
Young Writers Society

hi im new and looking for buds

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:55 pm
LoveIsLimitless says...

Yo yo yo. bring on the people!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:09 pm
Antigone Cadmus says...

Hey, Love Is Limitless!

I'm Sakura. Welcome to Young Writers Society (affectionately known as YWS).

Of course, there are a few rules you should know...

-- No chatspeak. This is a writing site, so we tend to be grammar/proper spelling Nazis. This means no abbreviations such as "u" for you or "r" for are. Also: Please, please, always capitalize your I's! ^_^

-- Keep swearing inside the literary forums only. If your work has graphic content or language in it, rate it accordingly. F-bomb = automatic R rating.

-- Try to keep to the 2:1 ratio -- post two reviews of others' work before you post your own.

So tell everyone about yourself! Do you have any favorite authors/books? What kind of music do you like? Are you working on a novel?

Once again, welcome to the insane asylum -- er, I mean, YWS.

It's a great place.

Hope to see you around,
Odi et amo. quare id faciam, fortasse requiris?
nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.
-Catullus, Carmen 85

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:21 pm
MeadowLark says...

Heya! Welcome to YWS!

I think Sakura forgot one minor rule: Make friends! We're all very friendly on here so you shouldn't have a problem there ^_^

Anyways, what do you write? Well, have fun and can't wait to see some of your work!

Happy Writing!

Purple light in the canyon
that is where I long to be
With my three good companions
just my rifle, pony and me

--- "My Rifle My Pony and Me"

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Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:08 am
Evi says...

Hey Limitless, how ya doing? Welcome to the magical land of YWS!

I am certaianly willing to talk to a sixteen year old, but I'm only twelve, so if you'd rather talk with someone else, that's find with me. :wink:

I see that Haruno has already gone over our major rules, yes? Well, make sure to note them-- they are the YWS commandments. However, I see that she hasn't gone over the funky little colors on different people's usernames.

Look above my avatar at my username, 'Evi'. See how it's in purple? That means I'm an Instructor. Instructors are the ones to go to if you want an in-depth and thoughtful review on your writing. We're here to help you improve as an author, and you can go to Purps if you ever need writing tops.

Those friendly people with blue usernames are YWS's very own Greeters! They're the ones who you should go to if you need help finding your way around; they know everything a new member such as yourself needs to learn about the site, and can help you get acquainted with everything ASAP.

Those green people are Mods, and they're the ones who keep the site orderly, working, and in line. If you have a really big problem, you can PM one of them (they won't eat you, promise!) but for smaller issues, just PM a Greeter.

Reds are Admins, the Kings and Queen of YWS, and orange people are Distinguished Members who are no longer active but have nonetheless contributed a great deal to our lovely site.

So, how about you answer some questions? Tell us about yourself. What do you like to do besides writing? How did you find YWS? What are your favorite books?

To get to know people, you might want to head towards The Lounge, where everyone hangs out and chats. ;) It's a great way to get yourself out there and make awesome new friends.

See you around, dear, and make sure to enjoy yourself!

"Let's eat, Grandma!" as opposed to "Let's eat Grandma!": punctuation saves lives.

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Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:23 am
Clo says...

Hey Lovey! Welcome to YWS! Very nice welcome thread, haha. Short and amusing. :lol:

I think you need to tell us some things about yourself. What sort of genres do you like to write in? Do you write fiction, or poetry? Maybe even non-fiction? What do you read? What hobbies and interests do you have outside of writing?

This is the best website ever for young writers, true story. There's a many ways to get to know people on this site, talking about things from writing to videogames to philosophy to MTV. There's the community forums, which has subforums like Book Reviews and the Lounge and Randomness.

Then there's the Usergroups, which I think we have a group every interest out there. There's so many groups, you can join a few and get to know people in topics there. This site even has a blog section. Each member gets a blog, and depending on whether they have it as private or public, other members can view and comment on it. You can get to know people through that, but also just reviewing helps you to connect with people. I've met most people through reviews and just talking in the Community forums.

