
Young Writers Society

Favorite and least favorite fictional characters?

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Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:05 pm
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Teddybear says...

Okay, Favorites first. So, I read everything by Rick Riordan when I was 11-12 then again and again and most recently, about a month ago I finished the second book in ToA, and I'm planning on getting the next book as soon as I can pay for it, I think I annoyed my cousin a little when I got an email from Goodreads telling me it had come out. So, from that series, my favorite charact has to be Nico. I know it's kinda cliche, but I just love my little cinnamon roll Ghost King who could summon an army of the dead with the snap of his fingers. He's just so cute! The other reasons I love him contain spoilers like you wouldn't believe, so it'll be hidden by a tag, you have to have finished, to the last page, Blood of Olympus in order for it not to be spoilery for you. I'll put all the spoilers at the end.

Also, part of that series, my least favorite character of all time HAS to be Octavian, who gets introduced in 'The Son of Neptune', everything I have to say about him will be in the spoiler section, be sure you finished 'Blood of Olympus' before you read it. But if you haven't, read any scene with him in it to see why I hate him, I wish I was exaggerating here, ANY scene will show you exactly why. Seeing him humiliated brings me joy, so read the end of 'The Son of Neptune' if you want to see something great, the end of that book makes me happy, unlike Mark of Athena, in which I had to wait THREE FREAKING WEEKS to read House of Hades. I wanted to die. It was horrible.

Spoiler! :

Nico: He's also the first gay character I ever read about, so, at 12, when I didn't even know it was possible to be anything but heterosexual, he was a real eye-opener for me. Also, Solangelo is my OTP and their combined personalities are just the best thing ever and, in all honesty, I relate to the two of them, as in, Nico's insecurity and with who he is, and Will's incredible stubbornness and protectiveness over the people he cares about (especially Nico), it's just not something I get to see often. I mean, I see insecurity in relationships all over the place in fictional characters, but they're all hetero boys/girls whose main issue is usually miscommunication or some kind of Romeo/Juliet situation, it's never about their actual sexuality and I will be eternally grateful to Uncle Rick for giving me that kind of representation, it actually may have been what got me to stop thinking something was wrong with me for having more crushes on my gender than the other. I guess He was just kinda my saving grace, who knows what I would have done to myself if I hadn't stopped that then.

Octavian: He is just the worst, what else can I say. He is a manipulative arse who deserves to be dropped into the Cocytus, covered in paper cuts, doused in lemon juice, and then forced to drink from the Phlegethon so he can go through it all over again. I hate him and his death was the happiest moment in all of 'Blood of Olympus', only surpassed by Leo's return to Ogigia. I can not think of a single good thing to say about him, he is the Umbrage of the PJO fandom, right there with smelly Gabe, and is the only person I can say I hate more than Gaea or Kronos. He's not eviler than them, but he deserves Tartarus almost as much as they do, NO ONE THREATENS HAZEL AND GETS AWAY WITH IT! But I digress, he was written to be hated, and he is, so I applaud Rick for making me this angry about someone who never existed in the first place, and got blown up in the books where he does exist. I just hate him. Every scene he's in can be used as an example of why, I wish I was exagerating.
formerly TheMulticoloredCyr


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Sun May 13, 2018 12:34 am
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BluesClues says...

@Saen ELLA FOREVER (but did you see??? Fox is canceling Lucifer even though the show's writers ended on a cliffhanger specifically to prevent it!!! Someone save us!!!)

I also LOVE Linda - a psychologist who has seen pretty much the entire main cast at this point and is the only one in the know about all the celestial/demonic beings walking around LA - who just puts up with so much.

And Charlotte Richards, shady-lawyer-turned-possessed-by-Lucifer's-mom-turned-dead-turned-back-to-life-turned-good-now, who gives me far more feels than I think she should.

And Maze, a demon who pretends she doesn't care as much as she does but has real feelings even though she definitely enjoys torture and other demonic past times.

And Trixie, our FMC's young daughter, who is tough, smart, hilarious, and adorable.

