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Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:01 am
Matt Bellamy says...

Do you have a part time job? Moan about it here. I thought about making this thread while I was at work. So here's a little questionnaire to get you started:

Where do you work?
Do you look forward to going to work?
Do you like the people you work with?
What are the customers like? (If you deal with customers)
Tell us some strange/funny things you think about while you're at work.

And my answers:
Where do you work? At my local Sainsbury's supermarket
Do you look forward to going to work? No! I've been there a month so I'm getting used to it, but I don't enjoy it.
Do you like the people you work with? I'm on checkouts and work four hour shifts so I don't get to talk to anyone I work with, which is useful ebcause I hate trying to make small talk with people I don't know. I'm shy! I go there to work and then I come home, and that's it. Although there's a guy there I know from school I spoke to a couple of times.
What are the customers like? (If you deal with customers) Most of them are okay. Some are rude and don't answer when you say hello. If they don't answer I don't ask them how they are. or if I do ask how they are some people will just say fine, and I'm left there thinking "great, I'm okay too, thanks for asking." Some of them are really sweet and call me love or sweetheart, so I try to make more conversation with them. I have methods, see!
Tell us some strange/funny things you think about while you're at work.
Loads of things. It's a pretty mindless job so often when I'm scanning I go into a daydream. It's like "I wonder *beep* what it would be like *beep* to be a camel. *beep* And I wonder *beep* what it would be like to be a-WHY WON'T THIS SCAN?! *beep*-an astronaut..." Actually there was loads of things yesterday I thought I'd shaer but I've forgotten them all lol. Maybe later. I have to get ready for work now. *sigh*

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Tue Jan 03, 2006 4:39 am
Nate says...

Oooo... can I talk about the somewhat part-time job I have over the summer? If not, I'm going to anyway!

Where do you work? Camp Olmsted (boy scouts)

Do you look forward to going to work? So, so much. I'm really sad that I won't be going back this summer.

Do you like the people you work with? Eh, not so much. There are some really cool people, but there's also a lot of laziness. As long as you do what you are expected to do, I can get along with you. If you don't, then there is absolutely no way I can get along with you.

What are the customers like? The scouts are great. Basically just treat them with respect, and they'll treat you with respect. I see a lot of people who don't follow the rule, and their experience is miserable. But as long as you follow it, and you also don't make up unnecessary rules, the boys will follow you whereever you go. But the leaders can be something else, although I never had a problem with a single one. However, some other staffers have interesting stories (one gets hit every summer).

Tell us some strange/funny things you think about while you're at work. Nothing. I don't have time to think. When I'm at summer camp, I'm working from 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. with no rest - not even during meals since I coordinated meal time program. By 9:30, I'm in bed.

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Tue Jan 03, 2006 5:10 am
Meshugenah says...

hehe, complaining time! yay!

Where do you work?library. which involves pushing large carts of books that weigh at least twice what I do.
Do you look forward to going to work?only if it's bad at home. my boss is just starting to not hate me. after.. gods, almost six months.
Do you like the people you work with? *snort* well, some are alright. the guy i work with can be really funny, but he has an ego problem.. arg.
What are the customers like? (If you deal with customers) oh gods. I could tell very strange stories about the pot smokers, ot the shrinks that work out of the library.. yeah.. that qualifies as funny, too.
Tell us some strange/funny things you think about while you're at work. getting paid to stand around and do nothing with two other people. with alcohol. hehe, fun times. and I can easily let my midn wander. so I can think about almost anything.. but then I had to shelve these books.. and all of them had to do with sex. I got sooo many strange looks. adn the third graders that misplace things, I get blamed, yelled at, the same kids also make lots of noise, again, I get blamed.. and I KNOW THEM! hehe, strange, not funny, but true. </ rambing>

3 hour shifts.. not bad there, really. but bloody strange. especially when my friends come by.. awkward. but really funny.
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Tue Jan 03, 2006 5:36 am
Doctor Kitty says...

I want a part-time job really bad...

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Tue Jan 03, 2006 4:08 pm
Muse says...

