
Young Writers Society

Hello, I'm Caroline and I'm New!!!!

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:44 am
Caroline says...

Hello, I'm Caroline! This site was recommended to me by Forever Threnody... so far I haven't really checked it out, but I will and it looks really fun.

I've been writing since a little child. It started out when I was... oh, about 8. I wrote a little poem about, um I really don't know but it was my pride and joy at that time. It inspired me to keep writing. Now I write poetry and I make some feeble attempts at Fiction.

I live in Europe and I love the band Blue October.

I take French. And let me warn you, I'm not that good at it.

I love any kind of book. But my favorite has got to be the Book Thief.

I play Field Hockey and tennis, no football- you don't want to know...

So yeah... that's about all. Brilliant site by the looks of it, so I'm off to explore.

I want to swim away but don't know how. Sometimes it feels just like I'm falling in the ocean...
- Blue October

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:27 am
anti-pop says...

Hi, Caroline! :D

So nice to meet you! Welcome to YWS.
I know Threnody! She's a sweetheart. I'll make sure to give her a cookie for recommending you. ;)

Since you're new, I have to get the rules out of the way first! This way you have a better experience here at YWS.

1. For every story you post in the Literary Forums, be sure to review at least two other stories and/or poems! That way, everyone is guaranteed to get plenty of reviews for their work, plus people are more likely to critique your work, too!

2. No chatspeak! I'm happy to see you don't use any. Bravo! Obviously, since this is a writer's site, we are ALL grammar freaks and love proper English.:)

3. Keep swearing in literature and away from other forums. You seem like you won't have a problem with that, so I won't give a long lecture!

4. Make sure that when you do post something, you rate your piece. If you rate something G - PG-13, it will show up on the home page, and people are more likely to read it! But make sure that anything with extreme/graphic violence, sex, or use of the f-word is an automatic R. This way, none of that bad stuff will show up on the front page. Keeps our younger writers safe! ;)

5. You'll see that many people have different colored names. This is a pretty easy system to show the different members in our community. You have blue Greeters (like Forever Threnody!) whose job is to welcome new members. Then there are purple Instructors (like me!) whose job is to help others improve their writing abilities. Then you've got the light green Junior Moderators, who watch over specific forums. Next are dark green Moderators, who are the bosses around here, so don't make them mad! XD
There are also a few orange Distinguished Members running around; those are retired Mods. And last but most certainly not least, are the Red administrators who are the heart and soul of this site. They basically rule YWS. :)

6. One quick tip on reviewing other's works: your review won't count unless it's decent-length. We can't have any of this: "OMG! This was super!!!11! Keep writing!!"
We want other members on this site to improve their writing; not inflate their ego. XD
So be sure to put some thought into writing a critique. Let the author know what you like, and what you think could be worked on. (But remember: Always be nice! It is extremely important that you don't make reviews directed at the author. It shouldn't be personal! We're all about friendly encouragement here!)

Now that that's out of the way!

For one, you can't be as bad at French as I am at Spanish. Honestly, I just can't do it. XD How long have you been taking? If it's more than a few years then maybe you are pretty bad... just kidding! :D

I have never played field hockey, but I LOVE tennis. It's a great sport, no?

If you have any questions about the rules, need a great review on your work, or would just like to chat, send me a PM or drop a note via guestbook! :D

Happy writing, and welcome to YWS!

...Bitter cold, it grows
changing holds
cynicism the new norm...


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Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:10 am
Demeter says...

Hey, Caroline!

What a great thing that Threnody introduced you to this site, isn't it? :) This is indeed a brilliant place and I'm sure everyone is having lots of fun here. So welcome to the team!

I like playing tennis, but I don't actually play it, if you know what I mean :) I'm more into dancing, though. But tennis and badminton are fun sports! I also like high jump :D

Whee, I do poetry, too! I've always liked writing, but it was only a couple of years ago when I wrote my first decent poem. Of course, I'd written some of these cute little rhymes about horses and bunnies and whatnot, but I don't think they really count :D

I'm taking French, too, and je l'adore! :) I like languages very much.

Anti-pop gave you a great round of rules, so I need not bother, haha. As you can see, I'm an Instructor, too. Usually it's like Greeters greet and Instructors instruct, but you have arrived in funny time, since for this week, we've switched places. We have this friendly war going on, in which Instructors have to greet new members and Greeters review as hard as they can. It's fun! (And we're going to win.)

Hey. If you happen to feel like you'd like someone to tell you more about the site and show you around and review your work, you can have a Mentor for one month. Just check The Buddy System thread in this forum (Welcome forum) for more info! It's a great way to make yourself feel at home!

Well, if you need anything at all, you can PM or guestbook me anytime :) See you around!

"Your jokes are scarier than your earrings." -Twit

"14. Pretend like you would want him even if he wasn't a prince. (Yeah, right.)" -How to Make a Guy Like You - Disney Princess Style

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 11:26 am
Claeren says...

Hi Caroline! I'm Claeren, but you can call me Claery (it sounds like this: Clare-y. See?)

Pop already gave you a good set of rules, so I don't have to, so Yay! But just in case you need a bit of help check this spot out here. You can get the official rules by Nate, read the guides, and ask questions, so it's great!

