
Young Writers Society

Peer editing in school

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Sun Nov 04, 2007 6:49 pm
bookworm201 says...

What is the worst and best paper you've ever had to peer edit in school? My worst would be a paper where the author used the same phrase twenty some times and Im still looking for my best.

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Sun Nov 04, 2007 7:36 pm
writeholic says...

ohh goodness. I'm in something called writers association in my school, and people send their papers to us for an edit. I spent one day reading about 20 papers on Benjamin Franklin. I got to about the 18th one and they told me that he was some rock star, and he did some other wacky stuff. It was pretty funny, but it was also pretty bad that they wrote that. I really can't think of the best one that I've peer edited, but I'll keep thinking
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Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:53 am
EnchantressMuffin says...

Once my English class had to do a peer edit, and the three papers I reviewed pretty much sucked. Not to mention there were a lot of grammatical mistakes... but mainly there was so much bad writing that I just felt like collapsing in tears.

...Well, not really, but still, some of the papers were pretty bad.

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Mon Nov 05, 2007 4:17 pm
bookworm201 says...

yeah, what is it about peer editing in school that makes it a garanteeed downer? yuo'd figure these people would at least know what grammar is... how in the world did they pass third grade?
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Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:09 pm
onceuponatim3xo says...

Ohhhh, don't even get me started!

Peer Editing is the stupidest idea ever!!!

People go to their friends for them to edit it, and their friends can't seem harsh and edit all over their paper.

And some people go to the other people who actually know how to edit, and the person is stuck editing this crappy paper, while the other person doesn't even touch theirs, when they really want it edited.

I mean seriously. :smt012 Peer Editing drives me crazy!!! :smt119
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Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:19 pm
Meshugenah says...

Haha, yeah. Peer editing can really suck, but then again, that's exactly what we do here!

What I did at school was find those who could edit, and we traded. Luckily for me, they happened to mostly be my friends. I know that for the most part, it didn't matter what class it was for, we traded anyway. I know Crysi and I used to do it all the time, and I may have to start pestering her again, since I haven't found any one at school who can, yet. Or maybe I'll start populating the "other" section with my essays. hmm.

Worst ever seen: every tense but the right one (lit. analysis, should be present. Past was popular in it, as was everything that wasn't present); a page short; no thesis; not a single quote from the book; obviously hadn't read the book; grammar made me want to kill something.

My favorite bad one was when the person didn't understand the beauty of a period, or the subject they were writing about. I mean, I knew little about it, but the fact that i could tell, without knowing anything... yeah. Painful. And it was so repetitive...

I don't think I've read a best one... had some funny typos in a few, though.
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Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:31 pm
Wolf says...

yeah, what is it about peer editing in school that makes it a garanteeed downer? yuo'd figure these people would at least know what grammar is... how in the world did they pass third grade?
Um...how can you say that when you made quite a few grammar mistakes and typo's? I don't want to be mean but seriously...you shouldn't diss people about their writing when what you just typed has soooo many errors for just two sentences...'garanteed'? It's supposed to be 'Guaranteed' and 'yuo'd'? Shouldn't it be 'you'd'?
Anyways, sorry about that attack, but I didn't think what you said was fair.

Yeah, a couple days ago my class did peer editing. It was awful, seriously. Some people in my class were like, 'He walked 2 the store and went home. The next day Tomper huged him and he was hapy.' But that's one of their good sentences. You can imagine their bad. I don't know the best one...but I
'll think about it ^^
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Fri Nov 09, 2007 10:57 pm
bookworm201 says...

yeah, what is it about peer editing in school that makes it a garanteeed downer? yuo'd figure these people would at least know what grammar is... how in the world did they pass third grade?
Um...how can you say that when you made quite a few grammar mistakes and typo's? I don't want to be mean but seriously...you shouldn't diss people about their writing when what you just typed has soooo many errors for just two sentences...'garanteed'? It's supposed to be 'Guaranteed' and 'yuo'd'? Shouldn't it be 'you'd'?
Anyways, sorry about that attack, but I didn't think what you said was fair.

Slightly fair, but since I wasn't supposed to be on the computer, I was rushed and didn't double check my spelling, which is atrocious when I'm typing too quickly; I just typed a reply. I'm think I'm also slightly dyslexic, because it looked okay to me... But thanks for pointing it out.

The worst thing about peer editing in my school is that we have to edit the same person's paper all the time, and we didn't pick our partners; they were assigned. I edit his paper meticulously, he says it's "good". Argh!

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Fri Nov 09, 2007 11:25 pm
Lindsaroo says...

Oh jeez...last week I had to edit a short story and it was all in chat speak! O_O It almost killed me. And besides that, the story kinda sucked...I mean it was a person who was at a funeral and got their hand stung by a wasp...It was supposed to be a short STORY not...that...I just...had a hard time trying to be nice...
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Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:34 am
motherflippinflapjacks says...

I don't think I've ever had a "horrible" paper. There have been papers that needed some work, but I've had my share of those too. In school, because people seem to care less there, I give my peer editors a checklist (like 5 questions) that they have to complete about my paper, so that eliminates my peer editing problems. And if I don't get what I want the first time, I go back to the person and ask for some specifics.

The best paper I've ever read was an essay about someone's experience accepting and understanding a neighbor who had been diagnosed with cancer often seperated themself from the rest of the neighborhood. She was in a grade above me (I was in 10th at the time) and she ended up getting an A on the paper. The style, vocabulary, and grammar in the paper were far beyond anything I had ever seen and kind of made me jealous. :oops: But, she ended up being my writing center tutor and helped me get A's on a couple of my papers, so it worked out.
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Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:43 am
Audy says...

We usually trade papers with those who sit next to us and the kid who sat next to me didn't even have a paper :evil: I sat in class doing nothing for a whole hour! It was...great actually. Better than reading chat speak, I suppose.

I once had to edit my friend's paper, it was supposed to be a formal technical piece and I was just skimming through it to make sure there were no spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, etc. when I saw in all caps FREAKIN' and I was like "Woah, buddy...big no, no." Especially if /my/ teacher was about to read that, she'd kill her :shock:

Well the best paper I had to edit was when I was working for my school's literary magazine, so it wasn't exactly peer editing, just pick and choose the best from the pile, and I read a lot of really /excellent/ poems from this one girl who was a freshman. I know I'm supposed to give other people a chance, but I just ended up picking all her poems out, I couldn't decide between them. Plus, they all actually rhymed and it didn't seem forced! That gets an A+ in my book when it comes to poetry. I'm just not good at it xD

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