
Young Writers Society

Hiya Guys, I'm new! Yay!

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Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:14 am
Maneechan says...

Hiya guys! *WAVES* :elephant: *Offer Blueberries Muffins* I'm Maneechan and I'm an amateur writer who enjoys writing urban fantasy(all of them sucked) Ha ha. :smt010 I join this forum in order to brush up my English skills and seek help from all of you good people here. Thank you very much! *Bows*

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Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:53 am
WaterVyper says...

Hi Maneechan and welcome to YWS! It's great to see a new addition to our growing community. First of all, I gotta go over the rules. You can find the full version at the link, or I can give a brief description of some of the major ones.

1. Keep the 2:1 review ratio. That means you should review at least two other works before you post your own, and we ask that you keep this ratio at all times. It helps others to improve, and yourself as well. The more you point out, the better your own writing gets, so be sure to review.

2. Write properly. This means to use proper grammar, spelling, and capitalization at all times. It also means that you're not allowed to use chatspeak, or netspeak, or whatever you call it. This is a writer's website, so it's common courtesy to make your posts understandable.

3. Rate your works! If you rate your works properly, they'll show up on the front page so everyone can see it, unless they are rated R. If your writing has graphic situations in it, and/or the f-word, then you must rate it R.

So, those are the rules. Now, why don't you tell us more about yourself? Do you write other things besides urban fantasy? If so, is it easy for you? What do you like to read? Do you have any favorites? What are your other hobbies? What about favorite color, animal, TV show, or anything else? Do you have other miscellany you want to share with us?

If you're still a bit lost, you'll notice that up at the top of the page, there's a guide that can help you get your bearings. I suggest you read it if you don't exactly know how YWS works. Anyway, I hope to see you around sometime. If you ever need help, or a review, or if you just want to talk, you can PM me. See ya, Maneechan!
There once was a cat.
He wasn’t particularly fat.
Fuzzy was his favorite mat.
And really, that was that.

Oh, but did you really think so?
Keep reading, it’s just the start of the show!
And as for how far this tale will go…
Well, even the cat doesn’t know.

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28 Reviews

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Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:51 pm
Chloe(: says...

Hey Maneechan! I'm Vivacious, but feel free to call me by any variation of that or by my real name, Chloe. It's great that you found YWS, my writing skills have improved so much since I cam here, it's crazy. The same will happen with you :D

I love writing fantasy! Most of the fantasy I write takes place in urban setting, but it's not urban fantasy. Anyhoo...

You've probably seen people with colored user names. Each color stands for a job.

The Blue Greeters: We hang out around here, introducing ourselves to new members and helping them through the wonderful first couple of days in YWS. We love to help, so if you need any help, ask us!

The Purple Instructors: These people are the big reviewing people. They spend a lot of time reviewing and their reviews are long and very helpful. They are very nice, so if you need a question, ask them.

The Light Green and Green Mods: They watch over the forums and make sure that all is well. The junior mods look over only a couple of forums, and the Mods look over a bunch.

The Red: These crazy people are admins. They are the heads of YWS, we wouldn’t be the same great website without them. Yay Admins!

Orange: These are the distinguished members, or otherwise, the retired mods. They are pretty active and love to help.

So, that's all for now. Feel free to PM me if you need any help, or would like me to critique something you've written. Ta-ta for now!
Formerly known as Vivacious.

Full of Cliches:a challenge to see who can write a piece with the most cliches.

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Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:41 pm
Carlito says...

Hey Maneechan, welcome to YWS! :D

I must say, your English is really good :) What's your native language?

Since my fellow Blues have covered the Rules and what not, I'm just going to give you some advice. Really it boils down to one word, Explore. This site has a lot to offer so just wander around and explore. :)
The Groups are really big on this site. There are about a million so I don't think you'll have a problem finding some that you like. Try to join at least one because they are a great way to make some fast friends that have similar interest to you.

