
Young Writers Society

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Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:47 pm
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Rosendorn says...

Hi! I just joined. I really love writing and I am looking for a place to talk to other writers.

Some things about me:

If you want to shorten my username Please use Rosey.

Sometimes I will start speaking Shakespeare. Tis something you get from reading too much of him.

I write fantasy.

On here I will use some colour of pink ink.

I'm Canadian.

I hope to have a really great time here!

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Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:06 pm
Demeter says...

Thou shalt be welcame, Rosey!

Your username is incredibly beautiful! I love it how you spell it Rosey, not Rosie. A little change for this clichéed world. =)

Anyways. I'm Demeter, nice to meet you. I'm one of the Greeters; that's why my name is blue. You'll find the explanations for other colours, and tons of other helpful stuff, when you check out the FAQ, Rules and everything else in the Help and Support section. It would be best to check them before doing anything else, because there are also guides for posting stories etcetera.

You'll come to notice that YWS is super cool! All the people are nice, and they really know how to review. You're in good company.

So, what's your favourite book/author/writing genre/reading genre? What else do you do besides writing?

If you have any questions or just want to chat, just click the "PM me!" button in the bottom of this message and you'll reach me. I'm willing to help at anything.

See you around and have fun!

Demeter xxx
"Your jokes are scarier than your earrings." -Twit

"14. Pretend like you would want him even if he wasn't a prince. (Yeah, right.)" -How to Make a Guy Like You - Disney Princess Style

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Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:26 pm
Rosendorn says...

Wow. That was fast.

Demeter. I like it. A Greek goddess, correct?

Fantasy, fantasy, and fantasy! I love Eragon, Tamora Peirce (I can't pick on of her novels as a favourite), and I just finished The Swan Kingdom which was different, but really really good considering it's the author's first work.

I also love historical fiction, although since it's mostly found in 9-12 I don't read it that much anymore. That, and referance books

What else do I do? School (I'm homeschooled, I should have mentioned that) Then I look up random facts (my current books are are Ciminal Masterminds, The Rise and Fall of great Empires and Queen, Consort, Conqubine. Don't let the title mislead you, it's about influential women in history) go online somewhere and or watch tv then write until 10:30!

I absolutly Love Mythbusters, or any other science/learning show. Right now I'm more into crime and police work, even though it won't affect anything until future books.

I'm currently looking up all the FAQs, but it might take me awhile to get though all the pages.

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Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:38 pm
LowKey says...


Homeschoolers ftw. ;)

Those books sound pretty cool. My sister's currently reading a bunch like them. Her floor is paved with the books, lol. All about unattached children (serial killers) and criminals of all sorts, from Ted Bundy to Jack the Ripper. You can also go to the guide to YWS. I think it's posted at the top of this forum, and it gives you the basic rundown of it all. We've had a few name changes, so a couple names need to be updated (Claudette is now Suzanne, etc.) but for the most part, it's still a good reference point. :)

Basically, you need to give at least two reviews on other author works on here before posting anything of your own. So if you have three poems and two stories, you should have ten reviews total. Try to keep the ratio 2-1. This way everyone has a chance at getting a crit. :) That right there was the biggest rule. Second biggest is to be polite, which means no spamming ( :P ). Spamming is probably posting more than two works a day, though you're really only supposed to post one. I think posting two things every day might also be pushing it, lol. Just find the balance point, and all's well. ;) Great to have you here Rosey, and I love your font color. We need some color added to these forums. ^_^

See you in the forums!
Necropolis SB / Necropolis DT

Once was Dreamer, is now LowKey_Lyesmith.

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

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Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:54 pm
Merry_Haven says...

Wow. :shock: Pink. I haven't seen that color here, yet. But then I do prefer green, instead. :roll: I'm a huge green fan. But that's off topic.

Hi. Welcome to the family. I hope you have a wonderful time here. :D

I see the rules are already laid down, so I won't go over them. But if you have any questions you can always pm me, or sign the guestbook of mine. Or just wanna chat. :wink:

That's funny that you're using the language of Shakespeare. I just had to read my sophomore class of Hamlet. And let me tell you...I do not find that play great. It's just boring. Sorry, if you do like Hamlet.

So where do you live in Canada? I live in the Northwest. aka, Washington State.

I'm also homeschooled, too! But I'm a virtual student. That's everything I do is on the computer. It's kind of boring, 'cause this is my second year doing it. But then, there are some good classes. Like British Literature. And oh, Creative Writing! :D

Well, I seem to write too much. Anyway, if you wanna chat you can always sign the guestbook or hit the pm button. --Did I just say button? :?


