
Young Writers Society

Closet Narcissism (er, hello!)

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Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:12 am
TNOandXadric says...

...because who doesn't like to talk about themselves?
I am TNO. Also known as TNÖ because umlauts are awesome. TNO stands for The Nearly Omnipotent, a nickname I coined for myself in middle school. The title didn't stick; the acronym did, and there you have it. the "and Xadric" bit refers to a game on an entirely different site in which we all had to name our "muse". Xadric was mine. He's a cat, in case you're interested.
I'm here because an online friend of mine mentioned it in passing, and since it's rather late at night, I am, as usual, bored enough to dole out yet another username, password, and email to yet another site. Also because I lack motivation while writing, excepting the months of November and April, and I figure a community of other writers might help me steer clear of Shiny New Idea syndrome for more than three chapters at a time.
The deciding factor, though, was seeing a link to TV Tropes on the... "Writing Gooder" blog thing. I love that site.
But I suppose I'm expected to introduce myself?
Well. I'm from Wyoming. I just turned sixteen. I'm rather boring, I'm afraid.
I've been writing since... forever, really. Quite a long time; my first finished story was written (by me) when I was nine and lasted for about twenty pages of dreadful plot, flat characters, and anticlimactic "twists". Such is life. Since then I haven't really finished anything save a Script Frenzy '08. Well, I also finished my NaNoWriMo story in 2007 but the ending was so abrupt and disconnected that it doesn't really count.
My motivation stems largely from NaNoWriMo in November and Script Frenzy in April. Otherwise I sort of flip-flop between story ideas.
I tend to write fantasy. I have attempted realistic fiction as per my darling mother's requests ("write what you know, Haley, write what you know!"), but it always ends up with magic and multiple worlds or dimensions or whatever. What can I say? Realistic fiction bores me half to death, for the most part.
In case you haven't already gathered, I have a dreadful tendency to ramble when I'm online. In reality I'm rather quiet, with a tendency to stare silently at the nearest wall, sometimes for hours on end, but give me a keyboard and a forum, blog, or other online community and I can ramble for ages. I think it has something to do with the wide, empty spaces that make up most comment boxes.
So. Hello! Very nice to meet you.

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Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:49 am
WaterVyper says...

Hey TNO! A cat muse? That sounds great. I don't have any cats, so I don't know what it's like. Even in online games. Anyway, welcome to YWS!

What's Wyoming like? I've heard it's a nice place, good weather which is more than can be said for Indonesia.

First of all, you should get to know the rules. They can be found here and they're to be followed at all times. They're simple, so you don't haev to worry so much.

Good theory about comment boxes. I notice it tends to happen a lot to me. You really do need to fill up all the space, don't you? And have you tried urban fantasy? That's fantasy set in the modern world, with mythical creatures and/or magic thrown in. That may solve your problem.

So, it's great to meet you, TNO. If there's anything you need, feel free to PM me. I hope to see you around sometime. See ya!
There once was a cat.
He wasn’t particularly fat.
Fuzzy was his favorite mat.
And really, that was that.

Oh, but did you really think so?
Keep reading, it’s just the start of the show!
And as for how far this tale will go…
Well, even the cat doesn’t know.

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28 Reviews

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Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:23 pm
Chloe(: says...

Hey TNO! I'm Chloe, but you can call me by my username, if you'd like.

I tend to write fantasy. I have attempted realistic fiction as per my darling mother's requests ("write what you know, Haley, write what you know!"), but it always ends up with magic and multiple worlds or dimensions or whatever. What can I say? Realistic fiction bores me half to death, for the most part.

I once tried writing realistic fiction, it turned out that there was a three year old hypertalented hypnotizer. But that was around two years ago, so maybe now I'd be better. Half my novel seems realistic fiction, but then...can't give away anything.

The Blue Greeters: We hang out around here, introducing ourselves to new members and helping them through the wonderful first couple of days in YWS. We love to help, so if you need any help, ask us!

The Purple Instructors: These people are the big reviewing people. They spend a lot of time reviewing and their reviews are long and very helpful. They are very nice, so if you need a question, ask them.

The Light Green and Green Mods: They watch over the forums and make sure that all is well. The junior mods look over only a couple of forums, and the Mods look over a bunch.

The Red Admins: These people are insane. They are the heads of YWS, we wouldn’t be the same great website without them. Yay Admins!

The Orange Distinguished Member and/or Retired Mods. They are pretty active and love to help.

So, feel free to PM me if you need any help or would like me to give you some more help!
Formerly known as Vivacious.

Full of Cliches:a challenge to see who can write a piece with the most cliches.

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6 Reviews

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Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:20 pm
TNOandXadric says...

WaterVyper wrote:What's Wyoming like? I've heard it's a nice place, good weather which is more than can be said for Indonesia.

Oh, I love it... It's very beautiful, we live in this basin-type valley in the Windriver mountains, so there's lots of lakes, and animals (particularly deer). As to the weather, it's freezing cold for about eight months out of the year; around April everything starts to melt and it's just nasty, and then in July/August we actually experience some semblance of summer. Right now it's rather overcast, though. My only complaint is that it doesn't rain enough. I love rain.
And nice to meet you. :)

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Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:26 pm
Mira says...

