
Young Writers Society

...Plain Old Me

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Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:14 am
Maya says...


My name is Maya but most people ditch the "A" and just call me May instead (no not the second "A" because that would make my name Mya and that is definitely not acceptable).
I am fourteen years old and love writing. I like the way I can lose myself in a character and then snap back to reality thinking...um, where'd ya go?
Yes, I'm a bit weird but you get used to it. At least, I think people do, I've never really asked.
Anyhoo, I'm here to read and I'm here to write and I'm here to make friends that I can't see.

Some more stuff about me?

I have shoulder length blonde-brown-red curls but I straighten it because I hate frizz ( but only on me, so if there are any frizzy haired people reading this, don't be offended, I'm sure you're beautiful).
I have blu-ish eyes that can look grey sometimes and I love animals.
I have two pet rats (no...don't say ew, you'll hurt their feelings. They are beautiful just like the frizzy haired people, ok?).
I have four crazy crabs (also adorable) and a fighting fish called Angelo (so pretty, he's PINK!).
I have a dog too, the craziest most lovable dog you will ever see.

I am one of three kids. Older sister, younger brother. Yes, they're annoying but life would be dull without 'em that's for sure.

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Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:33 am
WaterVyper says...

Hello Maya! Or would you prefer May? Welcome to YWS! It's nice to meet you.

You have rats? Aww. They're so cute. For a class project, my classmates raised two rats. We called them Furball and Fuzzball. They became class mascots for a while. But then Furball died... And crabs? I don't know what having a crab for a pet is like, but they sound nice. Fish don't agree with me. They always find some way to die sooner or later, no matter how nicely I care for them.

Anyway, hi! Before we get started, I suppose I should move on to the rules. There are the three most quoted rules below, and the rest, you can find up at the top of the page. There's an icon that says 'help and support'. If you hover your mouse over it, you'll see the drop down table with the rules on it.

1. Keep the two to one ratio. That means you should review at least two works before posting your own. This makes sure everyone gets a review, and it also helps you develop as a writer.

2. Write properly. That means to use proper spelling, grammar, and capitalization at all times. Also avoid using 1337/net/chatspeak. It'll help avoid misunderstandings.

3. Rate your works. If you rate your works, they (except any ones rated R) will show up on the front page. If your work has graphic scenes and/or the f-word, we ask that you rate it R. In a related rule, please keep all swearing confined to the literary forums.

Well, those are the rules. Now, is there anything else about yourself that you want to say? Hobbies, likes and dislikes, favorite colors or anything else?

So, I hope to see you around YWS soon. If there's anything you need, feel free to PM me. See ya!
There once was a cat.
He wasn’t particularly fat.
Fuzzy was his favorite mat.
And really, that was that.

Oh, but did you really think so?
Keep reading, it’s just the start of the show!
And as for how far this tale will go…
Well, even the cat doesn’t know.

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Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:34 am
Demeter says...

Hey, May!

Welcome to YWS! I'm Demeter, and we're a friendly [s]little[/s] bunch here. Sometimes I feel like we've been excluded from the rest of the world, we're so eccentric.

I mean. We're normal. Join the normal club.

I'm here to make friends that I can't see.

I love this line.

Blonde-brown-red hair sounds really interesting! =D I guess my own hair is more of a light brown than blonde, but in any case it's pretty boring. I have natural curls/waves, but I tend to straighten them sometimes too.

You have a pink fish? I'm eternally jealous to you. A fish. Who's pink. D: I want!

Anyway, I'm pretty sure you're about to be attacked by the official greeters of YWS who have a blue name. They'll explain you all about the YWS rules and common stuff, and the reason I won't do it is that I don't want to take away their job plus that I'm so lazy I just want to chat with you. Heh.

Well! I hope you enjoy your time here to no end, and just PM (private message) me if you have anything to ask!

"Your jokes are scarier than your earrings." -Twit

"14. Pretend like you would want him even if he wasn't a prince. (Yeah, right.)" -How to Make a Guy Like You - Disney Princess Style

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Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:20 am
Maya says...

You'd like to know more about me? Sure, no problem.

There are tons of things I can say.

My favourite colour (I'm not sure if this is an American site or not and seeing as I live in Australia, this is the way COLOUR is spelled. If you would like me to spell it COLOR instead, please ask) is purple. I have recently painted my room magenta and purple and you have no idea how awesome it looks.
I enjoy rollerblading and played inline hockey (hockey on roller blades) for a while but then my coach/instructor left to go somewhere and I've never seen him since.
Anyhoo, I am an English person not a maths (yes, we put 's' on the end of math too so, once again, please let me know if this bothers you) person and I am also not a jeweler, cook or athlete.

