
Young Writers Society

Say your piece...

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Wed May 17, 2006 8:44 am
thegirlwhofateloves says...

...Right here. Yes, I know that there are a load of random threads for goodbyes, thank yous, giving out e-mail, etc etc. But I was getting confused (not everything changes), so I figured that all the threads should be compiled into one.


Say your piece. Post your e-mail, myspace, msn etc here. Cry if you want to :smt087

And only post once :wink:

Here I go...

(And I'm sorry if I sound a little mushy...but if I can't be now, then when can I be?!)

It's sad to say goodbye. I've met a lot of amazing, talented individuals on this site. I've learnt quite a lot of things...about myself, mainly. And that I'm not the only one who sometimes feels a bit...weird.

Honestly? When I joined the site in October last year, I would never have guessed that it would become so important to me. Didn't even think I'd spend that much time on it...ha :wink: But having a little online community is more comforting than I could have imagined, and (god, I feel like a nerd saying this) I feel like I've 'grown' as a person a bit. Lol.

I know I've p*ssed some of you off, and for that I'm sorry. I can be a right mardy cow sometimes :)

If this site reopens, I don't know that I'll be coming back. And I don't think I'll join another writing site - it'll be different. You know? But I hope that YWS does reopen - for the sake of any other slightly lost adolescents with a talent for expressing themselves with words :wink:

If ANYONE wants me:

Myspace: www.myspace.com/prettytorture
E-mail: felicitypepper@hotmail.co.uk

I read something Bob said, about it being like leaving school. He's right. It is. But better (or worse, depending on how you look at it), seeing as I did, in fact, hate school...

I'm not very good at goodbyes. But I will say that you're all total dudes (yes, even the ones who can't spell or do the PUNC. :D ), YWS "Rox my sox", and I love y'all.

Big up the YWS Massive!

....And I still don't know what SPEW is....

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Wed May 17, 2006 12:28 pm
Firestarter says...

This place kept me sane and happy sometimes. I don't know if I'll be the same without it. That's really strange to say, but this place is part of how I've developed' my writing, my respect for other people, everything.

Cya all in the future, I hope. But this has just made me so depressed.
Nate wrote:And if YWS ever does become a company, Jack will be the President of European Operations. In fact, I'm just going to call him that anyways.

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Wed May 17, 2006 2:15 pm
Matt Bellamy says...

*steps up onto a soap box*

Hello. *clears throat*
I've met some cool people here, and I'm not overly sad about the end, as I don't think it really is the end. We have The Society Revisited, and I am positive that we will keep in touch. I'll miss reading everyone's blog the most.

My email/MSN: mattjbellamy@yahoo.co.uk

Myspace: www.myspace.com/sambyjoo

See you around.

*Steps down*

EDIT: Oh yeah and may the force be with you!!
Last edited by Matt Bellamy on Wed May 17, 2006 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Got Tumblr? Me too! http://www.writersam.co.uk

Peeking Cat Poetry Magazine is accepting submissions! http://peekingcatpoetrymagazine.blogspot.co.uk

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Wed May 17, 2006 3:00 pm
Emma says...

Yeah. I have met some really amazing writing geeks just like me. I never knew so many people were interested. This was my frist ever forum site and I felt welcomed from the beginning. It's sad that Nate has to close it, but, sadly I really knew it was going to happen and I knew when he made up that he was going to change it to a yearly pay was a very bad idea.

Heh... I'm going to miss going onto this site. I'm sorry I didn't post much and I'm really sorry I forgot to click on the adds. I am and I wish that something could suddenly change the matter and Nate would say; "guys, never mind. I'm keeping this site!"

Yeah, I will miss reading the blogs. Everyone has something going on and I love to see what it is. It really helped make this site a one big happy family.

To contact me:

Myspace: www.myspace.com/mawaj
Email/MSN: emma_5hears@yahoo.co.uk

Love you.

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Wed May 17, 2006 6:50 pm
Muse says...

*sighs* I did love this site. Like my very own child. We had our ups and downs, but it was a top banana experience.
I'm also sorry for not posting much, and for not knowing that clicking on those adds did anything...:oops:
I met some awesome people, and everyone's blogs were so damn cool...im gonna miss them the most too. The saddest thing is, I feel as though i didnt use this site to my full advantage. I mean, everyone is going on about how they matured as writers etc, and i feel exactly the same as i was before i joined. I should have probably posted more of my work, or critiqued more, but its hard to find the time. Sorry dudes. I did read a lot of your work, but i just never had anything useful to say. You're all just too darn good already.

Anyhooo, Hope to see you around in some distant (or not so distant) land. Keep up the writing, Live long and prosper *holds up hand in trekkie style* etc :smt088

Cheerio my fellow YWS chums


tata for now, aurevoir, ciao,
your friendly neighbourhood muse xx

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Wed May 17, 2006 9:18 pm
Crysi says...