Where do you work?
Some rubbish hotel called "The Maitlandfield House Hotel". Mmm. sexy.
Do you look forward to going to work?
Uhm.....NO! Crikey. It's rubbish. All i do is serve people food and drinks because there are always funtions on with hundreds there. Oh and the uniform is going to eat me one day.
Do you like the people you work with?
My fellow waitresses are cool, but my boss is a cow. I've never seen tips ONCE when ive been working there. We think they just steal them all.
What are the customers like? (If you deal with customers)
Rude usually, and never listen when you tell them the plates are hot. Stupidoes. They always complain to ME as well even though im obviously not the best person to complain to. There are always perves there who wear big banners saying "KISS ME ITS XMAS!" and try to score a kiss. Ew.
Tell us some strange/funny things you think about while you're at work
I only think about when my shift ends..
"Sometimes we see a cloud that's dragonish,
A vapour sometimes like a bear or lion,
A towered citadel, a pendant rock,
A forked mountain, or blue promontory,
With trees upon't that nod unto the world,And mock our eyes with air.."

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Tue Jan 03, 2006 7:35 pm
*Twilight* says...

I live in such a small town that all of the part time jobs are taken...but I'm tryin.
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Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:14 pm
Sam says...

Where do you work? Well, I worked (also known as my parents bribing the corporation to take me) at the kid's zoo. It was work...but not work in the Yay-I-Get-Paid-Now sense.
Do you look forward to going to work? Heck no, I didn't. :P
Do you like the people you work with? I didn't like them, per se, but they were interesting. Like the zoo director's son who usually got paired with me to do face painting- we'd sit and talk about parasites and gross the little kids out.
What are the customers like? (If you deal with customers) Mostly it was just snotty kids but there was the occasional high school couple snogging in the goat pen. And the elderly mad were very, very active...
Tell us some strange/funny things you think about while you're at work. I don't normally think about strange/funny things...but it was an interesting summer, let me tell you that.

For example:
Old Lady: What kind of goats do you have?
Kid at Goat Shack: Umm...a couple different kinds...some LaMancha...
Old Lady: I used to be in 4-H.
Kid at Goat Shack: Cool.
Old Lady: Oh, yeah, I won lots of medals.
Kid at Goat Shack: Very nice, ma'am.
Old Lady: My goats were smart and beautiful and only pooped in the center of their stalls.
Kid at Goat Shack: Umm...
Old Lady: What are you saying?!?!
Kid at Goat Shack: It's just that...

And then there was the day when this rabbit got...er...stuck while mating and we had to save it...it was totally Baywatch. Or rather, Bunny Watch.
Graffiti is the most passionate form of literature there is.

- Demetri Martin

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Tue Jan 03, 2006 11:03 pm
Areida says...

Where do you work?
At Summer Time Sno, a drive through snow cone stand during the summers.
Do you look forward to going to work?
I did occasionally. Mostly whenever I was at my mom's house and I was dying to get out, then it was nice to get away. But that one time when I had to leave the house to go to work when I was twenty minutes from finishing Phantom of the Opera (I'd never seen it before)... ooh, I was one cranky snow cone maker that day.
Do you like the people you work with?
Most of them. Some are fun college kids who are nice to talk to, one is my older sister's best friend, one is a girl about a year older than me who is awesome (we tried all the flavors together one day when we were bored XD), but there's one that I can't stand. She's so stupid I wonder if she even has a freakin' IQ.
What are the customers like? (If you deal with customers)
Okayish. Sometimes Mexicans hit on us, and that's creepy. Sometimes older men hit on us, and that's even creepier. Sometimes annoying teenagers come and order a bazillion snow cones ten minutes before closing and they leave all their garbage outside and spill their snow cones and be annoying. Sometimes there are really funny people, sometimes nice ones, and it always amuses me when people call me "ma'am." There's this one awesome black guy that comes and always wants his snow cone drowned in flavor. He's hilarious.
Tell us some strange/funny things you think about while you're at work.
Not much, really. Usually I just wonder stuff like, "Why the heck would anyone want a snow cone at ten at night?" or "Wow, that's just wrong. Bubblegum, margarita, cinnamon, fuzzy navel and tutti frutti do NOT belong in the same snow cone" or "What is up with that dude's hair?" or "Oh my gosh these chicks are lesbians... do NOT vomit into their snow cones... do NOT vomit..." or "I'm bored" or "Five hours never seemed so long" or "Why does everyone in this town feel they must have a snow cone within the same half hour period?!?!"
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"Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed."
- Dale Carnegie

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Wed Jan 04, 2006 1:09 am
Just Imagine says...

