
Young Writers Society

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Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:48 am
rosetinted(glasses) says...

Well, hello there YWS (:

I'm Nadeera (can I mention my real name here?) and I'm another new member of yours! Yay. I'm fifteen going on sixteen and ummm... errr, I like writing? Haha, honestly, I have no idea how to introduce myself. I think its hard but let me just try one more time.

Hey, I'm Nadeera. I'm fifteen and I adore writing since it simply keeps my sanity in check. I also like other things but most of the time, they're pretty odd. Examples of the normal ones are fashion, photography and graphics. And examples of the odd ones are like Panic! at the Disco's album "Pretty. Odd.", learning about disorders -- more onto mental disorders, to be honest -- and bananas. I really like bananas (:

Also, I'm pretty bad at some things too such as a) introducing myself b) telling people about myself and c) or are those two earlier ones the same thing?

Anywho, I can't wait to see how many people actually don't think I'm weird and exploring this site.

All My Loving (yes, I love the Beatles!),
Nadeera / rosetinted(glasses)

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Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:48 am
Shauni says...

Hello Nadeera! Wow, you sound like a really interesting person, not weird at all... ( okay, maybe just a bit ;), but I'm as well, so... yeah...)

You wrote that you didn't have a clue how to introduce yourself. I found that you can actually nail it pretty well! I adore bananas, so I don't think it's so odd like that. Chimpys also love bananas and they aren't creepy. :P
I can pass without Beatles. It's strange because I found their music pretty boring. ! I'm Not Saying Beatles Suck (for all the Beatles lovers out there, I just don't like them...)

*moving on*
Do you now that we have a chat? It's very simple to use and it's great to meet new users and have a nice time! It helps with the so-well-known writers block and it helps you relax! Only YWS users use it and it's always someone there to supervise everyone.
Make sure you give it a look, 'kay?

Here on The Great Ol' YWS, we have some basic rules:

~No chat speak and/or capitalized words. We are, supposedly, all writers here.

~Review two works before you post something of your own. Keep this 2:1 ratio, please.

~Rate your works properly. Works with f-word and/or sexual content, should be rated R. Works rated PG-13 below will appear on the YWS front page.

That's it for our basics, pretty basic, hum? :roll:
But, what about the deep you?

Cookies or ice-cream?
Beach or mountain?
Movies or TV shows?

I have to go now ( "iupi!" You think...) but PM me if you need anything!
I hope to see you around, posting, reviewing and having a great time!

Best wishes


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Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:16 am
rosetinted(glasses) says...

Hey there, Shauni and thanks for the welcome (: And haha, I would like to think of myself as interesting. I suppose the 'weird' is simply based on everybody's on personal judgement.

To be honest, chimps are pretty creepy actually because you can never know what they might just do next but nonetheless, they're beautiful creatures. And I understand your honest opinion about the Beatles. I found the Beatles boring at first but they grew on me. It's like the older I get, the older the music I rather listen to these days, compared to those mainstream stuff. And yes, I will check out the chat very soon.

As for the rules, I'm all clear with it (: Thanks for the remider.


Ice-cream. How can you not pick ice-cream?

Beach. I rather laze around under the sun trying to get a tan instead of breaking my back trying to climb something just for the glory of it. I think I'll just settle for the pictures people take up there for the scenery part. Haha.

....wow, that's a hard one but based on statistics, I'd go with movies. TV shows have those insane cliff-hangers and there's always a risk of missing an episode so definitely movies for me.

Once again, thanks for the welcome and I'll keep the offer in mind.

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Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:40 pm
StellaThomas says...

Hey Nadeera! Welcome to YWS! You can call me Stella...

Yes, it's fine to use your real first name- I don't on the forums, but a lot of members know it- just you know, not your last name or address or anything. That said, though, where do you live? (Country wise, and if it's the US, what state?) ...

And nobody round here will think you're weird, believe me on this one...

So I thought I'd just give you a little more info:

The colours:

Red-Admins- the admins are like, the kings and queens. Nate is High King. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Dark Green-Mods- they're not called Big Brother for nothing! The mods are watching your every move and if you step a toe out of line...

