
Young Writers Society

Your Future

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Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:37 am
Elizabeth says...

What do you see in your future?
Will you live past 50? Will you die? How do you think you'll die *coughs, choking on my favorite food, coughs*

tell us your future, what you see, what you could want, what you know is in store!

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Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:41 am
Areida says...

Here's what I hope for:

--Finish high school, top of my class.
--Go to college somewhere excellent...ie Stanford, Rice, etc. and major in one of several things: Creative Writing, Literature (don't know which type), or Ancient History.
--Grad. school (maybe at Oxford)... but I want to travel. I'd like to be a nanny somewhere for a year or two in Europe. Maybe Italy. If not I'm definitely visiting Rome.
--Get married.
--Have four kids.
--Publish lots of books (preferably before I'm thirty...LOL..sooner the better)
--Watch my kids grow up, grow old with my husband as I travel and continue to expand my knowledge and write more books.
--Die old in my sleep.
Got YWS?

"Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed."
- Dale Carnegie

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Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:43 am
Shadow Knight says...

-Finish highschool
-Get into the ADFA
-Join the army
-Write a bestselling novel, and leave the army
-I don't think about how i'm going to die

I'd like to get married sometime in my 20's
Cause i'm a one man,
I'm a one man,
I'm a one man,
I'm a one man revolution.

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Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:01 pm
uniaeca says...

I was just talking about this with some one today. I admit.... I talk about it every day.

What I want to do:

Go to university (preferably Murdoch)
Get married and have kids by 25
Write a book, poetry, whatever and get it published
own a small dog
do some volunteer work
donate money to a huge cause
and support a child in a poor country.
Sporks!! and Waffles!! Ohhhh that waffley goodness stabbed with a spork!

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Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:27 pm
Emma says...

Weee, my turn :D

Finish school
Go to collage
Go to uni
Be a graphic artist
Try working in the theater once in a while
Have children in my 20s or under. One boy and one girl :P
Get married in my 20s. (just so i am still able to look good when getting married)
Watch my gran's last days of living (with NS) :( :( :( that should be in my early 20s
Start to smoke and get really underpressure with work. (30's)
Have a small heart attack, but live
Die in a carcrash around about my 40's.
Die in my husbands arms :P :P
And then get reborn.

That is going to be my life... I can see it now... I feel sorry for me. I know I am going to die young/ish.

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Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:55 pm
QiGuaiGongFu says...

i see for me, in my future.... a.. NAP!

everyone wants to die old, in their sleep. man, if i have to die, im going to enjoy it. im going to live for ever yall, or die trying. cuz think about it, those are your last minutes, the last moments you have on earth, their precious yall. so if im going to have those, they are going to be the most exciting moments of my life dudes. whats the fun of dying asleep? who knows, you could be having a bad dream, and then what? poof, your dead, and you were having a nightmare, what a way to go. if im old, and i have cancer, or im stuck in a hospital bed, im going to sign a living will saying that i want them to push my bed out of an airplaine, 10000 feet up. and in those last minutes, right before i hit the ground with a force equal to that of 2.3 metric tons of pressure, in those minutes that im falling, im going to be tranquil, none of this screaming or yelling crap, im going to accept my fate, because its like this yall. im out of the plane, theres nothing else i can do, screaming wont help nothing, im gunna die anyway, might as well do it with some dignity. and when they collect my broken mangled carcas off the dry desert sand im going to hover over for just a few minutes before moving on, just to be able to say "god damn boy, that was freaking fantastic" because if you have to die, why not love every minute of it?
For centuries, theologians have been explaining the unknowable in terms of the-not-worth-knowing.
- HL Mencken
Lie together like butt.
Presenting the GFuture, soon to be the Gnow, reality presented by Google.
Welcome to GEarth.
~Baske in the randomness~

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Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:46 pm
Emma says...

Waa? I know Im going to die painfully. >.<

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Tue Apr 19, 2005 7:41 pm
Darkmoon158 says...

I see my turn.

- Finish school

- Go to College

- Write a book and get published

- Marry

- Go to a trip to the rainforest

- Die in my late 20's by falling off a very tall tree

I know VERY simple.
For now I will let the blood drip from my fingers...

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Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:04 pm
dreaming_mouse says...

