
Young Writers Society

Just who is "Hawkie" anyway?

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Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:39 pm
Hawkie says...

Hawkie is a 13-year-old girl who likes talking about herself in third person! =D You wanna find out more? Okay, read on.

I'm quiet, thoughtful, and a general introvert who doesn't really mix well with people. I joke that I'm antisocial, but I'm not - I like being around people and interacting with them.

I obsess over random little things, like the color on this leaf or the shape of that tree, and miss more important things like the time I need to arrive at so-and-so a class, and the glass of juice I'm about to spill all over my front.

Random stuff you might not know about me:

*I like psychology and figuring out people's motives, especially the motives of fictional characters.
*It takes a lot to gross me out. I can handle mud, raw meat, bugs, and other such things without flinching at all.
*I absolutely love animals of all kinds. I suspect I had some sort of psychic connection with a pet hamster once.
*I have a big sweet tooth. Favorite treats include apple pie and cream puffs.
*I have a speech handicap that makes it physically hard to talk sometimes. It's a weird feeling.
*I have a rather deep speaking voice for a girl, but am prone to high girly laughs.
*I love to sing and do so very well. I also play piano, organ, synthesizer, keyboard base - pretty much any kind of keyboard. Put me on any instrument but a keyboard, though, and I'm going to be completely lost.
*I have a chicken pox scar on the side of my head.
*I have big, flat feet. (Size nine)
*To this date, I have been unable to determine what color my eyes are.

Things I like:

*Classical animation and anime.
*Raspberry jam.
*Avatar: The Last Airbender (seriously!) XD
*Stuff that makes me laugh.
*My crush.
*Beef steaks, medium-rare.
*Stuffed animals, and my beloved stuffed Simba (my "security blanket" if you will).
*Staying up till midnight.
*Dancing, even though I couldn't dance to save my life. I do it anyway.
*My family, weirdos that they are.
*Running down hills with the wind in my face.
*Myself, as I am.

Things I don't like:

*Gossipy girls who judge other people just because they're different.
*Peer pressure.
*Beef steaks, well done.
*Purple prose.

Guilty pleasures:

*Teen pop.
*Idiotic "YouTube Poop" videos.

That's all I can think of right now. Ask more if you're curious!
Last edited by Hawkie on Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:17 am
foxfire says...


I like Psychology too especcially from Carl Jung...,are you homeschool?{just asking]

do you like to create stories...what kind of stories are they?

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Gender: Female
Points: 6919
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Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:45 am
Hawkie says...

Hi Foxfire; yes, I am homeschooled, and proud of it! =D

I like writing Fantasy and Drama stories. What do you like to write?

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Mon Jun 08, 2009 11:17 am
Fortuna says...

Hi again Hawkie! It's your number one fan Fortuna here! ;)

Ha, you sound quite a bit like I was when I was your age. Let's hope you don't turn up as maniacal and corrupt as I did >.> However, if you do find yourself in want of some wickedness *tips hat* I'm your girl.

And you forgot to add that you're an excellent writer who pwns most kids your age and older too ;) You should really consider submitting some things for contests XD

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Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:52 pm
Wolfie2 says...

Nicely done, Hawkie. Maybe I"M not the telepathic one, maybe YOU are. AAAAA! You are very good at psychoanalysis. (THANK YOU SPELLCHECK) Especially when people are having fights. :D
I like MY crush too...
You can't argue with all the fools in the world. It's better to let them have their way, then trick them when they aren't looking- Brom

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Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:08 pm
BlindManBop says...

I have that in common with you (and Wolfie2):
I like my crush too! :D

*GASP!* You forgot to mention that you are SUBLIME at making up theme sounds for people. That is an extremely important character trait.

Aren't chicken pox scars annoying and wonderful, simultaneously? Somehow, they add bodacity to your face... but then again... they're scars... (I have a chicken pox scar on my nose.)

Oh, and it's GREAT that you love yourself. So many people (girls in particular) dislike themselves for silly reasons. They forget that they're dissing the very thing that makes them who they are-themselves. (If you could comprehend that convoluted sentence-I couldn't) And I'm not very partial to gossipy girls either.

I must disagree with you on the subject of steaks. I find it somewhat freaky when my dinner is still bleeding. But then again, you can make red potato sculptures! (As opposed to white) :)

What is purple prose? Hmm? *puts on inquiry glasses* (Yes, I have a special pair of glasses for when I ask questions...)
"'Tis my purpose in life to scream like a little girl."

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Tue Jul 28, 2009 2:39 pm
wolf4 says...

Oh my gosh! we have to be like long lost sisters or something! I'm so glad that i'm not the only one who doesn't know what color their eyes are (sometimes its blue or green or hazel or gray...) By the way I love Avatar too :)

BlindManBop~ purple prose is when you have too much description of a character or scene
Don't follow in my footsteps. I run into walls.

Sometimes, it's best not to question your friends. Just help them dump the body into the river.

Even if the voices aren't real, they have pretty good ideas.

Writing isn't an excuse for insanity. It's a reason.

Do. Or do not. There is no try.
— Yoda