
Young Writers Society

Help me make a game by writing messages in bottles!

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Tue May 26, 2020 2:02 am
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Rook says...

So I'm making a Bitsy game called Bottle Beach. It's a tiny game where you wake up every morning to find that a bottle has washed up on your beach again and there is a message inside it.
The finished game will have some mechanic in it for people playing to submit their own message at the end, and I'll go through and manually add them to the game later, but I need some messages before the game is finished.

tl;dr: I need you guys to write some messages in a bottle that I can put into the game.

Tone is really important to me and I might not include your message if it doesn't match the tone I'm aiming for.

Here are some words to guide the tone of the letters:
Wistful, wanderlust, curious, mysterious, lonely, hopeful, naive, adventurous, desolate, simple, brief, cautious, broken, longing, peaceful, poetic, nautical, devout, yearning, silent, natural, clean, bright, wonderous, heartbroken.

If any of those seem to contradict each other, that's ok! I want these messages to sound like they're coming from many different people with different stories, backgrounds, and experiences. That's also why I need your help rather than just writing them all myself.

You can write a message as yourself or as a character you make up.

Please try to keep the messages on the shorter side. Like something you could realistically write on a small piece of paper. Like one of those hotel memo pads or shorter. edit: I'm thinking like 4 or 5 sentences is probably ideal :)

By adding to this thread you're giving me permission to use your writing in my game. I'll put your username in an acknowlegement section under the game unless you say you don't want to, but your username won't be tied to your specific message either way.

Some ideas if you're stuck: write as a sailor lost at sea, write as a teen bored out of her mind on a family trip, write as a young girl who's trying to talk to the fish, write your own feelings about being stuck in a world of social distancing (I'd love multiple of these if I could get them), write your imagined observations of the sea, write a poem about seagulls, write about the smell of rain on the sand, wite about being stranded in a desert with no water for miles, write from the perspective of a mermaid, write vague directions to finding a hidden treasure, write five secrets, write about a hidden love, write about a good day, write about something you have included in the bottle (like sea glass, shells, or a mysterious key to nothing), write about anything, everything, and nothing.

If the inspiration strikes you, write as many as you want :D

Would love to get submissions ASAP: by Wednesday or Thursday would be ideal for me. It doesn't have to be perfect or even well thought out. Just whatever writing comes to mind as you read this. But if you want to, feel free to write for this even beyond those days.
Instead, he said, Brother! I know your hunger.
To this, the Wolf answered, Lo!

-Elena Passarello, Animals Strike Curious Poses

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Tue May 26, 2020 2:23 am
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keystrings says...

(This game sounds really neat! And I think that's awesome that you're using Bitsy. Such a cool website! I don't know if any of these are matching what you want, but it sounded really fun, so I tried XD Good luck with this!)

I like to listen to the trees swaying in the wind.

The birds are chirping; I wish I knew what they were saying.

Is it normal to feel lonely when the fish swim around you, and you can push waves out of the ocean with your tail? Because nothing talks back.

I think it's funny to count the hours by my window.

I can count the days it's been since I've talked to another.
name: key/string/perks
pronouns: she/her/hers and they/them/theirs

novel: the clocktower (camp nano apr 24)
poetry: the beauty of the untold (napo 2024)

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Tue May 26, 2020 3:51 am
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Rook says...

Thank you so much @EditorAndPerks
Thanks for taking the plunge and being the first one to post! Those have exactly the sort of tone I'm looking for!
They are just a touch too short for what I need, except for C which will work really nicely (but could still be a couple sentences longer for those wondering what exactly my ideal length is). You couldn't read my mind though, so sorry for not being clear on how short "short" is :P

Thank you so much 💓
Instead, he said, Brother! I know your hunger.
To this, the Wolf answered, Lo!

-Elena Passarello, Animals Strike Curious Poses

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Tue May 26, 2020 4:17 am
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Que says...

I'll try my hand at some! A little more on the poetic/longing side of things.

When we reach out with our hands, our fingers don't quite touch. These air hugs we give are not quite enough to fill the void that comes from a lack of human companionship. We are the waves that will never reach the shore. (We try to, anyway.)

They say you cannot count the sands, but I would spend all day trying. We number things to try to understand their magnitude. The sea whispers that I don't need to understand. I let the sand slide through my fingers.

I could never tell him that I loved him. So I tell the ocean. Maybe it will receive my secret heart and cradle it on a crest of salt water. Maybe the salt will sting my wounded soul and perhaps it will help me heal.

The gentle rain on my face reminds me of home. The scent of wet pine lingering in the air and the earth damp beneath my feet. The lights gleaming from across the water, reflections dancing. Renewal.
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Tue May 26, 2020 4:55 am
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Rook says...

Perfect!!!! I love these! Thank you so much @Querencia :D
Instead, he said, Brother! I know your hunger.
To this, the Wolf answered, Lo!

-Elena Passarello, Animals Strike Curious Poses

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Tue May 26, 2020 5:24 am
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Holysocks says...

O: this seems fun!!! I'll give it a go!

Spoiler! :
I've been floating so long and yet, I still haven't reached the sea. I wish I were with you. I wish the salt water filled my lips and carried me closer to you; where the only sounds are whales singing. I'm going to be with you- I'm only waiting for the mermaids to come for me.

