
Young Writers Society

Where do you live?

What country are you from?

United States of America, baby
United Kingdom, chap
Australia, mate
New Zealand, kiwi
Canada, eh
Total votes : 46

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Wed Dec 22, 2004 11:58 pm
-KayJuran- says...

where r the brits?!? why here i am!
hello firestarter! in case any of u dont
know already im british! i live on the
malvern hills in England. thats where
schweppes comes from & the queen
drinks malvern water apparently... i
agree w firestarter tho - ive always
wondered what the point of having a
queen was when she does nothing!


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Wed Jan 05, 2005 1:40 pm
uniaeca says...

Like Éloeré I live in Australia, except that I live at the top and at the bottom of West Aus. For the school year I live in WA's capital and then for the rest of the year I live 306 kilometre's from the nearest town on a cattle station. The interesting part is I've calculated that I have 21 more plan trips before my schooling finished and at least one of them is likely to crash.
Sporks!! and Waffles!! Ohhhh that waffley goodness stabbed with a spork!

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Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:08 pm
Willow says...

I feel like an alien. I'm the only one who's replied that comes from the 'other' category. :? lol
I come from South Africa. I live in Guateng in Pretoria in Garsfontein. It sucks here and I can't wait to go abroad when I'm old enough. I've never been to any of the other countries in the poll, just the Netherlands, France and Germany.
My life is a broken stair
Winding down a ruined tower
and leading no where

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Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:15 pm
Sam says...

I live in Lincoln, Nebraska and it ROCKS!!! and I only live like 10 minutes away from the capital building, which is awesome by the way

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Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:44 am
hawk says...

I come from Australia too, Cairns, in Queensland (Great Barrier Reef). Christmas in the tropics...it gets around 35 degrees here, plus the humidity of the tropics. Cause' of the reef, we don't get any surf, just mud flats and mangroves.
I haven't been to South Australia, Éloeré, but I've been to WA, far down as Busselton. It's true, Cairns is beaut fishing and everyone here is brown skinned (which remindes me, down south I never saw one aboriginal, not even the Gold Coast). The wet seasons come around now and the electricity goes out for a couple of days, and the rivers flood over.

I have been to Europe though, I used to live in Spain when I was a kid, and if not for Spain, I'd never have seen the snow. There's no winter in the tropics, though sometimes the nights are cool enough for a blanket.

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Thu Jan 06, 2005 4:06 pm
Chevy says...

I was born in Los Angeles, California and lived by the beach down in Long Beach. The place was just flat out gorgeous. If you've ever been there, you know exactly what I mean. It's not a place you want to leave.
But anyway, we ended up moving to Stone Mountain, Georgia--about twenty minutes outside of Atlanta where my mom is orginally from and now, we live in Lithonia, Georgia--about thirty minutes outside of Atlanta. Now, we're moving to Oxford, Georgia next week which is about forty or fifty minutes outside of Atlanta. However, when I'm grown, I'm moving to Texas or back to Long Beach.

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Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:50 am
Happy Lizard says...

I'm an Aussie man! Australia is wicked! luv it! never leaving! (unless on holiday)
Hey, and Willow? yeah, well my mum was born in South Africa! she moved when, oooh, I think she was about 16 or so!
But I was born in australia! Some times I say words that Aussies don't say, not African words, just a little different!
like when aussies say 'off' they say 'of' but I say 'oof' see the difference?

~Hapee ( I'm Trying to get people to call me that!)
Later man!
~~Honary 11-year old~~

Would you like some bread with your pepper?

See that freak with blood shot eyes and a mole on his eyelid over there?
He is so hot.

I hate peas.

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Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:04 am
Nate says...

Yay for resurrecting old topics!

I never quite understood the results of this poll... there are for more people from the UK than what is stated here. I can also think of at least 6 people from Australia on this site.

Anyways, the other category should be bigger now. We have members from Macedonia, Romania, Haiti, and I think two from South Africa. We may also have a member from Hong Kong.

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Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:13 pm
Beware says...

Well I'm from the UK. To be more specific - Cornwall (that's the pointy bit in the south west).
To bring up the old discussion that was going on I also don't find the royal family to have much purpose at all... I mean, seriously, what do they actually do?? Sorry, it just bugs me is all, though I guess tradition is a good thing and the tourism they bring... blah blah blah.
Yes, it does rain a lot here too, but it's real cold today so I'm still hopeful for snow!

Glad this topic was resurrected! :)

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Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:19 pm
Emma says...



*Sulks off into the corner*

Where's there cheering?

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Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:51 pm
dreaming_mouse says...

I'm was born and still live in the town that is the home of the british army. If you know my towns rep or know of it please don't judge me, we're not all pathetic losers who think we're hard

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Tue Feb 22, 2005 7:24 pm
Wulie says...

I am from england, I live in cambridge - famous city for it's colleges as is oxford... erm englands ok apart from I am currently sulking because the snow isn't settling and in germnay they're snowed in and have been for two weeks *sulks* ( my mums german)

wu x
'Sadistic lies we form like the web of a spider, the truth we hide like our flaws.'

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Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:40 pm
little x soldier says...

actually in the middle of nowhere. jk btw...
Unlike anyone here, I live in the Caribbean sea. Not in, inside. Not a pirate from the Caribbean like jack Sparrow. Not a mermaid.
I live on an Island with people that can't handle their own island. (nah haaaa they think their the best)
We are under the Netherlands. Netherlands Antilles. ABC Island... Close to Venezuela?? Island C. between A & B. Curaçao! Little nice island. Used to be only sun and moon sometimes little rain. Now I think our weather changed by surprise! More rain. Too much! I'm not just... *sneeze loudly* *coughs* *breathe* I don't like weather to change that fast, but gets bored with the same ol sun & sunny days... ha ha
My island is ruined for awhile though. (AAArgh busy, politics and referendums...) *drives me crazy* *stick my two finger for the peace sign out* w/e
uuuh-hum i think that's all. Confused? More? F Free 2 ask! :wink:
I love my Curaçao
sending hugs from Curaçao xxx little x soldier xxx
Last edited by little x soldier on Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:59 pm
Ego says...

Woodland California. Uber tiny town.

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Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:57 pm
alcina says...

new york, new york. i love it and never want to leave.

"I never expected that I should be a queen so soon."
— Alice's Adventures in Wonderland