Now for some really hard questions...
If you could see one singer/band in concert and then meet them afterwords, who would you see? If you could meet any author and ask them whatever you wanted for an hour, who would you meet? What's your favorite kind of pie? What's your baked good of choice? If you were a marine biologist, what animal would you study and why?

I hope you have a great time here and if you have any questions or need anything, feel free to PM me! :D

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

Ask a Therapist!
I want to beta read your novel!

Ask me anything. Talk to me about anything. Seriously. My PM box is always open <3

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Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:11 pm
mhmmcolleenx0 says...

Hey, Maneechan! Welcome to YWS. There's only one thing that I could really add, I guess. And that's the star system. You get stars by reviewing/critiquing. Here's a guide:

5 Reviews = 1 Star
25 Reviews = 2 Stars
75 Reviews = 3 Stars
150 Reviews = 4 Stars
250 Reviews = 5 Stars

Blue Stars-

350 Reviews = 1 Blue Star, 4 Yellow Stars
450 Reviews = 2 Blue Stars, 3 Yellow Stars
550 Reviews = 3 Blue Stars, 2 Yellow Stars
650 Reviews = 4 Blue Stars, 1 Yellow Star
750 Reviews = 5 Blue Stars

Red Stars-
850 Reviews = 1 Red Star, 4 Blue Stars
950 Reviews = 2 Red Stars, 3 Blue Stars
1050 Reviews = 3 Red Stars, 2 Blue Stars
1150 Reviews = 4 Red Stars, 1 Blue Star
1250 Reviews = 5 Red Stars
I only have four, I think. Haha, it is quite difficult, at least for me, to get stars.
So, people have already asked all the questions I would've asked. So, welcome to YWS and as tmne22 said, explore! If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
"Can't stop, won't stop. I must be dreaming."

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Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:26 am
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Sleeping Valor says...

*accepts muffins*

^_^ Welcome to YWS!

I'm sure your sure your work is good, or at the very least has lots of potential. I myself like urban fantasy a lot, it's a very cool and original genre.

You've definitely come to the right community if you want to improve your writing. Everyone here will be more than happy to help you improve. :)

Just a few quick rules:
a) No chatspeak. I think that's self evident since this is a writing community.
b) For every one piece you submit for review, please review 2 others. That way everyone gets reviews and you can make yourself more well known (gets you friends and reviews!).

Feel free to PM me anytime with questions or to cash in on the coupon in my sig. Again, welcome! You're going to like it here, I know it.

^_^ Keek!
I'm like that song stuck in your head; I come and I go, but never truly dissapear.

And apparently I also write a blog.

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Wed Jun 24, 2009 9:56 am
Maneechan says...

Hiya guys! Thanks for the very warm welcome, you guys are so nice! *HUGS*

I wrote some short stories about love in the city once, but it were so bad that I torn all of them up. I love reading about history, fantasy series-especially Harry Potter and I love reading up on Political issues surrounding my region-South East Asia. I don’t have a particular favourite colour, but I do have a special place in my heart for violet and lilac. I don’t really watches TV, and my hobby is putting the plot bunnies in my head in their right place. My favourite animal is the cat, followed by dolphins and anything cuddly.

My native language is Thai, though I can speak Chinese pretty well too. And my English is not that fantastic even for a non-native speaker, you would know that once you ready my stories. Ha-ha. I don’t have a favourite band now, can I skip that? I’ll post it up later if I manage to find one though ^_^

The author that I would like to meet the most is Diana Wynn Jones, I would love to chat with her all about Chrestomanci and know her view about all sort of things. My favourite pie is Chicken Pie and apple pie, and I love Blueberries Cheese Muffins with a passion. The animal that I would love to study most is the oarfish, there’s so many legends surrounding this creature and so little known about them.

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Wed Jun 24, 2009 5:09 pm
Night Mistress says...


Welcome to YWS.

If you need anything, feel free to pm me.

See ya around
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

the button war, the egg being featured member, and santa necro-liking halloween-esque works are the reasons i love yws
— Carina