
Young Writers Society

I'm New

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Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:00 am
Emotastic_Writer says...

Uhm so i am new, i mostly write poems but i am a little confused as to how this site works. Someone want to give me a few tips? Please? :D

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Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:11 am
dragnet says...

Easy peasy.

Do your best, have fun and make friends. Plus, no chat speak and for everything you post you must have review two peices.

Have fun! Wonderful ways to ake firnds is to PM (private message) people who has written stories or poems you like! Or the people commenting on here! Like me! But you already know me.. Tee hee!


have fun!
Many ask me if I see the glass as half full or half empty. Well, I don't know about you, but I see the glass as, WHO DRANK HALF OF MY MILK?!?!?!

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Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:12 am
cheese9975 says...

Gladly! My name's Shannon. I'm sure you'll come to know your way around soon.

But first, remember to stick to the rules

1)No chatspeak, we're too fancy for that.
2)Stick to the 2:1 ratio, for every one piece you post, review two others, it's very simple!

Now, as far as getting around, if you go to "writing" up top, and then "read and review," that's where you'll post your poetry, short stories, etc. This is also where all the aforementioned reviewing takes place, as you might assume. If you wiggle on over to "Community" and go to "Community Forums," you'll find... this forum, obviously, and The Lounge, Writing Tips, About the Authors, etc. Moving further to the left "My YWS" is where you can make all your changes to your account. I reccomend just going through everything there and setting things up just how you like it. Home obviously, is home. Groups are little group forums you can join to chat with people on certain points of interest. Resources is just information for writers, Squills is sort of a literary magazine we put out, and Blogs is... everyone's blogs. You can set up your own blogs or just read other people's. Messages is where you can receive all your PMs and send others out, and Help and Support is... help and support. It seems kind of overwhelming at first, but that's the basic basics, YWS has a lot of hidden layers and I'm constantly finding new things out! If you need anything else, speak up! Everyone's very helpful.

So, what else should we know about you? Who are some of your favorite authors? TV shows? Movies?
"The manatee has become the mento." -Tracy Jordan

"Live every week like it's shark week." -Tracy Jordan
^30 Rock is love

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Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:15 am
Emotastic_Writer says...

Oh thnak you so muhc, i'll keep the rules in mind. And my authors chnage cause i read tons, right now it's Ellen Schreiber and i watch way too many movies to know my favorite. I guess i'd say it's The Notebook. :) I only watch TV when it comes to mives so no favorite Tv shows.
What is life without the splendor of words?

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Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:18 am
Incognito says...

Welcome to YWS!
It seems they already told you about to two main rules, -pouts- but make sure you remember those. They are important.

What kind of genres do you write? I am interested.

I love The Notebook too. It almost made me cry. I have never heard of Ellen Schreiber but she sounds interesting so I think I might end up looking into her.
I have some more questions to ask you:
1)What is your favourite color?
2)What is your favourite book?
3)If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
4)What is your favourite animal?
5)And finally, What is your favourite holiday?

Well, it is nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy it here. If you need anything, you can ask any of us and we would all be glad to help you. And if you are going to put up a piece of work, don't worry about us being mean. We may critique the writing a bit but that it only to help you but otherwise we are really nice people. If you have any questions ask, and if you are in need of friendship, I am willing to be a friend.
Hope to see you around,
~Incognito Temptation
'Everyone is entitled to be stupid, some just abuse the priviledge.'

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Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:06 pm
LilyJamey says...

Hellooo, Emotastic_Writer! (I sound like those greeter robots, I know.) Is there another shorter name you'd like to be called? Whatever. Welcome to YWS!
I'm Lily. Hola.

As you already know the rules... *pouts at Shannon* I might as well just elaborate a little more on the chatspeak rule. No CAPITALs allowed, though mild abbreviations are okay. Ex: POV, lol, MC, A/N. No excess of exclamation marks, no "i" instead of "I".

So.. poetry? Do you do any form of prose? Because I suck at poetry-reviewing. If you do any stories, I'd be glad to critique 'em! Just give me a call.

Any other hobbies? Football, perhaps? Or soccer, if you're from the US. I used to play football when I was little.. till my football deflated.

So PM me for anything, especially if you're lost.

Got YWS?

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Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:05 pm
Rosendorn says...

Heh, third person who missed out on explaining the rules.

Anyways, welcome to YWS!

I look at the poetry forum semi-frequently. If I see your stuff I'll critique it.

Ahem, yes, greeter robots. I would be one of those. Our names are in blue, and it's our job to make you feel welcome and explain any points you're confused about on this huge (and wonderful) site called YWS.

The other coloured names are:

Purple- Instructors. They critique stuff with a fine-toothed comb and can be harsh at times, but it's all in the name of making you a better writer.
Light green- Jr. Mods. They have mod powers in some forums. Basically mods-in-training.
Green- Moderators. They keep things running when it comes to locking threads, breaking up fights (which rarely happens, glad to say) and just generally making sure things run smoothly. If you have a problem, go to them. Jr. mods are also up for answering questions.
Red- Admins. They keep the coding of the boards in check and such. All the behind the scenes stuff. If you have a major question, ask them. Our top admin (and creator of this site) is Nate, and his assistant is Meshugenah.

If you need anything, feel free to PM me by clicking the button "PM me" at the bottom of my post.
A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:41 pm
Night Mistress says...


Welcome to YWS.

I am one of those greeter robots too.

so what genre are you writing?

pm me if you need anything.

See ya around.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:23 am
Emotastic_Writer says...

Okay wow lots of questions. My writing isn't really one specific style i just freewrite and it goes from there.

1)What is your favourite color? It's Purple
2)What is your favourite book? Right now Just Listen by Sarah Dessen
3)If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Italy
4)What is your favourite animal? Horse
5)And finally, What is your favourite holiday? Halloween

And the only sport I play is softball, though I do play volleyball every so often.

Thank you you guys! :)
What is life without the splendor of words?

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Thu Jan 29, 2009 2:41 am
Incognito says...

No problem!
That's what we are here for....
.... Literally.
Well, Do you have any preferences in what we call you?
Personally I like being called Incognito because it makes me feel stealthy. Like a Ninja!
Its nice to see you answered my questions. I feel happy now.

'Everyone is entitled to be stupid, some just abuse the priviledge.'

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Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:10 am
niteowl says...

Hi there Emo_Tastic. I'm Niteowl, the original Greeter robot (although I've been kind of rusty lately.) Plus, I'm the only Greeter who actually has a robot. His name's Charlie, and he's a 75-year-old cheesy announcer. He's awesome. You'll meet him in a second. Anyway...so I know you've been bombarded with questions, but I'm going to add one more. Ellen Schrieber? Is she the author of the Vampire Kisses books? I used to love those.

Anyway, there's only one thing left to do now...give you a gift! Charlie?

EMO_TASTIC COME ON DOWN! YOU'RE THE NEXT CONTESTANT ON...WAIT, IS THERE A GAME SHOW? NO. DARN IT! ANYWAY, YOU GET A GIFT JUST FOR PLAYING...ER, JOINING THE SITE! HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE'S YOUR GIFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :) :( :o :shock: :? 8) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :| :mrgreen: :elephant: :thud: :smt006 :smt007 :smt004 :smt026 :smt024 :smt016 :smt021 :smt020 :smt027 :smt031 :smt041 :smt059 :smt068 :smt072 :smt064 :smt077 :smt114 :smt084 :smt109 :smt101 :smt083 :smt116 :smt115 :pirate1: :ftw: :smt035
"You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand." Leonardo Da Vinci


But what about second breakfast?
— Peregrin Took