I'm a pessismistic so I know that none of this will ever happen:

:arrow: Get at least a C in all my AS courses and again when I take A2 next year (if I manage to pass all the AS ones first :roll:)
:arrow: Get into a university in Scotland, the one I want to get into is near Edinburgh and it's Queen Margaret or something like that
:arrow: Get published at a young age
:arrow: Have a successful career as a fashion designer as well as being a successful author on the side
:arrow: Own two old English Sheep Dogs, girl and boy
:arrow: Live in a log cabin in the Scottish Woodlands
:arrow: Be rich and famous, just so I can afford nice thigns like a car lol
:arrow: Sometime I'd like to fall in love with a guy who will love me for me lol, that'll never happen though

I don't want to get married or have kids, I'm too emotional and there's no way I'd cope with being a mother. And to me marriage seems pretty final and scary lol.

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Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:31 pm
nickelpickle says...

--Do well in high school

--Finish top of my class

--Take one year of community college in my senior year

--Go to UCF or FSU for four years

--Go to Harvard, Yale or Duke for law school

--Open my own firm

--Get married in my late 20's

--Have three kids

--Retire early
"There's a light at each end of this tunnel,
You shout 'cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out
And these mistakes you've made, you'll just make them again
If you only try turning around."

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Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:40 pm
Midnight says...

well in the near future I plan to...

-Finish School after my A Levels.
-Go off in the summer and do lots of stuff, travelling with friends (Croatia and Hungary), travelling with family (France), my music theatre course I do...blah

-Depending on my grade accept my offer to either Cambridge or Durham..or if my grades are awful neither and have to retake my A Levels...ahh

-Before going to them take a Gap year. Where I will work, go to Spanish lessons, sort out my phobia of dogs, take a photography course and get drunk a lot. Then n February volunteer in Ecuador for six months, hopefully afterwards visiting the Galapagos Islands

-Go to my accepted University for three years y to study Archaeology and Anthropology (Social and Biological)

Then I have no idea!!!

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Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:32 am
Nai says...

-Pass all my classes this year and get a good score on all tests (including SATs)
-Pass all my classes next year and graduate
-Get a decent job in journalism or something of the like to start off my writing career
-Publish my first saga of the five books I have been working on for 3 years now and have Todd Lockwood make the art for all 5 books (and eventually get the books in hard cover)
-Go on a road trip on the Hawaian islands of: Hawaii, Maui, Oahu and Kauai
-Go to college at either College of Du Page or Columbia College
-Begin to get into cinematography and movies
-Become a movie director a direct a couple crappy movies to start me off with a little experience
-Direct the 5 movies for my five books (my ultimate dream)
-Continue to write after my dream is complete, writing continuing adventures of my main character in the 5 book saga and other stories in different genres
-Retire and settle down in a small, ocean side home and live out my life in simple peace and love
(And of course there's the obvious stuff I didn't mention before)
-Marry in 20's sometime
-Have 2 or 3 kids (not all boys, not all girls)

And as for my inevitable demise... i've got a while to dwell on that.
ἓν οἶδα ὅτι οὐδὲν οἶδα

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Thu Apr 21, 2005 4:21 am
Nate says...

In my future...

Quite optimistic, but still no clue what I'm doing in just six months from now. Ten years from now, though, I'd like to be married with a kid or two, and working at a job where I earn a six figure salary (hopefully just by writing books).

I'm hoping that I live far past 50 and reach at least 100. Yet, it probably won't happen since every job I'm looking at is high-stress so even if I exercise and eat right every single day of my life, I'll probably only live into my eighties (of course, if nano-technology develops well enough, I could live into my thousands...).

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Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:29 pm
Shriek says...

Oooh, this is a fun thread.

In my future, I want to accomplish some (but hopefully all) of the following:
1) Graduate highschool with high honors.
2) Move onto a small, private college with an excellent writing program where I can minor in theology, music, or theater.
3) Meet, fall in love with, and marry the man of my dreams. *Squeezes eyes shut and crosses fingers* And I'd like to have children too. ^_^
4) Write something profound, whether it be an article, novel, song, etc. that will touch lives in one way or another.
5) Travel. I don't care where. Europe would be nice. Or Asia.

I don't wish to know when or how I'll die. All I want is to die knowing that I accomplished something on this Earth--that I made a difference. That's all, I guess.
i thought you were shallow, but then i fell in deep.

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Thu Apr 28, 2005 5:22 am
Elelel says...

*shrugs* I plan on floating through my life in blissful un-thinkingness of the future. It'll happen ... and hopefully it involves a successful career as an author a happy marriage a few kids and a peacful death at an old age. But I don't think about it seriously too often ... (don't tell me I need to either, I know I'm going to have to seriously start working out my future in a matter of weeks, school thing for year 10's, and I want to enjoy every blissfully un-thinking moment I have left.)
Oh, you're angry! Click your pen.
--Music and Lyrics

I'd be a quote vigilante. A literary Batman. Someone had better be quoting me now!
— Feltrix