
Young Writers Society

A few things about myself :)

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Tue Mar 08, 2011 6:11 pm
MisterThien says...

Hey, people! :)

I've been registered to YWS for a few weeks now and I've found it such a great place! There's something I love about reviewing people's work and knowing that my opinions will help them improve and become a better writer. That sense of achievement is like my drug. Sounds a bit odd, but whatever! YWS is awesome and the people here are as well! Anyway, here's a few things about myself:

As you can tell from the username, my name is Thien, pronounced by saying the letters 'T' and 'N' together - don't ask me why there's a 'H' in it, though, because I really don't know why LOL I'm what you'd call different: my major gayness being the main factor. I live in London, so forgive me if I spell stuff like 'realise' instead of 'realize' - even though it's the correct spelling! I'm in the first year of college now doing my A-Levels: English Literature, English Language, Biology and Maths. People always seem to gape at the fact I do both English's and the main subjects, but I don't mind it really. I hate all the other subjects so those were the only ones left that I had neutral opinions for :D Next year, I'm going to drop English Language, largely because I can't stand doing coursework and it's too wordy for me LOL I'm not exactly sure what I want to become when I'm older, but I have a few ideas: either a Vet, a Naturalist or a Journalist as well as being a part-time writer.

Hobbies, you ask? Well, the obvious is writing, of course! It's just great articulating my wild imagination through writing and I like forcing my friends into reading them and watching them pretend what I've written is 'awesome' to spare my feelings LOL good times... I don't really have many other hobbies to be honest. I'd like to take up Ice Hockey since it looks fun, but I doubt I'll be any good. Umm, I have lots of interests though: I like reading about the natural world, especially insects. Even though they gross me out, I still think they're pretty cool because they're all so different from each other like these ants that spray burning acid and these wasps that lay their eggs inside caterpillars which hatch and eat their hosts from the inside. It's so gross. But I love it! So what else, what else? I used to be obsessed with all films about people with powers like X-Men and stuff, but not so much anymore. I guess I've grown out of that boyish fantasy LOL

Damn, I can't remember what else I'm supposed to write about... Oh, yeah, favourites! Fave Films? From the top of my head, favourite films are Kick-Ass, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Zombieland, Battle Royale, Mean Girls, umm, Devil Wears Prada, Morning Glory, X-Men Series, Harry Potter Series and many more... Fave TV Shows? Definitely 30 Rock! Fave Music? Anything really. Fave Colour? Blue. Fave Joke? What's the best thing about doing ninety-five-year-olds? There's ninety of them. Gets me every time LOL

I like writing stories of the Fantasy genre, largely because it's so limitless and it really stretches the horizons of my imagination. Though, writing in itself does that also. Soon, I'll be posting my own work onto YWS, but it won't be until I properly edit my first Chapter of the novel series I'm working on. That'll be in like... weeks. I just can't bring myself to edit it because I know it'll take so long as it needs much work LOL

Well, that's all about me really. Any questions? Just ask! I hope everyone's all well and that I see you around on YWS! So in the meantime: eat well, stay in school, don't do drugs and stay safe! :D

‎"I dream my paintings, then I paint my dreams" - Van Gogh

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Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:05 am
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Gracie says...

Hi MisterThien

Really nice to meet you and hear about you. I'm a pretty new member to and have found YWS a really encouraging and lovely place.

It's nice to see that you have started on a novel. I can never get Ideas to stick for that long. You've also have a love of lots of different movies and music.

PM me if you ever want anyone to talk to.

I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, Sir, because I'm not myself you see.

Alice in Wonderland

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Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:14 pm
MisterThien says...

Hey, Gracie!

Oooh, high-five for our newness on YWS! Though, I've known about this site since 2009 and I have an old account that I made then, but I forgot the password so I'm not really that new LOL still high-five anyway! xD

I sort of have an on-off relationship with my novel; sometimes I just can't be bothered to write it and this goes on for months and then I get this sudden urge to write something and then I do, but it soon fades away xD But I promised myself I won't die until I've finished my novel series and get it published on the shelves! What about you? Any novels that you're writing at the moment?

Hahah, yup, I have a varied taste for all sorts of things.

Thien :)
‎"I dream my paintings, then I paint my dreams" - Van Gogh

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Gender: Male
Points: 545
Reviews: 20
Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:14 pm
MisterThien says...

Hey, Gracie!

Oooh, high-five for our newness on YWS! Though, I've known about this site since 2009 and I have an old account that I made then, but I forgot the password so I'm not really that new LOL still high-five anyway! xD

I sort of have an on-off relationship with my novel; sometimes I just can't be bothered to write it and this goes on for months and then I get this sudden urge to write something and then I do, but it soon fades away xD But I promised myself I won't die until I've finished my novel series and get it published on the shelves! What about you? Any novels that you're writing at the moment?

Hahah, yup, I have a varied taste for all sorts of things.

Thien :)
‎"I dream my paintings, then I paint my dreams" - Van Gogh

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Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:07 pm
MeanMrMustard says...

If you weren't human I'd be more interested. :D Expanding mah borders then.

It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them.
— Mark Twain