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"There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.&qu

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Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:57 pm
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Hannah says...

^_^ Good afternoon, lovely forum which I hope will become my sanctuary in the long, writing-filled months to come. The recent publication of a book of a dear friend of mine has inspired me to finally spur myself into finishing the novel that has festered in my imagination for too long. It's attempted to write itself twice, but this third time surely possesses the writing quality and organization the others did not.

In any case, I'm Hannah. ^_^ I label myself as a writer but am perhaps more accurately an avid and admiring reader. My current poison is Jane Eyre, which is infecting me so deeply I fear I might never be free of its holds. Oh that Miss Ingram were dead.

What do I enjoy? Well, my favorite books are as follows;

-The Historian
-The Neverending Story
-The Phantom of the Opera
-The Phantom Tollbooth

And surely Jane Eyre will be added to this list before long. Page 182 today! ^_^

I enjoy music as well, singing is a dear hobby of mine. I prefer singing-type music, but appreciate many varied types of music. My favorites are broadway musicals such as Les Miserables, The Phantom of the Opera, and Wicked. ^_^ I also love Charlotte Church's delicate soprano voice and the subtle power in Sara Bareilles's voice.

Anywhoo, that should be enough for now. Where do I start?

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Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:03 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome to YWS!

You start by reviewing! It's asked you review two works before posting any of your own, and that you always keep that 2:1 ratio

The other huge rule is minimize chat-speak, but I don't think you'll have a problem with that.

One question you did not answer: What genres do you write in?

You like Wicked too? I loved that musical! And the ending was so... perfect.

Have you heard The Prayer? It's sung by a few people in duets. One is Charlot Church and Josh Groban. I love Groban's voice. It gives me goosebumps! Another good version is Ciline Dion and Josh Groban.

If you need anything, feel free to PM me.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:07 pm
Night Mistress says...

Hey Hannah,

Welcome to YWS.

So what genre do you plan to write here?

I love the Phatom of the Opera. I have the soundtrack.

I take it you like classics since you are addicted to Jane Eyre.

Well, I agre with Rosey on getting started, You can never have too many reviews.

if you need anything, feel free to pm me.

See ya around.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:10 pm
Hannah says...

Oh, I'm sure reviewing won't be a problem at all. It will simply become another excuse to procrastinate my own writing in favor of other activities, but at least this will help others. Hahaha.

I've always been a fantasy writer, I suppose, in response to your question of genres. However, I tend to shy away from full-blown unicorns and goblins and stick to a more realistic take on the genre. Realistic fantasy, then? The book I'm currently working on is being written with the hopeful goal of displaying magical elements of true life that are taken for granted when overshadowed by the bells and whistles of escapist writings. ^_^ Haha, I tend to actually love reading thick fantasy though, so don't take this little spiel as me denouncing that practice!

I do love Wicked, but I've never actually seen it performed! I read the book a while ago, though I can't say I have a very good memory of the events contained within. That's a problem I tend to have -- speeding through books that I love at the expense of long-term memories.

And indeed, I am a fan of The Prayer! ^_^ Still need to work on learning the Italian in it, though.

Would you care to tell me a bit about yourself as well? ^_^ New friends are always fun.

Edit; And hello as well to Night Mistress! I do indeed enjoy the classics, though I'm still trying to work my way through all of them. Perhaps Wuthering Heights will be next, so as to stay in the Bronte family. haha. ^_^ Thank you for the welcome!

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Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:14 pm
Night Mistress says...

That's cool. I'm a variety writer. I write what comes to my mind. Except poetry.

I intend to procrastinate as well, especially when you have school or college getting in the way.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:21 pm
Hannah says...

Night Mistress wrote:That's cool. I'm a variety writer. I write what comes to my mind. Except poetry.

I intend to procrastinate as well, especially when you have school or college getting in the way.

