
Young Writers Society


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Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:13 pm
Beauwriter says...

My name is Katie, and I have just joined!! It was recommended to me by a good friend, and I cannot wait to start! I enjoy writing, but I like reviewing more. Anyways, I enjoy writing poems and short stories, but it has to be something creative. My favorite books: well, I have a few, but a few of them include Twilight (who doesn't?) A Tale of Two Cities, Stargirl, and many many others. I love writing and reading poems; my favorite book of them is called 101 Famous Poems. (very generic, I know) I also like listening to any kind of music, except hard rock or music like that. I LOVE my school. It's filled with such great people. I have had a good background in grammer, and like learning vocab. Anyway, I also love love love playing sports. Basketball is my main, than cross country and track. Running is when I get my best ideas. I love reading as well. That's mainly all about me!


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Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:13 pm
daydreamer9 says...

Hey BeauWriter! Welcome to YWS, my friend!

I’m dd9. It’s a pathetic excuse for a nickname, but I like it anyway! :] Let’s get down to business.

Here at YWS, we have a few essential rules that we request you follow or else. Just kidding!!

First off, our 2:1 ration. This means that, for every poem, story, lyrics, or piece you post, you have to post two critiques for other people’s works. If you follow this rule, it really helps everyone here at YWS get a review.

More reviews, equals more points! Every time you post a work of your own it “costs” about 150 points. For every review you write, you can earn up to 50 points. Get it? :]

Secondly, we are all top notch and serious (ha ha) writers here. For this reason we ask that you try to write professionally. No chat speak in your writing! Try to steer away from lol and the like. This way, everyone can understand you.

Now to the fun stuff! I’m glad that you have joined. YWS opens all new members with open arms. Soon, you’ll see that YWS is like family. We may live all over the world, but we are connected by the mutual love to write/review.

I absolutely positively love Stargirl. It’s a fabulous book. I hope one day that I will be able to write as convincingly as Jerry Spinelli. Ah, I am a dreamer.

If you ever have any question, PM (private message) me! I’m always willing to help a fellow writer in need.

Nice to meet you!

live like there's no tomorrow, dream like you'll live forever.

be the change you wish to see in the world

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Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:21 pm
MySunshine says...

Hey, Katie :D

Welcome to YSW! Hope you enjoy it here ;)
Just as daydreamer9 said, YSW is just like a huge international family - I've joined last week so I can verify that xD

I love Twilight, too! I'm totally obsessed, and now I'm broke because I ordered too much Twilight fan stuff ^^" But I think it was worth it :D:D

What are your favorite movies?

Again, welcome and have fun ^^
♥And if you go, I wanna go with you. And if you die, I wanna die with you♥

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Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:17 pm
Winter's Twelfth Night says...

Welcome to YWS Beauwriter! I am Winter.

Judging by your name I assume you speak a little French? Maybe not. :D I love French; its such a beautiful language. Anyway...

How are you liking the site so far? Starting to find your way around? I hope you are enjoying yourself here.

What are some of your favourites? Favourite movies, songs, books, foods? I see you like Twilight.

but a few of them include Twilight (who doesn't?)

*Shyly raises hand* Sorry, but I don't like Twilight at all *cringes from the die-hard Twilight fans who are glaring at her*. You'll find quite a lot of people on this site who absolutely adore Twilight... and just as many who loathe it (including me). But don't worry, we non-fans won't hold that against you! :D There is actually a usergroup called Alice Cullen Knows Your Next Move for Twilight fans. If you click on the big Groups button on the top of the page you will see a list of all the usergroups on this site. Alice Cullen will be close to the top. You should check it out; I bet you'd like it.

Anyway, if you have any questions or want a review please feel free to PM me!
Mamillius: Merry or sad shall’t be?
Hermione: As merry as you will.
Mamillius: A sad tale’s best for winter. I have one
Of sprites and goblins.

The Winter's Tale

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Tue Feb 10, 2009 8:27 pm
Night Mistress says...


Welcome to YWS.

I am a twilight lover too. I broght some fandom as well, but Not that much. i only have a t-shirt and hoodie. i thinking about buying a purse thought.

If you need anything, feel free to pm me. that's includes friendship too.

see ya around
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:16 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome!

Somebody who likes to review? YWS likes you already! Might I suggest that after a month of being on here you try out for Instructor? It's their job to review stuff.

So, that brings me to the coloured names:

Blue- Greeters! It's our jobs to give you a hand in learning about this amazing (and huge) site known as YWS.
Purple- Instructors. They review stuff with a fine-toothed comb and will often tear your work to shreds. It's all in the name of making you a better writer though.
Light green and green- jr. mods and mods, respectivly. They keep things running smoothly on the surface of YWS.
Red- Admins. They keep everything running behind the scenes.
Orange- Distingushed members. Ie- honourably retired staff.

