part of an enormous Italian family. She has 2 brothers and 5 sisters!! And they all have kids.

So yeah.. big tradition
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Fri May 06, 2005 2:53 pm
Kay Kay says...

My family is just plain weird, but I think the only tradition that we have that is weird is that on Christmas Eve, we open all our presents, then, sleep in till like 2 in the afternoon on Christmas day and I hate sleeping so I end up waking up at like 9.
Quarrels would not last long if the fault were only on one side.
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"An unexamined life is not worth living..."

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Fri May 06, 2005 4:46 pm
Rei says...

My family has the defective Baumander gene. I don't know if I could describe them, but we often say or do things that seem odd to the casual observeer, but are totally normal for us. Then there's our big pickle obession. I've never heard of another family that has pickles on their table for Passover and Channuka. And my favourite is the record for number of side dishes without having an actual main course at family dinners.
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Fri May 06, 2005 5:10 pm
Nai says...

defective Baumander gene?

ancestry to faeries?

wow Rei your full of surprises..
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Fri May 06, 2005 6:05 pm
Harley says...

hmm... well, im an only child, so we dont have many traditions, my family is really close, but not your typical brady/walton cutesie closeness. we have this big thing about xmas decorations, though. we have certain ones, and theres the traitional argue about whether its the fairy (or faery) or the star on top of the tree (i love the star, mum loves the fairy)- it's the star's turn, by the way :wink:

WOW, Aniar, JELLY BELLY!!!!! That man is responsible for hawaiin punch jelly beans!! we have a dispenser thingy in our snooker room, but all thats left are the root beer and banana ones (we're too scared to try them :P) but still, that is sooo cool!!! he's a CANDY MAN!!!!!!!!

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Sat May 07, 2005 7:54 am
Elelel says...

Well ... you know how it's generally excepted that pretty much everyone always gets together for Christmas with all the rellies? Well my mum's got seven brothers and sisters, and all of them a married with kids (I have about 17 first cousins ranging between 6 and 30 on that side of the family alone). We get together every christmas (usually at the Bart's place) and just do 'stuff' continuously. THere's a cricket game, a bowls game (that's a tradition on it's own. We always always always no matter what the conditions have a Christmas bowls game) and at least five people are in the swimming pool (Christmas is in summer here) and everyone else sits around talking, drinking and eating. It's a really cool fun family actually. Then there's the handing out of the presents. There's so many of us that is just ridiculous to all gather round and hand them out one by one. Basically one erson from every family walks around with some form of box or bag handing parcels out muttering Merry Christmas (of course everyone needs to buy so many presents that theu;re never expensive) then there's wrapping paper everywhere and no one can remember who gave them what. But that's pretty average except on a larger scale to most one aunt and uncle families.
But then ... there's the LOLLY FEASTS!!! Rather immuture actually, but our favourite group of cousins are the Bart's, four kids all about the same age as me and my brother and sister and we get on really well. We go on holidays together when ever us kids can con the parents into it and the kids ALWAYS bring huge stashes of lollies which we horde for weeks before hand and have huge feasts together while laughing and being idiots. And lately there's always been a holiday song ... the most annoying being a variation on the ending song on the Life of Brian "alway look on the bright side of life" crossed with the theme tune for the Mr Bean cartoon, a beer add song, a singing fish song and a ready invented never ending song ... don't even ask about the result.

But we're not weird. At least not my cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents ... my more immediate family I'm not so sure about...
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Sat May 14, 2005 2:32 am
Crysi says...

The only thing I could think of is during a thunderstorm, we all go into my dad's room and open the blinds. Sometimes we go out on the balcony too.. And that's kind of a tradition.

But nothing strange. Gah.
Love and Light

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Sat May 14, 2005 2:47 am
Elizabeth says...

.... Crackers, cheese, bologna, french fries, steak, pork chop, apples, lettuce and pie on very very very very very very random and non related traditions. Christmas cookies in July and then playing baseball in the winter to riding bikes around the lake when it's like 10000 degrees outside.

The only thing I CAN LIVE WITHOUT is this "kissy kissy goo goo" crap I have to put up with invisible mistletoe every day of the freaking year with my parents!... now if my and Colton had invisible mistletoe :twisted: well, that's a different story. :-D

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Sat May 14, 2005 12:52 pm
Zion says...

Macedonia=weirdness + tradition

Have any of you watched keeping up appereances? The comedy series from Britan? Thats how we look like during Christmas Evening or some celebration. Everyone has its own place to sit. Father sits up front, mother on the other end I sit nex to her from the one side, sis sits next to father on the other side. Proper mannerism and all those thigns are mandatory. And no, I dont hate that. In fact I love it. I grew up with those things.For example did you knew that during supper/dinner/whatever the waiter comes from your left side to place the meal and then comes from the right side to take out the dishes. Also for certain celebrations father and uncle take a young lamb, kill it, flay it, tear it apart and then roast it. And from HIS (has to be his dont ask lol) insides we make a...er..heagis stew in a way.
Without sensibility no object would be given to us, without understanding no object would be thought. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind.

Immanuel Kant
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I *do* like flipping tables.
— Faye Whitaker, Questionable Content