
Young Writers Society

Introducing a Becki :)

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:40 am
beckiw says...

Hello everybody *waves*

Well seen as I'm currently stuck on a plot point, I'll post a little about myself on here while I'm trying to figure it out.

As some of you may have guessed my name is Becki and I am 19. I study Film at university in Scotland and harbour ambitions to be in the film business, which scares me to death because its a very difficult business to get into. I used to study photography but disliked having to find inner meanings in my photographs lol I am originally from England and I go back there on holidays. I live in a small flat in Scotland with my boyfriend, two rats and two hamsters.

I write mainly Fantasy or Action and Adventure. I also like writing Supernatural stories. I'm especially interested in ghosts, as I have a coloured past with them. I am on here to learn better grammar but mostly to learn punctuation as I am terrible at it. I am working on two novel ideas at the moment but tend to spend too much time on planning and then end up thinking of new ideas for other stories. I am tempted to post the prologue for one of the pieces I'm working on but I'm scared it will be ripped apart lol

I'm not a typical student as I prefer not to go out and get drunk every night and actually have adequate money :P However I do sleep a lot and I am a bit of a scruff....oh well.

I love Photographing, Walking in the hills, Watching films, Writing, Reading, Animals, My family, Wandering in my City, Spending time in my PJs, Winter and CHRISTMAS! lol

I hate Spiders, Sports, Maths, Rude people, Hot weather, People who talk extremely loud on the bus...erm I don't hate a lot of stuff I guess :P

So if you want to know anything else, just ask! I like meeting new people :)

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 2:33 am
Krupp says...

Well, you're not the only student who hates the hectic party scene...

Don't worry about your work being ripped apart on here. It happens to the best of us, and it's only done so that you improve. Go ahead and post, you never know.
I'm advertising here: Rosetta...A Determinism of Morality...out May 25th...2010 album of the year, without question.

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:58 am
POTAFan1973 says...

Cool ghostly experiences.

One time I was looking up was to talk to people that in great beyond so to speak. Anyway I was looking at this article and suddenly I feel two hands around my throat. No one is there. I'm terrified. I could their fingers wrapped around my throat. I had been singing to some Carpenters (band from the 70s, sang We've Only Just Begun, Close to You, among others) music that night so I pretty well know that way my throat feels after I've been singing. Well it wasn't that feeling. Two hands were literally around my throat. What did I do? I got off that site as fast as I could and haven't been back or looking up said subject since. Creepy, ain't it? Have you had weirder?
One person's craziness is another person's reality
-Tim Burton

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Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:45 pm
beckiw says...

Well I don't think I've had any as violent as that I guess but lots of different ones lol

It started when I was pretty young. I used to complain to my parents that people were walking through my bedroom during the night even though there was only one door. When I was a little older we went to Dover castle and went into the chapel there. My dad noticed that I was sat talking away, so he came over and asked me who I was talking to and I said the men and pointed in front of me, where there was no one. We left swiftly lol We went to some of the old war tunnels in France and I refused point blank to go in. I said that it felt horrible all I could feel was death and I definitely did not want to go in, yet I was usually fine with the Dover war tunnels. More recently I went on 4 ghost tours in the city I live in, my mum was writing an article for a magazine about the city I live in. On each tour I had an experience, I couldn't be completely sure whether it was the power of suggestion. However on the last tour I nearly passed out for no apparent reason and had to be taken out of the underground vaults we were in. Once I was outside I felt fine, the tour lady told us later on that where I was standing was the place where most people had been affected. Also we recently felt like the house I live in England is maybe haunted. My house was built in 1865, one morning I woke up about 8am, heard my mum going to work and decided to try and go back to sleep but my bed started to vibrate, not violently but I could feel it. I asked it to stop and it did straight away. I asked my dad if it could have been the heating kicking on because my bed was next to the radiator he said a that time the radiator would have turned off. All my family have had experiences in my house, people calling our names, lights coming on when you don't expect them to or when you just turned them off, things moving, hearing footsteps in the middle of the night when no one is there. My mum once thought I had come into her room in the night and said 'Mum', only to find out I was fast asleep.

Anyways! I have written waaaay too much and that isn't even all of them lol My dad thinks I am sensitive because even now I won't go in certain rooms and things like that. I think I believe but I like to be slightly sceptical too :)

Sorry I wrote so much! lol

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Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:02 pm
Angel of Death says...


I'm Angel of Death but call me Angel. You seem like an interesting person. I am so jealous! A lot of people live all around the world and I am stuck in America. Scotland sounds beautiful. Ha, one of my friends has been there and we always joked about how we were going to move there one day and write.

I actually love photography, well the kind that comes digitally. Whenever I see something that I like I take out my phone and try to find the best angle and capture it. Though, that's a bummer that you actually had to explain the picture. Photos speak to everyone differently, that's what I like about them.

Ooh what are your favorite movies? Books? Authors? My life pretty much revolves around those three things. I like watching the occasion black and white movie or anything that's historical romance.

Well, I know I'm a tad bit late on this but welcome to YWS!!!

True love, in all it’s celestial charm, and
star-crossed ways, only exist in a writer’s
mind, for humans have not yet learned
how to manifest it.

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Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:25 pm
beckiw says...

Hey Angel :)

Yeh I do like living in Scotland, it gets pretty cold in the winter though. I live in Edinburgh actually and I love it. Lots of historical places and interesting streets, bookshops and coffee shops. I've never been to America though lol I haven't travelled much seen as I absolutely hate flying. The first time I flew I cried and had a panic attack :P

I do love going out and just taking a photo when I see something inspiring. It's great for collecting inspiration for writing. But yeh absolutely hated always having to explain what my photos meant.

Well I like reading fantasy books and historical romances, those are the main ones at the moment. Some favourite authors would be Trudi Canavan (she has a new book coming out soon! :D), James Clemens, Karen Miller, Kate Morton and other than that I just pick up random books in charity shops that look interesting lol Films are tricky because I have so many films that I love, a few would be Loch Ness, Little Women, Girl Interrupted, Lord of the Rings, American History X, Atonement, Heavenly Creatures and soooo many more. I have over 200 DVDs at the moment. How about you? Books? Authors? and Films?

I'm sooo stuck on my writing right now lol

Nice to meet you!

Becki x

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Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:35 pm
Angel of Death says...

How about you? Books? Authors? and Films?

I loved all of Lord of Rings movies, the Pirates of the Caribbean, Moulin Rouge, Little Women, The Painted Veil, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, I'm a fan of the Harry Potter movies but I could never read the books, The Princess Bride, Becoming Jane, Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Tristan and Isolde, The Prestige, The Illusionist, The Duchess, Brideshead Revisited, The Phantom of the Opera, wooh I have a lot of favorite movies. Basically, if it has a little bit of drama, romance and or fantasy I'll surely like it.

Hmm? Well right now my favorite authors are F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jane Austen, and Charlotte Bronte. I'm always looking for something to read so the list changes.

My all time favorite book is Jane Eyre.

Haha, it gets pretty cold here during winters. I can't wait till spring.

Well I hope all is well,


True love, in all it’s celestial charm, and
star-crossed ways, only exist in a writer’s
mind, for humans have not yet learned
how to manifest it.

Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.
— Leonardo da Vinci