Hiyas TNO! It's wonderful to meet you! ^-^

Xadric the cat? Sounds awesome. ^-^ It must be a very special cat.

Fantasy is always fun to write; I tend to avoid realistic fiction... But only because it's not as fun for me to write about.

So, may I ask about your favorite author, music, food, color, and animal? :)

PM me if you need anything or just want someone to talk to. ^-^

"Smiles make the world go round." ~ Me

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Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:18 pm
Carlito says...

Hey TNO, welcome to YWS! :D

Have you seen the Groups yet? There are about a million so you're bound to find some you like. :) I would really recommend joining a few. They're a great way to make some fast friends.

I live in Iowa. I really don't like the midwest at all. It's really boring and cold. :) Wyoming sounds pretty. :) I might have driven through it once on my way to Yellowstone, but I was three so I don't really know. :D

Prepare yourself. It's Really Hard Question Time.
Who's your favorite author? If you could see one singer/band in concert and then hang out with them afterwords, who would you see? What's your favorite kind of candy? What's your favorite kind of berry? If you were a marine biologist, what kind of animal would you study and why?

I hope you have a great time here and if you have any questions or need anything, feel free to PM me! :D

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Ask a Therapist!
I want to beta read your novel!

Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Seriously. My PM box is always open <3

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6 Reviews

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Points: 1304
Reviews: 6
Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:47 pm
TNOandXadric says...

So, may I ask about your favorite author, music, food, color, and animal?

You may.
Um... Favourite author? Argh. There are so many good ones. Possibly Terry Pratchett, possibly Victor Hugo or Bram Stoker. It really depends on whatever I happen to be reading, so right now I'm gonna have to say JRR Tolkein.
Music... as in type of music? Anything, really, except pop, rap, and country... Mostly I listen to stuff from musicals or movie soundtracks or whatever. Right now I'm obsessing over the original Broadway cast recording of The Little Mermaid.
My favourite food is definitely cheese. I love cheese. Dunno why, but I do.
As far as animals go, I'm very partial to reptiles. Snakes especially. Although, when I was in Costa Rica recently I got to play with some death's-head cockroaches, and they were cool, too. Very cute little insects.

Who's your favorite author? If you could see one singer/band in concert and then hang out with them afterwords, who would you see? What's your favorite kind of candy? What's your favorite kind of berry? If you were a marine biologist, what kind of animal would you study and why?

Favourite author, see above.
Singer/band... well... if I could go back in time and see Oingo Boingo in concert and then hang out with Danny Elfman afterwords, that'd be sick. Other than that I can't really think of anyone.
Candy? probably chocolate. Berry? I dunno. I'm not a big berry person. I love oranges, though.
If I were a marine biologist... Why am I a marine biologist again? ...anyway, probably a shark of some kind. Or maybe squid. They're cool. Haven't really given it much thought.

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Sun Jul 19, 2009 8:30 pm
SeleneForeverDream says...

Heya TN! Welcome to our big and beautiful YWS!

My favourite food is definitely cheese. I love cheese. Dunno why, but I do.

Who doesn't just adore a nice piece of cheese? :razz:

If you care for a review from one of our Instructor's, check out this forum!


Also, when you go to submit things, please make sure it is under the correct genre, and if you need help please ask a Mod. This will be greatly appreciated by Big Brother, the YWS moderating staff, and by everyone else.

Hehe :twisted: more questions for you!
Do you like to handwrite things or type them?

What's your favorite season?

Where would you like to go in the world and why?

Do you like poetry or fiction?

If you have a question, would like to talk, or would like a review, feel free to PM me.
Got YWS?

You judge others upon their actions, but you judge yourself by your intention.

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Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:38 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome!

Well, you've gotten quiet the welcome wagon here! I pretty much dropped by to say that I have such a hard time writing a realistic fiction story myself. lol It's only been in recent months that I've managed to curb that for some realistic. But those stories are few and far between. xD

Also, to elaborate on Selene's post, that whole forum (called Will Review for Food) has threads where people say they review on request. Read the first posts, post on a few threads, and wait for the reviews to come. ^^

There is also the Knowledge Base under "resources" in the header. Some really good articles to be found there, written by YWSers.

If you need anything, including a review or a friend, drop me a line. I'm more than happy to help. ^_^

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:14 am
TNOandXadric says...

Do you like to handwrite things or type them?

Both, although my handwriting is atrocious. Most of the time, I'll handwrite, then type and revise onto my iPod, then email it to myself and revise again on the computer.

What's your favorite season?

Mm, winter.

Where would you like to go in the world and why?

Well, I'd love to go to England again. I went when I was six with my family and some family friends, and I remember liking it quite a lot.

Do you like poetry or fiction?

I like both, though I prefer fiction.

No matter what happens I'll always know there's a quote of mine in the YWS quote generator.
— looseleaf