Yes, I always found poetry to be lackluster when I tried to write it for no reason, but I've found lately when I have some emotions that need to get let out and I have no one to talk to, that writing a vicious piece of poetry is actually quite fulfilling.

Yes, college has become quite a time-hog lately for me. However, this semester I'm set to have an advanced creative writing class, so that should be IMMENSELY fun! ^_^ I'm excited~

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Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:25 pm
Night Mistress says...

Lucky. I wish there was a class like that at my college.

What is your major?
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:29 pm
Rosendorn says...

That sounds so fun!

I would be a fantasy writer myself! But I'm more "thick" fantasy, but no dragons. I can't write an original dragon story to save my life.

Poetry is something I dabble in. Usually dramatic. It's just something I do to get an emotion out.

Are you a fan of Josh too? ^_^ I love his voice.

I have only seen it preformed! Strange.....
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:45 pm
Hannah says...

Rosey Unicorn wrote:That sounds so fun!

I would be a fantasy writer myself! But I'm more "thick" fantasy, but no dragons. I can't write an original dragon story to save my life.

Poetry is something I dabble in. Usually dramatic. It's just something I do to get an emotion out.

Are you a fan of Josh too? ^_^ I love his voice.

I have only seen it preformed! Strange.....

Ahhh, I think I'm mostly afraid of butchering the noble practice. I've read so many fantastic, original stories of unicorns and dragons {have you ever read Song in the Silence? It's brilliant.} that I don't know I'd be able to write a story that would earn my own approval in the same thread. I think I had an idea for a Phoenix story a while ago, one that I may still pursue after this current work, or perhaps at the same time {I read more than one book at once often enough, why shouldn't I perform the same with writing?}.

Mhmm, I liked his voice in The Prayer, but I can't say I've gone out to find more recordings of him. That comes from my laziness, though. ^_^

Hmm, the only musicals I've seen professionally performed have been Les Miserables and The Phantom of the Opera, which is probably why they're my favorites. Hehe. ^_^

Look! -points to the left- I have done a review!! -claps for self- Teehee~

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Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:23 pm
Icefire63111 says...

You have been welcomed. Feel Special.
REVIEWS! IF You Need Them, PM me!
You Can make it all go away
The pain the suffering
The Hurt You Put her through
Let you won't;
You can't
So for every love She knows
Another stich she sews

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Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:08 am
Hannah says...

Icefire63111 wrote:You have been welcomed. Feel Special.

:D Oh, I do, I do! Thank you! Hahaha~ ^_^

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Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:45 am
Merry_Haven says...


Hello. I see you have been welcomed warmly. :D Well, I've came here to welcome you too. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome!!! A bunches of times. I hope you have a super-duper time here.

Wow, your friend is published? :shock: That's amazing!! Would you mind telling us her name. I would love to check out her novel.

Hahahahaha!!!!! Yes, I do too, wish Miss Ingram was dead. Man, I love Jane Eyre. Except my mom loves her & the novel more. Have you seen the '06/'07 version? You should, that one is totally good!! My younger sister doesn't like classics and well she saw it. And she loved it!

I read half of the book until the *cough-confession-cough* and then I never really had the time to finish it. Too bad there's no classic book club I could join where I live...

Oh my, you love Phantom of the Opera? My mom seriously can't get enough of Gerald Butler. (the phantom) She has the movie and the one with the extra stuff.

With the book, I haven't read. Is it any good? I would love to hear your opinion on it.

:shock: You saw the Broadway, of the Phantom, too?! No way! You are some seriously lucky girl. My mom and I would love to see it.

Isn't Charlotte Church the one who sings with Josh Groban? I think it's called The Prayer. And Sara Bareilles has an amazing voice, too!!

*looks up* Whoa. I did write a lot. Well, I'm always here if you ever wanna chat. See you around!


P.S. I absolutely adore the classics!!
Mary had a little lamb. Little lamb. Little lamb!

