
Young Writers Society

Never keep a pet monster

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Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:08 pm
Joellevene says...

Never keep a pet monster -
There once lived a girl, with simply nothing to do,
she only wished for a friend, just like me or you.

She had no brothers or sisters, or even a puppy,
and she wondered why the other kids at school, were all so very lucky.

They had hamsters and rabbits,  so cute, furry and small,
but she would have what truly was the greatest pet of them all.

The girl's name was Jasmine, and she always felt alone,
She lived with her darling mother, although she was never home.

She always had work that would get in the way,
she never had time to come home and play.

And although her mother loved her more than she could ever know,
It was because of her work that her love would ever show.

And so she would sit alone each day, she would sit all by herself.
She would sit just quietly in her room, starring at her bedroom shelf.

the shelves were filled with books and stories of magical lands.
with funny looking creatures, who had blue shiny hands.

The creatures were yellow, with a bright orange head,
And had green colored flowers where it's hair should be instead.

These creatures were so naughty, playing tricks were their favorite game,
like drawing pictures on peoples faces, then giving someone else the blame.

But of course this was just a world, that lives inside of a book.
It was a special place hopes and dreams, where jellyfish can learn to cook.

A child could only imagine a wonderful world like this,
A place filled with magic, just like true love's first kiss.

And so Jasmine would just sit there, throughout the lonely day,
Not knowing that at night time, the monsters come out to play.

Soon Jasmine became tired, and it was time to rest her head,
But suddenly she heard a noise, from right under her bed.

She leapt out of her mattress, and landed on the floor,
and wondered what surprises were still now left in store.

She looked under the bed, into the dark and empty space,
and just then a smiles appeared upon her pretty face.

Boo! She shouted out, but there was no reply,
and so she turned her back, and then she shouted out Goodbye.

Wait, a voice whispered, from what was once an empty space.
and then this voice asked Jasmine, would you like to see my face?

Of course she said, but you must know, that I am not afraid,
unaware of the brilliant friendship that she had just made.

The monster crawled out from the darkness and stood up big and tall,
He looked down to the girl and said, wow, you're rather small.

I am only 8 years old, I am growing so you see,
and the monster turned and said, so you're not scared of me?

You like quite strange, but I'm not afraid, I'm braver than you think,
I am as courageous as a lion, but my still my favorite color's pink.

And you don't look like the creatures that i’ve read about in books. Where Jellyfish are often seen, as they’re actually brilliant cooks! 

Your body's blue I can clearly see, and black & shiny is your head.
And you have purple colored caterpillars, where your hair should be instead.

You don't have green flowers with a bright orange head
and you're also not yellow; but you’re blue and black instead.

That's because the creature's you know are from the imagination,
I am as real as real could be, not just a writers creation.

So then Jasmine turned and said, we will be best friends forever,
and I shall call you Ned.

We will play in the cold, and we will play in the wet,
and we will have days in the sunshine that we never will forget.

But Jasmine didn't realize that with her new found friend,
once the mischief had started, it was never going to end.

Then Jasmine went into the kitchen to get Ned something to eat,
And with Jasmine gone the monster now, was in for quite a treat.

There were crayons on the table, and the walls were plain and white,
So when Jasmine came back from the kitchen, she was in for quite a fright!

Fred has used the crayons to draw all on the walls. He drew people with funny faces and swirls and colored balls.
What have you done, Jasmine shouted out loud. I don't think my Mother's going to be very proud. 

You drew all on the walls, which were all nice and plain, don't you think my Mother will notice, that they are now not the same?

 I added life and color, it looks better don't you think? Jasmine wondered if she was dreaming, and began to blink and blink. 

I agree but can't you see that these walls can't stay the same. When my Mother comes home just later on, who do you think will get the blame?

 Luckily for the monster, Jasmine knew the perfect thing to do. I will find the white paint from the drawer upstairs, and it will look just like brand new. 

So Jasmine walked right back upstairs, to find some of the paint. The monster was near, but as she was small her footsteps were quite faint. 

Just then the monster noticed, the whole new world outside. He said that he’d stay still, it seems that he lied. 

