
Young Writers Society

Things MJRyder is currently involved in...

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Gender: Male
Points: 300
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Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:03 pm
MJRyder says...

To sum myself up in as few words as possible I would say I am primarily a writer, and then an entrepeneur and a student. I am currently studying English with Creative Writing at Brunel University Greater London, and when not studying or working as a sub-editor and features writer in the student magazine 'LeNurb' I spend all my spare time working on my books. Though I am only just turned 23, I have written a complete teen heroic fantasy series, The Powers that be trilogy, and am currently in the process of editing my fourth book, the first in a follow up trilogy currently titled The Dark Envoy which I hope to have done by the end of the year. Previews and sample chapters of all the above mentioned works can be found at my personal website www.mjryder.net which I keep as a kind of online portfolio of the things that I do.

At present I am involved in two additional projects: firstly, I am about 3/4 through writing a Dahl-esque children's fantasy novel, and secondly (perhaps more importantly) I am trying to start up an online writing community / epublishing business (don't worry I'm not trying to compete with you lol). My cousin and I actually came up with the idea a year or so ago before ebooks really started off but unfortunately didn't have the time or money to finance the project at the time. We're currently in the process of looking for our first clients (other than myself of course). My first book can be downloaded for £4 from www.rgpublishing.com.

I think that sums up what I'm involved in pretty well so far. Any more questions, just shout :D
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— TypoWithoutCoffee