
Young Writers Society

What's twilight?

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Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:44 pm
fragile_heart(!) says...

I hate when people are absolutely against it without even reading it. Couldn't they have a little open-mindedness to pick it up and read it before they judge? I read it and I....like it, but I'm not a crazy fan girl (anymore. I was before, but I'm over the big hoopla).

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:54 am
Bloo says...

Hey i read the book, and i hated it. I even saw the movie, hated it to. I could give a long list why. But I'm to lazy to do it.

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Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:57 pm
Monki says...

I read the first book, being Twilight. It was... okay.

Then a few months later, got my hands on the second one. Read it within a span of five days. Didn't like it very much.

Went and got the third one. Read it. Thought it was better than the second and about as good as the first, so I figured the fourth would offer some promise.

Got the fourth a bit after it came out. Read it. Strongly disliked it. For me, it ruined the series.

The series wasn't ruined yet, until she came out with the fourth. She completely disregarded all of her guidelines/plot lines she had laid out in the previous books and decided that Bella could do everything that she previously stated she couldn't do. I found her writing style to be... okay. It wasn't terribly horrid/simple, and it certainly wasn't difficult to comprehend, but it just sickened me to see all of her hard work on the first three decent books go to waste.

I'm not even interested in seeing the movie now. I was before I read the fourth book, but not anymore...

And all of the hype isn't helping matters any. I mean, I read Twilight before it became huge. Before it began sweeping girls (and some guys) off their feet across the nation. I'll admit. I was a huge fan of Twilight when it first came out. Then, I started seeing the plot holes and issues with it. How cliche' it is. I remember when I'd ask someone if they'd read Twilight and they'd say, "What in God's name is Twilight?" I miss those days.

And now, I have all four Twilight books taking up space on my bookshelf. I stupidly bought them, not even giving second-thought to the fact that I may not even like them. I have Twilight in paperback and the other three in hardcover. That's like, $70+ in Twilight books that I'm never even going to touch again. *depressed sigh* Ah, well. I'll find some obsessed-Twilight-fan girl to pawn them off on. '

Well, anywho, that's my rant as to why I am an official anti-Twilighter. Anyone care to join my alliance? :]

(I love being yelled at by people when they hear that I dislike the Twilight series, having them tell me that I haven't even read it, and if I did, I would love it, and then being able to say, "Well, for your information, you little obsessed-fan girl-freak, I have read those books, and I find them to be a disgusting excuse for a series." Obviously, I'm exaggerating by saying it's a disgusting excuse for a series, because honestly, they're not wretched, but they're just bad. But, it gives me great satisfaction to see the contorted look on their faces, as if they're in pain by the insults I throw at those "precious" books.)

[/end really long, winding rant]
Tom Riddle: "You read my diary?"
Harry Potter: "At first, I did not know it was your diary. I thought it was a very sad, handwritten book."

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Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:32 am
Thirst_23 says...

xGraceex wrote:Two months ago i didnt know either, but it is an amazing book written by Stephanie Myrer, about a girl called bella swan falling in love with a vampire, who wants her blood. There are three more books after that, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn. It is an amazing series and i would definatly recomend it, the first book is fantastic but i personally dont think the others were as good, but youv got to make that opinion youself by reading them - dont listen to people who say there own opinions on the serise, read it youself and see if you like it! read the first one at least and you will love it :D

The last few are only not as good if you read them in one sitting, which you will, like every single other person whose ever picked them up.

I read the whole series in about 70 hours of reading time. Oy.
Authos give life to their characters,
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Sat Sep 05, 2009 6:17 pm
sudz_amigo says...

Oh well... Thanks to all those who tried to protect me from twilight, but I did manage to read all the four and I must admit I liked it. I mean, when I first read the book, the way they fall in "love" was too weird. Edward has no reason to like Bella and I'm actually quite sceptical of anyone being able to fall in "loove" when you're only 17, so, yeah, the first time I read it, I didn't like it. But, as I started to read the other books, the story kinda grew on me and now, even though I don't exactly know why I actually like twilght! :lol:

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