Anyway, since your new, I feel it is my obligation to tell you about a writing class (usergroup) that I hope to create, called Writers Circle! I hope you can join, I only have 2 members, including myself, sooo, yeah...

A little about me. I like to write poetry too, since I find it hard to finish anything really long. I'm such a procrastinator! :D You'll find a lot of them here!

I am not exactly athletic...actually, I hate P.E., just to be frank. I'm a stay at home and read type of gal. ^^

If I'm going to be frank and confess all my problems, then I mine as well say that when it comes to food, I'm also a complete junkie. I eat cheetoes, oreos, and ramen. That's it.

Also, I have a bad sleeping problem, so you can pretty much count on the fact that there will be a few 2:00 in the morning posts here and there around the site.

That's pretty much it, so toodle-oo!

- Claeren




<== Hurry and click, before they all die!

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:28 pm
tori1234 says...

Hey Caroline! Welcome! And don't worry, you WILL like it here! (That's a guarantee or your money back! jk) It looks like Pop already told you the rules, so, Yay for me!!!!!

Have you posted any of your poems yet? I'd like to read them! So you live in Europe? That's so cool! I've always wanted to go to Europe someday, to bad I barely have a penny to my name. Oh well!

I love tennis, too! It was like one of the first sports I played when I was little, I was REALLY go at it, but I had to quit because the prices for the lessons were rising and the economy was dropping, so that stunk.

I hope you like it here! We are very glad to have another member! If you have any problems, just ask about anybody, we're willing to help!

Have a fantastic day!

God Bless!
Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba
Sithi uhm ingonyama
Nants ingonyama bagithi baba
Sithi uhhmm ingonyama
Siyo Nqoba
Ingonyama nengw' enamabala

If you know what this is from, become my best friend. =)

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:48 pm
muffy says...

i want to know why you don't play football?lol Welcome to YWS Caroline, its great to have so Europe culture in the mix<3. woot!

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Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:05 pm
Mars says...

Tu parles a francais? Moi aussi! Nous allons etre amies.

I'm not very good either. In those three sentences, I've probably managed to get about 39044353779330 verb conjugations wrong.


Welcome to the site! And yays for Threnody! Blue October is wonderful, and so is having more poets and Europeans on the site! [s]We will dominate[/s] ...we're awesome.

So! You know all the important stuff, but I don't think usergroups were mentioned? They're up at the top, sensibly under the label Groups, and we have one for just about everything, from interest forums (like Star Wars and 18th Century Naval Fiction) to writing tutorial forums (like Character Development, Elements of Plot and the one Claeren mentioned).

Here's a link to the Poetry Inspiration group. There are weekly challenges to get the creative juices flowing, and it's pretty much the best group ever! [/shameless plug]

Welcome to YWS, Caroline! PM me if you need anything.
'life tastes sweeter when it's wrapped in poetry'
-the wombats

critiques // nano

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Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:07 am
Clo says...

*swings in on rope*

Sweeeet Caroline! Bah bah bah! Welcome to YWS! :lol:

Gasp! I really love the Book Thief as well. I'd go off on a ramble about what I love about it, but we have a Book Review forum for that, so feel free to check that out. As writers, we read a lot, and we have to write about those books somewhere...

I'm not going to bombard you with rules, but I will tell you all the AMAZING socializing opportunities YWS offers to writers! At least, that's one of my favorite things about YWS. You get to talk and connect with other writers, share experiences, activities, brainstorm, and talk about interests as well as plain old life. I've met some amazing people on this site. :)

There's the Community forums, which have such a wide variety of subforums and threads that you can find yourself talking about anything. There are also Usergroups that focus on a great variety of interest members of this site have, and you can talk about things from history to other cultures to anime, what have you!

Another outlet is the Blog section of the site. Every member can make a blog, and other users can comment on posts, although you can make a private blog as well. I really love this section -- I'm always blogging and commenting on other peoples blogs. :)

Be sure to get out there and review stories and poems as well! PM (Private Message) me and I'll help you out with anything you need. =D

~ Clo
How am I not myself?

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Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:26 am
Juniper says...

Hey Caroline! Welcome to YWS!

I'm June, and we're all glad to have you here. Forever Thenrody recommended this place? Faaabulous. We all know she's awesome, but because she invited you, she's even more awesome.

Wow! You started writing at 8? That's great! See if you can find that poem. Rewrite it on a nice, pretty sheet of paper, frame it, and hang it up on the wall. It's something you should still be proud of, even if it is poor quality in your eyes now.

Europe?? No fair! I'm stuck in America as it is. I'd love to go to Europe someday and tour all of the exciting places. I've always wanted to see the Alps in person...

You play field hockey and tennis? Sweet! I used to play tennis, too. I stopped after spraining my wrist. No football? If you're talking about football like... superbowl football with brown balls, then yuck, I'm on your side. But! If you're talking about soccer, where you kick the ball around, I have to say, it's a fun sport. :D

French? Wow, that's fabulous! I recently started taking French, too, and from my progress, I doubt I'll ever be fluent. :P

So! Everyone else has pratically gone over everything else, so, I think the only thing left for me is...

Welcome aboard!

"I'd steal somebody's purse if I could google it and then download it." -- Firestarter

Every empire tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires.
— Edward Said