
Young Writers Society

Hi from New Zealand

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Thu Jul 09, 2009 4:41 am
baby.fratelli says...

Hey I am Anna, I am 19 and live in the capital city Wellington, New Zealand.

I just had a flashback to when I was a member here when I was alot younger - and I was a terrible writer back then. I think I just came on here to contribute to the add on stories. The site has changed heaps since I last visited. Back then the word "iriscable" was the word of the week for years. Actually I may have the wrong site in mind, but I think it was this one...

Anywho, I am in my second year of a degree in English Literature, Theatre and Creative Writing and loving it. The writing workshops are a lot of work, and it's limited entry so it's just eleven of us sitting round giving feedback on each others stories and assignments. Last term was writing short fiction and this term is writing for children so that will be new to me.

I am an active member on another writing site and I critique thoroughly and often so hopefully I'll like this one too.

I mainly write short stories, but a novel is something I am interested in trying one day, and I have written a couple of poems and am trying my hand at scripting.

My favourite books are The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen, The Line of Beauty by Alan Hollinghurst and Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl.

Ahh I like British comedy, The Goonies, old DOS games like Commander Keen and indie/indie rock music ... although indie is such a general term that covers everything under the sun that isn't mainstream ... although I don't have a problem with mainstream either. Also love stuff like The Beatles and The Beach Boys.

I'm rambling.

Say hi :]

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Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:03 am
Boni_Bee says...

Hi Anna! Welcome back to YWS! Sounds like you're studying a great subject at uni! I look forward to seeing some of your work.

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Thu Jul 09, 2009 6:28 pm
Shauni says...

What a big post!

Hi! (I said it º.º) :D Welcome to the YWS!
*gasps* New Zealand! How I wished! I'm just dying to go there! Lucky you... arg!
They said that the best years of our life are the college years. Do you agree with this?
I'm sure you'll love YWS and get so addicted as all of us!
Beatles aren't my favourite. I prefer New Metals, a more modern Rock and some fusions. But, we have all different tastes, right?
Please check the Rules and Guides for all the info and memory refreshment.

I advise you to check our chat and our groups. Only used by YWS members, they are a great way to make friends and meet people with similar tastes and preferences. We have everything in the Groups, just search them up a bit! ;)

Pm me if you need anything! I hope I see you around reviewing and having fun!
Best wishes


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Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:20 am
SeleneForeverDream says...

Heya Anna and welcome to our little literary world of YWS!

Here are some tips for having a good time here:

~ Don't take reviews too personally. People critique your work to help your writing, and if they're saying it's horrible (which isn't very nice in the first place) it's just an opinion and it doesn't mean all your work will be considered like that. Some reviewers here like to shred work apart *cough*Instructors*cough* but don't take that to heart, either. They all have good intentions.

~ Check out the Community forums. You can have a lot of fun there and I guarantee you'll kill some time. THere are writing games, and all sorts of stuff you can do.

~ If someone signs your guestbook, sign their guestbook, too. You know, common courtesy.

If you have any questions, would like a review, or want to talk, PM me anytime.
Got YWS?

You judge others upon their actions, but you judge yourself by your intention.

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Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:12 am
Carlito says...

Hey Anna, welcome to YWS! :D

Just expanding a little on what Selene said, don't forget to check out the groups. There are about a million so there are bound to be some you're interested in joining. :)

I mainly write short stories, but a novel is something I am interested in trying one day, and I have written a couple of poems and am trying my hand at scripting.

Dang, well this site is just perfect for you then :) We've got all of this. Support for novels, critiquing on short stories, pieces of novels, scripts, and poems. :D

I really like indie music too, mostly alternative rock for me. Who are some of your favorite artists? I really like Imogen Heap, Sufjan Stevens, and Rooney. :)

Prepare yourself. It's time for some hard questions.
What's your favorite genre to read/write? What's your favorite kind of berry? What's your baked good of choice? What's your favorite topping to put on ice cream? If you were a shoe, what kind of shoe would you be and why? If you could have any superpower, what would you choose and why?

I hope you have a great time here and if you have any questions or need anything, feel free to PM me! :D

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Ask a Therapist!
I want to beta read your novel!

Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Seriously. My PM box is always open <3

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Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:23 pm
baby.fratelli says...

Thanks all for the welcomes!

I know the critiquing drill, as I am a member on another writing site - harsh is good. Diplomatic is better. "gr8 stori lol! keep ritin!" is useless.

Band names? Ahhh Gregory and the Hawk, The Fratellis, Spoon, Cake, Beck, Cursive, Feist, Arctic Monkeys, Wolfmother... I'm just naming bands in general here, not indie ones haha.

I don't have a favourite genre, although I am not huge on writing fantasy. I love character driven books about dysfunctional people / families. Such as A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon and The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen.

Favourite berry - strawberry.
Baked good - chocolate brownie.
Icecream topping - plain ole chocolate sauce.
Shoe - Something comfortable that lazy people slip on. A slipper! Cause I'm warm. Have to be a pretty slipper though.
Superpower - Invisibility. I'd be an amazing theif and use that to get rich quick.

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Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:02 pm
Rosendorn says...

I know the critiquing drill, as I am a member on another writing site - harsh is good. Diplomatic is better. "gr8 stori lol! keep ritin!" is useless.

:D Anybody who is for critiquing is in my good books. Notice the coloured name? Purple means I'm an Instructor and I critique. The blue names are greeters, like Shauni.

Anyway, Hi! Great to see you on the site. ^^

Since I started with the colours up there, I might as well finish them!

Light Green- Junior Moderators. They make sure threads are rated properly and take care of the average mod-jobs on YWS.

Dark Green- Mods. They take care of making sure YWS runs smoothly be ironing out member problems and other major stuff.

Red- Admins. They handle all the programming issues and bugs. Nate is the creator of the site while Mesh(ugenah) and Firestarter are his assistants.

It's great that you have such a wide base when it comes to writing. A lot of people (me included, lol) tend to stick with one genre. But variety is the spice of life. ^^

Hope to see you around YWS! PM me if you need anything.

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.
— Steve Martin