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Tue Nov 13, 2007 11:44 pm
crewgurl93 says...

Out of curiosity, do you not see the irony in your post?

She may not, but I see it. See it loud and clear...

:smt005 :P :wink:

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Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:01 am
smorgishborg says...

I never try to get involved in one of these discussions.

*holds nose and plunges in*

I'm going to try to be of help to Ayra, instead of mindlessly arguing my own viewpoints.
The religion I know the most about is Tibetan Bhuddism. If you haven't seen my pictures (shameless isn't it?), I was in Tibet for six weeks this summer.
Bhuddism as a whole is really fantastic, because it considers the question of god fairly unimportant. It is concerned with different matters, it tries to stay aloof.
- In Tibetan Bhuddism, there are many "dieties" which are actually manifestations of parts of the human condition. There is the idea of reincarnation and the wheel of dharma. There are many rituals and many traditions.
I'm not sure those would be interesting to you from a personal standpoint.

But the teachings of Bhuddism are very important and applicable to anyone's life. Bhuddism teaches nonviolence (So what? Don't all religions teach nonviolence? Sure, but compare Tibet and the Dalai Lama to the Crusades, the Battle of Badr...) and the interconnectedness (For example: Some Tibetans will not throw a rock into water, because it supposably may kill fish.) of all sentient beings. It stresses that we must all be deeply in touch with one's emotions but yet keep them at arm's distance.
Various practices of Bhuddism can be used for purposes other then religion. Learn to meditate correctly* and whenever you feel periods of stress, or discomfort, practicing meditation is a fantastic antedote. Also, using Bhuddist ideas to practice self-control and other skills can prove very fruitful. While in Tibet, I practiced dealing with my impatience.

Bhuddism is also nice because it embraces all attempts to understand it. If you don't plan to focus on it, you don't have to. You don't need to make major time committments. most Tibetans hardly every become very practiced in Bhuddism, even few monks know much. However, almost all Tibetans feel strongly about certain Bhuddist ideals such as interconnectedness. Just a basic knowlege of Bhuddism can be fulfilling.

Just thought I had something to contribute to the discussion. Good luck with your soul searching.
~ smorg

PS: If you wan't find out my offical religion you can click the spoiler. But I wouldn't if I were you. It doesn't matter.
[spoiler]I do not believe in god. I think religion is an antiquated idea which has caused great good and irreprable harm to society. It's usefullness is over[/spoiler]

*No, meditation is not sitting with index fingers and thumbs touching and saying "mmmmmmmmm"
The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
- Robert Frost

It cost $7 million to build the Titanic, and $200 million to make a film about it.
The plastic ties on the end of shoelaces are called aglets

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Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:37 am
PenguinAttack says...

Well now, I’m supposed to be studying, not getting distracted but I kept on seeing this pop up and couldn’t help myself I suppose.

I think it is important to understand that each individual religion has its own merits, its own importance and deserves respect; be it Buddhism, Christianity or Satanism. Well… I can’t say much for Satanism, but I respect the individual’s choice to participate and practice what hey believe.

My knowledge is in Catholicism, and Christianity, for the main, which I can tell you have had a lot of. Christianity is a main religion; Catholic, Anglican, Baptist, and so forth are each a group within Christianity. Each one has its own quicks, sub beliefs that the other denominations may not have. Catholics believe in Jesus Christ and the importance of Mary and the saints. This is not so for all other denominations.

The main text in Christianity is the bible. A mixture of the Old Testament and the New Testament. These present two, slightly warring ideals of God and what He wants us to do. Why? Because the Old Testament, also found in the Torah (I think) is a description of an older view of God, a vengeful god who realised the need for discipline in the growing nations. In his children. The New Testament is about Jesus Christ. These teachings are Jesus’ teachings on what God is like. We learn, through the good in His teachings that the Lord is a kind and benevolent ruler, he wishes for our safety, our growth.

Of course there are those within Christianity, and indeed outside Christianity who do not believe in Jesus Christ, this is fine. I am not here to judge or preach to you. Hopefully it does not sound as though I am.

I believe in many things, and there are things I do not believe in… Thankfully that is not what you’re asking. You want help in deciding what you want to believe, no? I can’t say I can help much there. Religion is a personal and deeply meaningful experience to the individual. When considering a religion you have to think about what you already believe. Perhaps it is your belief that there is a presence out there other than yourself. Already you are not Atheist. Perhaps you believe that God, or that undefinable presence has stepped onto this land in some way, maybe now or maybe in the past.

Remember, religion is personal. You can believe in God and the Big Bang at the same time. As long as you have faith and conviction in what you believe nothing else should matter.

*Hearts* and I hope this helps. Le Penguin.
I like you as an enemy, but I love you as a friend.

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Wed Nov 14, 2007 1:05 pm
Dynamo says...

I'm an atheist, which means I don't believe in any kind of higher power. But I do know that God, being the caring father of us all, wouldn't throw me in Hell just because I don't believe he exists, especially if he hasn't given me a reason to believe.

Also, Family Guy tells use that the universe was created by the Big Bang when God was arm wrestling with his roommate Chugs and decided to light a fart.
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Take that, science!

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