No, I'm joking, the Admins and Mods are all really lovely, helpful people and actually not that scary at all, they're here to help as well as keep us in line.

Light Green-JMods- the JMods have mod powers, but they're limited to one specific area of the forums...

Purple- Instructors- are the loveliest, sweetest individuals here who will help you with whatever you need writing wise :D No, I'm joking, we're the meanest of the lot. Okay, that's also a joke. Anyway, if you need a review or help with grammar or writing, the Purps are the ones to go to!

Blue-Greeters- they're the ones who you'll be looking for over the next few days and weeks! The Greeters are here to help new members like yourselves get around.

Also, topic20053.html ---it's the Buddy System! If you want a mentor, all the information and the mentors up for grabs are on this thread, just read and see if you'd like one!

So what do you like to write- and read? Favourite authors? And other interests?

Hope to see you around!

"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:05 am
rosetinted(glasses) says...

Hey there Stella (:

I'm from Kuala Lumpur in a country called Malaysia and that's as far all the information goes. Internet safety = full aware of but thanks for the reminder. As for the weirdness, yay! I feel secured and accepted now. :P

As for the buddy system, I'll give it a go. Definitely.

And your answers:

I love writing fiction but more specifically transgressional (did I even spell that right?) fiction because growing up, I was reading a lot of Lemony Snickett -- especially the Series of Unfortunate Events, love it -- and also quite a number of books that weren't exactly for my age so most of my writing usually is rated downright 'R'. Not all, but most of it. My favourite author of all time is definitely Chuck Palahnuik. He's a genius. And also Bret Easton Ellis. But drug abuse and all that sinful things aren't the only thing I read. Generally, I love anything that's super deep about life which is why Mitch Albom is another one of my faves. And I also love RPG's so yeah, that's another form of writing and another interest of mine.

Thanks for the welcome (:

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Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:37 pm
Demeter says...

Heyhey Nadeera!

Wow, your name is really beautiful. I love names. :D And I'm Demeter, but you can also call me any form of that name. I love nicknames too. xD

And I like The Beatles too, even though I'm too scared to listen the reversed versions of the songs, because I'm easily scared. Luckily I don't have to listen to them backwards.

Malaysia! Wow! We were thinking of going there sometimes, but we went to Thailand instead. Malaysia sounds really interesting, though. And isn't the world's highest building in Kuala Lumpur – or used to be?

Well, I hope you enjoy YWS, and just PM me if you have anything to ask =)

See you around,

"Your jokes are scarier than your earrings." -Twit

"14. Pretend like you would want him even if he wasn't a prince. (Yeah, right.)" -How to Make a Guy Like You - Disney Princess Style

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Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:23 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya and welcome!

You enjoy graphics too? And photography? Me too! I'm also one for mental illnesses. And yes, people in real life call me weird. But That is who I am, so I don't try to change. Just let people deal with it. ;)

If you're worried about spelling, look right above the top-right corner of the post box (the thing you type in when you reply) for a "check spelling" button. It doesn't work in all genres (fantasy is where it doesn't work sometimes) but 99% of the time it is a lifesaver for those of us who have a hard time spelling. Once you hit it, just click on the red words for possible changes you can make. Click the change to have it take hold. ^^ (And if you picked the wrong one, you can just click on the word again to pick a new option!)

The "R" rating on YWS is for adult content or the F-word. It is also the only rating that is required in the rules. Anything lower than that, when rated, shows up on the front page. If you want a guide to rating works, click here.

If you enjoy RPGs, you should check out the Storybook section of YWS. It's full of plot-based RPGs that you can join and post in. They're fun but somewhat addicting.

I just love watching characters grow up in fiction. Reason I like slightly longer books, or multiple-book parts. But I do find the odd one-book plot that sticks with me. I try to write stories like that, but it can be hard to get the arc right. I try though. ^_^

Hope to see you around YWS! PM me if you need anything.

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

It is most unlikely. But - here comes the big "but" - not impossible.
— Roald Dahl