I like medical TV shows and feel good family stuff...sort of like the Simpsons! Haha. I love to read but am not a Harry Potter fan. The whole world are in love with HP and I am drooling over a vampire. People say that Twilight is written badly but I feel that teenagers need something to get absorbed in every now and then and Edward Cullen is a whole lot hotter than Harry Potter. Sorry, it's a fact I had to state.
I am also a Jodi Picoult fan and can't wait for the movie 'My Sister's Keeper' to come out because I absolutely loved the book even if it was terribly sad.

My best friend is bonkers and to be completely honest...so am I.
Oh, I'm also a bit of a greenie. You know, Save the Whales, Love the Trees...that sort of thing.
I go red when I'm embarrassed...which is like, all the time because I do a lot of silly things that I end up regretting later. I work at a fish and chip shop and I love it, even if I do smell funny when I come home.

And that's about all.
Well, actually I wanted to tell you that I was born in Wales, UK but moved to Australia six years ago. It was a big life change for me but I like it here.
Just thought you should know that!

I would also like to say I think this a very cool forum :)

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Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:11 pm
Mira says...

Hiyas, May! It's wonderful to meet you. ^-^ Welcome to YWS.

You have so many pets! ^-^ There must be a lot of love going around in your family.

If you feel like meeting a bit more people, I'd recommend hopping over to the chatroom and saying hi to everyone there. ^-^ Also, there are lots of great groups to join on the site such as "Character Development", but also just fun groups such as "Heroes". :) You'll have a lot of fun and get to meet a lot of great people if you do either of these.

Your favorite color is purple? That's so awesome! It's one of my favorite colors. :) And your room sounds adorably cute with those colors.

Don't worry about spellings. ^-^ Color or colour is fine, as well as maths. As long as you aren't making it up, I know that I don't care. Why take away from your culture (can't think of a better word... lol)?

You are totally awesome! Save the Whales? Love a tree? That's so cool. I talk about how I want to help with programs like that, but the only thing I've managed to do is get my family to start recycling...

What's your favorite type of music? Who do you listen to most often?

Anyway, PM me if you need anything. I'll try to help you as best as I can. ^-^

"Smiles make the world go round." ~ Me

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Mon Jul 20, 2009 3:27 pm
SeleneForeverDream says...

Heya May and welcome to YWS! I'm Selene and it's nice to meet you. ^_^

You may have noticed that people here have different colored usernames. This is because they're part of the YWS staff.

Blues- Are Greeters like Vyper and I! We welcome new members and show them the rules.

Purples- Are Instructors! They review work and help you improve in your writing. If you'd care for a review done by one of them, please PM them from this link-


Light Greens- Are our Junior Mods, like Demeter! They control specific forums on YWS.

Greens- Are our Mods! They control all forums.

Reds- Are our lovely Admins! Nate is the creator of YWS and is the head Admin. They make sure everything in YWS runs smoothly.

Oranges- Are the Distinguished Members. They are retired Mods.

Mind some more questions? What's your favorite pizza topping? Do you like to handwrite things or type them? What inspires you to write?

If you have a question or would like a review, feel free to PM me.
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You judge others upon their actions, but you judge yourself by your intention.

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Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:24 pm
Hannah says...

Maya, you seem so interesting! Welcome to YWS~

You really shouldn't have to worry about the different spellings between American and British-English spellings, because I don't think anyone really has the right to get upset about that. oO; Obviously, there are different spellings, and it's not as if we couldn't understand that 'color' is the same as 'colour'. :] Don't stress yourself too much about that. Hehehe~

I have changing-color eyes, too, kind of like yours, but mine are also green sometimes. Do yours ever turn a little greenish-blue? :] It's my favorite when they do. xD And have you noticed if they change colors depending on what color of clothing your wearing? I've been trying to find the reason behind their changes, but I haven't been successful yet.

I see that everyone's already introduced you to the rules pretty well, but I'm wondering if you've heard of the site wide reality show that's going on for about the next two weeks? :D It would be a great chance for you to get involved and meet new friends, and if you haven't already been contacted, I have room for you on my team. ^___^ Let me know! The important thing is that you're participating. :D

Also, feel free to PM me if you have any questions about the site. :]

you can message me with anything: questions, review requests, rants
are you a green room knight yet?
have you read this week's Squills?

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Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:29 pm
forever.always says...

Hey Maya!

Welcome to YWS!
I'm sure you will find that there's a lot of cool fun stuff you can do on this website =)
That's so cool that you have rats! I've always wanted one but my mom would probably have a heart attack.
Crabs! How cool!
And a fighting fish! Me too! Haha and mine is pink as well!! =)

Anyway, so welcome again!

"I've got too much soul for the world." -Too Fake (Hockey)

It is only a novel... or, in short, only some work in which the greatest powers of the mind are displayed, in which the most thorough knowledge of human nature, the happiest delineation of its varieties, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour, are conveyed to the world in the best-chosen language
— Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey