
Young Writers Society

I'm semi-new, in a way

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Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:31 am
ImaginativeInsanity says...

Hi, everyone. I'm ImaginativeInsanity (you can call me Imaginative, Insanity, II, Muggle, or anything else you happen to come up with. I'm open to suggestions.)

I actually joined YWS sometime last year, but I only posted a couple of things, then my life became too busy, and I left. Now that I have some free time, I've decided to come back. But, since I'm still technically new, I've decided to reintroduce myself.

A little bit about me:

I first decided I wanted to become a writer when I was about 5 or 6 years old, and I was able to fully grasp the concept that somebody actually wrote the books I loved to read. Of course, I wanted to be a lot of things back then, but this is one of the few I've actually stuck with. :wink: I mostly write novels (fantasy, sci-fi, or something in between), but I've never yet been able to finish one entirely.

My other interests include theatre (where you can find me in rehearsals nearly every day), school (less of an interest and more of an obsessive competition), and an unhealty addiction to Harry Potter... :oops:

And another random fact about me is that I nitpick grammar/spelling to no end. *hangs head in shame* I apologize in advance to anyone this might bother.

So... hello, everyone! I'm really glad to be here... back... whatever....
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Are we all possibly characters in someone else's novel?

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Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:13 am
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Hannah says...

Hey, Ima! {Do you mind if I use that for your nickname? It's short and sweet, I think. xD}

Welcome back to YWS~ We're definitely glad to see you back here and I hope that you stay a bit longer this time. Hehehe.

It's interesting to hear that you write novels but that you've never finished one. Have you ever written shorter works, like short stories or flash fiction? If you have trouble finishing a novel, letting out some creativity in a shorter work and learning how to cramp a plot into fewer words is always fun. Then again, so is poetry -- but that takes even more getting used to. I recommend trying some genres outside your normal range, if you're up to it!

I'm assuming you remember the rules from last time you were here, but if not, just remember there's a 2:1 review:post ratio that you should follow, that works should be rated for content, and that we don't allow chatspeak {but I don't think you'll have a problem with that}.

Did you see the midnight showing of HP6 tonight?
Also, what are your favorite plays? What plays have you been in?

I look forward to seeing some of your work. Please feel free to PM me whenever you post some and I'll stop by to review. You should also PM me if you have any questions about the site, okay?

Welcome back! <3

you can message me with anything: questions, review requests, rants
are you a green room knight yet?
have you read this week's Squills?

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Wed Jul 15, 2009 1:44 pm
Mira says...

Hiyas Imaginative! :) Welcome back to YWS!

It's wonderful that you've held on to writing for so long. ^-^ That means it must be very important to you.

Science fiction and fantasy? Those are my kind of genres. But you said inbetween... Could you explain how that is?

The theater is amazing. What kind of roles do you ususally go for?

Harry Potter is amazing. ^-^ Where would we be without it? Actually, don't answer that question.

So, apart from that, what kind of music do you like? Who's your favorite musician? Your favorite author?

PM me if you need anything. :) I'm willing to help out as much as I can.

"Smiles make the world go round." ~ Me

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Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:15 pm
mizz-iceberg says...

Yes, Ima is much easier to type. xD We're lazy folks. So, I guess welcome back! I'm glad you found time to join us again.

I'll let you know right here, that if you ever happen to review anything of mine, rip it to shreds when it comes to grammar/spelling. So, no worries about that, okay?

I think people actually appreciate serious reviewers.

Theatre and Harry Potter are one of the world's greatest blessings. Even though I am not a muggle, and you are (Ha!), I shall still respect you, and be courteous to you, though we know who the greater of the two really is. And witches are so much better at theater. While you try to fly across the stage with cords attached to you, we actually do fly with our brooms. You can't do it, so don't even try.

But of course, muggles have their own great achievements, like the invention of the rubber duck.

So did you watch the Half Blood Prince?

Okay, so you can tell that I'm a Harry Potter fan. Anyways, novels are good. It is difficult to finish a novel! Sticking to it, and not loosing interest in it can be difficult.

Be sure to check out the Help and Support section; great to go through while you're new. I wish it had been so thorough when I first joined. If you have questions, concerns, or just want a review feel free to PM me. : )


(I was thinking I would love to be a Hogwarts student, but then I realized they don't have computers. *gasps!*)
I'm a godmother, that's a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short, that's cute, I taught her that.
--Ellen DeGeneres

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Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:27 pm
ThisIsAUserName says...

Addictions to Harry Potter are never unhealthy! Silly.
I love your avatar. I've always wanted to be a Ravenclaw. :]

I hope I can get to review one of your novels in the future, even an unfinished one.
I'm also sort of new but if you ever need critique on anything, PM me!