Ned ran into the garden and dug a hole in the ground, and he wondered what magical place, he had suddenly just found. 
Jasmine came down from upstairs, and she saw what Ned had done. She’d always wanted a pet monster; but she thought it’d be more fun.

I told you to stay still; and yet you’ve dug a massive hole. I thought I made it clear, you’ve gone out of control.

I was digging a massive hole you see, I was going to another place. Then suddenly a smile appeared, upon the monsters face. 

You like adventure, I know that you do. You like adventure, and I can see that it’s true. Then I have the perfect place for you. 

I know this shall put you, in a much better mood, but first I am hungry, have you got any food? 

I had all the food, it was ready for us before. until you picked up the crayons, and then started to draw. 

Then I shall go into the kitchen and get the food for me and you, as after all the trouble I’ve caused, its the least I can do.

After a short while, Ned finally brought out the plate, hoping  Jasmine wouldn't mind, that he was so late. 

She looked at the plate, and she said “what are these?” I  didn't make, ham sandwiches and cheese. 

I am sorry little girl but it's the best I can do, as when it comes to cooking, I just don't have a clue. 

When I was in the kitchen, my tummy started to rumble, so I ate all the biscuits you’d made, and then then the apple crumble. 

I ate the cakes up one by one, and I ate the ice cream too. I finished it up just piece by piece, and this was all that was left for you. 

There was no more food inside your house, not even a just smidge. there was nothing left you see small girl, there was nothing in your fridge.

That’s ok, you didn’t lie, but instead the truth came out. I wasn’t that hungry anyway; now what’s this adventure you were talking about?

Follow me, and you will see, I’ll take you somewhere new. Jasmines adventure, had almost begun; and her excitement grew and grew. 

The monster then took Jasmine upstairs, and right back to her bed. He then crawled straight in the darkness, trying not to hit his head.

Jasmine then follow, and crawled under the bed too. Her eyes were wide open, like they were fixed tight there with glue. 

They both carried on into the darkness, Jasmine was in for quite some fun. Un-aware that from that point; her big adventure had now begun! 

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Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:46 pm
LosPresidentes says...

Stand aside Dr.Seuss! This is a nice poem, it deserves to be told in schools, and care facilities everywhere
I have no bad words or suggestions other than keep on keepin on.
I quit

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Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:29 pm
Audy says...

Hello Joellevene,

It seems you're new. Welcome to YWS! If you have any questions about the site or this review, just let me know.

I commend you for going through with this. I know it's difficult to construct such a tight rhyme scheme and then make narrative out of it - but for the most part this flows rather smoothly with a bit of formatting errors here and there, that might just be YWS messing up with your lines though. I'm talking about the places where the couplets are misaligned, such as the couplet about jellyfish in the book/ brilliant cook.

I see how Dr. Seuss is an inspiration for this piece. Another thing to note about Seuss that might be an interesting element to add to your poem is the way he makes up words sometimes :D Especially for fictional creatures. I mean - Seuss came up with ALL kinds of craziness like zummers and spazzims and sneezles and sneetches and of course grinch! Which we use all the time now xD

He loves to play around with sounds and alliteration - so if you're interested to play around with those sorts of things yourself, this could make your narrative poem more sing-along-y and interesting. Also more and more Seuss-like.

Another suggestion is to read this poem out loud. Read it out loud and if you find yourself tripping up - or if the flow isn't quite right - then see if there are things you can fix. I've done the first few lines for you...

There once lived a girl, no comma here with simply nothing to do,
she only wished for a friend, just like me or you.

She had no brothers or sisters, or even a puppy,
and she wondered why the other kids at school,no comma needed were all so very lucky.

They had hamsters and rabbits, so cute, furry and small,
but she would have what truly was the greatest pet of them all.

These are not the only spots where the rhythm is off - but they're easy to catch and fix :) Another thing to watch out for are those commas! Remember they should only be used to separate a dependent clause from an independent clause - or if you use conjunctions such as: and, but, for, yet, etc.

And so she would sit alone each day, she would sit all by herself.
She would sit just quietly in her room, starring at her bedroom shelf.