Where do you work?
I'm trying to work in Albertson for my parents' sake. And I work in Hospital pharmacy

Do you look forward to going to work?
Why should I? Every Sunday, I have to face it which I dread doing

Do you like the people you work with?
They are nice. Sweet chums who give me slices of pizza

What are the customers like? (If you deal with customers)
Dying most of the time *snorts
They are patients always complaining that their medicine is not delivered, it's wrong medicine, or "please, I am dying." What the heck

Tell us some strange/funny things you think about while you're at work.
Well, I dont do much in my hospital. They say I am too young and should relax and sit back and let the big men do the work. Well, I find that funny. Because most of the times people with me are working their butts off running around the hospital to deliver medicines or ordering pills from I-am-so-sorry-today's-busy-day deliverers in hospital base floor.
Courage may blossom in quiet hearts,
For who can tell where bravery starts?
For truth is a song, oft lying unsung

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Wed Jan 04, 2006 5:42 am
sabradan says...

Where do you work?
At Hackney's, a local restaurant

Do you look forward to going to work?
not really, sometimes, when I know I really need the money, or when my parents are being real a$$es

Do you like the people you work with?
most of em are alright, except for all the older people who work there who are perpetually angry that they are still servers (its a family owned and run restaurant, many of the adult cousins work as servers full time there, and are angry about it) because they take their anger out on me.

What are the customers like? (If you deal with customers)
usually theyre pretty cool, except every night there ALWAYS has to be ONE really difficult group. I still find it weird that people older than I am, whom I should be calling "sir" call ME "sir". I was thinking about pulling a Gunny from Stripes "Im not a Sir....I WORK for a living!"

Tell us some strange/funny things you think about while you're at work.
nothing really...my mind usually just wanders a lot. Usually it focuses on what I will do when I get off of work.
"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

!Hasta la victoria siempre! (Always, until Victory!)
-Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

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Thu Jan 05, 2006 1:38 am
ummcowsareawesome says...

Where do you work?
At my neighbors house, I watch and take care of his dog when he's not home. (and he's not home a lot, which means more money!)
Do you look foward to going to work?
I used to but now it stinks. The dog (Peaches) always, and I mean always poops when we go for walks, so I have to pick it up. She also tugs really hard on the leash and is way too friendly. I also have to walk farther than I used to to get to his house.
Do you like the people you work with?
Er... what people? I take care of the dog by myself, but lately Zelithon (my sister) has taken care of her. And I wouldn't say Peaches is the greatest dog, but she can be cute sometimes.
What are the customers like?
Well, Peaches is pretty cool. She did give me a $50 gift card for Hollister for Christmas, but I think that was my pay. Her owner is really nice and gives me a lot of money, which makes it worth while.
Tell us some strange/interesting you think about at work.
Umm, I think a lot about how Peaches is really annoying on walks and think about her not bothering other pedestrians. I also feel bad for her when I have to leave her.

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Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:11 pm
Duskglimmer says...

Where do you work? At my church, babysitting for the MOPS (Mothers Of Preschoolers) program.

Do you look forward to going to work? Most of the time... unless I was up too late the night before... But then it isn't really that I don't want to go to work, it's that I don't want to get out of bed.

Do you like the people you work with? For the most part yes. But my fellow babysitter has kids my age, and frequently gets into complaining about 16 year olds before looking up and realizing that I am 16 myself. But other than that, we get along GREAT. Although every once in a while I feel really weird when she talks about the cruise she went on at such and such a time and realize that she has got real money. :shock:

What are the customers like? (If you deal with customers) erm... customers... I'm not sure whether that would be the mothers or the kids... either way, they're great. the mothers are constantly telling how "mature and responsible" I am (and making me laugh hysterically in my head) and the kids are just plain adorable. Although... about a half an hour before it's time to leave every single one of them decides to start screaming thier head off. It gets a little loud. (a contender for "understatement of the year" right there)

Tell us some strange/funny things you think about while you're at work. Well, there's the frequent event of all the toddlers running around in circles and screaming thier little heads off (sometimes in laughter, sometimes becuase they want something, and sometimes just because they know it gets a reaction out of me and my fellow babysitter), which has prompted this description of the kids I work with: "They're short... they shriek... and they run around in circles... *groans*".

Besides that... they're little kids... of course they're gonna do strange/funny things... like the fact that Little M has just learned to walk and has suddenly realized that she in not the only person in the world and so spends a great deal of time staring at the other little children.

And then there's Little L who likes to sing and do ballet (or her version of it) and entertains the younger kids for hours.

And Little B who just sits there, looking serious while the rest of us try to figure out what he's thinking about.

And his sister Little G, who giggles at EVERYTHING. She falls down... and she giggles at it. She hits her head... and she giggles at it. Her brother hits her... and she giggles. She hits him back... and she giggles...

Do I need to go on?
The robbed that smiles, steals something from the thief. ~William Shakespeare, Othello
Boo. SPEW is watching.

The adjective should reinvent the noun.
— Leslie Norris