And there is a 2:1 review-to-post ratio here, so review is important before posting your own work!

And me, my name is Clo -- I'm an Instructor and I'm here to help you with your writing. I'm always available, so feel free to PM (Private Message) me for any help!

I hope to see you around the forums!

Yours truly,

How am I not myself?

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Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:08 pm
Mars says...

Hi and welcome!

You told us nothing about yourself! What do you write, fiction, poetry, both? What genres? Who's your fave author? Favorite books? Movies? Music?

If you ever need help with writing, this is definitely the place to get it. We're all happy to help with constructive reviews and feedback, and you can also visit the writing tips forum or the Knowledge Base. Both are full of great tips and articles by YWS members.

I like your username - very nice and appropriate for my mood right now. :) Do you play any musical instruments? What do you do besides write? I'm a sixteen year old girl too, so I'm sure we'll get along great!

Again, welcome to YWS, hope to see you around our forums a lot!
'life tastes sweeter when it's wrapped in poetry'
-the wombats

critiques // nano

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Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:55 pm
Juniper says...

Hey there! Welcome to YWS!

I'm June! It's great to have you here :).

So! The rules have been covered already, so, I get to ramble about the cool socializing aspects of the site!

In the Lounge and randomness, you can basically talk about whatever goes. Discussions and such are welcome there. You can check out the usergroups, too! There's lots of fun, entertaining ones in there. Browse around-- and see where you want to join :).

There's also blogs, which are major fun. You can basically rant about anything and everything in your own blog, and people can comment on it, and you can comment on other people's. It's a lot of fun, honestly.

And, then, guestbooks. Every profile has a guestbook, and you can leave messages in other's guestbooks. It's rather fun! And the more you post in forums, the higher your post count goes! The higher your post count the higher your rank:

New Member: 0-4 posts
Novice: 5-14 posts
Junior Writer: 15 - 49 posts
Writer: 50 - 99 posts
Senior Writer: 100 - 249 posts
Novelist: 250 - 499 posts
Speaker of the Forum: 500+ posts
Master of the Forum: 1,000 posts.

So! If You have any questions, feel free to PM me or post them here. Welcome aboard!

"I'd steal somebody's purse if I could google it and then download it." -- Firestarter

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Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:06 pm
Flux says...

Hallo there!

Has anyone mentioned the R-rated works? I'm too lazy to scan through everything!

R-rated works are rated so because they have A) sexual content and B) the F-word. Please remember that!

So, tell us a bit about yourself.

What's your favourite writing genre? Your favourite author(s)? What about your favourite movie?

Well, that's all really. Hope you have a fun time on YWS.
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person.

Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth."

-- Oscar Wilde

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Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:50 pm
How2EataRhesus says...

Hi LoveisLimitless! Welcome to the forum. As you can see, most of us have an intense love for greeting new members. ;]
Here's just some reminders of what's been covered above:
1. The Moste Holie and Respect-able 2:1 Rule means that you have to post two reviews for one submission. This doesn't just apply to when you first start out; even when you're a seasoned YWSer, it's not good to have less than twice the amount of reviews than you have submissions. The rule just makes sure that people will do as much reading as writing. =)
2. YWS has a Grammar Police population of about 14%. Therefore, even though emoticons are allowed, bad spelling, grammar, and/or using "leet" is looked down upon here.
3. If you see most of us acting a little weird here, remember it's just a normal side effect of giving Nate our souls. :D

I hope you like YWS! Now, if you excuse me, I have to go find Sakura and punish her for letting the secret about the asylum slip out again. :]
'Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.' - Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:48 pm
LoveIsLimitless says...

i sing at hotels to make money so i can buy a ca. i usually write love stories or about world issues!
Yes im Bi,,, and ur stupid. now that weve got that out of the way,,, hi, im lilly! nice to meet you!

The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.
— Stanislaw Jerszy Lec