Welcome back. :]
In me thou see'st the glowing of such fire,
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the deathbed whereon it must expire,
Consumed by that which it was nourished by.
(Exerpt from Shakespearean Sonnet Number 73)

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Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:22 pm
ImaginativeInsanity says...

Thanks for the welcomes, everyone! :D Wow... lots of questions...

Ima's great. I never thought of that one. :wink:

I have tried to write short stories before (working on one currently, actually) but my problem is that when I have a spark of inspiration, my wild imagination usually takes it waaaay beyond the bounds of a short story. I'm going to try to write some more often though, so I can post some stuff on here.

I haven't seen HBP yet. I'm trying to get some friends together to go see it with this weekend.

Hmm... I've been in a lot of plays, but my biggest role was probably Meg in Little Women. The two I was in this past year (Don't Drink the Water and The King Stag) I played bit parts.

As for the in between sci fi and fantasy... the novel I'm working on now is mostly fantasy, in that it involves special powers and mythical beings and such, but it is set in the future with new technology. So I guess it's kind of a blend of both, in a way.

I listen to country music mainly. My current favorite artist is Taylor Swift, because like most teenage girls, I can really connect to most of her songs (for example, 6 out of the 13 songs on her Fearless CD I can relate back to the same guy...)

My favorite author is J.K. Rowling. Without a doubt.

Zehra-- :P So what if we can't fly onstage? We can fly in airplanes! I hear that's one of the great mysteries of your world, how we get our airplanes to stay in the air... according to Arthur Weasley, anyways... :P
Oh, and I happen to own a rubber duck, thank you very much. :wink:

Whew, I think I got everything. By the way, if you guys have anything you want me to review, PM me and I'll be more than glad :wink:
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Are we all possibly characters in someone else's novel?

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Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:02 pm
mizz-iceberg says...

Ah, we know quite well how you keep the airplane in the air. Aurthur Weasley is a simple fellow, a little slow, yes. It is quite obvious that the guy you call a 'pilot' is in fact a wizard using the charm wingardium leviosa. Oh admit it already!

*snickers* Muggles!

But the rubber duck is quite a puzzling matter. I still to this day, do not understand its function. Enlighten me.

ZOMG! Little Women! I love that book.

I'm a godmother, that's a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short, that's cute, I taught her that.
--Ellen DeGeneres

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Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:28 pm
ImaginativeInsanity says...

:roll: Oh that's absolutely brilliant. Did it take the entire Department of Mysteries to figure it out? *voice drips with sarcasm*
*whispers* Drat! They're on to us!
Someone really should inform poor Arthur, though. It is, after all, his lifelong dream to find that out... Hmm, then again, he'd be gravely disappointed...

Now, now, now, if I told you about the rubber duck, you'd have all of our secrets. What fun would that be? :twisted:

I've never actually read the book. I've kind of always wanted to, just never got around to it...
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From August 17 to 24, YWS will be down. See this for more info!

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Are we all possibly characters in someone else's novel?

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Wed Jul 15, 2009 11:59 pm
mizz-iceberg says...

Yes, we are rather brilliant aren't we? Poor Arthur would be crushed. He's got some wacky theory about some sort of "aerodynamics." :roll:

Secrets? *bursts into evil laughter* Not for long. I'll let you on a little secret. Something you simple muggle folks have probably never even heard of; a truth potion. Ring a bell? No, I didn't think so. All I've got to do, is grab a muggle, offer him/her a drink with a drop of potion in it, and there you go, I've got him babbling about rubber ducks to my heart's content.

*sigh* How do you people live without magic?
I'm a godmother, that's a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short, that's cute, I taught her that.
--Ellen DeGeneres

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:40 pm
Hannah says...

Hahaha~ You guys are ridiculous! xDD I love Mr. Weasley's fascination with Muggle objects. oO; He's probably the silliest character ever. xD

But, on a different note, I totally get what you're saying about taking the story beyond the bounds of a short story. There's just so much surrounding every little piece of a story -- you could go into the past, into the future, and it's difficult to know where to stop sometimes. :] Definitely get what you're saying. xD Something I have to work on myself.

How was being in Little Women? I remember when I was in elementary school, we did a little skit thing about Louisa May Alcott getting the book published and stuff, but it wasn't anything big. ^___^ I was Amy/May. Hehehe~ Anyways, that's really cool that you were such a big part! -claps-

And again, on a completely different note, I was wondering if you'd like to do me a favor! I'm participating in an instructor's reality show and our task is to compile a team of newbies to help with other tasks. And, actually, I have no idea what the other things we'll be doing are, so it'll be a surprise to all of us. But, I think it would be a good way for you to get involved in an activity right away and meet some people to get reacquainted with everyone. Let me know {feel free to PM me} if you want to participate, okay?

Also, PM me if you have any questions about anything! :D

you can message me with anything: questions, review requests, rants
are you a green room knight yet?
have you read this week's Squills?

Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try!
— Dr. Seuss