Try not to be superfluous here. You say she would sit alone - and then you say again that she would sit by herself and then you said again she would sit in her room quietly. It gets a bit repetitive and contributes little to the narrative.

A child could only imagine a wonderful world like this,
A place filled with magic, just like true love's first kiss.

I love this line :)

The idea overall was nice and the homage to Seuss made it very cute and nostalgic ^^ Just make sure that each couplet is contributing to the story - I feel like this could be a bit shorter.

Keep writing! I would love to read more that you've done.

~ As always Audy

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Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:34 pm
alabasterwolveness says...

Hiya! How ya doing? Good I hope!
WEll your peom was very nice! Though I do say that the para's do tend to change length but never format! Which is exellent!

Thats all I really had to say about it!

If you want a deep review about it, feel free to message me and I have no problem doing so!

~Randi (Alabaster)
~Lady Death~
Down in the dark, alone at night. Bleeding and Torn... Broken in the light

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Tue Oct 11, 2011 11:51 pm
PixieStix says...

Wow. This was very amazing. Just like what the person bedor me said/ if you need a deeper reveiw than just PM me!
All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie-dust!

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Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:19 am
Joellevene says...

Wow! Well this has genuinely made my day :) um where to start, I guess I will start from the top :) LosCadaver, thank you so much, I never though I could be any where near up to the standards of dr Seuss, so that it such a massive compliment! :) and yeah I would love it to be read in schools and care homes, that would be brilliant. Thank you again :) and I promise I will return the favor by reviewing one of your pieces of work :) I want to do the same for everyone that has taken the time to comment :) Secondly Audy. Firstly I wanted to thankyou for such a long and in depth review, it honestly means a lot that you have taken your time to do this for me :) you are indeed correct, I only joined about a week ago, and already it's seems liked a brillian decision :) I must say though in general that I am sorry to everyone, because I am actually only part way through checking the general flow of the rhymes, and I should have done that before submitting it. As a poet, I know sometimes that I force words to rhyme and so to me, it seems like it works. So whenever I read it back straight after, I read it how I forced it to go. But when absolutely anyone else reads it, they should instantly be able to see that I doesn't quite work, like you did Audy, so thankyou for pointing all of that out :) I'm hoping that because I haven't proof read it for a while, the next time I read it, I will have forgotten how I wrote it, so will be reading it not as a poet, but as a person reciting it. So then. Should too be able to see where the words or lines don't quite flow properly :) Secondly its funny you should say that because someone else pointed that out, and they used the example of a grufallo.so I was thinking of changing the title so instead of monster, it's a fictional creature, possibly "Never keep, a fligafleep!" Finally, yes you are completely right. I've never been particularly good at punctuation, I didn't pick it up in primary school, and because it's the "basics" they never really when int much detail with it in secondary school. So I had to learn it at a later stage, but it's not too much of a problem. I know it seems really ironic that a writer struggles with punctuation, but that is my biggest flaw. I'm more the ideas man, I rely on my imagination and creativity, and I guess I just hope that what I do know about the rest of writing, is good enough to get me rough a piece of work. When I come to doing the rest of my proof read, I will refer back to all the things you have pointed out. So thank you for taking the time to do all the for me, It will genuinely be extremely helpful to me :)

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Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:31 am
Joellevene says...

I decided to reply in 2 lots of 2 comments, Incase i accidentally logged off of the page and lost all of my reply! So thirdly is alabasterwolveness Hi, yeah I'm good thank you, how are you? Yeah as I was saying to Audy above, I'm sorry about that, because this is actually still my first drag, and I really should have completed proof reading it before I submitted it. But yes, I think I will take up your offer, thank you, I shall message you some time soon, and as I also said above. Will return the favour by reviewing a piece of everyone's work who has commented :) So thankyou Randi :) And last but by no means least, Pixie2 :) thank you so much for your kind words, as a young, in experienced writer they genuinely mean so much to me :) And yes, I think I will take up your offer, and if I'm going to make this poem as good as it can be, I'm going to need all the advice I can get :) Just finally as I sad above, I will be returning the favour by reviewing a piece of your work and everyone else who has taken the time to comment, so thank you once again :)

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— Reborn