It's funny how you can become so attached to a website and bits of text representing other people.

I mean, sites go down all the time. No one's dying. Lives will go on.

And yet... there's a part in all of us that seems drawn to this place. It reminds me of band camp (don't start, I'm trying to be serious here) and what they call the "Spirit of Silver Lake." Basically, it's the unexplainable feeling you get when you're there, a feeling that will last forever. A feeling that makes it seem as if you never left each time you come back.

I believe there's a Spirit of YWS, too. Cheer up, kids. It'll be back. We'll come back here and laugh and dance and sing and WRITE. Take what you've learned here and apply it to your lives. Consider this a test: have you truly absorbed the lessons taught to you here? Challenge yourself to write better than you've ever written. Incorporate critiques you've received. Wow us all when we come back. Most of all, never lose hope. It's been quite an experience, and hopefully none of us will ever forget it.

Repeated again for convenience:

Email: Bowserette@gmail.com
MSN: puresugarhyper88@hotmail.com
Yahoo: puresugarhyper88
AIM: samring1

Please note that I check email daily, but I'm not on instant messengers much anymore. When I am, I'm most likely using Yahoo.

Wipe your tears away, put on a smile, and start writing. To steal a phrase someone very close to me said recently, I'll see you on the other side.

*bows out*
Love and Light

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Fri May 19, 2006 5:25 am
sabradan says...

Ah, goodbyes. Ending. Farewells. Never easy things, are they? It is always hard to say goodbye. So, here is my attempt at it.

It seems like only yesterday when I clicked on a link in "wackoJacko"s signature from teh Bolter and Chainsword forum, and it brought me here. Honestly, it was the best decision/click I've ever made. When I joined the site last year, I had no idea I would become so fond and attached to this site, and all those who frequent it. I never thought I would spend as much time on here as I did. When I first joined, I had a complete intention of coming on, reviewing some things, posting my work, and checking in about every week or so. But as we all know, that isn't how it worked. The warmth, freindliness, and invitingness of all the members here made this the only site I'd check everytime I went online.

Its weird how attached and familiar you get to be with faceless usernames on an internet forum. On all the other forums I'm on, I've never had quite the familiarity and comraderie with the other users as I do here. With a combination of the freindliness and cookiness of everyone on here, I think its contributed to my growing accostomed to all of you, even if I don't know your real names or faces, I feel like I really know each and every one of you. Whether its the use of nicknames/real names and getting to know more about each other than just our work and screennames, or just the welcoming atmosphere of this site, I dont know, but it is unique to this group we have created. I hope that at the new, interim site we all maintain, and preferrably, strenghten our bonds that we have made here.

I know it sounds corney and cliche, but I really feel like I've gotten to know each and every one of you here, and that YWS has become more than just a site with a writing forum for me: it has become almost like a second home for me, in cyberspace. Whenever I had questions I needed answered, or had a crappy day and needed cheering up, or just needed to get away from real life for a bit to stay sane, I knew I could turn to the people on the YWS. It probably sounds really stupid, but it is true, from the deepest recesses of my heart.

As far as my writing goes, if I hadn't found this site, I don't know where I'd be now. But because I found YWS, my writing--both creatively, stylisically, and content-wise--has increased exponentially. You all have helped me in one way or another, from Snoink and others with their vicious ripping to pieces of my work, to make it better, to BackgroundBob and others whose poetry was so beautiful and inspiring, it inspired me to start writing again (when I had writers block), you've all helped me a great deal, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Nate, there are not enough words in any language to express my gratitude to you for providing this site for myself and so many others. I know you've spent countless hours and dollars on this site, out of your own personal time and pocket, money and time that could've been doing other things for yourself; but you had the vision and desire to help other young aspiring writers, and for that I thank and salute you. When my first book gets published there will be a dedication to you, and this site, inside of it.

So, in conclusion, you all have been like a family to me in my breif time here, and I can't imagine my day/time without you guys and this site. Thank you all, and fare thee well. For those of you on the interim site, I shall see you there. And for the others, well, I think you should come over there, and if not, you should still keep in touch.
I have always been horrible at goodbyes, so this is not a goodbye. I shall not say goodbye, because goodbyes are final. I shall instead say "Until we meet again..."

Fare thee Well, See ya around, and
B'Shalom v'Ahahva (In Peace and Love)

P.S. My contact info:
AIM: sabradan1
EMAIL: sabradan1@sbcglobal.net
MYSPACE: http://www.myspace.com/sabradan
"He who takes a life...it is as if he has destroyed an entire world....but he who saves one life, it is as if he has saved the world entire" Talmud Sanhedrin 4:5

!Hasta la victoria siempre! (Always, until Victory!)
-Ernesto "Che" Guevarra

Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path then by all means you should follow that.
— Ellen Degeneres