
Young Writers Society

Hello there =)

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:20 am
Method says...

Heya, my name is Method ^^ Or my Username is, anyway. I joined here 'cuz I'm getting into writing more than ever, I guess we can say I've decided to up my carreer... as a write-to-be ^^ None of my friends are interested in writing, so I figured I could find some people here that I could easily get along with ^^

I'm not exactly sure what to say... I've been writing with a paper and pencil since grade 6 because the computer confuses me like you wouldn't believe, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. Perhaps someday I'll find a way to destory these horrible pop-ups.

My interests lay in fantasy writing... I suppose I see writing as a escape from reality, so writing about reality doesn't do it for me ^^ Not to say reality wouldn't make some great books! I just enjoy explaining the un-explained in my own words, with my own characters :)

So I figured I've rambled on enough for people to know I like to talk ^^ It is a pleasure to meet everyone!

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:05 am
Saramander says...

Yay fantasy! :D
Welcome to YWS!
"Il n'y a qu'un seul bonheur dans cette vie, d'aimer et d'être aimé. " - George Sand

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:07 am
Mira says...

Hiyas, Method! It's wonderful to meet you! Welcome to the lovely world of YWS. :)

So, there are a few rules that I must mention.

~ 2:1 ratio - This just states that you need to review other peoples' work before you post your own.
~ NO CAPS OR CHAT SPEAK. Follow this rule and it'll save you a lot of trouble.
~ Rate your works accordingly. (G, PG, PG13, and R)

So, anyway, not too in tune with the computer? No worries. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time. You'll find a way to deal with those pop-ups eventually. ^-^

So, fantasy, huh? ^-^ It's an awesome genre and I totally think the same way. Writing is an escape from reality.

So, apart from that, who is your favorite author? Your favorite book? What about music?

PM me if you need anything! :)

"Smiles make the world go round." ~ Me

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:47 am
Method says...

Thank you for the nice greetings! ^^

I read the rules, but them being in jot-form like that is nice and fancy =] Looks pro! Aha!

Ohh what a hard question... at the moment I'm loving the 'The Darkest Powers' series by... excuse the fact that I don't remember names... but I think it's Kelley Armstrong. The second book is even better than the first, which suprised me. But I went and ordered in 19 new books from the library, I get too carried away with these things it's crazy =/ How about you? I'd also recomend the 'Wicked Lovely' series by Melissa Marr, they were drop dead amazing! Then there's Hallowmere, Evermore, Wings, City of Ashes, and I could keep going but I tend to ramble... there's a point of no return that you guys don't wanna' see :P

Music... I tend to switch songs everyday but at the moment I have two songs replaying in my head! "Fire Burning' by Sean Kingston and "Here Come the Sun" by the beatles. Haha an oldie... I like rop and rock, but I'm not so good with twangy country or hard rock (I can't stand people yelling at me on my iPod, I listen to music to get away from crazy angry people not to listen to them spazz about THEIR problems!! ;) ) There. I vented about music :shock: My it's so easy to talk and talk...

i'M glad to see more people like Fantasy than I thought. I'm not a huge fan on Twilight, but I waas afraid everyone would be devoted to it like everyone else in the world I know! It was good, the series totally caught my attention, but the movie still burns me. They also take a good book and ruin it by making it into a movie.

Oh well, the list goes on of things that make me unhapy ;)

This is, there must be, a method to your madness. Let that method be me.

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:44 am
WaterVyper says...

Hello Method! It's great to meet you. You're a fantasy writer? I'm sure that you'll enjoy it here a lot. Here's a little tidbit of info: check out the usergroups. You'll notice that at the top of the page, there's a little icon that says groups. If you look through there, you'll notice that there's a bunch of user made groups that you can join. These are for people whose interests are similar, so I'm sure you'll be able to fit right in. There are quite a few groups for fantasy writers, last I checked.

You read the Wicked Lovely series? I have the first book in my room somewhere, and I haven't really bothered to finish the eighth chapter. Since you recommended it so strongly, I think I'll give it a second try.

I'm sure it's really easy to get carried away while talking. When people offer you a chance to say a lot about yourself and your interests, it's really difficult to not stop. If you really want to be able to ramble on as much as you like, I think you can visit the About the Authors section of the forums. You can speak about everything, really.

Anyway, what type of fantasy do you write? Urban fantasy, or the more traditional fantasy? What other hobbies do you have? If you had a chance to visit any country for a week, where would you go?

So, it's great to learn more about you, Method! If you have any questions or if you want to chat, you can PM me. I'd love to read some of your work sometime. I hope to see you around! See ya!
There once was a cat.
He wasn’t particularly fat.
Fuzzy was his favorite mat.
And really, that was that.

Oh, but did you really think so?
Keep reading, it’s just the start of the show!
And as for how far this tale will go…
Well, even the cat doesn’t know.

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:57 am
Method says...

Hello there WaterVyper!

Wow that was crammed full of usefull information! I'll be sure to look at everything you sugggested, it would be brillaint to meet some others who enjoy fantasy as much as I do! I know it's a well-flourished genre of books, which is nice, lots of authors are coming out with books that are certainly on my to read list!

Oh yes! Wicked Lovely gave me a bit of trouble at the start, but once it developed it had everything I look for in a book! Good character development, not too much romance and not too little to make it boring, humor, and the good character. vs. character, character vs. nature, and character vs. self scenarios! Of course now I need to wait for the next book, it's a pain :P

About the Authors, that sounds like fun! There seems to be plenty to do around here! I'll have to sit down one day and look through all of it! Get things figured out and such ^^

Mmm... it's very well modern fantasy. Usually taking place in a different world with the same interests and takes as our current world, I like to be able to relate as much as I can without making the story about my life ^^ Though I very rarely involve Unicorns and Dragons, I just like the swords much better than guns, and Faeries better than Stuck Up Girls in the reality books. I would LOVE to visist Japan when I grow old enough to travel! I'm learning to speak it, but until I learn it completely I'm stuck here. My parents say I need to be able to get around easily and talk fluidly if I want to travel, I suppose it makes sense! Canada is nice here, but we honestly only have two seasons and those are Winter and July. I get tired of it here after 14 years, I need change! So I'm going to live in Hokkaido and teach English there :) Thanks for asking! It's refreshing to tell someone finally!

I would love to speak with you more! Thank you for another kind greeting!
This is, there must be, a method to your madness. Let that method be me.

You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.
— Madeleine L'Engle, Author