(Feel free to fix grammar mistakes and what not if you use any of mine-- might add more later (notes, not grammar mistakes xP ). C: )
100% autistic

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Tue May 26, 2020 6:22 pm
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ellasnotebook says...

this is awesome! thought I'd try it out, hope at least one works for you (:

Spoiler! :

Mama, if you're reading this, I haven't moved onto solid rock since the day you died. I stand on the sandy shore every day, and the quiet whispers of the waves remind me of what you said when you held my hand that last night. Be at peace, Mama. I love you.

I keep looking out the window as if suddenly they'll open and I'll be able to run outside and be apart of the view. Of course, I'm still stuck here. I counted the windows. 14. Not nearly enough, in my opinion.

I can't tell if I love him or if I love his little boat. If I love the way I feel when he kisses me, or if I love the fact that he can take me far away from this city. Do I love his heart, or the rock of the waves as I stare out at the open water, unknown, unnamed, untamed?

I'll never tell anybody, but she leaves me seashells every so often. She never stays to talk (our love was long ago) but she remembers how I love collecting them. She comes, leaves her gift, and then vanishes back beneath the waves. I leave them at her headstone every time, although I know the ground below is empty.

Ask her why, the pirate who knows no master! Ask the valiant, the brave, the amazing pirate queen! She will hold up her wrists, the scars from manacles so clear you can picture them, silver and cutting and tight around her wrists even now. "I will serve no masters!" She will howl, and the sea--the sea will rage along with her.

I had never cut my hair before. I liked how it whipped back and forth when I was on the open waters. One day, though, I fell in love and now I will be a wife and a mother. So I cut my hair, all of it, and wrapped it and this note around a stone. I will move on, but a part of me belongs to the sea. It always has.

best of luck with the game!

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Tue May 26, 2020 7:20 pm
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mellifera says...

This is so lovely! I'll give it a whirl!

Spoiler! :
The waves once called to me, singing a lullaby to me that brought the warmest of comforts. I never hear that song anymore. I don't remember the last time I was near the sea, but I think of those tides often. I will return, perhaps, and I hope that when I do, I'll hear the call again.

I've seen nothing by sand, the sea, and the sky for weeks. I can't remember my own name, nor the taste of what it means to truly be alive. But I found a locked box that fits in my palm, and I'll keep looking for the key, because I think that it holds the answers to everything. I think I need it to.

It's on the crest of the island where the seagulls gather. At the top of that crest there's a broken statue, it's old and surrendered to the moss and it doesn't reach beyond your knee. It's past that, at the edge that overlooks the sea. I've marked the space with a coin the size of your thumb. It's buried there.

good luck with your game <3
I believe in a universe that doesn't care and people that do.

You and I, we are matter, and it matters.


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Tue May 26, 2020 7:53 pm
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Hijinks says...

This is so fun! I hope some of these are what you're looking for.

Spoiler! :

1) The crabs are mysterious and fleeting. I've tried many times to speak to them, but always they scuttle through the sand and disappear into crystal pools. I'm left with the ringing silence of my thoughts and the sad cries of eagles that echo through the air. Those majestic eagles are willing to listen, but they fly too high in the blinding blue sky for me to hear their responses. So I stand with my feet in the chilly water, completely alone and in the empty company of the waves.

2) I don't know if this is love. It was gentle at first, water lapping sweetly against my ankles. I only ever wanted to reach the sandbar, but the sand slipped out from under my feet and now I'm stranded in these waves. Every time I try to swim towards the shore, they rise into an unforgiving storm, so I swim farther out. The horizon has disappeared and I'm lost, lost in this maze of blue.

3) The warm sunlight caresses my eyelids and the lazy breeze tickles my toes. I'm cozy, nestled in these dunes, and I think I could stay here forever. Maybe I will, maybe I'll let my dreams drift across the sea towards me. Then I can collect them together in my hands, like shells, and make a necklace. I'll dance with the sunbeams and sing to the seafoam, and never leave this place. Never.

4) I'm standing at the edge of a harbour. This salt-stained dock can lead me to so many shores. I don't know where the next boat is going, but I'm going to board it. Look at the oars, gently resting in the still water. Soon they'll be stirring the foamy seas, taking me to a faraway destination.

5) I found this little turtle trying to cross the burning pavement. The cooling safety of water is in the opposite direction, so I don't know where she's trying to go. Maybe she's a rebellious hatchling, already set on what is unattainable. I can't decide if I should let her keep moving to the heart of the dangerous city, or force her into a risk-free destiny that she doesn't want. But are rising waters laden with broken glass and plastic, safe?

Good luck with the game!
When you're faced with something you don't understand, I think the most natural thing but also least interesting thing you can be is afraid.

-- Hank Green

(previously whatchamacallit and Seirre)

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Tue May 26, 2020 9:20 pm
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Que says...

Sliding in with some more. ^_^

Maybe I'm stranded on a desert island, but my sea is the suburbs, and the island is my house. The wind tells me that there is no sea, but my heart tells me that the sea is inside of me. I hope that it's true.

I like to go down to the ocean at night, when it looks like a gap in memory, a gap in light. As if there's nothing there. I let the nothingness fill me up inside and, like a conch shell, I can hear the waves crash against my rib cage. Somewhere, deep down in the dark, a tiny boat sets sail.
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Thu May 28, 2020 1:42 pm
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Rook says...

The game has been finished ( https://fortwas.itch.io/a-week-at-bottle-beach ) but if you'd like to write more, I'm not stopping you :] Maybe this thread will inspire someone to write a story or poem or something. <3
Instead, he said, Brother! I know your hunger.
To this, the Wolf answered, Lo!

-Elena Passarello, Animals Strike Curious Poses

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.
— Martin Luther King, Jr.