
Young Writers Society

My Brother Arrested

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Mon Aug 24, 2009 8:41 pm
Elinor says...

Well, my brother, Adam*, is seventeen, and recently, he began hanging out with this friends - a lot. That was okay at first, he was just having a nice social life, right?

Well, as the months went on, it began to get worse. He began being home less and less. Soon he was never home, coming home at about 2:00 am and he just took a shower and went to sleep. He was gone as soon as he woke up the next day.

My mother was beginning to get a little irritated with this, so we organized a family trip so he could get some away time with his friends. It was all working out perfectly, but we were at this restaurant one day and my mom let him have a sip of her rum because it was way too strong for her. He said, "It's not bad." So, my mom suspected that he was drinking. Well, after we got back, he went right back into his regular routine.

My mom, talking to him on the phone, thought he sounded drunk. Next, he in his friends make a hangout in our garage. My mom went in there, and she found a cup with cigarette buts. His friend smokes. My brother said they were all from his friend, so she banned that friend from the garage for a week. Well, two days ago, was it, I wake up to my brother telling my mom that he got a ticket. For having a wide-tipped marker. They found him in an alleyway, in a really bad section of town, waay past his curfew. My first thought was, inhalants. The ticket was $300.

In addition, my mom was out with friends that night. When she came back, she asked her friends if they wanted to share a bottle of wine. She just bought it the day before and hadn't had any yet. Well, when she was getting ready to pour it out, she realized it was empty. I think it makes sense that she thinks my brother stole it, because earlier that morning I thought I heard him say to his friends 'Let's go get a beer'. And one of my moms friend Jane* told her she saw my brother smoking.

Well, yesterday, my mom said she thought it would be good if he spent a little time with his dad up north. I came along for the car ride, and we ate dinner at Olive Garden*, where my mom found out that he was actually arrested. The story that night was that he was walking to Small Pastries*, which is a convince store, but further examination of the ticket with his dad made us realize that he was far from Small Pastries*.

He's at his dad's now, and my mom is considering to have him live there permanently. He is going to be forbidden to hang out with these friends, but I don't know what to do. He has to go to court. Since I heard him say, 'Let's get a beer', I might have to testify against him. Maybe my mom's friend will, too. I don't know what to do. Please, any comments will be appreciated.

*Names Changed to protect safety and remain anonymous.

All our dreams can come true — if we have the courage to pursue them.

-- Walt Disney

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Gender: Female
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Reviews: 13
Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:46 pm
MaresAzulados says...

Wow, that's tragic. Well, I really don't know what to tell you, but I think you should do what you think is right. If your brother began arriving home late, and it turned out worse, it could get a lot more worse if you don't do something...

Think what's best for him...
Scipio: Do you know what happens here after dark? Things little eyes should never, ever see.
Bo: We're not scared.
Scipio: Not scared? Well, aren't you the little tiger? RAWR!

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Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:24 am
foxfire says...

wow...that is pretty tragic but ...it is complicated, i think.

There are two options i can give along with effects, rose:

1) testify him...thats is easy i guess. One reason for this is to stopped him from committing anymore of his ideals by letting the law take over the matter. Tjough yes, he might go to jail and all but at least it is one way to stop him or show him. Though the effects is whether the charges given to him may effect him. Will it go bad or make it good? it depends.

2) lie and say that it is false. Though this one may be risky particularly to your family and may risk your older brother to commit more crimes and if found that you'd lied, there are risk.

3) consult...learn more about him before he would be deported. Either let him go to a psychiatrist or console him. In this option, wonder his past. If your parents seperated (sorry i i offended you), was he affected big time by that. What were his reactions and wonder if he had a good childhood or not? WOnder what are his likes, interests and instead of pin pointing differences between you find some common points.
For example, you both like fishing so go and fish and in there, you may ask him: why are you doing this?? what is the point?? Whjat are you trying to achieve?? Do you know what may happen?? Whoa re the people affected?? If this continues...what will happen in the future...? If you were to die( sorry again to offend), had you realize that you'd live a good life? Why do you let them(friends) do this?

What common interest do you share with them??? Are you some loner or something? HAve he sufered from depression or abuse that he keeps secret??

that is my options usually, rose...if you have any other problem. PM me and i might help with some stuff and again...sorry for your brotehr. I just hope things will go easy.

And above all...just have faith on him. And here's a thought...
"sometimes even the most evil of men can be good with the help of good friends and some little faith on them" (really there were...i promise you.)
John McClane: Drop it. It's the police.
Tony: You won't hurt me.
John McClane: Oh, yeah? Why not?
Tony: Because you're a policeman. There are rules for policemen.
John McClane: Yeah. That's what my captain keeps telling me

But answer me this: how can a story end happily if there is no love?
— Kate DiCamillo, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane