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Writers Guild of America on strike

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Wed Nov 07, 2007 7:04 pm
Alteran says...

I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet. But from the few I've talked to most dont seem to care.

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- The strike by Hollywood writers is on. Writers and studios broke off talks late Sunday after 11 hours of negotiations.

The talks between the Writers Guild of America and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers were called by a federal mediator. The producers said a deal couldn't be reached.

The writers want more money from the sale of DVDs and a share of revenue generated by the sale of TV shows and films over the Internet. The studios say the demands are unreasonable and will hamper attempts to experiment with new media.

Picketing starts in the morning in New York and Los Angeles.

The walkout will affect late-night talk shows first, then daytime talk shows and soap operas. Studios have stockpiled movie scripts and prime-time TV has completed shows in hand to last until early next year.

Hollywood writers and studio representatives held last-ditch negotiations Sunday in an effort to prevent a strike, the writers union said.

A federal mediator called the meeting between the Writers Guild of America and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television producers at an undisclosed location.

The studios say the demands are unreasonable and would hamper attempts to experiment with new media. Watch a report on the dispute ยป

The last time Hollywood writers went on strike was in 1988. The walkout lasted 22 weeks and cost the industry about $500 million.

For the full article go Here

This is very important to those who plan on going into screen writing. These folks are the backbone of everything on TV and already late night talk shows have gone into reruns. It wont be long before all your favorite shows do the same if this isn't resolved soon.

We should support our fellow writers. Especially those trying to make a living at it. Let's face it, most of us wont be able to live off of writing.
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Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:18 pm
Leja says...

The last time Hollywood writers went on strike was in 1988. The walkout lasted 22 weeks and cost the industry about $500 million.

^ so you'd think that they might think to something differently this time, then. What I don't understand is why writers are needed for reality shows... doesn't that undermine the definition of reality?

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Thu Nov 08, 2007 4:41 pm
Cpt. Smurf says...

Amelia wrote:^ so you'd think that they might think to something differently this time, then. What I don't understand is why writers are needed for reality shows... doesn't that undermine the definition of reality?

Not if you go by the belief that it's ALL scripted. But, yeah, you would think they'd do it differently next time. The whole thing is, I think, caused by greed, mostly, it seems, on the studio's part. Glad it isn't happening over here, although I'm sure it'll affect us in some way.
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Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:10 pm
Snoink says...

My dad suggested that I become a professional writer, because obviously they had a lot of openings for me. XD

Actually, I think they're slightly spoiled. How many people do you know who want to be professional, and would do anything (even low pay) for it, and they're complaining about this. Guhhh...

Of course, it would help if I knew more of the details, but still! :P
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Thu Nov 08, 2007 10:39 pm
Alteran says...

Yeah, they said a federally appointed person was the mediator. I was wondering how did that happen? This has obviously been an issue longer than we knew about it.

I heard Former president Clinton has offred to mediate the next negotations. Wonder which he wants to see new episodes of? :p(It's a joke)
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Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:06 am
bookworm201 says...

I heard Arnold Schw- I won't butcher his name, but you know who I mean- the actor turn CA governor?-- was/was trying to get involved in the negotiations.

Writers definitely deserve more money because where would all these shows/movies be without the authors? Seriously... it seems like some star/lets couldn't even say their names without a script.

I will admit, however, being the TV-aholic that I am, reruns will not be fun.

Writers' and teachers' unions have it bad- everyone hates them when they go on strike, but they deserve much more than they get...

Except, of course, the horrible teachers and awful writers...
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Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:42 am
Elelel says...

I think it's funny. I live in Australia, so maybe that's because it doesn't affect me so much. But still. Everytime a little notice comes up on the TV saying that the following programme has been cancelled because of the writers strike, it makes me giggle.

Yeah, don't really have an opinion other than that. I don't know what they get, so I don't know how fair it is.
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Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:17 am
gyrfalcon says...

It's hard for me to have a strong opinion here. I think that writers should be paid what they've earned, and I think the corp.s need to realize how much they depend on writers, but without knowing more details, I can't tell if this is a case of people demanding what is rightfully theirs, or nosing after someone else's windfall. Screen writers didn't invent the DVD, of course, but since that's going to become/has become a huge part of their bussiness, it seems only fair to give them a decent slice of it.
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Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:02 pm
alleycat13 says...

I just think it's dumb and caused by greed from both sides. It really annoys me when people who already have a lot of money demand/strike for/hold-out for more. Think of all the ways that money they get and don't need could be used. Or, how about the 500 million+ they're going to waste.

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Wed Nov 21, 2007 10:03 pm
Chance says...

I'm quite passive about it at the moment, but I do think both sides are partly to blame. Some writers are severely underappriciated by the industry. But it's time that one of the sides backed down, it's getting silly.

Although once this gets around to affecting my Heroes, I might have to fly to america and band the writers and the companies heads together :p

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Thu Nov 22, 2007 7:26 pm
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Cpt. Smurf says...

Chance wrote:Although once this gets around to affecting my Heroes, I might have to fly to america and band the writers and the companies heads together :p

I'm preparing myself to do that if Ugly Betty gets interrupted - that is the ONE HOUR of clever wit that I look forward to on a Friday. Woe betide those who interrupt my TV schedule...

*looks darkly upon empty threats landing on deaf ears*
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Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:43 am
Teague says...

We have progress!

LOS ANGELES (Associated Press) -- Faced with the indefinite suspension of negotiations, the union representing striking Hollywood writers told its members Saturday it would try to deal directly with Hollywood studios and production companies, bypassing the umbrella organization that has been representing them.

The news was welcomed by the company that produces David Letterman's "Late Show," which said it hoped to broker a deal that would put the talk show host and his writers back to work.

Talks broke off Dec. 7 after the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, which represents the studios, insisted it would not bargain further unless the Writers Guild of America dropped proposals that included the authority to unionize writers on reality shows and animation projects.

Both sides in the strike, which began Nov. 5, have said the central issue is compensation for programs, movies and other content streamed or downloaded over the Internet.


Maybe there'll be new LLS by Christmas after all! :D
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