~yes, I like similes.~
Mary had a little lamb. Little lamb. Little lamb!

Ugh!! I really hate my name. >.<

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Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:04 pm
Rosendorn says...

Yeah, colour is my thing. I used to paint a lot, but then a realized that I was just translating the painting into words (A river ran through the forest, it's banks eroded of trees and sharp rocks. The mountains in the distance loomed purple and green with stone and pine, each trying to get their share of water. That sort of thing.) So a switched to writing down a bunch of stuff. You can tell where the pink comes from :wink:

Crime is just my latest fetish (past ones have included history, randomness, writing [duh!] and science). I'll look up just about anything, esspecially if it'll help me for future books. I won't read just anything, but I will look up anything.

It'll probably take me a few days to go through everything on here...... this place is just huge. I've only been on a couple other sites and none of them were this big.

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Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:06 pm
.:Elf:. says...

Well as you asked I am here! Although i have not posted much, so yeah.

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Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:11 pm
Rosendorn says...

It might take awhile to get used to calling you Elf.....

Solumbum. I like.

Heh, yeah..... I can actually understand his stuff, so that makes it easier. I found Hamlet very interesting. But, to every his or her own.

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Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:26 pm
.:Elf:. says...

I guess you can still call me Coon, I wish my user name was Bearcoon on here. Oh well. What ever you prefer, though It may confuse people if you refer to me as Coon.

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Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:15 pm
vox nihili says...

I hope you will enjoy it here. I joined this fall/late summer, and have been addicted to this site since. (wry smile forms on Vox's lips...) Anyhow, welcome! Post, chat, blog--whatever! It's a lot of fun for me, because I used to think I was the only teenager that really truly wrote just to write. ;)

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Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:52 pm
Rosendorn says...

.:Elf:. wrote:I guess you can still call me Coon, I wish my user name was Bearcoon on here. Oh well. What ever you prefer, though It may confuse people if you refer to me as Coon.

Can't you just change your name? I read that if you PM an admin your new one he'll change it. (I know her from another site)

I used to think I was pretty much alone in my love of words but then I noticed how many sites had story sections. Even though I write a lot I tend to to post my stuff. Maybe I'll post my story once it's finished. Although considering I've been working on the same one for three years it might take awhile.

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Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:28 pm
Kaylyn says...

Welcome to the family.
I LOVE Tamora Pierce. Did you know that Nate interviwed her, they have the interview on the site. Type Tamora Pierce into the search box and it should pop up.
Well. its nice to see another color other than the default. :)
So check out the rules, and don't use the chat talk and you'll be well liked.
If you have any questions PM me.
As your pretty, so be wise,
Wolves may lurk in every guise.

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Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:50 pm
Rosendorn says...

T-t-tamora P-p-peirce interview?????? Let me at it!

Putting in color codes are really easy. Put [color= blue] (no space) at the beginning of your post, and [/color ] (no space) at the very end.

*Sigh* This rule will be hard for me to follow- Unless you are a mod or mentor do not act like one. I just came from a site where I was one of the top mods. Coding was one of my specialties.

I really don't like chat talk, even though I know quite a few abbreviations. The only thing that is a bit of a dificulty is my spelling....... I have Disgraphia, so I have a really hard time spelling some words. Although it's gotten Way better.

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Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:32 pm
Night Mistress says...


Welcome to the family.

First of all the main rule here is to post 2 reviews before you post 1 of your work and to maintain that ration.

and for the other rules, you can look them up under the Help and Suppot Wiki at the Top on the right corner.

so, tell us about yourself. what type of book do you like? What genre do you like? etc.

Me, I like Romance and I write romance fiction.

well, see ya around. if you need something, give me a holla
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:41 pm
Bleeding Rose says...

Welcome Rosey Unicorn,

I am Whispering Rain. I am very happy to welcome you to our big family!

We all treat eachother equally and I can't wait until I review some of your writings!

As the Night Mistress said before, we have a 2:1 policy. You review two pieces of work in order to post

one of your own. I keeps the site leveled out!

Again, welcome to YWS. I am very happy that you have joined our family!

If you have any questions just PM me and I will be very happy to answer them.


Whispering Rain

Rite 2 meh lyk dis...and I shoot you.~Unknown
I'm the future of America. Be afraid. Be very afraid~Unknown
If you're blonde and you know it clap your hands *Snap* *snap*
If you're reading this...you're finished reading.

You can't blame the writer for what the characters say.
— Truman Capote