Also! When you post your work, please take the few seconds to rate it. If you do (and it's not rated R), it shows up on the front page of YWS for all to see! You might even get more comments. :wink:

Rated R works have the f-word and/or graphic scenes. In fact, if your work has the f-word in it, you must rate it R.

If you have any questions, PM me.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:56 pm
Incognito says...

Oh dearest Katie, I believe you may have have stumbled into the horrible world of YWS. Here you will become shamelessly addicted and your social life will everntually disappear into nothing. And then, I can guarentee you, that we will use our extreme and irresistable persuasive writing ability to make you sell your remaining life on E-bay. That is what you get to look forward too.

My name is Incognito, and by this time I am surely hoping that you know I am kidding about mostly what I say. And hopefully, I have not ruined our just blossoming friendship into something horrific and ugly enough to be the monster from the black lagoon.

It seems that the other people have been hear before me. Unfortunately. I am usually late coming into the forums, but I will just amuse you for a matter of minutes if you do indeed read this. I was abducted by aliens when I was only a small child and they told me about all the secrets of the galaxy so if you have any questions, about this site, or the universe in general, I am hear to mentor you in the ways of our fore-fathers. In beating. Just Kidding!

It seems that you have indeed spoken a little bit about yourself, but my question is, how can you stand running!? I hate it. I love everything else with the sports I play, but I cannot just run for hours. It seems so vague and hopelessly boring to me! The aliens teleport these days. They don't have to even set a foot down on the ground.

If you need a friend, think one up. Imaginary friends are always the best. Like Steve, my bestest buddy. He would be here right now except that we are having a slight issue with a terrorist who captured him and wants a ransom from me, but unfortunately, I do not know what the ransom is. Again, I am kidding. Friends are easy to make rest assured. Like me for instance. I am 100% willing to be your friend.

Well it was nice to meet you and I do hope to see you around the other forums and groups. I am also looking forward to reading some of your extravagant writing.

'Everyone is entitled to be stupid, some just abuse the priviledge.'

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Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:44 pm
WaterVyper says...

Hey Katie! I'm Emily, Vyper, or whatever you wish to call me. Welcome to [s]the loony bin[/s] [s]mental hospital[/s] YWS! Everyone has already explained all the rules, and asked all the questions, so there isn't much left for me to say. Well actually, there isn't anything left for me to say except feel free to PM me for anything that you need- be they reviews, questions, or friendship! See ya around sometime!
There once was a cat.
He wasn’t particularly fat.
Fuzzy was his favorite mat.
And really, that was that.

Oh, but did you really think so?
Keep reading, it’s just the start of the show!
And as for how far this tale will go…
Well, even the cat doesn’t know.

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Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:36 pm
SimonCowellLuver says...

Hi and welcome to the site! I am SimonCowellLuver also known as SCL! Beware of the addictiveness (not a word. Just using as a reference) lmao. I am a big poetry person myself. I love the sad and emotional stuff. :)

Well that is my opinion. Some people think i am depressed just cause of my writing. I don't get it. I just ignore it. I also have a writing website myself. Its called "Teen Writer's Club"

If you wanna check it out just pm and let me know.

SimonCowellLuver (SCL) 8) :D
3 facts: 1.You can't lick your elbow
2. you just tried it
3. I caught you cause i saw you

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Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:45 am
Adnamarine says...

Hi hi hi!!!

Am I correct in assuming this good friend is a member here? Who is it? Kudos to them. :)

If you love reviewing, you can only have good experiences here (not that that wouldn't be true anyway, but still). We can never have enough reviewers; not to mention, the more you review, the more likely you are to get reviews, so I'm sure you'll never be short on reviewers. ;P

Another poetry lover! That's wonderful! You should join the Poetry Inspiration usergroup! (click the 'Groups' tab at the top of the page to find it, or there's a link in my signature) We have all kinds of other awesome usergroups too; I'm sure you'll find at least a few to your taste.

I'm actually reading a Tale of Two Cities right now! I've read a couple other Charles Dickens books and so far this is the most interesting and the least long-winded of the three; things are looking up for Mr. Dickens. :)

Welcome aboard dear. Any questions, PM me!

"Half the time the poem writes me." ~Meshugenah

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Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:14 pm
Carlito says...

Hey Katie, welcome to YWS! :D

Everyone's already said everything important....

Anyway...I'm a Twilight fan too, I have been since the very beginning :)
What's you're favorite movie? TV show? Color? Animal? Superpower? Font on Word? Genre to write?

For me, I love The Lion King and Across the Universe to name a few, Gossip Girl, Lavender, Dogs and Lions, Reading minds, too many to name, and romantic :D

I'm Carly by the way :)

If you need anything, or have any questions, feel free to PM me :D
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Ask a Therapist!
I want to beta read your novel!

Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Seriously. My PM box is always open <3

See, we could have been called The Shoes.
— Paul McCartney