And especially Maze's relationship with Trixie how will they repair it now oh god they can't cancel the show until Trixie and Maze make up

Honestly there are just so many amazing women on this show and I'm super mad that Fox is once again making a stupid decision regarding canceling its shows. Like, have they not seen how much I tweet about it when watching?

I also love Dan - our FMC's ex-husband, who I didn't love at first but who is dorky and funny and kind and has really grown on me - Amenadiel, an angel and Lucifer's brother, and Pierce/Cain simply because he's exactly the kind of character I'm a sucker for (immortal who wants to die because he's just been alive too long, all tragic because he doesn't want to get close to mortals because they'll die).

@Sujana William Hamleigh omfg. William Hamleigh of Pillars of the Earth is the reason I really understand the term "hanging is too good for him." He is my most hated character in all of fiction everywhere. No one can touch him. I HATE HIM SO MUCH STILL AND I HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK IN YEARS.

Spoiler! :
TW: rape

William Hamleigh spends the book killing people and raping women - including a bride, who by law it is his "right" to sex up before her new husband, but the village is horrified because literally no lords actually take advantage of that law, and I'm pretty sure he also kills her father when the old man objects. He also abuses women and also gets involved with gang-rape with his band of knights. Then he gets married, and she's far too young for him because it's the Middle Ages, but she tries to be a good wife even though she's probably a virgin and has no idea how this works, but he can't get it up until he hits her because APPARENTLY ABUSING WOMEN IS HIS KINK.

Oh my God. I spent the whole book viciously wishing for him to die a horrible, violent death...and when he finally died, he was hanged for some crime or another, and I was HOWLING because HANGING IS TOO GOOD FOR HIM. Where's my tarring-and-feathering? Where's my drawing-and-quartering? I DEMAND JUSTICE.

And then, just to make things worse, there's apparently a mini-series adaptation and a lot of people are sympathetic toward him/love his character just because he's played by a hot actor or something, and I'm super mad about it.

*blows steam out nose*

Okay, okay. We're going to finish up with a common favorite: Uncle Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender, because I will NOT let WH ruin my evening. Uncle Iroh is like the perfect example of a male character 100% without toxic masculinity. He's kind, compassionate, and gentle. He loves tea, board games, and hot baths. He's a great war hero and can still kick your butt if he really needs to, but it's clear he prefers peace and kindness and will not kick your butt unless he really has to. He's a real father to Zuko - I get so many father/son feels from them.

Spoiler! :
Not only does he support Zuko throughout his quest to find the Avatar and try to steer the young prince in the right direction, but the part that always makes me sob is when Zuko has left him. All through the show, Iroh encourages Zuko to pursue his own destiny rather than the one his father has thrust upon him, but during the siege of Ba Sing Se, Zuko chooses the path to reclaim his honor by helping his sister, Azula, capture the city. Iroh is jailed but eventually escapes. When Zuko finds him - ashamed of his betrayal, crying and begging his uncle to forgive him - Iroh turns and hugs him before he can even finish his speech and says that he wasn't angry, just sad that Zuko lost his way.

It's my favorite scene in the entire series, both the happiest and the most heartbreaking, and just talking about it makes me want to go watch the whole series over again right this minute but it's almost bedtime so probably not

He's so sweet, despite the darkness in his own life: his military history, his tyrant of a brother, his own son's death. Iroh forever.

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Sun May 13, 2018 4:17 am
Brigadier says...

Way too much backlog for my tastes.

From MASH as a novel, not as a tv show, which is way different opinions.
Favorite character: Hawkeye Pierce
Least favorite character: Duke Forrest

Lotr as a novel.
Favorite character: Sam
Least favorite character: Frodo

All versions of Perry Mason.
Favorite: Della Street
Runner up: Paul Drake
Bottom of the barrel: Perry Mason

the brigadier rides again!
LMS VI: Lunch Appointment with Death


I say Wolf, for all wolves are not of the same sort; there is one kind with an amenable disposition – neither noisy, nor hateful, nor angry, but tame, obliging and gentle, following the young maids in the streets, even into their homes. Alas! Who does not know that these gentle wolves are of all such creatures the most dangerous!
— Charles Perrault