Ugh!! I really hate my name. >.<

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Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:01 am
Hannah says...

Merry_Haven wrote:*Hannah~

Hello. I see you have been welcomed warmly. :D Well, I've came here to welcome you too. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome!!! A bunches of times. I hope you have a super-duper time here.

Wow, your friend is published? :shock: That's amazing!! Would you mind telling us her name. I would love to check out her novel.

Hahahahaha!!!!! Yes, I do too, wish Miss Ingram was dead. Man, I love Jane Eyre. Except my mom loves her & the novel more. Have you seen the '06/'07 version? You should, that one is totally good!! My younger sister doesn't like classics and well she saw it. And she loved it!

I read half of the book until the *cough-confession-cough* and then I never really had the time to finish it. Too bad there's no classic book club I could join where I live...

Oh my, you love Phantom of the Opera? My mom seriously can't get enough of Gerald Butler. (the phantom) She has the movie and the one with the extra stuff.

With the book, I haven't read. Is it any good? I would love to hear your opinion on it.

:shock: You saw the Broadway, of the Phantom, too?! No way! You are some seriously lucky girl. My mom and I would love to see it.

Isn't Charlotte Church the one who sings with Josh Groban? I think it's called The Prayer. And Sara Bareilles has an amazing voice, too!!

*looks up* Whoa. I did write a lot. Well, I'm always here if you ever wanna chat. See you around!


P.S. I absolutely adore the classics!!

Aha! Much to respond to! First of all, thank you for welcome me, Merry! ^_^ Let's be great friends. -gigglefits-

My friend's name is Terra Ann Pitre and she's getting published with PublishAmerica, which is apparently a very large publisher for new and unknown authors! Her book is called Isla's Redemption and is now available to order on Barnes and Noble and Amazon, as well as the PA website I believe, but the release date is March 12th! ^_^ I know this because I'm planning her release parties. It will be good to get a taste of the published life to know what it's about before I'm thrown into it. Haha~

I didn't know there was a movie {that is what you're talking about, right?} made from Jane Eyre! I mean, it doesn't surprise me; all the classics are made into movies. Haha, but no, I haven't seen any version! ^_^ Only reading it because it's required reading for my British Literature class that is coming up and I thought I'd get a head start since it's a recommended novel anyways. And it's AMAZING~

I used to be absolutely and irrevocably OBSESSED with all things Phantom of the Opera, but I was introduced to the original English cast first, which means I'm in love with Michael Crawford and rather despise Gerard Butler. True, he is delicious eye-candy, but he shouts the whole thing rather than singing it, so that ticks me off. Hahaha. The book is really great from an obsessed girl's point of view. It's very different and a bit more macabre than the book or the play, but it's very quality and I love it! ^_^ I would recommend reading it, for sure!

I didn't actually see the Phantom on Broadway though, just in a theater near my home. By professional I guess I meant like not a /school/ production or anything. Haha~ I did see /where/ it was performed in New York though! It was a block away, and my sisters were not so interested as I was to go see it closer, so all I have is a snapshot~

And yes, you're correct on the Charlotte Church fact! I am so fond of her. When I was younger I dreamed that I'd become a famous young singer like her, so I'd listen to her songs and sing along; she sort of taught me how to sing! ^_^ So, yeah, I love her~

Yes! ^_^ Chatting is lovely! And as I said, let's be great friends!!

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Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:33 am
Rosendorn says...

Marry- Yep. She sings it with Josh Groban.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:56 pm
Lost_in_dreamland says...

Perhaps Wuthering Heights will be next, so as to stay in the Bronte family

Yes!!! I strongly urge you to do so ;)

I adore Wuthering Heights, seriously, the mere name sends shivers down zee spine ;)

You should definitely read it. xD

I've got a younger sister called Hannah ;)

I'm Kirsten

for what are we without words and stories?

In dreams, we enter a world that's entirely our own.
— Albus Dumbledore