
Young Writers Society

How was your day?

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Fri May 05, 2006 3:36 am
Crysi says...

*sigh* My day was mixed, yet again.

We had a math test. I thought I finally figured out the Gaussian elimination problem. But when I went to check it, instead of getting 0 I got 3.733...
French was pretty boring. I now understand reflexive verbs.
Went to poetry club at lunch. Read two poems, Multitasking and Addiction. Got a lot of laughs with Addiction. It was fun to perform.
History was actually enjoyable. We just asked questions all period. I learned that colleges won't see my AP Exam scores unless I send them. We also watched Animaniacs.
English was boring, but at least I had something to do other than watch The Great Gatsby. I looked through prom magazines and edited a bit more of Bound for Glory.

After school, I borrowed two curling irons from my friend down the street. I played with my hair a bit and was very pleased to find that I am able to easily fix my hair the way I imagined it. My mother wanted me to put it up, but I like the way I have it. You'll see pictures. Maybe I'll put my hair up for my prom... not sure yet.

But so far all I've heard this evening is, "So, are you studying history?" "Are you doing homework?" "You need to get those applications in." "You need to transfer whatever you need from your desktop to your laptop. How long ago did I tell you to do that?" *sigh* I swear. The more I get done, the more I have to do. I'm SO CLOSE to freedom, to fun, to enjoyment, and I'm so overwhelmed with everything I still have to get done. It doesn't help that I'm close to "that time of the month" again. Well... at least there's gonna be a chocolate fountain at my prom. Should keep me happy then if I have cravings, lol.
Love and Light

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Fri May 05, 2006 3:40 am
Torpid says...

i have ben sliding, more like screeching grinding, through classes all week, very confused....teachers hate me

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Fri May 05, 2006 3:56 am
Nate says...

Work was really slow today; pretty much nothing of interest happened, which meant that I got a lot done and I am now finally all caught up with my work.

After work, I got back home, watched some Simpsons, ran about five miles, then worked on YWS for a bit. Would've gotten a lot done, but I got a call from my mom asking me if I could go pick up my sister over in Quantico, VA (about an hour drive) since she had a bad migraine and the doctor at the base advised her to go home for a bit.

I had a lot of time to think on the way there and back, and I realized that now that I am actually moving out of my parent's house within a week, I kind of regret it. Not enough to not sign the lease Saturday morning, but I am going to miss my dog, pancakes in the morning, and playing basketball with my neighbor after work. I am going to live only a mile and a half away, so it's hardly moving away, but it is still going to be pretty different. Plus, I gotta now figure in paying for rent and utilities every month. Won't be bad, but it will mean I won't be able to put $1000 into my stock portfolio (up 35% this year!) every month like I've been doing.

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Fri May 05, 2006 4:04 am
ScarletMornings says...

i'm soo glad my life is relatively uncomplicated. i went to school, went to soccer practice, and now i'm on the interent. i just got my hair cut. that's about the most exciting thing in my life right now. oh, and my school is having an awards ceremony and i'm in the paper for academic team. the joys of being 14, my friends, are myriad. life is simple.
"Maybe I wanted to hear it so badly that my ears betrayed my mind in order to secure my heart."
- Margaret Cho

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Fri May 05, 2006 4:56 am
dele24 says...

My day was terrible, I didn't do as well or as much as I could have done at work which made me feel bad, and I had a relapse and i don't really even want to think about it anymore. Anyone know how to erase minds?

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Fri May 05, 2006 8:44 am
Ohio Impromptu says...

The last of the marks for history assignments were given out today. I missed out on best mark in the class by one lousy percent! Still good though.

Got our new english tasks today and its about time we got one that involves creative writing. For once I'm actually looking forward to doing something for english.

Maths test today. Did alright.

Human Biology essay. FAILED. or at least I think so. I find out on Monday.

Drama and Geography. Pointless as always.

...and that was my day. 8)
Gone, gone from New York City,
where you gonna go with a head that empty?
Gone, gone from New York City,
where you gonna go with a heart that gone?

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Fri May 05, 2006 9:44 am
Myth says...

In English yesterday we had to do a short story about Victorian kids. Mine involved vampires and my teacher wasn't very pleased. I have to rewrite it today and hand it in this evening!

I've only done one paragraph and I can't continue, I'm too bored with it.

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Fri May 05, 2006 8:43 pm
Crysi says...

Cramps. Need I say more?

I will.

Got up early, drove to the AP Testing center, only answered 48 out of the 80 questions, totally kicked butt on the DBQ essay (three full pages!), totally BS'd the other two essays, came home, realized "the curse" was here (which explains my bipolar-ness, chocolate cravings, and cramps), realized it's FRIDAY and my totally awesome WEEKEND is HERE (CMEA and prom tomorrow!!!), had chocolate, played games, and now I'm working on my story for once.

So... overall, it's actually an okay day.

Or it could just be the fact that I took "happy pills" for my PMS, lol.
Love and Light

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Fri May 05, 2006 8:51 pm
Matt Bellamy says...

You have pills?! *shakes Crysi* Give me pills!! If not for my sake then for everybody else's!

My day was weird. But okay. The end.

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Wed May 10, 2006 6:55 pm
Nate says...

My day has not been fun so far...

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Wed May 10, 2006 7:22 pm
triggerfingerxx says...

my day was...ok. i have to make up a lot of work though :( , i also realized how lonley i am. damn, i need a girlfriend.

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Thu May 11, 2006 12:52 am
Crysi says...

My day was... refreshing, I think. That's not the word I'm looking for, but I'll tell you when I remember it.

I cried some more today, but the program ended and everything was resolved, so I feel a bit better now. And I've been getting a lot done, giving me time to finish things in advance so I'm not so stressed out about them. I'm still trying not to worry about the complexities of life and death, and I think once I get past that I should be fine.
Love and Light

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Thu May 11, 2006 3:24 am
Doctor Kitty says...

The complexities of life and death are quite troubling sometimes...
Today was spectacular. I actually didn't despise the human race (in general) today. I mean, I despised the junior high students who invaded MY lunch table...But other than that it went ok. I'm very territorial about my lunch table. So sue me.


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Thu May 11, 2006 7:39 am
Ohio Impromptu says...

My day was aggravating, and will be hereby remembered as the day I became terribly cynical about mathematics and drama studies.
Gone, gone from New York City,
where you gonna go with a head that empty?
Gone, gone from New York City,
where you gonna go with a heart that gone?

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Thu May 11, 2006 11:26 am
tinny says...

It's sad. No-one around is happy after Middlesbrough lost the Uefa cup.
The saddness of everyone else makes me feel sad.
So it's not a good day. Not until I get to eat some sugar anyway.

And then I do have my German oral exam soon, so my head is a mushy...
please grant me my small wish; (love me to the marrow of my bones)

All the turtles are related.
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