
Young Writers Society

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United States of America, baby
United Kingdom, chap
Australia, mate
New Zealand, kiwi
Canada, eh
Total votes : 46

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Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:15 am
Happy Lizard says...

Hey man!
Half of you are complaning about snow, today, there was a fire accross the road from our school! There was tons of smoke, the sky was half black! (Ok not that much)

~ Hapee (come on guys, call me Hapee!)
~~Honary 11-year old~~

Would you like some bread with your pepper?

See that freak with blood shot eyes and a mole on his eyelid over there?
He is so hot.

I hate peas.

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Thu Feb 24, 2005 8:13 am
Elelel says...

Hapee, you really need to learn about full stops. !'s and ?'s aren't as dynamic if every sentence end with them.

Hawk, I've been to Cairns! A few years ago, we stayed with friends of the family. WE went to Green Island and went snorkling and in this boat thing that was a cross between a glass bottomed boat and a submarine. But what I remember mast was the nose bleeds. It's like I'm allergic to heat or something. We went on a walk, and I got a blood nose and had to throw a big clot in the gutter (I hope some people are reeling in disgust, that is just so satisfying). Although it wasn't as bad as that time in the Flinder's Ranges when I got a blood nose every single day without fail.

I haven't been to South Australia, Éloeré,

Think of it as the state of the corrogated iron fence (I live here, I'm allowed to diss it, no one else is though, unless they also live here, then it's OK). As far as I know it's worse than any other state or territory at everything. But it's not alll bad.

PS, do not ever visit Cobber Pedy. It's not a very nice place really *hopes no one here is from Cobber Pedy...* lots of dust, dirt, rubbish and signs that say "Opal" in multicoloured letters. It was our worst holiday ever.
Oh, you're angry! Click your pen.
--Music and Lyrics

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Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:54 pm
Tessitore says...

It's actually starting to warm up 'round here. It's hitting the fifties! Woot.

I swear, it seems like it has been cold FOREVER! I usually don't say this but, I want summer. More of the actual outdoors-ie stuff that I can do. Like camping. Camping is fun.

I hope to skip most of the "warming up" spell by going to Cali in the last week of March through all of April, and then coming back here, Missouri, and being all "yeah"... warmness. Happiness.

Well, I'll be leaving soon after then anyway.
I'm not even angry... I'm being so sincere right now.
Even though you broke my heart.
And killed me... And tore me to pieces.
And threw every piece into a fire.
-"Still Alive"- GLaDOS

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Sun Feb 27, 2005 3:31 am
Areida says...

I live in Small Town, Texas, about an hour from Tyler, two and a half from Houston, and five from Dallas. I like it here most of the time, but sometimes the small town gossip bothers me. I wish I were British!! Because you guys rock.

I am here to slash all sterotypes about Texans. We do not ride to school on horses. I don't live on a ranch. I live in a town and the largest animal we have is an iguana. I don't own a cowboy hat, nor do any of my friends. There are the FFA (Future Farmers of America) people around, but they're all dressed in American Eagle, so whatever. But I don't speak with a countreee acccint. I actually speak better than most people around here, lol. TEXAS ROCKS!!!
Got YWS?

"Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed."
- Dale Carnegie

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49 Reviews

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Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:33 pm
dreaming_mouse says...

I found this online last night and it still really has me mad lol, it's an article about the town I live in. The author needs to open his eyes and get out more since he knows absolutely nothing about what he's talking about. We're not all pikies and chavs, just you notice them more because they don't know what the term "Shut the 'hell' up" means. Anyway this has me really wound up but I thought I'd post it here for you all to see:

Now.. for all those that have not visited Aldershot (or Aldersh*t) as otherwise known, you are lucky! Home of the British Army they call it, imagine a load of northern scum squaddies competing to shag the birds with the biggest earing hoops, and who stink of tench... on a good day. A local attraction, if you survive the journey through Aldersh*t is the Fleet Stock Cars on every Sunday. You will never see such a flea infested, stinking bunch of pikies in your life anywhere else, including Croydon and South End. Seing 10 year olds smoking and calling their mothers a 'cunt' is not uncommon, or the odd fight kick off when one pikie smashes his knackered nova up the back of another pikies astra on the actual race ring. These people really are inbred and destined for scientific experiments or an atom bomb!

If ever you are feeling depressed about where you live, I recommend a visit to this place as you will come out (if still alive) saying how lucky am I to not live here!"

Anyway this is where I live and have to put up with grief from idiots like this. The only thing I've taken out is the swearing - I'm not gonna bother correcting some moronic need a life person's grammar.

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Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:45 pm
Firestarter says...

dreaming_mouse, listen to this:

My work entails a lot of travelling around the country and I have the pleasure of spotting chavs in a variety of locations. I would have to say though that Stockport really is the pinnacle.

The bloody place exudes awfulness, I first realised this about five years ago on a Friday afternoon visit. The sheer number of unemployables was mind blowing. I was uncomfortably aware that I was wearing a suit and hadn't attempted to disguise my car as a Ferrari - they probably thought I was a copper although if the old bill have any sense they'll infiltrate Stockport's criminal class by dressing in nicked Lacoste sweaters over white tracksuit pants tucked into oversized Rockports.

Take a trip along Merseyway, in a triumph of 1960s planning Stockport council concreted over the Mersey and the resulting precinct is a study in provincial English crap, here you can mingle with the local scrote population. Curiously, Stockport actually has some rather pleasant outlying towns and it is as though the town centre is a giant plughole, drawing in all the scum.

The average Stopfordian seems to roll out of his bed around eleven, take a 192 - or better still a deathtrap Corsa with a stolen stereo more powerful than it's engine - down to sign on and then simply hangs around in the town. They aren't even entertaining like the drunks in Manchester they're just, well... crap!

The women seem to spend their days dragging their numerous snotnosed offspring around the dismal shops pausing only to hurl obscenities at little Britney or Rooney if one of them should show any displeasure or ask 'is that my daddy?' of any of the layabouts mummy might meet on her travels.

But Stockport by night is an altogether different prospect, think Wild West meets Fallujah on a bad day. Mindless, Stella fuelled fights are the norm and it's really bad when the blokes start. Visiting aliens would think 'are you looking at my bird?' was a standard greeting. If you can walk from one end of town to the other of an evening without feeling apprehensive then you have either taken leave of your senses or are a prop forward in the SAS rugby team. Tony Blair needn't worry about hospitals not coping in the event of a terror attack, Stepping Hill hospital has it's own well practised mass casualty unit, just pray bin Laden's boys don't show up on a Friday or Saturday night.

Oh and one more thing - with a stunning lack of geographical knowledge Lamborghini have started flogging cars there, how any prospective buyers can get past the ranks of burberry capped arseholes leaning against the windows remains a mystery.

Stockport, what a hole. The local council have apparently been up in arms over content on this website. Sand and ostriches springs to mind.

The funny thing is that he is completely and utterly right. Never, ever visit Stockport.

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Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:53 pm
dreaming_mouse says...

But Aldershot isn't as bad as he's saying, he's generalising (sp?) us all and saying we're all pikies and sluts when we're not. None of my friends are pikies, okay I have one friend who thinks shes a vampire and is pathetic but that's the only person I know personally. So this person isn't right about Aldershot - and anyway we're southern not northern. He should at least get his facts right before judging us all.

You know what the big problem is in telling fantasy and reality apart? They're both ridiculous.
— The 12th Doctor